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New report on climate change released today

Because where they filmed Planet of the Apes wasn't the entire fucking planet, so the back yard analogy applies. Is the sea level rising? Yes. Yes it is. And your assertion that the levels where Planet of the Apes was shot 52 years ago haven't risen (that was at Westward Beach, Malibu, Los Angeles by the way). Surprise surprise complete bullshit.
So you're saying it's rising in some spots but not others?

"Sea level" refers to the average level of major bodies of water (e.g., seas), not to the level at any one specific localized place. How high a water level is in one specific spot on the coast is affected by a number of factors independent of changes in sea level. For example, erosion and natural movement of sediment from the coast can lower the level of water even though the amount of water in that area has increased. IOW, the "tub" got deeper, so the water level relative to the "top" (dry coastal land) decreases despite there being a greater volume of water than before. Similarly, countless nearby water inlets, including underwater caves give the water more places to go "into" the coastline which would reduce the apparent water level in that area despite an increase in sea level, etc.. In addition, forces related to plate tectonics cause the land to rise rise in some local areas, like Hudson bay that is still slowly rising as a reaction to the weight of glaciers in the last ice age pressing down on a nearby part of the plate, cause the margins to rise.

IOW, the elephant analogy uses identical "logic" are your argument b/c it ignores the obvious fact that there are countless factors that determine the number of elephants in a single specific place like my backyard, that has nothing to do with the number of elephants in the world. Likewise, you ignore everything that determines the relative water height at specific spots on the shoreline that have nothing to do with the sea levels on a larger scale that are affected by melting glaciers and which will flood many coastal areas but not all.

In short, you might say fewer absurdly moronic things if you took a couple basic introductory science courses or read a book with accurate facts in it (i.e., not the Bible).
What the "experts' don't tell you about climate change is that you can perform your own experiments and see the sea level is not rising. There's rocks I can stand on at high tide that go up to the same level as they were 20 years ago. There's still buoys and pylons sticking out of the ocean since the early 1900's that haven't went underwater yet. They are still sticking out in the same spot at the same height. The movie "Planet of the Apes" came out in 1968 and if you look at the filming locations today (52 years later) you can see the water is in the same spot. Some of it is even lower!

Next time someone tells you that climate change is real, tell them to perform their own experiment.

Not only that, but many of the Pacific atolls that were predicted to be under water by now, have actually grown.

And using identical logic, there are no elephants in my back yard, which proves that elephants are extinct.

Whom may I ask predicted that there should be elephants in your back yard?
Climate Deniers Would Rather See A Continent Burn Than Be Wrong | CleanTechnica
A statement from Sierra, the national magazine of the Sierra Club. “I brought back a couple of face masks from Beijing after being caught in the city’s 2017 ‘airpocalypse;’ I never thought I would be pulling them out to use in my hometown,” writes Hamilton in his letter.

“I used to believe that only catastrophes manifestly caused by climate change would break through the psychological walls of denial. But I was mistaken. It’s now clear that the deniers would sooner see the whole country destroyed than admit they have been wrong. Their houses could burn down, their families could be incinerated, and still, they would find a way of dismissing the scientific evidence.” — Clive Hamilton, A Letter From Canberra.

Clive Hamilton's letter: A Letter From Canberra | Sierra Club
We’ve been told for years that among wealthy nations, Australia is the most vulnerable to the effects of a warming climate. Yet the Australian government is dominated by climate science deniers who will not concede that the infernos are coming more often and with more fury because of global heating. The current government, led by conservative Prime Minister Scott Morrison, has stood in the way of deeper cuts to global carbon emissions—most recently in December at the Madrid climate conference—and is actively encouraging the development of the huge Adani coal mine in Queensland.

Climate scientist: I witnessed Australia on fire. Climate change is already here. - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
We also travelled to the Blue Mountains, another of Australia’s natural wonders, known for its lush temperate rainforests, majestic cliffs and rock formations and panoramic vistas that challenge any the world has to offer. It too is now threatened by climate change.

I witnessed this firsthand.

I did not see vast expanses of rainforest framed by distant blue-tinged mountain ranges. Instead, I looked out into smoke-filled valleys, with only the faintest ghosts of distant ridges and peaks in the background. The iconic blue tint (which derives from a haze formed from “terpenes” emitted by the Eucalyptus trees that are so plentiful here) was replaced by a brown haze. The blue sky, too, had been replaced by that brown haze.

The locals, whom I found to be friendly and outgoing, would volunteer that they have never seen anything like this before. Some even uttered the words “climate change” without any prompting.

Deniers are taking refuge in the arsonist theory of these fires, but while arsonists may have started some of them, that does not explain why they have gotten as big as they have. An arsonist might want to ignite a pile of wet leaves, but that pile won't burn very well.
Because where they filmed Planet of the Apes wasn't the entire fucking planet, so the back yard analogy applies. Is the sea level rising? Yes. Yes it is. And your assertion that the levels where Planet of the Apes was shot 52 years ago haven't risen (that was at Westward Beach, Malibu, Los Angeles by the way). Surprise surprise complete bullshit.
So you're saying it's rising in some spots but not others?

"Sea level" refers to the average level of major bodies of water (e.g., seas), not to the level at any one specific localized place. How high a water level is in one specific spot on the coast is affected by a number of factors independent of changes in sea level. For example, erosion and natural movement of sediment from the coast can lower the level of water even though the amount of water in that area has increased. IOW, the "tub" got deeper, so the water level relative to the "top" (dry coastal land) decreases despite there being a greater volume of water than before. Similarly, countless nearby water inlets, including underwater caves give the water more places to go "into" the coastline which would reduce the apparent water level in that area despite an increase in sea level, etc.. In addition, forces related to plate tectonics cause the land to rise rise in some local areas, like Hudson bay that is still slowly rising as a reaction to the weight of glaciers in the last ice age pressing down on a nearby part of the plate, cause the margins to rise.

IOW, the elephant analogy uses identical "logic" are your argument b/c it ignores the obvious fact that there are countless factors that determine the number of elephants in a single specific place like my backyard, that has nothing to do with the number of elephants in the world. Likewise, you ignore everything that determines the relative water height at specific spots on the shoreline that have nothing to do with the sea levels on a larger scale that are affected by melting glaciers and which will flood many coastal areas but not all.

In short, you might say fewer absurdly moronic things if you took a couple basic introductory science courses or read a book with accurate facts in it (i.e., not the Bible).

How did the "tub" get bigger? Are you saying the ocean floor has sunken down more? I know that the Titanic slammed into the bottom of the Atlantic and its bow is 60 feet below the ocean floor.
It is like this thread has control over people, despite the content provided not actually moving the conversation forward. Each day, angelo (and now half-life) feel obligated to post some ridiculous claims / bravado. Claims get debunked. And it just cycles and cycles over and over in a meaningless and hellish groundhog days scenario.
It is like this thread has control over people, despite the content provided not actually moving the conversation forward. Each day, angelo (and now half-life) feel obligated to post some ridiculous claims / bravado. Claims get debunked. And it just cycles and cycles over and over in a meaningless and hellish groundhog days scenario.

Welcome to talkfreethought.org.

If you wait long enough even the threads repeat themselves.
It is like this thread has control over people, despite the content provided not actually moving the conversation forward. Each day, angelo (and now half-life) feel obligated to post some ridiculous claims / bravado. Claims get debunked. And it just cycles and cycles over and over in a meaningless and hellish groundhog days scenario.

Not many points are all debunked. We constantly get told, "the weather on one day doesn't have anything to do with the climate change!" But then when it's 70 degrees for one day in January, they say, "Look at this one day of high temperature! It proves climate change!"

It just sounds sloppy and hypocritical. I can show you one some days in the 1940's where it was 70 on a winter day. Were people in the 40's screaming, "THIS IS IT!!!" Doubtful.
It is like this thread has control over people, despite the content provided not actually moving the conversation forward. Each day, angelo (and now half-life) feel obligated to post some ridiculous claims / bravado. Claims get debunked. And it just cycles and cycles over and over in a meaningless and hellish groundhog days scenario.

Welcome to talkfreethought.org.

If you wait long enough even the threads repeat themselves.
There are topics that are just No-Go zones, like threads on Israel. But this thread just Groundhog Days it. Wake up, check out TF, ah... angelo posted again... wait for the lp response... a couple others. Go to bed. Wake up... *repeat*
It is like this thread has control over people, despite the content provided not actually moving the conversation forward. Each day, angelo (and now half-life) feel obligated to post some ridiculous claims / bravado. Claims get debunked. And it just cycles and cycles over and over in a meaningless and hellish groundhog days scenario.

Not many points are all debunked. We constantly get told, "the weather on one day doesn't have anything to do with the climate change!" But then when it's 70 degrees for one day in January, they say, "Look at this one day of high temperature! It proves climate change!"

It just sounds sloppy and hypocritical. I can show you one some days in the 1940's where it was 70 on a winter day. Were people in the 40's screaming, "THIS IS IT!!!" Doubtful.

Who said this? Linky please.

I do remember the idiot republican congressman who brought a snowball to prove climate change wasn't real.
It is like this thread has control over people, despite the content provided not actually moving the conversation forward. Each day, angelo (and now half-life) feel obligated to post some ridiculous claims / bravado. Claims get debunked. And it just cycles and cycles over and over in a meaningless and hellish groundhog days scenario.

Not many points are all debunked. We constantly get told, "the weather on one day doesn't have anything to do with the climate change!" But then when it's 70 degrees for one day in January, they say, "Look at this one day of high temperature! It proves climate change!"

It just sounds sloppy and hypocritical. I can show you one some days in the 1940's where it was 70 on a winter day. Were people in the 40's screaming, "THIS IS IT!!!" Doubtful.

Who said this? Linky please.

I do remember the idiot republican congressman who brought a snowball to prove climate change wasn't real.

Yes, he did And you guys said, "Just because it snows some days is not proof that the climate isn't changing."

But the other day, it was 70 degrees, and AOC was saying, "climate change is obvious!" based on ONE DAY of temperature. I thought you couldn't tell anything from ONE DAY?
I'm not posting in this thread to argue with idiots who who choose to deny the overwhelming evidence that pertains to climate change. I'm just here to provide new information as it become available. I think that scientists at NASA and NOAA know a lot more than anyone who denies climate change.


The past decade was the hottest ever recorded on the planet, driven by an acceleration of temperature increases in the past five years, according to new data released Wednesday by the U.S. government.

The findings, released jointly by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), detail a troubling trajectory: 2019 was the second-hottest year on record, trailing only 2016. The past five years each rank among the five hottest since record-keeping began. And 19 of the hottest 20 years have occurred during the past two decades.

The warming trend also bears the unmistakable fingerprint of humans, who continue to emit tens of billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year, scientists say.

“No individual hot year — or hot day or hot season, for that matter — is by itself evidence for climate change. But this hot year is just one of many hot years in this decade,” said Kate Marvel, a research scientist at NASA and Columbia University. “The planet is statistically, detectably warmer than before the Industrial Revolution. We know why. We know what it means. And we can do something about it.”

Some entire countries, including Switzerland and Kazakhstan, have warmed by 2C, and other hot spots exist around the world, particularly in the fast-warming Arctic. Scientists say extreme warming is helping to fuel wildfires from Australia to California, melt permafrost from Alaska to Siberia and fuel more intense storms and floods. It is also altering marine ecosystems from Canada to South America to the African coast, threatening wildlife and the livelihoods of those who depend on the sea.

Quite a few countries promised to work on limiting their carbon output, but those goal weren't accomplished. See the next quote.

nstead, global greenhouse gas emissions hit a record high in 2019, even as they fell slightly in the United States, and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere now sits at the highest level in human history — a level probably not seen on the planet for 3 million years

Pretend it's not happening all you want. That's not.changing the facts.

Widespread reports from the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) last year detailed how climate change is already threatening food and water supplies, increasing the threat of droughts and floods, killing coral reefs, supercharging monster storms, fueling deadly marine heat waves and contributing to record losses of sea ice.

A new study this week also found that 2019 was the warmest on record for the world’s oceans, with all of the top 5 hottest years coming since 2015. The oceans have long absorbed the vast majority — about 93 percent — of the extra heat humans are adding to the climate through greenhouse gas emissions.

BlackRock Inc. will ditch investments with high sustainability-related risk as climate concerns drive a sweeping change in the way the world’s largest asset manager invests its $7 trillion in assets.
“Climate change has become a defining factor in companies’ long-term prospects,” Chief Executive Officer Larry Fink wrote in his annual letter to corporate executives on Tuesday. “Awareness is rapidly changing, and I believe we are on the edge of a fundamental reshaping of finance.”
Fink is tackling the subject as asset managers come under greater pressure on sustainability and climate change. BlackRock has been moving toward a more public stance on climate, as activists and non-profit groups increasingly scrutinize the firm’s behavior and voting record around environmental issues.

Earlier in January, BlackRock joined Climate Action 100+, a group of more than 370 investment managers with a combined $41 trillion in assets. Together the campaign’s members are pressuring the world’s biggest emitters of greenhouse gases to reduce their environmental impact and disclose more information on how climate change will affect their businesses. The company also listed environment and climate risk among its top priorities for meetings and discussions with the public companies it owns, according to its 2019 investment stewardship report.

Imagine that! Even some of the largest groups of investment managers are starting to get on board to fight climate change. I've always said that it will take both government and business to tackle this problem. Individuals can't do enough without their help.
Who said this? Linky please.

I do remember the idiot republican congressman who brought a snowball to prove climate change wasn't real.

Yes, he did And you guys said, "Just because it snows some days is not proof that the climate isn't changing."

But the other day, it was 70 degrees, and AOC was saying, "climate change is obvious!" based on ONE DAY of temperature. I thought you couldn't tell anything from ONE DAY?

I don't doubt that AOC may well have said "climate change is obvious". However I do sincerely doubt that she based that statement on one day of temperature. Do you have an actual quote from her that indicates that her statement was based on one day of temperature, rather than on (for example) the massive fires in Australia that have arisen after several decades of a very clear warming trend?

I presume that AOC has access to more information about the world than what's happening outside her door; She almost certainly is aware of the unprecedented conditions around the world in the last several years, and likely would take those into account as part of what makes climate change "obvious".

But let's not let reality get in the way of a wild and unsubstantiated accusation of hypocrisy - after all, you haven't done so in the past.
Who said this? Linky please.

I do remember the idiot republican congressman who brought a snowball to prove climate change wasn't real.

Yes, he did And you guys said, "Just because it snows some days is not proof that the climate isn't changing."

But the other day, it was 70 degrees, and AOC was saying, "climate change is obvious!" based on ONE DAY of temperature. I thought you couldn't tell anything from ONE DAY?

Please link to her stating that in reference to just one day.
I think that scientists at NASA and NOAA know a lot more than anyone who denies climate change.

I don't think there is a single person who denies that the earth's climate changes. And yet, here you are again leading off with the same dogma. *rinse and repeat.
It is like this thread has control over people, despite the content provided not actually moving the conversation forward. Each day, angelo (and now half-life) feel obligated to post some ridiculous claims / bravado. Claims get debunked. And it just cycles and cycles over and over in a meaningless and hellish groundhog days scenario.

Not many points are all debunked. We constantly get told, "the weather on one day doesn't have anything to do with the climate change!" But then when it's 70 degrees for one day in January, they say, "Look at this one day of high temperature! It proves climate change!"

It just sounds sloppy and hypocritical. I can show you one some days in the 1940's where it was 70 on a winter day. Were people in the 40's screaming, "THIS IS IT!!!" Doubtful.

Who said this? Linky please.

I do remember the idiot republican congressman who brought a snowball to prove climate change wasn't real.
Why are you asking Half-Life to back up something when they never back anything up?!
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