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New report on climate change released today

bilby, maybe if you guys took better care of your forests, you'd have fewer brush fires. ;) (smilie added because sarcasm is so hard to actually detect with such brazen stupidity floating around today)
You clearly know FA about bushfires other than the conspiracy theories promoted by the National Party.


A former NSW fire and rescue commissioner, Greg Mullins, has written this week that the hotter and drier conditions, and the higher fire danger ratings, were preventing agencies from carrying out prescribed burning.

He said: “Blaming ‘greenies’ for stopping these important measures is a familiar, populist, but basically untrue claim.”

The NPWS had a hazard reduction target to treat 680,000ha of parks and reserves in the five years from 2011, which the spokesperson said it had exceeded.


“Hazard reduction work has increased because of increased funding to the RFS and to national parks. There has been more carried out in recent years than in previous decades.”

Oh, and by the way, "back burning" is a fire fighting technique, used to remove fuel from the path of a currently out of control fire. Burning off excess fuel load prior to the fire season isn't "back burning"; It's "Hazard reduction burning".

The Grudian? You quote this mouthpiece of the leftist greenies as fact?
You clearly know FA about bushfires other than the conspiracy theories promoted by the National Party.


Oh, and by the way, "back burning" is a fire fighting technique, used to remove fuel from the path of a currently out of control fire. Burning off excess fuel load prior to the fire season isn't "back burning"; It's "Hazard reduction burning".

The Grudian? You quote this mouthpiece of the leftist greenies as fact?

Are you seriously suggesting that they are misreporting what Mr Mullins said?

If not, then why does it matter which report of his comments I quoted?

You really can't dismiss the informed and expert opinion of a former NSW Fire and Rescue Commissioner on the basis of his comments being published in a newspaper you dislike - at least, not without looking like an idiotic partisan hack with no interest in the facts.
Here's another article. It's not from the Guardian, but it is written by a (different) former NSW expert - in this case a Commissioner of the National Parks and Wildlife Service


In Blackjack parlance. I have 20 and best the dealer can do is 19. I win!

Past bushfires - Forest Fire Management Victoria
https://www.ffm.vic.gov.au › history-and-incidents › past-bushfires
The Black Saturday bushfires were the worst in Australia's history, killing 173 people. Almost ... Burning for 59 days before being contained, the Alpine fires burned more than 1.3 million hectares, 41 homes and more than 9,000 .... Early 1900s.
Here's another article. It's not from the Guardian, but it is written by a (different) former NSW expert - in this case a Commissioner of the National Parks and Wildlife Service


In Blackjack parlance. I have 20 and best the dealer can do is 19. I win!

Past bushfires - Forest Fire Management Victoria
https://www.ffm.vic.gov.au › history-and-incidents › past-bushfires
The Black Saturday bushfires were the worst in Australia's history, killing 173 people. Almost ... Burning for 59 days before being contained, the Alpine fires burned more than 1.3 million hectares, 41 homes and more than 9,000 .... Early 1900s.

The current fires have already burned more than five million hectares, making them almost four times as large as Black Saturday; More than 60 homes were destroyed in NSW on Saturday alone; And they've been burning for a long time (depending on how you define the start of the fires, since September; certainly since November), with no end in sight, so barring some extraordinary event, they will have burned for well in excess of sixty days. The known death toll (so far) is lower, currently in the mid 20s, but that's expected to rise considerably as affected areas become accessible; And of course, it's not even close to being over yet.

You are both wrong and vile to so gleefully cite that past fire as worse than the current one - I expect that the officials in Victoria (and their counterparts in NSW, Queensland, and SA) have better things to do right now than update their website, and likely won't do so until these fires are finally out, likely in February or March.
bilby, maybe if you guys took better care of your forests, you'd have fewer brush fires. ;) (smilie added because sarcasm is so hard to actually detect with such brazen stupidity floating around today)

Cue guy with GAGA hat to spout "You should rake your forests like they do in Finland."

Sarcasm? We've got sarcasm coming out the ass.
I read the one in the NYTimes early this morning and hope that all of you who live in Australia are doing okay.


The devastation is immense. In the state of New South Wales, which includes Sydney, more than 900 homes have been destroyed and nine million acres have burned since November. About 100 fires are currently raging in the state, with about three dozen more across the border in Victoria. At least 11 people have died.

Australia is normally hot and dry in summer, but climate change, which brings more frequent and longer periods of extreme heat, worsens these conditions and makes vegetation drier and more likely to burn. The country recently concluded its driest spring on record. That was followed in mid-December by the hottest day on record, with average highs across the country of 41.9 degrees Celsius (107.4 degrees Fahrenheit).

Polls show a large majority of Australians view climate change as an urgent threat and want stronger government action to combat it. The catastrophic fire conditions have put an intense focus on the Australian government’s failure to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, which traps heat when released into the atmosphere and contributes to global warming.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison, a conservative, has made it clear that Australia’s economic prosperity comes first. Even as his country burned, he has said repeatedly that it is not the time to discuss climate policy.

How did the US and Australia end up with such idiots leading them? How can anyone deny the obvious impact of human behavior on the climate, when it's becoming so much more obvious over the last few years?

Because this is the age we live in, here is a youtube editorial that describes Australia's current leadership quite nicely:


My favourite quote; Morrison. "A suburban Dad Nero who plays backyard cricket whilst the country burns"
I read the one in the NYTimes early this morning and hope that all of you who live in Australia are doing okay.


The devastation is immense. In the state of New South Wales, which includes Sydney, more than 900 homes have been destroyed and nine million acres have burned since November. About 100 fires are currently raging in the state, with about three dozen more across the border in Victoria. At least 11 people have died.

Australia is normally hot and dry in summer, but climate change, which brings more frequent and longer periods of extreme heat, worsens these conditions and makes vegetation drier and more likely to burn. The country recently concluded its driest spring on record. That was followed in mid-December by the hottest day on record, with average highs across the country of 41.9 degrees Celsius (107.4 degrees Fahrenheit).

Polls show a large majority of Australians view climate change as an urgent threat and want stronger government action to combat it. The catastrophic fire conditions have put an intense focus on the Australian government’s failure to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, which traps heat when released into the atmosphere and contributes to global warming.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison, a conservative, has made it clear that Australia’s economic prosperity comes first. Even as his country burned, he has said repeatedly that it is not the time to discuss climate policy.

How did the US and Australia end up with such idiots leading them? How can anyone deny the obvious impact of human behavior on the climate, when it's becoming so much more obvious over the last few years?

Because this is the age we live in, here is a youtube editorial that describes Australia's current leadership quite nicely:


My favourite quote; Morrison. "A suburban Dad Nero who plays backyard cricket whilst the country burns"

Of course had BS been PM now there wouldn't be any bushfires, would there! Politicising this tragedy is the pits, and it's only coming from one side of politics! The very people who most of the blame can be sheeted to for their activism of stopping back burning of overgrown scrub in the cooler months before the bush fire season even starts! Yes, the Greens and their masters Labor and the unions including State governments are almost solely to blame for this tragedy!
The very people who most of the blame can be sheeted to for their activism of stopping back burning of overgrown scrub in the cooler months before the bush fire season even starts! Yes, the Greens and their masters Labor and the unions including State governments are almost solely to blame for this tragedy!

Somehow I just knew you would be peddling the bullshit myth that Greens and Labor blocked back burning. That you parrot right-wing lies immediately after complaining about politicizing this disaster is just icing on the cake. I'll point out what an ex-fire commissioner who has over 47 fucking years of experience has to say about your bullshit:

Warmer, drier conditions with higher fire danger are preventing agencies from conducting as much hazard reduction burning – it is often either too wet, or too dry and windy to burn safely. Blaming "greenies" for stopping these important measures is a familiar, populist, but basically untrue claim.

Pointing out Liberal policies at a state and federal level have exacerbated this seasons bush fires isn't politicizing. It's stating a simple fact. So you have my permission to fuck right off with your "It's the Greenies fault" bullshit
I remember angelo always using Australia as an example that climate is as stable as always have been. How is that working now?
I remember angelo always using Australia as an example that climate is as stable as always have been. How is that working now?

Why are you asking me such an idiotic question when Google is at your finger tips? Bush fires were responsible for around 178 deaths and triple that number of injuries long before GW/CC/CD became the cult it is today on one occasion. Bush fires are part and parcel of Australia's landscape.
I remember angelo always using Australia as an example that climate is as stable as always have been. How is that working now?

Why are you asking me such an idiotic question when Google is at your finger tips? Bush fires were responsible for around 178 deaths and triple that number of injuries long before GW/CC/CD became the cult it is today on one occasion. Bush fires are part and parcel of Australia's landscape.
How is number of deaths relevant here? I am aware that bush fires are normal, I just was not aware that it was normal on that scale. But if you say so.
I remember angelo always using Australia as an example that climate is as stable as always have been. How is that working now?

Why are you asking me such an idiotic question when Google is at your finger tips? Bush fires were responsible for around 178 deaths and triple that number of injuries long before GW/CC/CD became the cult it is today on one occasion. Bush fires are part and parcel of Australia's landscape.
How is number of deaths relevant here? I am aware that bush fires are normal, I just was not aware that it was normal on that scale. But if you say so.

He does say so. But it's bullshit. The fires in this season are catastrophic on an unprecedented level. It is not normal in any sense.
Angelo, here's a prediction that obviously became true.

I've been seeing posts about the Garnaut Climate Change Review from 2008, so I checked it out, and sure enough the salient quote is on page 164: "Bushfires. Recent projections of fire weather (Lucas et al. 2007) suggest that fire seasons will start earlier, end slightly later, and generally be more intense. This effect increases over time, but should be directly observable by 2020.
Table 5.4 shows projections of the percentage increase in the number of days with very high and extreme fire weather." It predicted the current situation very accurately even naming the year. You can download the report here: http://www.hume.vic.gov.au/files/46a4d08c-9a31-4c6d-bed0-9e1c00c093b3/Garnaut_Climate_Change_Review_Report.pdf
Because this is the age we live in, here is a youtube editorial that describes Australia's current leadership quite nicely:


My favourite quote; Morrison. "A suburban Dad Nero who plays backyard cricket whilst the country burns"

Of course had BS been PM now there wouldn't be any bushfires, would there! Politicising this tragedy is the pits, and it's only coming from one side of politics! The very people who most of the blame can be sheeted to for their activism of stopping back burning of overgrown scrub in the cooler months before the bush fire season even starts! Yes, the Greens and their masters Labor and the unions including State governments are almost solely to blame for this tragedy!

You have been provided with hard evidence that this claim is untrue, and yet you persist in repeating it. In doing so, you encapsulate everything that's wrong with our society. Nothing will improve while facts are irrelevant to the majority of political discourse, in which all that matters is which "team" a statement can be construed as supporting.

Congratulations, you have broken our country - but at least your team won in the process. I am sure you are ever so proud of yourself, and I imagine that Scotty from marketing is hugely grateful to you.
How is number of deaths relevant here? I am aware that bush fires are normal, I just was not aware that it was normal on that scale. But if you say so.

He does say so. But it's bullshit. The fires in this season are catastrophic on an unprecedented level. It is not normal in any sense.

Yup. Pretty much the only measure by which these fires are not worse than any in history is the death toll - and that may well turn out to be worse than Black Friday too, once the final toll is known.

Of course, modern communications and warning systems are such that many lives are saved due to timely evacuations - something that was impossible to achieve even a few decades ago.
There is zero evidence that the bushfires in Australia are caused by any kind of "man made climate change". Bushfires in Australia (like California) are a natural phenomenon, however;

More than 180 alleged arsonists have been arrested since the start of the bushfire season, with 29 blazes deliberately lit in the Shoalhaven region of southeast NSW in just three months. The Shoalhaven fires were lit between July and September last year, with Kempsey recording 27 deliberately lit fires, NSW Bureau of Crime and Statistics and Research data shows. Police arrested 183 people for lighting bushfires across Queensland, NSW, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania in the past few months. NSW police data shows 183 people have been charged or cautioned for bushfire-related offences since November 8, and 24 arrested for deliberately starting bushfires. In Tasmania, where fires have sprung up in the north of the state and outside Hobart, five were caught setting fire to vegetation. Victoria reported 43 charged for 2019.


A volunteer firefighter in Australia has been charged with deliberately lighting blazes during the nation's bushfire crisis. Police arrested the man, 19, for seven counts of alleged arson in an area south of Sydney, New South Wales (NSW).


So the uptick in the number of fires is more likely down to deliberate arson.

A Rapture like cult.
I remember angelo always using Australia as an example that climate is as stable as always have been. How is that working now?

Why are you asking me such an idiotic question when Google is at your finger tips? Bush fires were responsible for around 178 deaths and triple that number of injuries long before GW/CC/CD became the cult it is today on one occasion. Bush fires are part and parcel of Australia's landscape.

Climate change isn't a paradyne shift, it's a matter of degree. Thus the fact that you've always had a fire problem doesn't mean it's not an issue.
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