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New report on climate change released today

There have also been epochs where the oceans were much higher than at the present time. Fossilized sea shells, not to mention sea salt on high mountains and other evidence is in abundance if one cares to look. Which reinforces the argument that Earth's climate is and has been changing for billions of years. it's not a recent event caused by humanity, but climate actually caused evolution of the species, including homo sapiens.

I'm picturing a certain rock, right next to the trail--it's full of ocean-type fossils. By your logic sea level must have been at least that high. While I have never checked the elevation there I would ballpark it at 8,500'. We really had that much water at some point in the past?? Outside of the Bible, no. What we had is tectonic activity.

Yea, right, and now in the 19th-21st century all that has stopped and everything is purely human caused. Right, how stupid of me to not see that!

I once did a short stint as a consultant for a charitable org that specialised in trying to reform and get the right help for ex members of various cults like Scientology and religious cults. This GW/CC/CD cult makes all those cults look like harmless games kids once played. R. Hubbard must be spinning in his grave. If he had just a fraction of the resources this new cult has, his cult would have surpassed by far xtinaity and the death cult of islamism.
Yea, right, and now in the 19th-21st century all that has stopped and everything is purely human caused. Right, how stupid of me to not see that!

Glad we could help.
Is Chuck Schumer Worried About a Primary From AOC? - The Atlantic
“Despite the fact that it includes very good labor provisions, I am voting against USMCA because it does not address climate change, the greatest threat facing the planet,” Schumer said. “When it comes to climate change, the agreement still contains many of the same flaws of the original NAFTA, which I voted against.”

Justice Democrats, the group that helped power Ocasio-Cortez to her upset victory over Representative Joe Crowley in 2018 and is now pushing other primary challenges to Democratic incumbents across the country, was quick to declare victory.

“Our primary challengers and sit-ins targeting moderate Democrats have been criticized as divisive and unnecessary by many in the party establishment,” Alexandra Rojas, the executive director of the group, said in a statement. “But Senator Schumer’s decision to oppose the USMCA on climate change grounds would not have happened without our movement putting pressure on Democrats to make this crisis an urgent priority in the party like never before.”
Oh dear, the activists are becoming more shrill. On this occasion, the increasingly irrelevant Al Gore has gone cray-cray;

Gore told delegates at the World Economic Forum in Davos that the scale of the climate emergency was much worse than people recognise, and getting worse much faster than people recognise. This is Thermopylae. This is Agincourt. This is the Battle of the Bulge. This is Dunkirk. This is 9/11,” declared Gore.

Teh Gruaniad


And of course, Prince Jug Ears is wagging his finger too.

A Rapture like cult.
Oh dear, the activists are becoming more shrill. On this occasion, the increasingly irrelevant Al Gore has gone cray-cray;

Gore told delegates at the World Economic Forum in Davos that the scale of the climate emergency was much worse than people recognise, and getting worse much faster than people recognise. This is Thermopylae. This is Agincourt. This is the Battle of the Bulge. This is Dunkirk. This is 9/11,” declared Gore.

Teh Gruaniad


And of course, Prince Jug Ears is wagging his finger too.

A Rapture like cult.

Strange. I've never heard of a cult that relied on scientific consensus to provide its doctrine.
Oh dear, the activists are becoming more shrill. On this occasion, the increasingly irrelevant Al Gore has gone cray-cray;

Gore told delegates at the World Economic Forum in Davos that the scale of the climate emergency was much worse than people recognise, and getting worse much faster than people recognise. This is Thermopylae. This is Agincourt. This is the Battle of the Bulge. This is Dunkirk. This is 9/11,” declared Gore.

Teh Gruaniad


And of course, Prince Jug Ears is wagging his finger too.

A Rapture like cult.

Strange. I've never heard of a cult that relied on scientific consensus to provide its doctrine.

Ah, that's how they gitcha. Science itself is one of those cults! (cue Jaws music)
Oh dear, the activists are becoming more shrill. On this occasion, the increasingly irrelevant Al Gore has gone cray-cray;

Gore told delegates at the World Economic Forum in Davos that the scale of the climate emergency was much worse than people recognise, and getting worse much faster than people recognise. This is Thermopylae. This is Agincourt. This is the Battle of the Bulge. This is Dunkirk. This is 9/11,” declared Gore.

Teh Gruaniad


And of course, Prince Jug Ears is wagging his finger too.

A Rapture like cult.

Strange. I've never heard of a cult that relied on scientific consensus to provide its doctrine.

The science says nothing about Thermopylae, Dunkirk etc.
I'm not convinced. I apply Bayes' Theorem.
The prior probability of disaster prediction is rather low. Mere existence tells the tale. Climate predictions have included, inter alia, a new ice age. The ozone hole as sure to kill us. The oil will run out. Overpopulation will kill us by 1990. We will be continuously watched by government by 1984 (off by 36 years). Christ is coming soon. The Sun will go (micro-) nova. The CO2 emissions will kill us by 1990, 2000, 2010, or 2040.
It takes truly extraordinary evidence to overcome such a low prior. Convince me. 100% solid evidence of accurate climate level (30+ year) accuracy of past predictions will work. Not merely matching prior data (any model can do that) but 30 years of accurate year-by-year predictions.
It's already been done several times in this thread.

Not really. The reason George's complaint lacks merit is not the mountain of evidence coupling climate change to anthropogenic causes; that can all be discounted by citing aphorisms such as "correlation isn't causation". The real weakness in his complaint is that neither he nor any "climate denialist" has proposed another way to account for the correlations, other than imputing mysterious, unknowable forces or fantastic coincidence.

The red herring of citing numerous wrong past predictions does nothing to remedy the situation - the correlations persist, and there's only one credible answer as to why, according to the vast preponderance of opinions of those best studied in the matter.
It's already been done several times in this thread.

Not really. The reason George's complaint lacks merit is not the mountain of evidence coupling climate change to anthropogenic causes; that can all be discounted by citing aphorisms such as "correlation isn't causation". The real weakness in his complaint is that neither he nor any "climate denialist" has proposed another way to account for the correlations, other than imputing mysterious, unknowable forces or fantastic coincidence.

The red herring of citing numerous wrong past predictions does nothing to remedy the situation - the correlations persist, and there's only one credible answer as to why, according to the vast preponderance of opinions of those best studied in the matter.

Is smoking really bad for your health? Inquiring minds want to know.
Trump labels climate activists "prophets of doom;" doubles down on fossil fuels ~ Missoula Current
What did Trump do? He said nothing about global warming, called climate activists “prophets of doom” and touted a future where “virtually unlimited energy reserves” from fossil fuels and other polluting energy sources will keep factories humming while government cuts regulations and taxes.

During this speech full of descriptions about American greatness and his own, Trump offered one environmental solution: He said the United States is joining an initiative being launched this year at Davos to plant 1 trillion trees.

“These alarmists always demand the same thing: absolute power to dominate, transform and control every aspect of our lives. We will never let radical socialists destroy our economy, wreck our country or eradicate our liberty,” he said. “America will always be the proud, strong and unyielding bastion of freedom.”
Then Greta Thunberg spoke.
“One year ago I came to Davos and told you our house is on fire,” the 17-year-old activist said.

“I said I wanted you to panic,” she said. “I’ve been warned that telling people to panic about the climate crisis is a very dangerous thing to do.”

She faulted world leaders for not doing more in the past year to break away from fossil fuels and reverse the trend of ever-increasing emissions. She accused governments and businesses of empty promises and “cheating and fiddling around with numbers” to show that they are reducing emissions.

“Planting trees is good of course but it is nowhere near enough to what is needed and it cannot replace real mitigation and rewilding nature,” she said.

“Let’s be clear: We don’t need a low-carbon economy, we don’t need to lower emissions. Our emissions have to stop if we are to have a chance to stay below the 1.5 degree target,” she said.
There have also been epochs where the oceans were much higher than at the present time. Fossilized sea shells, not to mention sea salt on high mountains and other evidence is in abundance if one cares to look. Which reinforces the argument that Earth's climate is and has been changing for billions of years. it's not a recent event caused by humanity, but climate actually caused evolution of the species, including homo sapiens.

I'm picturing a certain rock, right next to the trail--it's full of ocean-type fossils. By your logic sea level must have been at least that high. While I have never checked the elevation there I would ballpark it at 8,500'. We really had that much water at some point in the past?? Outside of the Bible, no. What we had is tectonic activity.

Yea, right, and now in the 19th-21st century all that has stopped and everything is purely human caused. Right, how stupid of me to not see that!

I once did a short stint as a consultant for a charitable org that specialised in trying to reform and get the right help for ex members of various cults like Scientology and religious cults. This GW/CC/CD cult makes all those cults look like harmless games kids once played. R. Hubbard must be spinning in his grave. If he had just a fraction of the resources this new cult has, his cult would have surpassed by far xtinaity and the death cult of islamism.

You're not addressing my point at all.
Oh dear, the activists are becoming more shrill. On this occasion, the increasingly irrelevant Al Gore has gone cray-cray;

Gore told delegates at the World Economic Forum in Davos that the scale of the climate emergency was much worse than people recognise, and getting worse much faster than people recognise. This is Thermopylae. This is Agincourt. This is the Battle of the Bulge. This is Dunkirk. This is 9/11,” declared Gore.

Teh Gruaniad


And of course, Prince Jug Ears is wagging his finger too.

A Rapture like cult.

I would have thought these cultists would have kept Al Gore hidden under the rock he belongs under rather than try to gain any credibility at all by trotting him of all people out in public.
Yea, right, and now in the 19th-21st century all that has stopped and everything is purely human caused. Right, how stupid of me to not see that!

I once did a short stint as a consultant for a charitable org that specialised in trying to reform and get the right help for ex members of various cults like Scientology and religious cults. This GW/CC/CD cult makes all those cults look like harmless games kids once played. R. Hubbard must be spinning in his grave. If he had just a fraction of the resources this new cult has, his cult would have surpassed by far xtinaity and the death cult of islamism.

You're not addressing my point at all.

I did address your point! It's you who failed to point out that Earth is a dynamic ever evolving planet that wouldn't be recognizable if it was possible to hop on a time machine and go back to a time before the tectonic plates drifted apart.
Yea, right, and now in the 19th-21st century all that has stopped and everything is purely human caused. Right, how stupid of me to not see that!

I once did a short stint as a consultant for a charitable org that specialised in trying to reform and get the right help for ex members of various cults like Scientology and religious cults. This GW/CC/CD cult makes all those cults look like harmless games kids once played. R. Hubbard must be spinning in his grave. If he had just a fraction of the resources this new cult has, his cult would have surpassed by far xtinaity and the death cult of islamism.

You're not addressing my point at all.

I did address your point! It's you who failed to point out that Earth is a dynamic ever evolving planet that wouldn't be recognizable if it was possible to hop on a time machine and go back to a time before the tectonic plates drifted apart.
Another day, another proclamation of imminent death and destruction from the climate cultists with nuclear weapons thrown in just in case the "climate emergency" doesn't convince you;

The risk of civil collapse from nuclear weapons and the climate crisis is at a record high, according to US scientists and former officials, calling the current environment “profoundly unstable”. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists announced its symbolic “doomsday clock” has moved forward to 100 seconds to midnight, the closest to catastrophe that the scientists have judged the world to be at any point since its creation in 1947, at the outset of the cold war. “The world needs to wake up. Our planet faces two simultaneous existential threats,” said Mary Robinson, chair of an independent group of global leaders called The Elders, and the former president of Ireland and former UN high commissioner of human rights. Robinson said that countries that don’t aim to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions heating the planet and instead exploit fossil fuels are issuing “a death sentence for humanity”.

Teh Gruaniad


It really, really is a Rapture like cult.
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