You are missing the point. Any estimate is open to error (otherwise it would not be an estimate), that does not absolve one of the responsibility of reporting it. Note that we are not just reporting the sample SD as an estimate of the population SD, we are reporting it to characterize the sample. More importantly, the mean is just as open to error as is the variance. Just look at the example you gave: exactly how meaningful is the mean of 29.2? None of the observed values was anywhere near the mean. If we were told just the mean, we would have no way of knowing how likely it is that a second sample of the same size would be similar. However, if we are told the mean of 29.2 and the SD of 45.8 then we would know that a second estimate could easily be quite different. Your own example shows just how important it is to report an estimate of variance.Emily Lake:
Allow me to clarify; you can calculate variance, but the credibility of that variance is very low. The variance calculated is meaningless from a statistical perspective. With only 5 samples, there is no indication of the actual distribution. Consider a normal distribution - it has long tails, and there is always a chance, however small, of getting a sample that is far out on one of the tails. So let's say you take a sample of {1,5,9,21,110} You can calculate a mean of 29.2 and a standard deviation of 45.8, sure. You can do the calculation. But that sample isn't necessarily representative. It could easily turn out that the true mean is actually around 10, and the true standard deviation is around 5. And if you took a sample of 500, you would see that distribution emerge. But because you took only 5 samples, and one of them was far out on the right hand tail, it is skewing your apparent results.
Compare that to a different data set with the same mean: {25, 27, 28, 30, 36}. Here the SD is 4.2. This tells the informed reader something important about that sample.
No more than it "would be statistically irresponsible of them to calculate" means "from a sample size that small". In fact I consider it "statistically irresponsible" to report the mean without any estimate of variability.NASA can report that they got results of {a,b,c,d,and e}. It would be statistically irresponsible of them to calculate standard deviations and errors from a sample size that small.