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Netanyahu has lost his fucking mind

The UN's sole reason for existence is to condemn Israel. Electing Saudi Arabia as the watchdog of human rights by this corrupt organasation says it all.
The UN's sole reason for existence is to condemn Israel. Electing Saudi Arabia as the watchdog of human rights by this corrupt organasation says it all.

Are you trying to change the subject, or are you just sayin'?
The UN's sole reason for existence is to condemn Israel. Electing Saudi Arabia as the watchdog of human rights by this corrupt organasation says it all.

The UN was created to prevent the things Israel has been doing to the Palestinians for decades.

The problem is, every time the UN tries to address the situation the US blocks the effort.

The US is an enabler of Israeli crimes and bears full responsibility for them as well.
The UN was set up to avoid all the crap that had led to aggressive racist war, and on the whole it hasn't done badly. What nobody guessed was that the allegedly 'Jewish' state would have learned from Hitler's crimes only to imitate him and become a squalid murderous Volk. We judged the Zionists by all the decent, civilized people their Great Model murdered.
The UN's sole reason for existence is to condemn Israel. Electing Saudi Arabia as the watchdog of human rights by this corrupt organasation says it all.

Let's see:
UN Charter said:
The Purposes of the United Nations are:

  1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;
  2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;
  3. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and
  4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.


No mention there of Israel at all. Where on Earth do you get this bullshit?

I suppose you think the sole purpose of football referees is to ensure that your team loses, too. :rolleyes:
Let's see:
UN Charter said:
The Purposes of the United Nations are:

  1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;
  2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;
  3. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and
  4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.


No mention there of Israel at all. Where on Earth do you get this bullshit?

I suppose you think the sole purpose of football referees is to ensure that your team loses, too. :rolleyes:
They're doing a great job in keeping the peace everywhere aren't they.
Let's see:


No mention there of Israel at all. Where on Earth do you get this bullshit?

I suppose you think the sole purpose of football referees is to ensure that your team loses, too. :rolleyes:
They're doing a great job in keeping the peace everywhere aren't they.

Yes, they are.

There hasn't been a single world war in the seventy years since they were founded, despite there being two in the thirty years prior to that date.


The absolute number of war deaths has been declining since 1946. In some years in the early post-war era, around half a million people died in wars; in contrast, in 2007 (the last year for which I have data) the number of all war deaths was down to 22,139

I would certainly characterise a 95% reduction in deaths per annum worldwide due to war as "doing a great job in keeping the peace everywhere"; Wouldn't you?
During the last Gaza terrorist attack on Israel, UN observers found a cache of rockets in a school hall. After telling Hamas what naughty children they were for placing children in harms way by storing rockets in densely civilian areas where they were libel to bombed. What did they do? Hand the rockets right back to Hamas of course!
During the last Gaza terrorist attack on Israel, UN observers found a cache of rockets in a school hall. After telling Hamas what naughty children they were for placing children in harms way by storing rockets in densely civilian areas where they were libel to bombed. What did they do? Hand the rockets right back to Hamas of course!

If you are going to make unsubstantiated and unverifiable claims; or when you say something verifiable, change the subject every time someone points out that you are completely wrong, then perhaps it would save us all a lot of time if you didn't post?

Why would I take your little anecdote here as having any relation to reality; and even if I were to accept every word of it as true, how would that go any way towards countering the very clear fact that war has MASSIVELY declined worldwide since the inception of the UN; or the equally clear fact that the UN does not solely exist to condemn Israel?

Reality exists. You don't get to have your own different reality; If you think that "The UN's sole reason for existence is to condemn Israel"; or that the UN is not doing a great job in keeping the peace, then you are simply WRONG. It may be your opinion, but no, you are NOT entitled to it, any more than you are entitled to the opinion that the world is flat.
Pointing out how useless the UN is does stick in lefties throats somewhat. There are skirmishes on every continent on earth. The UN sits by and is powerless. Moslems are slaughtering Moslems while the UN sits by and can do nothing. Islamists have and are slaughtering infidels, the UN does nothing.
Pointing out how useless the UN is does stick in lefties throats somewhat. There are skirmishes on every continent on earth. The UN sits by and is powerless. Moslems are slaughtering Moslems while the UN sits by and can do nothing. Islamists have and are slaughtering infidels, the UN does nothing.

They're sure doing more than you.
Pointing out how useless the UN is does stick in lefties throats somewhat. There are skirmishes on every continent on earth. The UN sits by and is powerless. Moslems are slaughtering Moslems while the UN sits by and can do nothing. Islamists have and are slaughtering infidels, the UN does nothing.

They're sure doing more than you.

Apparently reducing deaths from war by 95% just isn't good enough; where are their xenophobic rants on internet boards? Where are their un-sourced anecdotes about how awful Muslims are? Where is their blind and unjudgemental faith in the nation of Israel?
Pointing out how useless the UN is does stick in lefties throats somewhat. There are skirmishes on every continent on earth. The UN sits by and is powerless. Moslems are slaughtering Moslems while the UN sits by and can do nothing. Islamists have and are slaughtering infidels, the UN does nothing.
What would you have the UN do, remembering they would most certainly act against the gov't of Israel as well.
Grow some balls and become completely neutral, [a forlorn wish seeing the membership of it] or disband and save billions which could be used elsewhere.
Grow some balls and become completely neutral, [a forlorn wish seeing the membership of it] or disband and save billions which could be used elsewhere.

Given the enormous cost of war, it seems unlikely that disbanding an organisation that has presided over a 95% reduction in war would SAVE money.

The UN was never intended to be neutral; it was (and remains) a club for the victors of WWII, wherein they protect themselves from war by policing the losers and the also-rans; and by having a forum where they can yell at each other rather than shelling each other. That's why the big five have veto power and permanent Security Council seats. They also all have nukes.
"Negotiation" as in accepting anything less than it's full implementation is what I was referring to.
And you're still wrong. The PA's laws do not specify in what form the Right of Return must be addressed, only that the right itself cannot be waived, and that attempting to waive it is treason.

It's kind of like how the Constitution gives Americans the right to keep and bear arms but doesn't specify what kind of arms they can bear, which is basically why assault weapons bans and prohibitions on handguns are generally considered constitutional.

They can't give ground to the point that Israel could accept it.

Given that Israel is being governed by a man who doesn't believe the Palestinians should have a state of their own, what "Israel could accept" is beyond irrelevant.
During the last Gaza terrorist attack on Israel, UN observers found a cache of rockets in a school hall. After telling Hamas what naughty children they were for placing children in harms way by storing rockets in densely civilian areas where they were libel to bombed. What did they do? Hand the rockets right back to Hamas of course!
Unlike the Resistance, the Nazis kill children as a matter of policy, as you know - 2.000 and rising. Heil Netemyahu and the Master Race!
Again and again one must ask what is the definition of insane."Do the same thing over and over and over and expect a different out come".
They're doing a great job in keeping the peace everywhere aren't they.

Yes, they are.

There hasn't been a single world war in the seventy years since they were founded, despite there being two in the thirty years prior to that date.

Simply because they defined it as not war.

- - - Updated - - -

During the last Gaza terrorist attack on Israel, UN observers found a cache of rockets in a school hall. After telling Hamas what naughty children they were for placing children in harms way by storing rockets in densely civilian areas where they were libel to bombed. What did they do? Hand the rockets right back to Hamas of course!

And it wasn't just one school they found them in, either.

- - - Updated - - -

During the last Gaza terrorist attack on Israel, UN observers found a cache of rockets in a school hall. After telling Hamas what naughty children they were for placing children in harms way by storing rockets in densely civilian areas where they were libel to bombed. What did they do? Hand the rockets right back to Hamas of course!

If you are going to make unsubstantiated and unverifiable claims; or when you say something verifiable, change the subject every time someone points out that you are completely wrong, then perhaps it would save us all a lot of time if you didn't post?

Why would I take your little anecdote here as having any relation to reality; and even if I were to accept every word of it as true, how would that go any way towards countering the very clear fact that war has MASSIVELY declined worldwide since the inception of the UN; or the equally clear fact that the UN does not solely exist to condemn Israel?

Reality exists. You don't get to have your own different reality; If you think that "The UN's sole reason for existence is to condemn Israel"; or that the UN is not doing a great job in keeping the peace, then you are simply WRONG. It may be your opinion, but no, you are NOT entitled to it, any more than you are entitled to the opinion that the world is flat.

Pay a little attention to the real world rather than just dismissing anything anti-Palestinian as a fabrication.

- - - Updated - - -

And you're still wrong. The PA's laws do not specify in what form the Right of Return must be addressed, only that the right itself cannot be waived, and that attempting to waive it is treason.

It's kind of like how the Constitution gives Americans the right to keep and bear arms but doesn't specify what kind of arms they can bear, which is basically why assault weapons bans and prohibitions on handguns are generally considered constitutional.

Waived or compromised on. Nothing but a full implementation is acceptable.
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