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New report on climate change released today

May I suggest you alarmists and renewable energy freaks watch left winger Michael Moor's latest effort?

May I suggest you shove your goading comment up your ass, you ignorant flog? I wouldn't want to offend.
May I suggest you alarmists and renewable energy freaks watch left winger Michael Moor's latest effort?

May I suggest you shove your goading comment up your ass, you ignorant flog? I wouldn't want to offend.

My, how the left turns on itself when one of their own states the facts and is in almost complete disagreement re renewables, after all, the man is only stating the bleeding obvious! I'm no fan of Michael Moore, but I'm in complete harmony with him on this subject. Leaving the nuclear option out is just complete madness.

So I take it you won't be watching his latest doco/film?
May I suggest you alarmists and renewable energy freaks watch left winger Michael Moor's latest effort?

May I suggest you shove your goading comment up your ass, you ignorant flog? I wouldn't want to offend.

My, how the left turns on itself when one of their own states the facts and is in almost complete disagreement re renewables, after all, the man is only stating the bleeding obvious! I'm no fan of Michael Moore, but I'm in complete harmony with him on this subject. Leaving the nuclear option out is just complete madness.

So I take it you won't be watching his latest doco/film?

You have to weigh the damages done to the nation by the two positions. On one side we risk economic efforts to only partially solve the problem while ignoring the solution to the whole problem, nuclear power. On the other side we have the position that you have taken which is to ignore the problem by the absurd idea that 98 percent of the climatologists in the world are engaged in some massive conspiracy.

Push comes to shove I will go with the position that solves part of the problem rather than the delusion that you are trying to pedal here.
May I suggest you alarmists and renewable energy freaks watch left winger Michael Moor's latest effort?

May I suggest you shove your goading comment up your ass, you ignorant flog? I wouldn't want to offend.

My, how the left turns on itself when one of their own states the facts and is in almost complete disagreement re renewables, after all, the man is only stating the bleeding obvious! I'm no fan of Michael Moore, but I'm in complete harmony with him on this subject. Leaving the nuclear option out is just complete madness.

So I take it you won't be watching his latest doco/film?

Complete harmony? Is that so?

For the record, can you confirm that you've watched the film and you agree with everything it says?
Our Greener, Climate-Friendly Future Is Going to Be Amazing—It's Our Job to Tell That Story | Common Dreams Views - "A more comfortable apartment. Cheaper electricity bills. Your stove cooks faster, your dishwasher washes cleaner, and the lightbulbs look great. Even the food is more delicious!"
Two stories caught my eye while scrolling through the New York Times over coffee the other morning. The first, a piece by Lisa Friedman about how the GOP is trying to push a message that the coronavirus is a preview for life under the Green New Deal. The second, a flashy writeup of electric trucks and SUV’s with the title, “New Breed of Pickups Mixes Horsepower and Battery Power.”

Between the two stories is the chasm into which most climate policy goes to die.

For decades, the right and the fossil fuel industry have worked to portray clean energy, sorry, “green” energy, as something for long-haired, pot smoking hippies living out in the forest.
The right wing's message:
Environmentalists want you to live in caves. Fossil fuel divestment activists want to turn off the lights. The Green New Deal means no more airplanes or (gasp) hamburgers. Trump is all about “energy dominance” while climate activists want you to embrace “sustainability” aka “socialism.”
Author Jamie Henn then noted Trump's bizarre rants about energy-saving appliances: Trump complains about dishwashers in rant about energy-saving appliances - YouTube
But for Trump and his allies in the fossil fuel industry, it serves a very particular purpose: getting people to fear what change is going to mean at an individual, gut level.

After all, things like where your power comes from can feel awfully distant. We can’t see the grid’s renewable energy mix when we turn on the lightbulb. But if the lightbulb we turn on is twisty, expensive, and “turns us orange,” as Trump says, then that’s something to fear. I’m all for saving water, but if I have to flush the toilet ten times after each...you get the picture.

Climate activists, on the other hand, have been much less effective at translating the clean energy revolution down to the individual level.
"Induction Electric Stoves!" is not much of a rallying cry.
There are, of course, exceptions. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Naomi Klein, and The Intercept made a beautiful video about the Green New Deal that got down to the community, if not the individual, level. While activists might not be singing the praises of induction cooking, professional chefs are. Over at HGTV, they’ve got flashy profiles of dream green homes, or, excuse me, “urban oases.” The scientist, engineer and energy expert, Saul Griffith, has written about radiant floor heating with a passion often reserved for describing a favorite sports car. And speaking of cars, check out the Tesla Model S that goes from 0-60 in 2.3 seconds or, as the New York Times described, the new all-electric SUVs and pickup trucks that can haul, drag, climb, and accelerate better than your best gas guzzler.
A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube - I also find it very beautiful.

Professional Chefs Love Cooking With Induction - YouTube - showed off an induction-cooking hot plate. It makes an alternating magnetic field, and this field induces electric currents in a pot or a pan. These currents get dragged as they go through the metal - electrical resistance - heating it up. It's an alternative to cooktops that use electrical-resistance heating -- and get hot.

Electric Trucks Will Be True Signal of Electric Vehicle Era - The New York Times - "Electric Hummers and Cybertrucks, as well as the next generation of S.U.V.s, will signal the arrival of the E.V. era in America if they start to sell in big numbers."

Tesla updates Model S Performance 0-60 mph acceleration to 2.3 seconds - Electrek

On the flip side, a clean energy future means more open spaces to safely recreate in, more streets turned over to pedestrians. A more comfortable apartment. Cheaper electricity bills. Your stove cooks faster, your dishwasher washes cleaner, and the lightbulbs look great. Even the food is more delicious. Getting closer to zero waste will help prevent rats from overrunning our cities and chewing out your car wiring (yes, this is happening). Oh, and the cars, have you seen the cars?!
My, how the left turns on itself when one of their own states the facts and is in almost complete disagreement re renewables, after all, the man is only stating the bleeding obvious! I'm no fan of Michael Moore, but I'm in complete harmony with him on this subject. Leaving the nuclear option out is just complete madness.

So I take it you won't be watching his latest doco/film?

Complete harmony? Is that so?

For the record, can you confirm that you've watched the film and you agree with everything it says?

Iv'e only seen previews. But Iv'e never gone out of my way to watch any of Moore's docos or films and don't intend to pay good money to watch this one either. Perhaps I may watch it whenever it comes to free TV if thee's nothing else on.

But from the bit's I have seen, it seems just common sense, for a change.
My, how the left turns on itself when one of their own states the facts and is in almost complete disagreement re renewables, after all, the man is only stating the bleeding obvious! I'm no fan of Michael Moore, but I'm in complete harmony with him on this subject. Leaving the nuclear option out is just complete madness.

So I take it you won't be watching his latest doco/film?

Complete harmony? Is that so?

For the record, can you confirm that you've watched the film and you agree with everything it says?

Iv'e only seen previews. But Iv'e never gone out of my way to watch any of Moore's docos or films and don't intend to pay good money to watch this one either. Perhaps I may watch it whenever it comes to free TV if thee's nothing else on.

But from the bit's I have seen, it seems just common sense, for a change.

So when you say "I'm in complete harmony with [Michael Moore] on this subject", what you mean is "I have no idea what I'm talking about, but this movie rankled some people I don't like, therefore it must be completely correct."

BTW the movie is available FREE on Youtube. It's free because no one wanted to buy the rights to this trash.
Last week Mount Everest was visible from Kathmandu for the first time in living memory.
... pretty amazing. I'll let angelo explain how it has nothing to do with human activity.

Iv'e only seen previews. But Iv'e never gone out of my way to watch any of Moore's docos or films and don't intend to pay good money to watch this one either. Perhaps I may watch it whenever it comes to free TV if thee's nothing else on.

But from the bit's I have seen, it seems just common sense, for a change.

So when you say "I'm in complete harmony with [Michael Moore] on this subject", what you mean is "I have no idea what I'm talking about, but this movie rankled some people I don't like, therefore it must be completely correct."

BTW the movie is available FREE on Youtube. It's free because no one wanted to buy the rights to this trash.

So, this is trash now is it? Were any of his previous docos like " Shooting For Columbine " and other pro left docos also trash?
Iv'e only seen previews. But Iv'e never gone out of my way to watch any of Moore's docos or films and don't intend to pay good money to watch this one either. Perhaps I may watch it whenever it comes to free TV if thee's nothing else on.

But from the bit's I have seen, it seems just common sense, for a change.

So when you say "I'm in complete harmony with [Michael Moore] on this subject", what you mean is "I have no idea what I'm talking about, but this movie rankled some people I don't like, therefore it must be completely correct."

BTW the movie is available FREE on Youtube. It's free because no one wanted to buy the rights to this trash.

So, this is trash now is it? Were any of his previous docos like " Shooting For Columbine " and other pro left docos also trash?

Judging each individual movie solely on their own merits is too foreign a concept for you isn't it? Or does that require too much effort for you?
40.000 years ago there were giant kangaroos and enormous crocodiles in a tropical Northern Australia. They all died out because of climate change/disruption. [ global warming was deleted as it didn't frighten the sheeple any longer]

That's a long time before homo sapiens lit their first ever camp fire.

I repeat, the planet evolved mankind, not mankind evolved the planet!
I repeat, the planet evolved mankind, not mankind evolved the planet!

40,000 years is a bit longer than the three months it took to make a dramatic, very visible difference to the earth's atmosphere from a mere reduction - not even elimination - of fossil fuel consumption. You'd have to be an utter fool to continue to insists that humans are not modifying the climate and the entire biome of the planet. The evidence is staring you in the face. (you forgot to explain how people had nothing to do with the fact that Everest is suddenly visible from Kathmandu)

BYW, more than 99% of all species that have ever existed on this planet are extinct. More than 99.99% of mega-fauna that have ever existed, are extinct.
In 40,000 years there will almost certainly still be crocodilians. Humans? Not so likely. In fact, people who have more facts in-hand and are better at math than most of us - including angelo - estimate a 5% chance that HSS won't make it to the year 2100.
40.000 years ago there were giant kangaroos and enormous crocodiles in a tropical Northern Australia. They all died out because of climate change/disruption. [ global warming was deleted as it didn't frighten the sheeple any longer]

That's a long time before homo sapiens lit their first ever camp fire.

I repeat, the planet evolved mankind, not mankind evolved the planet!

That's a lot of stupid to pack into one post:

1. angelo doesn't know that humans arrived in Australia well before giant kangaroo went extinct.
2. angelo believes the conspiracy theory that global warming was rebranded as climate change. (Just one clue that angelo is more far right than centre right.)
3. angelo doesn't know that humans were not only using fire long before the giant kangaroo went extinct, but humans in Australia were using fire to clear land.
4. angelo doesn't understand that human civilisation is a massive influence on the planet and its biosphere: not only have we changed the landscape, the atmosphere and the oceans, but we've wiped out enough species to qualify as a major extinction event on par with the meteor that killed the dinosaurs.
40.000 years ago there were giant kangaroos and enormous crocodiles in a tropical Northern Australia. They all died out because of climate change/disruption. [ global warming was deleted as it didn't frighten the sheeple any longer]

That's a long time before homo sapiens lit their first ever camp fire.
There's good archaeological evidence that there were Homo Sapiens building camp fires in northern Australia 40,000 years ago - And that it was those people (and not changing climate) who wiped out the megafauna to which you refer.
I repeat, the planet evolved mankind, not mankind evolved the planet!

You can repeat it all you like; It remains a stupid failure to grasp the concept of feedback.

In complex systems, every part influences every other part. Nature is a republic, rather than a kingdom.
40.000 years ago there were giant kangaroos and enormous crocodiles in a tropical Northern Australia. They all died out because of climate change/disruption. [ global warming was deleted as it didn't frighten the sheeple any longer]

That's a long time before homo sapiens lit their first ever camp fire.

I repeat, the planet evolved mankind, not mankind evolved the planet!

That's a lot of stupid to pack into one post:
It took practice.
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