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New report on climate change released today

That's the part you don't get. The "right conditions" are spreading far and wide due to climate change.

Perhaps but there is no evidence for this claim. Be aware that climate is naturally variable.

Just because you refuse to accept the evidence doesn't mean there's no evidence.

The "evidence" is the same type of evidence that prove miracles. Which makes sense since we are dealing with a Rapture like cult.
"Arsonists" is a key word in the current debate, that indicates a speaker who is mindlessly parroting climate denialist propaganda. As I pointed out above, arson doesn't cause fires to become catastrophic.

That you even freely admit that you don't know if the (dis)information you are spreading is true, is truly horrifying. But even if it were true, it wouldn't be relevant. So that's at least two good reasons why you shouldn't be saying it at all - unless you care more about "winning" some dumb political game than you care about the truth.

I presume your godlike powers can see the arsonists lighting of fires won't become catastrophic? Even a tiny fire lit at any point in any location has the potential to burn down a whole town in the right conditions.

The conditions have a big effect on what happens.

Saturday I was out in the forest. Suppose I had lobbed a molotov, what would have happened? Not much even if it had detonated (given the snow on the ground it very well might not have.) Suppose I had lobbed the same molotov 4 months ago? Likely a big wildfire.

And note that the catastrophic fires were predicted more than 10 years ago:


Ironically, they even got the year exactly right!
"Arsonists" is a key word in the current debate, that indicates a speaker who is mindlessly parroting climate denialist propaganda. As I pointed out above, arson doesn't cause fires to become catastrophic.

That you even freely admit that you don't know if the (dis)information you are spreading is true, is truly horrifying. But even if it were true, it wouldn't be relevant. So that's at least two good reasons why you shouldn't be saying it at all - unless you care more about "winning" some dumb political game than you care about the truth.

I presume your godlike powers can see the arsonists lighting of fires won't become catastrophic? Even a tiny fire lit at any point in any location has the potential to burn down a whole town in the right conditions.

That's the part you don't get. The "right conditions" are spreading far and wide due to climate change.

Australia has been in a drought for a long time. It's not the first time that's happened and it won't be the last. It's got nothing to do with GW/CC/CD!
That's the part you don't get. The "right conditions" are spreading far and wide due to climate change.

Australia has been in a drought for a long time. It's not the first time that's happened and it won't be the last. It's got nothing to do with GW/CC/CD!

Does the exclamation mark make it true?

Australia hasn't been in drought for very long, by historical Australian standards. What's different the last few years is that it's been hotter, rather than drier, leading to big fuel loads and higher fire dangers on the hottest days - which are hotter, more common, and less widely separated.

The weather pattern we are seeing is exactly that predicted a decade ago to occur around now, due to climate change. Angry denials and the use of exclamation marks by demonstrably ignorant Internet users don't do much to counter a prediction that frighteningly accurate.
Angry denials and the use of exclamation marks by demonstrably ignorant Internet users don't do much to counter a prediction that [is] frighteningly accurate.

DOES SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And besides, you're a mean old poopy-head and I'm not even going to LOOK at this:

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"Climate change is increasing bushfire risk in Australia by lengthening the fire season, decreasing precipitation and increasing temperature,"
according to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.

We sure are lucky to have angelo here to tell us that he has it right with his conspiracy theory involving the Australian Bureau of Meteorology colluding with virtually every other credible climate scientist on the planet, to sell a line of bullshit to everyone except angelo.

Oh wait - he hasn't even done that! Care to fill us in, angelo? :D
Unfortunately, he's not alone. And some idiots who really should know better are spouting this same "fire existed before last year, therefore this season's bushfires are nothing special" bullshit:

Kangaroo Island Mayor says Barack Obama 'wrong' on climate change bushfire connection

As almost half of Australia's third largest island burned, its Mayor used social media to criticise former US president Barack Obama for connecting what he called "the very real and very urgent consequences of climate change" with Australia's bushfires.
Kangaroo Island Mayor Michael Pengilly responded to a tweet by Barack Obama by saying climate change was not connected with the bushfire that has burnt almost half of the 4,400 square kilometre island.

Mayor Pengily is a former State Liberal MP and to the man's credit is a volunteer firefighter which makes his stance even more baffling. In case anyone is wondering, half of Kangaroo Island burning down is not a normal fire season. It's fucking amazing this even needs to be said.
What the "experts' don't tell you about climate change is that you can perform your own experiments and see the sea level is not rising. There's rocks I can stand on at high tide that go up to the same level as they were 20 years ago. There's still buoys and pylons sticking out of the ocean since the early 1900's that haven't went underwater yet. They are still sticking out in the same spot at the same height. The movie "Planet of the Apes" came out in 1968 and if you look at the filming locations today (52 years later) you can see the water is in the same spot. Some of it is even lower!

Next time someone tells you that climate change is real, tell them to perform their own experiment.
What the "experts' don't tell you about climate change is that you can perform your own experiments and see the sea level is not rising. There's rocks I can stand on at high tide that go up to the same level as they were 20 years ago. There's still buoys and pylons sticking out of the ocean since the early 1900's that haven't went underwater yet. They are still sticking out in the same spot at the same height. The movie "Planet of the Apes" came out in 1968 and if you look at the filming locations today (52 years later) you can see the water is in the same spot. Some of it is even lower!

Next time someone tells you that climate change is real, tell them to perform their own experiment.

No thanks, I have no desire to be laughed at by such anecdotal stupidity. You've argument is almost as moronic as, "It's snowing in winter, therefore climate change is a hoax" crap.
What the "experts' don't tell you about climate change is that you can perform your own experiments and see the sea level is not rising. There's rocks I can stand on at high tide that go up to the same level as they were 20 years ago. There's still buoys and pylons sticking out of the ocean since the early 1900's that haven't went underwater yet. They are still sticking out in the same spot at the same height. The movie "Planet of the Apes" came out in 1968 and if you look at the filming locations today (52 years later) you can see the water is in the same spot. Some of it is even lower!

Next time someone tells you that climate change is real, tell them to perform their own experiment.

No thanks, I have no desire to be laughed at by such anecdotal stupidity. You've argument is almost as moronic as, "It's snowing in winter, therefore climate change is a hoax" crap.

It's not anecdotal, though. They say the sea level has risen. So, I can see (compared to 52 years ago) that the water did not rise.

If you say, "It doesn't rise everywhere on Earth!," then you have admitted it's not a problem for everywhere then. It just means it's not an equal balance.
What’s even more baffling is why some think that the climate should be stable and this irrational obsession with CO2.
What’s even more baffling is why some think that the climate should be stable and this irrational obsession with CO2.
Because instability is just plain bad. It's bad for agriculture, and it's bad for habitation.

Excess CO2 is what's making our planet's abnormally high atmospheric temperature.
What’s even more baffling is why some think that the climate should be stable and this irrational obsession with CO2.
Because instability is just plain bad. It's bad for agriculture, and it's bad for habitation.

Excess CO2 is what's making our planet's abnormally high atmospheric temperature.

I wonder whether TSwizzle's take on economics is "What’s even more baffling is why some think that the dollar should be stable and this irrational obsession with money supply". Perhaps people don't want everything to go to shit?
What’s even more baffling is why some think that the climate should be stable and this irrational obsession with CO2.
Because instability is just plain bad. It's bad for agriculture, and it's bad for habitation.

Excess CO2 is what's making our planet's abnormally high atmospheric temperature.

I wonder whether TSwizzle's take on economics is "What’s even more baffling is why some think that the dollar should be stable and this irrational obsession with money supply". Perhaps people don't want everything to go to shit?

What's baffling is the notion that Swizzle heard someone say "climate should be stable". That's the MOST baffling thing. After that is the expectation that we should take the word of some backwater forum internet hack over that of an overwhelming majority of the people who know the most about these things. That's super baffling too.
That's the part you don't get. The "right conditions" are spreading far and wide due to climate change.

Australia has been in a drought for a long time. It's not the first time that's happened and it won't be the last. It's got nothing to do with GW/CC/CD!

Does the exclamation mark make it true?

Australia hasn't been in drought for very long, by historical Australian standards. What's different the last few years is that it's been hotter, rather than drier, leading to big fuel loads and higher fire dangers on the hottest days - which are hotter, more common, and less widely separated.

The weather pattern we are seeing is exactly that predicted a decade ago to occur around now, due to climate change. Angry denials and the use of exclamation marks by demonstrably ignorant Internet users don't do much to counter a prediction that frighteningly accurate.

My email of apology to the " messiah " of GW/CC/CD Al Gore is on it's way, NOT!
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