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Netanyahu has lost his fucking mind

He tends to defend white males.
Even if that were the case, which it isn't, the Mufti and Netanyahu are as white and as male as each other.
Also, there aren't many more white than Icelanders (Fins perhaps?) and you won't catch me defending you anytime soon, nor the pussywhipped male lawmakers who voted for the radical feminist ban on strip clubs in Iceland.
He tends to defend white males.
Even if that were the case, which it isn't, the Mufti and Netanyahu are as white and as male as each other.
Also, there aren't many more white than Icelanders (Fins perhaps?) and you won't catch me defending you anytime soon, nor the pussywhipped male lawmakers who voted for the radical feminist ban on strip clubs in Iceland.

Benjamin Netanyahu is a white European by ancestry.

And thank you for reminding us how you can´t be with a woman without paying for it.
Even if that were the case, which it isn't, the Mufti and Netanyahu are as white and as male as each other.
Also, there aren't many more white than Icelanders (Fins perhaps?) and you won't catch me defending you anytime soon, nor the pussywhipped male lawmakers who voted for the radical feminist ban on strip clubs in Iceland.
Benjamin Netanyahu is a white European by ancestry.

And thank you for reminding us how you can´t be with a woman without paying for it.
Careful you two. I don't want you two to lose the mutual respect you have for each other.
The Palestinians are victims.

The victims of decades of continual abuse and violence and oppression and theft.

Perhaps that might explain why many hate their oppressor.

Why this one Mufti hated Israel is because he saw it for what it was. A violent intruder that pushed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians off their land.

The Palestinians are victims of the Islamists that have been using them as cannon fodder for almost 70 years.

Still spreading this bullshit are you? They are experiencing a slow motion holocaust and you just keep pumping out this propaganda about how evil Palestinians are. Netanyahu is every bit as sociopathic as any of the Muslim leaders in the area. He should be removed from power. He generates hatred in the hearts of any Palestinian who is not already fully resistant to Israel's expansion. He is a hate monger and clearly belongs nowhere near the head of a government.

It is funny what occurs to the minds of people who are constantly and summarily humiliated, mistreated, and often killed....things like vengeance. It is not good but it is there. So what do you suppose leads to the mindsets in your example. Bulldozed homes, shot brothers and sisters and parents. That kind of stuff just feeds a passion for violence that is very hard to suppress. All those Palestinians who stab people do so knowing they will probably be shot to death for doing it. Think about that a bit and agree that the Israelis have created the environment where violent passions prevail. You and Loren are blind to Israeli violence.
It is funny what occurs to the minds of people who are constantly and summarily humiliated, mistreated, and often killed....things like vengeance. It is not good but it is there. So what do you suppose leads to the mindsets in your example. Bulldozed homes, shot brothers and sisters and parents. That kind of stuff just feeds a passion for violence that is very hard to suppress. All those Palestinians who stab people do so knowing they will probably be shot to death for doing it. Think about that a bit and agree that the Israelis have created the environment where violent passions prevail. You and Loren are blind to Israeli violence.
Translation: whatever atrocities Palestinians do, up to and including collaborating with Hitler, are justified because reasons.
Do you seriously think kids being raised to embrace the violence and bigotry of their parents is limited to Palestinians?
Try doing a google image search for "Zionist settler children" sometime.
Not limited but especially virulent.



Islam is the "religion of peace" they say ...
Not limited but especially virulent.
I dislike wacky Muslims as much as anyone, but the Palestinians have good reason to be virulently vengeful. Its actually funny watching left and right wingers argue about Israel then switch gears from their core premises when discussing immigration in America. If the Palestinians had better secured their borders in the late 19th and early 20th centuries there never would have been the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948 nor the subsequent land grabs since.
I can understand why a woman hater would think that of the left.
Funny that there are many actual woman haters in the Islamic world but that's not politically correct to point out.
What in the hell are you talking about?! The issue of women's rights and the Middle East is an issue, and a rather vocalized one.
Instead, people that agree on issues of radical feminism are being falsely accused of being "woman haters".
Honor killings rise in Palestinian territories, sparking backlash
Man, you clearly just don't have any clue, do you? Even when given a massive hint. Oi vei!
Interesting article at The Daily Beast. The author sees a parallel between Netanyahu's absurd claim that the Mufti told Hitler how to conduct the Holocaust, and Mitt Romney's infamous 47% claim:

Like Romney’s comment about the 47%, comments like Netanyahu’s are made all the time on the Israeli Right. They’re meant for domestic consumption, to inspire the nationalist base. The Arabs hate us, anti-Zionism is just anti-Semitism, and most importantly, the Intifada is about Jew-hatred, not resistance to the occupation.

Such claims may seem controversial to outsiders. But they are all catnip to the American and Israeli Right, and to most of Netanyahu’s audience at the World Zionist Congress. (The congress was established by the founder of modern Zionism, Theodor Herzl, in 1897. Nowadays it is mostly ceremonial, but millions of philanthropic dollars are at stake.)

These claims are central to the ultra-nationalist narrative. Palestinian violence isn’t resistance—it’s bigotry. Thus, peace is not the answer, because it won’t eradicate the Jew-hatred. Only Jewish strength is the answer. (Of course, blaming Palestinian violence on anti-Semitism also stokes deep Jewish fears, and collective trauma about the Holocaust.)

I think the author is on to something here; Netanyahu was engaging in dog whistle politics, but the noises he made were heard by more than just his intended audience.
He talked about genocide.

Israel has been oppressing millions for decades.

Forget it, untermensche. The Grand Mufti was as much or less of a Nazi collaborator as the Pope, and had far less influence in Nazi Germany and elsewhere, but it doesn't matter. You won't see Netanyahu supporters claiming every Catholic in Europe wanted every Jew to die.

The Stern Gang of Zionist terrorists (aka Lehi, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir's group) met with Nazis during WWII and offered to help them defeat the British and take over the Middle East, but that doesn't matter either. You won't see Zionist apologists denouncing Shamir, Stern, or any other Lehi member the way they denounce Palestinian leaders of any decade.

What matters is that the meeting between the Grand Mufti and Hitler is useful in painting all Palestinians as Jew-haters, so that's what's going to happen.
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Yes. This is mostly for the crazed Zionist support he seeks in Israel.

With US protection and all those US weapons he has little fear of Iran or any of his neighbors.

A nuke for Iran simply means Israel will not be able to attack Iran with impunity, not much more.

Which is not to say it is a good idea for any more nations to get nukes.

What you are missing is that Iran is already attacking Israel.
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