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New report on climate change released today

Wrong by a long shot! Climate alarmist has been around for many decades with not a single Apocalypse event happening, or eventuating. Cigarette warnings about health were there and happening from day one!

Despite numerous requests you have yet to come up with an example of the scientists (not reporters!) making a prediction of doom that has failed.

Not again! I've posted numerous examples of failed forecasts. You have not yet provided a single event that's eventuated!

You have posted zero examples of failed forecasts by scientists. Your examples are from the popular press.

Deforestation and other fast-moving changes in the Amazon threaten to turn parts of the rainforest into savanna, devastate wildlife and release billions of tons carbon into the atmosphere, two renowned experts warned Friday.
“The precious Amazon is teetering on the edge of functional destruction and, with it, so are we,” Thomas Lovejoy of George Mason University and Carlos Nobre of the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, both of whom have studied the world’s largest rainforest for decades, wrote in an editorial in the journal Science Advances. “Today, we stand exactly in a moment of destiny: The tipping point is here, it is now.”
Combined with recent news that the Arctic permafrost may be beginning to fill the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, and that Greenland’s ice sheet is melting at an accelerating pace, it’s the latest hint that important parts of the climate system may be moving toward irreversible changes at a pace that defies earlier predictions.
The speed of the transformation in some key systems, like Greenland’s ice and the Arctic’s permafrost, has “indeed been underestimated by climate science,” said Stefan Rahmstorf, head of Earth system analysis at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany. “And that’s partly because we cannot really capture them well in our models.”

The models that scientists have used to try to determine how the Arctic region is processing carbon were too conservative when it came to losses in winter in particular, Natali said. As a result, the potential for a transition of the Arctic from a so-called “sink” that takes up carbon, to a “source” that emits it, may have been underestimated

So, it appears as if scientists may have under estimated the rate that climate change is happening, and the world isn't doing nearly enough to slow things down.

Deforestation and other fast-moving changes in the Amazon threaten to turn parts of the rainforest into savanna, devastate wildlife and release billions of tons carbon into the atmosphere, two renowned experts warned Friday.
“The precious Amazon is teetering on the edge of functional destruction and, with it, so are we,” Thomas Lovejoy of George Mason University and Carlos Nobre of the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, both of whom have studied the world’s largest rainforest for decades, wrote in an editorial in the journal Science Advances. “Today, we stand exactly in a moment of destiny: The tipping point is here, it is now.”
Combined with recent news that the Arctic permafrost may be beginning to fill the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, and that Greenland’s ice sheet is melting at an accelerating pace, it’s the latest hint that important parts of the climate system may be moving toward irreversible changes at a pace that defies earlier predictions.
The speed of the transformation in some key systems, like Greenland’s ice and the Arctic’s permafrost, has “indeed been underestimated by climate science,” said Stefan Rahmstorf, head of Earth system analysis at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany. “And that’s partly because we cannot really capture them well in our models.”

The models that scientists have used to try to determine how the Arctic region is processing carbon were too conservative when it came to losses in winter in particular, Natali said. As a result, the potential for a transition of the Arctic from a so-called “sink” that takes up carbon, to a “source” that emits it, may have been underestimated

So, it appears as if scientists may have under estimated the rate that climate change is happening, and the world isn't doing nearly enough to slow things down.

Even without potential underestimate, the world is still not doing enough.

So, it appears as if scientists may have under estimated the rate that climate change is happening, and the world isn't doing nearly enough to slow things down.

Even without potential underestimate, the world is still not doing enough.

Well, we could always go back to living as hunter gatherers!
A climate change double whammy in the US Corn Belt

The United States Corn Belt includes western Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, eastern Nebraska, and eastern Kansas. The region has dominated corn production in the U.S. since the 1850s, accounting for more than a third of the global supply of corn. It is also the world's largest source of soybeans. New research led by atmospheric scientist Mingfang Ting from Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory reveals that climate change has triggered two changes that threaten the region's crop production; warming temperatures are both increasing the evaporation of soil moisture and causing summer storms to carry more moisture away from the Midwest. Ting's study, which she presented last week at the meeting of the American Geophysical Union, forecasts a progressive worsening of this one-two punch over the next decade.
Trump’s Turning Point rant about wind energy and “fumes,” decoded - Vox -- Trump’s incoherent riffing about wind energy and “fumes,” decoded.

From Trump himself:
I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much.

But they’re manufactured tremendous — if you’re into this — tremendous fumes. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything. You talk about the carbon footprint — fumes are spewing into the air. Right? Spewing. Whether it’s in China, Germany, it’s going into the air. It’s our air, their air, everything — right?

If you own a house within vision of some of these monsters, your house is worth 50 percent of the price.

You know, in California, they were killing the bald eagle. If you shoot a bald eagle, they want to put you in jail for 10 years. A windmill will kill many bald eagles. It’s true.

And you know what? After a certain number, they make you turn the windmill off. That’s true, by the way. This is — they make you turn it off after you — and yet, if you killed one they put you in jail. That’s okay. But why is it okay for these windmills to destroy the bird population? And that’s what they’re doing.
A transcript is in Remarks by President Trump at Turning Point USA Student Action Summit | West Palm Beach, FL | The White House

From the article:
Trump’s personal distaste for wind turbines dates back at least to 2006, when they interfered with his plans to build a golf course on the Scottish coast. Since then, he has constructed an elaborate structure of falsehoods to justify his antagonism to wind energy.

Many of those false claims worked their way into Trump’s Turning Point speech. Some, however, did not. In addition to the aforementioned cancer claim, Trump also didn’t delve into a bit that’s become a staple of his rally speeches about how a reliance on wind energy would make it impossible for Americans to reliably watch their favorite television programs.
I read the one in the NYTimes early this morning and hope that all of you who live in Australia are doing okay.


The devastation is immense. In the state of New South Wales, which includes Sydney, more than 900 homes have been destroyed and nine million acres have burned since November. About 100 fires are currently raging in the state, with about three dozen more across the border in Victoria. At least 11 people have died.

Australia is normally hot and dry in summer, but climate change, which brings more frequent and longer periods of extreme heat, worsens these conditions and makes vegetation drier and more likely to burn. The country recently concluded its driest spring on record. That was followed in mid-December by the hottest day on record, with average highs across the country of 41.9 degrees Celsius (107.4 degrees Fahrenheit).

Polls show a large majority of Australians view climate change as an urgent threat and want stronger government action to combat it. The catastrophic fire conditions have put an intense focus on the Australian government’s failure to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, which traps heat when released into the atmosphere and contributes to global warming.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison, a conservative, has made it clear that Australia’s economic prosperity comes first. Even as his country burned, he has said repeatedly that it is not the time to discuss climate policy.

How did the US and Australia end up with such idiots leading them? How can anyone deny the obvious impact of human behavior on the climate, when it's becoming so much more obvious over the last few years?
I read the one in the NYTimes early this morning and hope that all of you who live in Australia are doing okay.


The devastation is immense. In the state of New South Wales, which includes Sydney, more than 900 homes have been destroyed and nine million acres have burned since November. About 100 fires are currently raging in the state, with about three dozen more across the border in Victoria. At least 11 people have died.

Australia is normally hot and dry in summer, but climate change, which brings more frequent and longer periods of extreme heat, worsens these conditions and makes vegetation drier and more likely to burn. The country recently concluded its driest spring on record. That was followed in mid-December by the hottest day on record, with average highs across the country of 41.9 degrees Celsius (107.4 degrees Fahrenheit).

Polls show a large majority of Australians view climate change as an urgent threat and want stronger government action to combat it. The catastrophic fire conditions have put an intense focus on the Australian government’s failure to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, which traps heat when released into the atmosphere and contributes to global warming.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison, a conservative, has made it clear that Australia’s economic prosperity comes first. Even as his country burned, he has said repeatedly that it is not the time to discuss climate policy.

How did the US and Australia end up with such idiots leading them? How can anyone deny the obvious impact of human behavior on the climate, when it's becoming so much more obvious over the last few years?

Scott Morrison is a Pentecostal Christian, and as such believes that a) God won't let anything bad happen; b) coal was put in place by God for humans to use; and c) the world will end very soon so the environment needn't be conserved anyway.

Christianity in Australia - particularly the more fundamentalist sects - has a massively disproportionate grip on parliamentary and senate seats both federal and state.

They are well funded and well organised political groups that are very keen to seek power for its own sake. Resistance to their power grab gets little traction in the face of general apathy, and a cultural background that equates 'Christian' with 'good'.
I read the one in the NYTimes early this morning and hope that all of you who live in Australia are doing okay.


The devastation is immense. In the state of New South Wales, which includes Sydney, more than 900 homes have been destroyed and nine million acres have burned since November. About 100 fires are currently raging in the state, with about three dozen more across the border in Victoria. At least 11 people have died.

Australia is normally hot and dry in summer, but climate change, which brings more frequent and longer periods of extreme heat, worsens these conditions and makes vegetation drier and more likely to burn. The country recently concluded its driest spring on record. That was followed in mid-December by the hottest day on record, with average highs across the country of 41.9 degrees Celsius (107.4 degrees Fahrenheit).

Polls show a large majority of Australians view climate change as an urgent threat and want stronger government action to combat it. The catastrophic fire conditions have put an intense focus on the Australian government’s failure to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, which traps heat when released into the atmosphere and contributes to global warming.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison, a conservative, has made it clear that Australia’s economic prosperity comes first. Even as his country burned, he has said repeatedly that it is not the time to discuss climate policy.

How did the US and Australia end up with such idiots leading them? How can anyone deny the obvious impact of human behavior on the climate, when it's becoming so much more obvious over the last few years?

Scott Morrison is a Pentecostal Christian, and as such believes that a) God won't let anything bad happen; b) coal was put in place by God for humans to use; and c) the world will end very soon so the environment needn't be conserved anyway.

Christianity in Australia - particularly the more fundamentalist sects - has a massively disproportionate grip on parliamentary and senate seats both federal and state.

They are well funded and well organised political groups that are very keen to seek power for its own sake. Resistance to their power grab gets little traction in the face of general apathy, and a cultural background that equates 'Christian' with 'good'.

Apparently, our two countries have a lot more in common then I had realized.
I read the one in the NYTimes early this morning and hope that all of you who live in Australia are doing okay.


The devastation is immense. In the state of New South Wales, which includes Sydney, more than 900 homes have been destroyed and nine million acres have burned since November. About 100 fires are currently raging in the state, with about three dozen more across the border in Victoria. At least 11 people have died.

Australia is normally hot and dry in summer, but climate change, which brings more frequent and longer periods of extreme heat, worsens these conditions and makes vegetation drier and more likely to burn. The country recently concluded its driest spring on record. That was followed in mid-December by the hottest day on record, with average highs across the country of 41.9 degrees Celsius (107.4 degrees Fahrenheit).

Polls show a large majority of Australians view climate change as an urgent threat and want stronger government action to combat it. The catastrophic fire conditions have put an intense focus on the Australian government’s failure to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, which traps heat when released into the atmosphere and contributes to global warming.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison, a conservative, has made it clear that Australia’s economic prosperity comes first. Even as his country burned, he has said repeatedly that it is not the time to discuss climate policy.

How did the US and Australia end up with such idiots leading them? How can anyone deny the obvious impact of human behavior on the climate, when it's becoming so much more obvious over the last few years?

Scott Morrison is a Pentecostal Christian, and as such believes that a) God won't let anything bad happen; b) coal was put in place by God for humans to use; and c) the world will end very soon so the environment needn't be conserved anyway.

Christianity in Australia - particularly the more fundamentalist sects - has a massively disproportionate grip on parliamentary and senate seats both federal and state.

They are well funded and well organised political groups that are very keen to seek power for its own sake. Resistance to their power grab gets little traction in the face of general apathy, and a cultural background that equates 'Christian' with 'good'.

Regardless of his religious beliefs is also the fact that as a responsible government the PM has the responsibility of the well being of the nation as a whole, and not rush into suicidal policies that would bankrupt the nation by destroying it's income by shutting down an export commodity that earns the nation over 6 billion AUD per year and employs hundreds of thousands! Which will do absolutely FA to GW/CC/CD!
Scott Morrison is a Pentecostal Christian, and as such believes that a) God won't let anything bad happen; b) coal was put in place by God for humans to use; and c) the world will end very soon so the environment needn't be conserved anyway.

Christianity in Australia - particularly the more fundamentalist sects - has a massively disproportionate grip on parliamentary and senate seats both federal and state.

They are well funded and well organised political groups that are very keen to seek power for its own sake. Resistance to their power grab gets little traction in the face of general apathy, and a cultural background that equates 'Christian' with 'good'.

Regardless of his religious beliefs is also the fact that as a responsible government the PM has the responsibility of the well being of the nation as a whole, and not rush into suicidal policies that would bankrupt the nation by destroying it's income by shutting down an export commodity that earns the nation over 6 billion AUD per year and employs hundreds of thousands! Which will do absolutely FA to GW/CC/CD!

...he says as he turns his back on his burning country...

We wonder why we let the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelsons of the world wreak havoc upon us. Look no further than the above.
Scott Morrison is a Pentecostal Christian, and as such believes that a) God won't let anything bad happen; b) coal was put in place by God for humans to use; and c) the world will end very soon so the environment needn't be conserved anyway.

Christianity in Australia - particularly the more fundamentalist sects - has a massively disproportionate grip on parliamentary and senate seats both federal and state.

They are well funded and well organised political groups that are very keen to seek power for its own sake. Resistance to their power grab gets little traction in the face of general apathy, and a cultural background that equates 'Christian' with 'good'.

Regardless of his religious beliefs is also the fact that as a responsible government the PM has the responsibility of the well being of the nation as a whole, and not rush into suicidal policies that would bankrupt the nation by destroying it's income by shutting down an export commodity that earns the nation over 6 billion AUD per year and employs hundreds of thousands! Which will do absolutely FA to GW/CC/CD!

...he says as he turns his back on his burning country...

We wonder why we let the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelsons of the world wreak havoc upon us. Look no further than the above.

A responsible Australian government would exploit our massive uranium reserves to become the powerhouse of the world - while simultaneously generating vast numbers of highly skilled jobs with far less hazard than coal mining, and mitigating climate change to boot.
Scott Morrison is a Pentecostal Christian, and as such believes that a) God won't let anything bad happen; b) coal was put in place by God for humans to use; and c) the world will end very soon so the environment needn't be conserved anyway.

Christianity in Australia - particularly the more fundamentalist sects - has a massively disproportionate grip on parliamentary and senate seats both federal and state.

They are well funded and well organised political groups that are very keen to seek power for its own sake. Resistance to their power grab gets little traction in the face of general apathy, and a cultural background that equates 'Christian' with 'good'.

Regardless of his religious beliefs is also the fact that as a responsible government the PM has the responsibility of the well being of the nation as a whole, and not rush into suicidal policies that would bankrupt the nation by destroying it's income by shutting down an export commodity that earns the nation over 6 billion AUD per year and employs hundreds of thousands! Which will do absolutely FA to GW/CC/CD!

...he says as he turns his back on his burning country...

We wonder why we let the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelsons of the world wreak havoc upon us. Look no further than the above.

You know FA about bushfires and Australia's bushfires seasons which were controlled by the Australian indigenous people long before the Poms colonised the country! If anyone can be blamed for these disasters, it's the greens who have pushed to ban back burning in cooler times in order to lessen the bushfire fuel load. In other words...................
Green policies are creating this disaster . They are preventing fuel reduction burns in the cooler months . Locking up extensive National parks , so you can't remove even a dead piece of wood , in case there is a lizard in it . Then , they have the gall , to turn around and blame it on "climate change"
...he says as he turns his back on his burning country...

We wonder why we let the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelsons of the world wreak havoc upon us. Look no further than the above.

A responsible Australian government would exploit our massive uranium reserves to become the powerhouse of the world - while simultaneously generating vast numbers of highly skilled jobs with far less hazard than coal mining, and mitigating climate change to boot.

Neither major party, but especially the Labor/Green alliance has the gall to exploit our vast uranium resources by building nuclear reactors to power practically all our power needs for long into the future, for a fraction of the price of so called renewable power generation.
...he says as he turns his back on his burning country...

We wonder why we let the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelsons of the world wreak havoc upon us. Look no further than the above.

You know FA about bushfires and Australia's bushfires seasons which were controlled by the Australian indigenous people long before the Poms colonised the country! If anyone can be blamed for these disasters, it's the greens who have pushed to ban back burning in cooler times in order to lessen the bushfire fuel load. In other words...................
Green policies are creating this disaster . They are preventing fuel reduction burns in the cooler months . Locking up extensive National parks , so you can't remove even a dead piece of wood , in case there is a lizard in it . Then , they have the gall , to turn around and blame it on "climate change"

You clearly know FA about bushfires other than the conspiracy theories promoted by the National Party.


A former NSW fire and rescue commissioner, Greg Mullins, has written this week that the hotter and drier conditions, and the higher fire danger ratings, were preventing agencies from carrying out prescribed burning.

He said: “Blaming ‘greenies’ for stopping these important measures is a familiar, populist, but basically untrue claim.”

The NPWS had a hazard reduction target to treat 680,000ha of parks and reserves in the five years from 2011, which the spokesperson said it had exceeded.


“Hazard reduction work has increased because of increased funding to the RFS and to national parks. There has been more carried out in recent years than in previous decades.”

Oh, and by the way, "back burning" is a fire fighting technique, used to remove fuel from the path of a currently out of control fire. Burning off excess fuel load prior to the fire season isn't "back burning"; It's "Hazard reduction burning".
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