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New report on climate change released today

That's extremely lazy.

If you can't do better than a WUWT post and John Christy's junk science, then you've got nothing.

Instead of attacking the messenger, as you're an expert at. Attack the message. Show us where it's wrong!
Like here? You'll need to excuse people from reinventing the wheel.
Did I at any point say the post agrees with my sentiments?

No, you didn't. Nor did I claim that you did. What I made quite clear is that you have not even read the post, because you do not read anything, including the links you dump yourself.

But your failure at pointing out mistakes on the article is noted. By the way, I have never, ever told any member of this forum to fuck off even if I strongly disagree with their ideology or posts!

Angelo does a bit of goading then expresses indignation that someone was rude to him.
I see that climate crusader Hans Solo is in the news again. While in his private plane at Hawthorne Airport, the old duffer was reprimanded for crossing the runway when told not to. Another luvvie hypocrite.
Did I at any point say the post agrees with my sentiments?

No, you didn't. Nor did I claim that you did. What I made quite clear is that you have not even read the post, because you do not read anything, including the links you dump yourself.

But your failure at pointing out mistakes on the article is noted. By the way, I have never, ever told any member of this forum to fuck off even if I strongly disagree with their ideology or posts!

Angelo does a bit of goading then expresses indignation that someone was rude to him.

The left attacks all who differ from their world view. https://www.desmoinesregister.com/s...owder-ben-shapiro-jordan-peterson/3691577002/

The Left's objection to 'bothsidesism' manifests as intolerance of opposing views.
Computer Simulations of Climate Discussed:
A great deal of the recommendation that the world should modify its energy infrastructure to combat climate change, costing tens to hundreds of trillions of dollars, is based on computer simulations. While this author is not what is called a ‘climate scientist’, a great deal of science is interdenominational, and experience from one field often can fertilize another. That is the spirit in which this opinion is offered. The author has spent a good part of his more than 50-year scientific career developing and using computer simulations to model complex physical processes. Accordingly, based on this experience, he now gives his own brief explanation of his opinion, on what computer simulations can and cannot do, along with some examples. He sees 3 categories of difficulty in computer simulations, where the simulations go from mostly accurate to mostly speculative. He makes the case that the climate simulations are the most speculative.
interdenominational? what is that?
No, you didn't. Nor did I claim that you did. What I made quite clear is that you have not even read the post, because you do not read anything, including the links you dump yourself.

Angelo does a bit of goading then expresses indignation that someone was rude to him.

The left attacks all who differ from their world view. https://www.desmoinesregister.com/s...owder-ben-shapiro-jordan-peterson/3691577002/

The Left's objection to 'bothsidesism' manifests as intolerance of opposing views.
You do realize that posting links to op-eds isn't really making much of a point. Your own posts can be considered on par with an Op-Ed, i.e. not really valuable.

There is this terrible idea on the right-wing that seems to imply opinions carry the same weight as actual evidence and reproducible science. "Teach the controversy", regardless how little there is to actually teach.
I see that climate crusader Hans Solo is in the news again. While in his private plane at Hawthorne Airport, the old duffer was reprimanded for crossing the runway when told not to. Another luvvie hypocrite.

Hypocrisy meaning what?

Will carbon dioxide molecules in the air stop absorbing infrared wavelength because an actor may be a hypocrite?

Hypocrisy may be important for human based fields like politics of immigration. But the climate is a wind up clock mechanism - and we have juiced by pushing CO2 from 280 to 410 ppm.

So stop these derails, you cretinous mofo.
No, you didn't. Nor did I claim that you did. What I made quite clear is that you have not even read the post, because you do not read anything, including the links you dump yourself.

Angelo does a bit of goading then expresses indignation that someone was rude to him.

The left attacks all who differ from their world view. https://www.desmoinesregister.com/s...owder-ben-shapiro-jordan-peterson/3691577002/

The Left's objection to 'bothsidesism' manifests as intolerance of opposing views.

The right is even less tolerant of those who differ from their world view.
Computer Simulations of Climate Discussed:
A great deal of the recommendation that the world should modify its energy infrastructure to combat climate change, costing tens to hundreds of trillions of dollars, is based on computer simulations. While this author is not what is called a ‘climate scientist’, a great deal of science is interdenominational, and experience from one field often can fertilize another. That is the spirit in which this opinion is offered. The author has spent a good part of his more than 50-year scientific career developing and using computer simulations to model complex physical processes. Accordingly, based on this experience, he now gives his own brief explanation of his opinion, on what computer simulations can and cannot do, along with some examples. He sees 3 categories of difficulty in computer simulations, where the simulations go from mostly accurate to mostly speculative. He makes the case that the climate simulations are the most speculative.
interdenominational? what is that?

"Interdisciplinary" is the more usual word here, for something that involves several professional specialties.
No, you didn't. Nor did I claim that you did. What I made quite clear is that you have not even read the post, because you do not read anything, including the links you dump yourself.

Angelo does a bit of goading then expresses indignation that someone was rude to him.

The left attacks all who differ from their world view. https://www.desmoinesregister.com/s...owder-ben-shapiro-jordan-peterson/3691577002/

The Left's objection to 'bothsidesism' manifests as intolerance of opposing views.

The right is even less tolerant of those who differ from their world view.

Shall we agree to disagree?
a great deal of science is interdenominational,

Is what?

I did not write those words. Interdenominational refers, of course, to cooperation among churches. The more correct term in a scientific context is interdisciplinary. Scientific consilience, evidence from independent -- specifically not cooperating -- branches of science all pointing to the same conclusion, is not quite the same as being interdisciplinary.
What did the original author mean? I dunno, what do you think?
Greta Thunberg: How She Became a Leader of the Global Climate Movement - Rolling Stone
Still, all is not rotten. America has come up with the Green New Deal. In Trumplandia, that seems like a beacon of hope, right?


“If you look at the graphs to stay below the 1.5 degree Celsius global average temperature and you read the Green New Deal, you see that it doesn’t add up,” says Thunberg with some impatience. She references her Davos speech about how the world only has 420 gigatons of CO2 to burn over the next eight years or the 1.5 goal becomes impossible. “If we are to be in line with the carbon-dioxide budget, we need to focus on doing things now instead of making commitments like 10, or 20, 30 years from now. Of course, the Green New Deal is not in line with our carbon-dioxide budget.”

Meanwhile, the main criticism of the Green New Deal at home is that it moves too fast in getting the United States to zero carbon emission by 2050. But Greta doesn’t do politics.

“At least it has got people to start talking about the climate crisis more,” says Thunberg in a tone that suggests the slightest of praise. “That of course is a step in the right direction, I guess.”
Saying that the GND does not go far enough.
Greta Thunberg: How She Became a Leader of the Global Climate Movement - Rolling Stone
Still, all is not rotten. America has come up with the Green New Deal. In Trumplandia, that seems like a beacon of hope, right?


“If you look at the graphs to stay below the 1.5 degree Celsius global average temperature and you read the Green New Deal, you see that it doesn’t add up,” says Thunberg with some impatience. She references her Davos speech about how the world only has 420 gigatons of CO2 to burn over the next eight years or the 1.5 goal becomes impossible. “If we are to be in line with the carbon-dioxide budget, we need to focus on doing things now instead of making commitments like 10, or 20, 30 years from now. Of course, the Green New Deal is not in line with our carbon-dioxide budget.”

Meanwhile, the main criticism of the Green New Deal at home is that it moves too fast in getting the United States to zero carbon emission by 2050. But Greta doesn’t do politics.

“At least it has got people to start talking about the climate crisis more,” says Thunberg in a tone that suggests the slightest of praise. “That of course is a step in the right direction, I guess.”
Saying that the GND does not go far enough.

No GND that doesn't include massive increases in nuclear power generation is technologically capable of going far enough.

Physics will not bow to ideology, no matter how earnest or sincere.
99.9% of the time I disagree with bilby. but this once, the 0.1% i strongly agree with him. Without nuclear power, GND, or any other wishful thinking power sources is akin to believing in Allah!
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