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New report on climate change released today

Were humans around during the last ice age? No??? Then how did that climate change happen?

Very gradually, like over the period of thousands of years. It took 5,000 years for the planet to warm 5 degrees Celsius. Models show the planet will warm between 2 to 6 degrees Celsius next century, which is a rate increase of anywhere between 200-600 times any other increase in history. So even best case scenario, we are talking about something completely unprecedented.
Were humans around during the last ice age? No??? Then how did that climate change happen?

Yes, humans were around during the last ice age. The most recent glacial period was only about 10,000 years ago.

And that climate change happened when falling sea levels changed the ocean circulation patterns such that the Southern Ocean released large volumes of Carbon Dioxide.


The release of large volumes of carbon dioxide would appear to be a common cause of climate change.

And as you seem to like rhetorical questions: You really don't know enough (about anything) to be a useful participant in this conversation, do you?

Are you saying sea levels LOWERED 10,000 years ago?
Were humans around during the last ice age? No??? Then how did that climate change happen?

Yes, humans were around during the last ice age. The most recent glacial period was only about 10,000 years ago.

And that climate change happened when falling sea levels changed the ocean circulation patterns such that the Southern Ocean released large volumes of Carbon Dioxide.


The release of large volumes of carbon dioxide would appear to be a common cause of climate change.

And as you seem to like rhetorical questions: You really don't know enough (about anything) to be a useful participant in this conversation, do you?

Are you saying sea levels LOWERED 10,000 years ago?

Where the fuck do you think all the ice came from?

You really don't know enough (about anything) to be a useful participant in this conversation, do you?
Hide the decline in global temperatures at all cost. Some history behind Climategate. [if anyone can be bothered to watch this]....................
What Ice would that be, land based ice sheets such as on Greenland and Antarctica or the Arctic Circle?

At the peak of the glacial period, large parts of North America, Northern Europe and Northern Asia were under 3-4km of ice; There was enough water locked up in these land based ice sheets to lower sea levels by about 120m.

That you don't know this very well known and easily learned fact suggests that you too don't know enough to be a useful participant in this conversation.
Were humans around during the last ice age? No??? Then how did that climate change happen?

Yes, humans were around during the last ice age. The most recent glacial period was only about 10,000 years ago.

And that climate change happened when falling sea levels changed the ocean circulation patterns such that the Southern Ocean released large volumes of Carbon Dioxide.


The release of large volumes of carbon dioxide would appear to be a common cause of climate change.

And as you seem to like rhetorical questions: You really don't know enough (about anything) to be a useful participant in this conversation, do you?

Are you saying sea levels LOWERED 10,000 years ago?

Have you not heard reference to "land bridges" in the last ice age? Off the top of my head I don't recall the exact time but there were bridges between Siberia and Alaska, and pretty much between Asia and Australia. I think there was also one between England and Europe. Those bridges existed because an awful lot of water was locked up in glaciers, sea level was considerably lower, anything that's shallow enough ocean now was land then.
There have also been epochs where the oceans were much higher than at the present time. Fossilized sea shells, not to mention sea salt on high mountains and other evidence is in abundance if one cares to look. Which reinforces the argument that Earth's climate is and has been changing for billions of years. it's not a recent event caused by humanity, but climate actually caused evolution of the species, including homo sapiens.
There have also been epochs where the oceans were much higher than at the present time. Fossilized sea shells and other evidence is in abundance if one cares to look. Which reinforces the argument that Earth's climate is and has been changing for billions of years. it's not a recent event caused by humanity, but climate actually caused evolution of the species, including homo sapiens.

When has it ever changed this quickly before?
There have also been epochs where the oceans were much higher than at the present time. Fossilized sea shells and other evidence is in abundance if one cares to look. Which reinforces the argument that Earth's climate is and has been changing for billions of years. it's not a recent event caused by humanity, but climate actually caused evolution of the species, including homo sapiens.

When has it ever changed this quickly before?

The rise in temperature of the planet as a whole for the past century is almost immeasurable at something like 0.03C. If it wasn't for the activists and alarmists, we wouldn't even have noticed it.
There have also been epochs where the oceans were much higher than at the present time. Fossilized sea shells and other evidence is in abundance if one cares to look. Which reinforces the argument that Earth's climate is and has been changing for billions of years. it's not a recent event caused by humanity, but climate actually caused evolution of the species, including homo sapiens.

When has it ever changed this quickly before?

The rise in temperature of the planet as a whole for the past century is almost immeasurable at something like 0.03C. If it wasn't for the activists and alarmists, we wouldn't even have noticed it.

Uh, no.


 Global temperature record
Film | Generation Green New Deal - a documentary in the works about the Sunrise Movement.

"It's a fight for our fucking lives" - AOC
"The eyes of all future generations are upon you" - Greta Thunberg

Trailer #1 | Generation Green New Deal | Documentary | Climate Change - YouTube
Generation Green New Deal | Indiegogo

Bernie Sanders on Twitter: "Incremental change is not enough. We are going to enact a Green New Deal because we have no other option if we want to save our planet. https://t.co/q3xg9QpeOF" / Twitter

Zina Precht-Rodriguez and Molly Crabapple

Molly Crabapple has Puerto Rican ancestry, and she notes the horrible response of the Trump Admin to Hurricane Maria of 2017.

They praised BS and AOC for recognizing (1) the problem and (2) the scale of the solution. They didn't quite have an answer for why activism now. I think that climate disasters are starting to become very evident -- heatwaves in Europe, unusually big hurricanes in the Caribbean, big wildfires in Calfornia and Australia, ... also how their elders seem intent of screwing them over with low pay and big debts.
Film | Generation Green New Deal - a documentary in the works about the Sunrise Movement.

Sunrise Movement = a Rapture like cult.

ignorant said:
"It's a fight for our fucking lives" - AOC

No we are not. Even the IPCC report (OP) doesn't make such claims.

ignorant and manipulated activist said:
"The eyes of all future generations are upon you" - Greta Thunberg
Not really.

Molly Crabapple has Puerto Rican ancestry, and she notes the horrible response of the Trump Admin to Hurricane Maria of 2017.

Did she say anything about the emergency supplies from hurricane Maria that had been squirreled away by corrupt/incompetent local government ? Probably not.

I think that climate disasters are starting to become very evident -- heatwaves in Europe, unusually big hurricanes in the Caribbean, big wildfires in Calfornia and Australia, ... also how their elders seem intent of screwing them over with low pay and big debts.

Not really. Even the IPCC report (OP) states there is no upward trend in hurricanes. There is no evidence that wildfires in CA or Australia are caused by climate change.


A Rapture like cult.
There have also been epochs where the oceans were much higher than at the present time. Fossilized sea shells and other evidence is in abundance if one cares to look. Which reinforces the argument that Earth's climate is and has been changing for billions of years. it's not a recent event caused by humanity, but climate actually caused evolution of the species, including homo sapiens.

When has it ever changed this quickly before?

The rise in temperature of the planet as a whole for the past century is almost immeasurable at something like 0.03C. If it wasn't for the activists and alarmists, we wouldn't even have noticed it.

It's about forty times that. As you cannot fail to know if you have sufficient interest in the discussion to make a useful contribution.

Go away. Learn enough to contribute. Don't come back until you have.
Not really. Even the IPCC report (OP) states there is no upward trend in hurricanes.
Most recently, Hurricane Michael is an indicator of issues with warming temperatures. The storm ascended to Cat 4 status rather quickly. Maria (2017) and Wilma (2005) are the record holders for time required for intensification into a Cat 5.

Of the 16 most intense Atlantic storms (pressure), 8 have taken place since 2005. The remainder are scattered between the 20's and 90's. So half of the most intense storms took place in the last 14 years, the other 8 over a 80 year period, Then there is the Middle East that had two Cyclones within a week. And then the steering current issues Texas and Louisiana have dealt with in hurricanes that come ashore with winds, but the flooding is the problem because the typical steering currents that usually help a tropical storm take flight, dissipate and cross into the Atlantic through the East Coast haven't been as notable.

These are viable things to take notice of. Again, this isn't proof that climate change is responsible or climate change is real, but to say we aren't seeing signs of change... or the magnitude hasn't been a problem seems a bit ostrich head in the groundish.
ignorant said:
"It's a fight for our fucking lives" - AOC
No we are not. Even the IPCC report (OP) doesn't make such claims.
I love it when right-wingers get prissy about profanity. I concede that it was fun to watch AOC step onto a table and stand on it while wearing a businesswoman skirtsuit and high heels. She must be very athletic. Varshini Prakash also did that, though I doubt that Rashida Tlaib did.
ignorant and manipulated activist said:
"The eyes of all future generations are upon you" - Greta Thunberg
Not really.
I think that she's right, and that AOC is right when she says that climate-change deniers will look as horrible to future generations as opponents of the civil-rights movement look today.

Molly Crabapple has Puerto Rican ancestry, and she notes the horrible response of the Trump Admin to Hurricane Maria of 2017.
Did she say anything about the emergency supplies from hurricane Maria that had been squirreled away by corrupt/incompetent local government ? Probably not.
She did mention that, and it does
Even the IPCC report (OP) states there is no upward trend in hurricanes.
No increase in number of hurricanes, but an increase in strength of them.
There is no evidence that wildfires in CA or Australia are caused by climate change.
Climate change -> heat and drought -> bigger wildfires

It doesn't matter how they get started. The important thing is how big they are.
There have also been epochs where the oceans were much higher than at the present time. Fossilized sea shells, not to mention sea salt on high mountains and other evidence is in abundance if one cares to look. Which reinforces the argument that Earth's climate is and has been changing for billions of years. it's not a recent event caused by humanity, but climate actually caused evolution of the species, including homo sapiens.

I'm picturing a certain rock, right next to the trail--it's full of ocean-type fossils. By your logic sea level must have been at least that high. While I have never checked the elevation there I would ballpark it at 8,500'. We really had that much water at some point in the past?? Outside of the Bible, no. What we had is tectonic activity.
There have also been epochs where the oceans were much higher than at the present time. Fossilized sea shells, not to mention sea salt on high mountains and other evidence is in abundance if one cares to look. Which reinforces the argument that Earth's climate is and has been changing for billions of years. it's not a recent event caused by humanity, but climate actually caused evolution of the species, including homo sapiens.

I'm picturing a certain rock, right next to the trail--it's full of ocean-type fossils. By your logic sea level must have been at least that high. While I have never checked the elevation there I would ballpark it at 8,500'. We really had that much water at some point in the past?? Outside of the Bible, no. What we had is tectonic activity.
Apparently anti-GW people are usurping YEC science now.
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