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NASA engineers


Taxpayer's money are spent on this bullshit, Unbelievable!!!
NASA is just a bunch of retarded engineers who would not even pass "experiments&measurements" 101.
Forget about math and physics 101.

They don't actually go into space! It's all a conspiracy to steal our tax dollars!!!!!!!!! [/conservolibertarian]
Yes, it's a miracle that they actually went to space.

"Test results indicate that the RF resonant cavity thruster design, which is unique as an electric propulsion device, is producing a force that is not attributable to any classical electromagnetic phenomenon and therefore is potentially demonstrating an interaction with the quantum vacuum virtual plasma."
I agree, this is baloney.
Yes, how dare a handful of engineers who happen to work at NASA try and use science to do preliminary testing on a device that the Chinese claim to work based on their own testing, without actually addressing the hypothetical physics behind it. Don't they know they're supposed to ignore anything that we don't already know works? Why, by testing something that seems like a longshot they might end up proving or disproving it! That'd be such a waste of good science!
Not my taxes. i save up my taxes through the year and it comes back as my December military retirement check, which is my house payment.
You're going to get upset about NASA spending a tiny fraction of what the military spends just to find out if littoral combat ships are worthwhile, but not whine about all the pork in the budget?
Why pick on NASA?
That's like being angry that the school librarian took home a box of yellow stickies but ignore the football coach taking the team to Hooters...
In 2005, space-related activities contributed $180 billion to the US economy. Each dollar spent by NASA becomes a catalyst for $10 of economic growth.

In my view, NASA isn't spending enough of my tax dollars. But we as a society would rather channel our interest into consuming professional sports and celebrities.
Yes, how dare a handful of engineers who happen to work at NASA try and use science
But they are not using science at all.
to do preliminary testing on a device that the Chinese claim
Since when Chinese engineers became authority on science?
to work based on their own testing, without actually addressing the hypothetical physics behind it. Don't they know they're supposed to ignore anything that we don't already know works? Why, by testing something that seems like a longshot they might end up proving or disproving it! That'd be such a waste of good science!
The thing is, these NASA imbeciles addressed hypothetical "physics". Of course it was utter baloney, but they did. It's a shame.
Yeah, what a bunch of dummies. They would have gotten much better results if they reversed the polarity of the quantum plasma. Morons...
In 2005, space-related activities contributed $180 billion to the US economy. Each dollar spent by NASA becomes a catalyst for $10 of economic growth.
This math is debatable
In my view, NASA isn't spending enough of my tax dollars. But we as a society would rather channel our interest into consuming professional sports and celebrities.
I am not arguing closing NASA. I am just pissed off at some of the projects they support - things likes this bullshit, Cold Fusion,...
In 2005, space-related activities contributed $180 billion to the US economy. Each dollar spent by NASA becomes a catalyst for $10 of economic growth.

In my view, NASA isn't spending enough of my tax dollars. But we as a society would rather channel our interest into consuming professional sports and celebrities.

Indeed. When I ask people how much funding they believe NASA getrs, expressed in pennies per dollar, I usually get ranges from 10 cents to a quarter. Rarely, someone will go as low as a nickel. The reality? One half of one cent. We get a LOT of bang for our buck, especially considering how often funding is withdrawn. I propose to double NASA's budget, lets go for ONE CENT!
I am not arguing closing NASA. I am just pissed off at some of the projects they support - things likes this bullshit, Cold Fusion,...
Cold Fusion would be a really neat thing to have, if it worked. Or do you disagree?
The problem is, there's no way to get a working cold fusion system without doing some research.
There's also no way to completely determine if cold fusion is bullshit without doing some research.
Exactly what do you think the government should do about anyone claiming to have mastered cold fusion?
I am not arguing closing NASA. I am just pissed off at some of the projects they support - things likes this bullshit, Cold Fusion,...
Cold Fusion would be a really neat thing to have, if it worked. Or do you disagree?
The problem is, there's no way to get a working cold fusion system without doing some research.
There's also no way to completely determine if cold fusion is bullshit without doing some research.
Exactly what do you think the government should do about anyone claiming to have mastered cold fusion?
That one is easy. You offer proper testing of their device and publish result without any double speak mumbo-jumbo, calling a guy a fraud if he is one. If guy backs off you publish circumstances for everyone to see.
As of now, we have clear 100% fraud Rossi running the show unopposed by sane people.
Same thing with this EmDrive. It's mind boggling.

- - - Updated - - -

This math is debatable

So is science. But then, we won't know if we don't research it.

There is nothing to research here. The guy is clearly an imbecile who can't solve simple physical problem.
barbos, on what basis have you decided that this is not science, and that Nasa's tests are invalid? Your dismissal seems to be without reason.
That one is easy. You offer proper testing of their device and publish result without any double speak mumbo-jumbo, calling a guy a fraud if he is one.
So, you'd spend tax money on research.
Beats the hell out of wasting taxpayer's money on bullshit, i guess.
But they are not using science at all.

You saying that does not make it so.

Since when Chinese engineers became authority on science?

Chinese engineers are just as capable as their western counterparts. Their nationality does nothing to make them more or less capable.

The thing is, these NASA imbeciles addressed hypothetical "physics".

No, they didn't. They outright say that they don't comment on the supposed physics about it; their entire work has just been to test the device itself, not whether or not it works based on the physics claimed to be behind it.
Taxpayer's money are spent on this bullshit, Unbelievable!!!
NASA is just a bunch of retarded engineers who would not even pass "experiments&measurements" 101.
Forget about math and physics 101.

Notwithstanding the dismissal of the entire agency based purely on a single paper, I wouldn't get too worked up about the taxpayer money spent on this, given all the other ways that taxpayer money is misspent in non-NASA activities. NASA's entire budget is about 0.5% of the national budget. Figure out what you gave the Feds last year and multiply by 0.005. That's how much you gave for everything that NASA does. Now multiply that number by something that is probably smaller than 0.00001 or so for this work (and I'm probably being generous). If there's enough numbers left to make up even a penny of what you gave the feds, I'll be impressed.
As of now, we have clear 100% fraud Rossi running the show unopposed by sane people.
Same thing with this EmDrive. It's mind boggling.

There is nothing to research here. The guy is clearly an imbecile who can't solve simple physical problem.

Wow. Decisions by proclamation.

I wonder why no one has suggested barbos as head of NASA.
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