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Netanyahu has lost his fucking mind

The Palestinians are victims of the Islamists that have been using them as cannon fodder for almost 70 years.

Still spreading this bullshit are you? They are experiencing a slow motion holocaust and you just keep pumping out this propaganda about how evil Palestinians are. Netanyahu is every bit as sociopathic as any of the Muslim leaders in the area. He should be removed from power. He generates hatred in the hearts of any Palestinian who is not already fully resistant to Israel's expansion. He is a hate monger and clearly belongs nowhere near the head of a government.

You never replied to that newspaper I posted back from well before Israel existed--showing them blaming the Jews for the very same things they say now.
It is funny what occurs to the minds of people who are constantly and summarily humiliated, mistreated, and often killed....things like vengeance. It is not good but it is there. So what do you suppose leads to the mindsets in your example. Bulldozed homes, shot brothers and sisters and parents. That kind of stuff just feeds a passion for violence that is very hard to suppress. All those Palestinians who stab people do so knowing they will probably be shot to death for doing it. Think about that a bit and agree that the Israelis have created the environment where violent passions prevail. You and Loren are blind to Israeli violence.
Translation: whatever atrocities Palestinians do, up to and including collaborating with Hitler, are justified because reasons.

For once you nailed it.

Do you seriously think kids being raised to embrace the violence and bigotry of their parents is limited to Palestinians?

Try doing a google image search for "Zionist settler children" sometime.

Do we see Jewish teens going around murdering Palestinians?

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"Palestinian Attacks Fueled by Settler Violence, Senior Israeli Commander Says"

Inflammatory and from Haaretz, your first assumption should be that it's false.
Yes. This is mostly for the crazed Zionist support he seeks in Israel.

With US protection and all those US weapons he has little fear of Iran or any of his neighbors.

A nuke for Iran simply means Israel will not be able to attack Iran with impunity, not much more.

Which is not to say it is a good idea for any more nations to get nukes.

What you are missing is that Iran is already attacking Israel.

No. Iran does not share a border with Israel, and the Iranian military are not able to overfly Iraq in order to get there, nor do they have the capability to get there by sea.

Iran may be sponsoring and assisting non-Iranian groups who are fighting Israel, but only someone who was deliberately trying to be inflammatory would describe that state of affairs with the bald statement "Iran is already attacking Israel".

You are observably factually wrong in making this claim. And such inflammatory claims (by both sides) are a major reason for the continuing conflict. YOU are a large part of the problem, if you make such claims, and are at least in part responsible for deaths on both sides. Shame on you, and shame on your counterparts in the Palestinian cheer-squad.

Both sides are wrong, wrong, wrong, and need their heads knocked together. And their non-combatant, arm-chair supporters are scum.
Do you seriously think kids being raised to embrace the violence and bigotry of their parents is limited to Palestinians?

Try doing a google image search for "Zionist settler children" sometime.

Do we see Jewish teens going around murdering Palestinians?


Anyway, it's off-topic. Derec's post made it sound like he thinks only Palestinian kids are being taught to share their parent's bigotry and hate. That's simply not true.


"Palestinian Attacks Fueled by Settler Violence, Senior Israeli Commander Says"

Inflammatory and from Haaretz, your first assumption should be that it's false.

Your first assumption should be that you need to find more information about this Senior Israeli Commander and what he actually said before you conclude anything about him or his statements.

You don't think Ha'aretz is a good source? Alright. Don't rely on them. Do your own research.
The Stern Gang of Zionist terrorists (aka Lehi, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir's group) met with Nazis during WWII and offered to help them defeat the British and take over the Middle East, but that doesn't matter either. You won't see Zionist apologists denouncing Shamir, Stern, or any other Lehi member the way they denounce Palestinian leaders of any decade.

Evidence?? This does not sound like a sane action for them.
The Stern Gang of Zionist terrorists (aka Lehi, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir's group) met with Nazis during WWII and offered to help them defeat the British and take over the Middle East, but that doesn't matter either. You won't see Zionist apologists denouncing Shamir, Stern, or any other Lehi member the way they denounce Palestinian leaders of any decade.

Evidence?? This does not sound like a sane action for them.

We have discussed this at great length before. Don't you remember?

Lehi offer to Nazis

They were fanatics. Sanity wasn't their strong suit.
He talked about genocide.

Israel has been oppressing millions for decades.

Forget it, untermensche. The Grand Mufti was as much or less of a Nazi collaborator as the Pope, and had far less influence in Nazi Germany and elsewhere, but it doesn't matter. You won't see Netanyahu supporters claiming every Catholic in Europe wanted every Jew to die.

The Stern Gang of Zionist terrorists (aka Lehi, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir's group) met with Nazis during WWII and offered to help them defeat the British and take over the Middle East, but that doesn't matter either. You won't see Zionist apologists denouncing Shamir, Stern, or any other Lehi member the way they denounce Palestinian leaders of any decade.

What matters is that the meeting between the Grand Mufti and Hitler is useful in painting all Palestinians as Jew-haters, so that's what's going to happen.
Hahahaha, this is rich!! The mufti just met Hitler for afternoon tea while discussing peace love and everything! :)
Forget it, untermensche. The Grand Mufti was as much or less of a Nazi collaborator as the Pope, and had far less influence in Nazi Germany and elsewhere, but it doesn't matter. You won't see Netanyahu supporters claiming every Catholic in Europe wanted every Jew to die.

The Stern Gang of Zionist terrorists (aka Lehi, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir's group) met with Nazis during WWII and offered to help them defeat the British and take over the Middle East, but that doesn't matter either. You won't see Zionist apologists denouncing Shamir, Stern, or any other Lehi member the way they denounce Palestinian leaders of any decade.

What matters is that the meeting between the Grand Mufti and Hitler is useful in painting all Palestinians as Jew-haters, so that's what's going to happen.
Hahahaha, this is rich!! The mufti just met Hitler for afternoon tea while discussing peace love and everything! :)

Who said that? :confused:



You did. :strawman:
Hahahaha, this is rich!! The mufti just met Hitler for afternoon tea while discussing peace love and everything! :)

When has Israel ever displayed any desire for peace with the Palestinians?

Israel keep it's boot firmly on their throat and steals more and more every year.

Actually trying to make peace has never been an option.
When has Israel ever displayed any desire for peace with the Palestinians?

Rabin did, and the other Israelis shot him for it.
Israel is the genesis of right wing crazy.
As opposed to all the progressives at Hamas, Islamic Jihad et al? I mean you'd think they were progressive given how much the far left supports them.
I wasn't aware Iran was the far left.

That noted, factions within both sides are nuts and continue to propagate the problems we see between the two overall parties. In general, Palestinians are losing. More of them get killed, more of them lose their homes, more of them live in poverty, more of them have absolutely no where to turn. Of course the Israelis have suffered losses as well. Sadly, when the radicals control the arguments from both sides, there is rarely ever going to be a solution.
I wasn't aware Iran was the far left.
Well the weirdbeards get a lot of sympathy from far left in the US. Just look at what untermensche writes about Iran. Also, it is a well known fact that the Islamic revolution was supported by Iranian Marxist groups. Again and again we see cooperation between the far left and Islamism. See also German Marxist gang and Palestinian terrorists who hijacked an Air France flight to Entebbe. Or ties between Maoist Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam.

That noted, factions within both sides are nuts and continue to propagate the problems we see between the two overall parties. In general, Palestinians are losing.
The Palestinians have their fate in their own hands - end terrorism and there is no reasons for Israel to retaliate.
More of them get killed,
That hardly matters as they are more than replenished due to very high birth rates. The humanitarian situation in Gaza is primarily so dire because of huge population increase over the last few decades. Death rate in Gaza is actually 5th lowest in the world while the birth rate is still very high at ~31 births per year per 1000.
more of them lose their homes, more of them live in poverty, more of them have absolutely no where to turn.
And that is largely their own fault, not only from sustained terrorism (Palestinians responded to Israeli withdrawal from Gaza with increased rocket attacks and electing terrorist group Hamas) but also from unsustainable birth rates.

Of course the Israelis have suffered losses as well. Sadly, when the radicals control the arguments from both sides, there is rarely ever going to be a solution.
There is no moral equivalence between Israel and Palestinian terrorists. And sadly Abbas, for all his feigned moderation, is one of them.
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Bronzeage may be referring to the well known relationship between Israel's right wing political establishment, their American political donors, and the Republican party that these donors also support. Example: American casino magnate Sheldon Adelson is a long time and massive supporter of american Republicans, in this cycle supporting first Walker and now Rubio, and he also owns a free newspaper in Israel that largely supports the Likud party and Benjamin Netanyahu. This paper has never turned a profit and counts as a long running political subsidy. The affect of these relationships are easy to see, and don't require any conspiracy theorizing. It isn't a conspiracy at all to observe that if two parties in two countries receive massive donations from a single donor, that donor will influence both parties and they will naturally come to resemble each other.
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