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New report on climate change released today

I also recall posting a list of real climate scientists who also think that figure is pie in the sky. So let's drop it as it's just going over old ground!

More bullshit from the main source of bullshit in this thread. Angelo probably never heard of Project Steve. So he keeps a list of similar size to the evolution denying morons' list, and thinks it means something.
angelo believes humans are smart enough to invent their way out of imminent environmental collapse, but he doesn't believe scientists when they tell us that we are facing imminent environmental collapse.

A pdf about the " consensus" if you care to read it.


That site is no friend of science and the reek of bullshit kept me from reading very far into that page.

Looking at the homepage of the site one of the things it's complaining about is a supposed exemption from FOI for climate researchers. What's actually going on is they were being inundated in crap requests and quit providing the usual courtesies given to other researchers.
Friends of ... and Foundation of ... things like ‘Science’ and ‘Freedom’ often have an odd chance, approaching certainty, of actually being the exact opposite.
angelo believes humans are smart enough to invent their way out of imminent environmental collapse, but he doesn't believe scientists when they tell us that we are facing imminent environmental collapse.

A pdf about the " consensus" if you care to read it.


That site is no friend of science and the reek of bullshit kept me from reading very far into that page.

Looking at the homepage of the site one of the things it's complaining about is a supposed exemption from FOI for climate researchers. What's actually going on is they were being inundated in crap requests and quit providing the usual courtesies given to other researchers.

Exactly what I expected. Anything that's contrary to leftists/alarmist ideology is rubbish. That's a given. :rolleyes:
That site is no friend of science and the reek of bullshit kept me from reading very far into that page.

Looking at the homepage of the site one of the things it's complaining about is a supposed exemption from FOI for climate researchers. What's actually going on is they were being inundated in crap requests and quit providing the usual courtesies given to other researchers.

Exactly what I expected. Anything that's contrary to leftists/alarmist ideology is rubbish. That's a given. :rolleyes:

You are evaluating things based on politics, not on truth.

Their front page was complaining about the university not responding to FOI requests--neglecting to mention that the reason was they were swamping them with garbage requests. It's like the guy pleading for mercy from the courts because he's an orphan--when the crime was killing his parents.
With no-one willing to read his bullshit links, angelo plays his trump card: sulking.
Hold on. I'll find you some links you'd love from the NYT, Grudian, and other Dem mouthpieces. Naw, can't be bothered!
Does the Democratic Party have commissars stationed in the offices of those publications that keep those publications following the Democratic party line?
With no-one willing to read his bullshit links, angelo plays his trump card: sulking.
Hold on. I'll find you some links you'd love from the NYT, Grudian, and other Dem mouthpieces. Naw, can't be bothered!
Does the Democratic Party have commissars stationed in the offices of those publications that keep those publications following the Democratic party line?

Yeah, and a bunch more who keep the angelos of the world from quote mining them. Poor babies.
With no-one willing to read his bullshit links, angelo plays his trump card: sulking.
Hold on. I'll find you some links you'd love from the NYT, Grudian, and other Dem mouthpieces. Naw, can't be bothered!
Does the Democratic Party have commissars stationed in the offices of those publications that keep those publications following the Democratic party line?

They don't need to. They [up to 85% of them ] toe the party line already. Only a blind Freddy couldn't see that!
Sea level rise has also not YET inundated ports and low lying coastal areas.

Yes, it has.

In Jakarta, a $40 billion project will aim to protect the city with an 80-foot-high seawall. Rotterdam, home to the Global Center on Adaptation, has offered a model to other cities seeking to combat flooding and land loss. The Dutch city has built barriers, drainage, and innovative architectural features such as a “water square” with temporary ponds.

Of course, communities vulnerable to rising seas can only go so far in holding back the tide. In the Marshall Islands, where rising sea levels are forcing a choice between relocating or building up the land, residents will need help from other nations if they decide to undertake the expensive latter option.

Sea level rise has also not YET inundated ports and low lying coastal areas.

Yes, it has.

In Jakarta, a $40 billion project will aim to protect the city with an 80-foot-high seawall. Rotterdam, home to the Global Center on Adaptation, has offered a model to other cities seeking to combat flooding and land loss. The Dutch city has built barriers, drainage, and innovative architectural features such as a “water square” with temporary ponds.

Of course, communities vulnerable to rising seas can only go so far in holding back the tide. In the Marshall Islands, where rising sea levels are forcing a choice between relocating or building up the land, residents will need help from other nations if they decide to undertake the expensive latter option.


That's not because the ports were innundated, but that surges were damaging.
More hilarity from Teh Gruaniad as they exclaim we only have SIX MONTHS TO AVERT CLIMATE CRISIS !!!!1111!!1!1!!;

The world has only six months in which to change the course of the climate crisis and prevent a post-lockdown rebound in greenhouse gas emissions that would overwhelm efforts to stave off climate catastrophe, one of the world’s foremost energy experts has warned. “This year is the last time we have, if we are not to see a carbon rebound,” said Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency.

Teh Gruaniad

Honest, this is the LAST CHANCE !!!111!!!!!! :hysterical:
Just reporting the latest......


A northeastern Siberian town is likely to have set a record for the highest temperature documented in the Arctic Circle, with a reading of 100.4 degrees (38 Celsius) recorded Saturday in Verkhoyansk, north of the Arctic Circle and about 3,000 miles east of Moscow. Records at that location have been kept since 1885.

If verified, this would be the northernmost 100-degree reading ever observed, and the highest temperature on record in the Arctic, a region that is warming at more than twice the rate of the rest of the globe.

On Sunday, the same location recorded a high temperature of 95.3 degrees (35.2 Celsius), showing the Saturday reading was not a fluke. The average June high temperature in Verkhoyansk is just 68 degrees (20 Celsius).

Verkhoyansk is located at 67.5 degrees north latitude, whereas the Arctic Circle begins at 66.5 degrees.

By pairing the data with NASA’s surface records going back to 1880, Copernicus scientists found this most recent six-month period is probably unprecedented since at least 1880.

The Siberian Arctic, like the Arctic as a whole, is seeing rapidly increasing temperatures as a result of human-caused global warming. This is in part because of accelerating feedback loops between melting snow and ice and air and ground temperatures, as well as other features of the region’s climate.

Large wildfires are proliferating from Siberia to Alaska and Scandinavia; permafrost is melting, which releases even more planet-warming greenhouse gases into the atmosphere; and sea ice extent and thickness are plummeting, among other changes.

No comment. Just reporting new information regarding the changing climate.
Varshini Prakash Interview: Sunrise Movement Co-Founder & Member Of Joe Biden's Climate Task Force - YouTube - I discussed that interview in more detail in the thread Democratic Policy Task Forces

Climate change: What AOC and House Democrats actually want to do about it - Vox - "A new select committee report is perfectly in tune with the growing climate policy alignment on the left around standards, investments, and justice."
In 2007, shortly after Democrats took back the House of Representatives in the 2006 midterm elections, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi created the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, meant to gather expert testimony and develop policy plans to address climate change. Until Republicans killed it in 2011, the select committee amassed an enormous body of knowledge, which it contributed to the 2007 energy bill, the 2009 Obama stimulus bill, and the ill-fated Waxman-Markey climate bill (which died in the Senate).
The Democrats got the House back in 2018, and not long after they did, the Sunrise Movement had a sit-in in Nancy Pelosi's office, wanting that committee back in action. AOC famously joined in. She and Rashida Tlaib spoke to the protesters the night before, but RT chickened out of the sit-in. AOC wanted a committee with subpoena power and a legislative mandate, but it ended up purely advisory, and AOC decided against joining it.

But the committee has been at work, and it has recently issued a report: Solving the Climate Crisis: The Congressional Action Plan for a Clean Energy Economy and a Healthy and Just America | Select Committee on Climate Crisis
  • Support rapid deployment of wind, solar, energy efficiency, and other zero-carbon energy sources and construction of new transmission infrastructure to deliver clean energy to homes.
  • Incentivize more domestic manufacturing of clean energy, clean vehicle, and zero-emission technologies along the whole supply chain and support retooling and construction of manufacturing and industrial facilities.
  • Launch new economic sectors to meet our climate goals, such as direct air capture and low-carbon building materials.
  • Ensure new jobs in the clean energy economy are high-quality, good-paying jobs by strengthening workers’ rights to organize a union and ensuring federal spending only supports projects that meet high-road labor standards.
That document's 12 pillars:
  1. Invest in infrastructure to build a just, equitable, and resilient clean energy economy.
  2. Drive innovation and deployment of clean energy and deep decarbonization technologies.
  3. Transform US industry and expand domestic manufacturing of clean energy and zero-emission technologies.
  4. Break down barriers for clean energy technologies.
  5. Invest in America’s workers and build a fairer economy.
  6. Invest in disproportionately exposed communities to cut pollution and advance environmental justice.
  7. Improve public health and manage climate risks to health infrastructure.
  8. Invest in American agriculture for climate solutions.
  9. Make US communities more resilient to the impacts of climate change.
  10. Protect and restore America’s lands, waters, ocean, and wildlife.
  11. Confront climate risks to America’s national security and restore America’s leadership on the international stage.
  12. Strengthen America’s core institutions to facilitate climate action.
Explained in a LOT of detail.
“This is an ambitious and comprehensive plan,” says Stokes. “It shows that the committee listened to stakeholders, watched the Democratic primary carefully, and learned from climate champions like Governor Jay Inslee.”
He'd created a detailed plan when he was running for President.
Does it constitute a Green New Deal? It doesn’t contain a job guarantee or universal health care. It doesn’t nationalize any industries. But it does “represent a major shift in congressional leaders’ approach to climate policy,” says Maggie Thomas of Inslee campaign spin-off group Evergreen Action, “toward a more urgent plan built on clean energy standards, investment, and environmental justice.”

The select committee report, in other words, is perfectly in tune with the growing climate-policy alignment on the left around standards, investments, and justice (SIJ). It contains the same strong standards on electricity, cars, and buildings that served as the core of both Inslee’s and Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s plans. It recommends a wide array of investments in infrastructure, domestic industries, and community resilience. And throughout, there is a focus on the hardest-hit communities. It’s like an SIJ policy encyclopedia.
Then the question of what the Republicans are doing about this.
A third and final point: Can you imagine Republicans doing this? Assembling a policy committee and holding more than a year’s worth of consultations, meetings, and hearings to gather expert testimony and translate it into a detailed policy blueprint?
Then on how the Republicans are not doing anything close to that. Trump certainly isn't, despite his brags of superior skill in just about everything. Mitch McConnell prefers to obstruct others' legislation and appoint right-wing judges.
With no demand for policy expertise, there’s less and less supply. “One of the biggest problems faced by the GOP today is how degraded its policy shops have become,” says Jerry Taylor, a former libertarian who now heads the center-right think tank the Niskanen Center. “Conservative think tanks are heavily loaded with ideologues will little concrete legislative knowledge. Few have ever been involved in writing real (non-messaging) legislation.”

This was illustrated recently when Republicans got nervous about polling on climate change and decided they needed something to call “climate policy.” They came up with R&D subsidies to oil and gas companies and ... trees. Policy-wise, it was puddle-deep, and it’s not clear the GOP’s diminished policy shops are capable of coming up with anything better.
My home town,in SEAlaska,tied for the most days of rain in June.1936.This matches the predictions of NOAA . As the north pacific warms,more precip.
China's first climate striker warned: give it up or you can't go back to school | World news | The Guardian
Takes initiative. An independent thinker. Engages in study outside of the curriculum. Cares deeply about her community and the world around her. Stands up for her convictions and beliefs.

These are all qualities that would appear to make Ou Hongyi a suitable candidate for studying at her dream institution of Harvard University.

For Ou, however, those qualities may scuttle her chance of even graduating from high school or taking college entrance examinations.

As the first young person in China to engage in Greta Thunberg-inspired Fridays For Future climate strikes, Ou, 17, has become a target for the authorities who see that activism as a challenge to their control.

Ou claims she has been told by authorities to ditch her climate activism as a condition for her restarting studies at Guangxi Normal University affiliated high school in Guilin, where she studied until late 2018.
Goes to show what an activism desert China is.
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