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No Means Yes If You Know How To Spot It

No, but the Ohio State policy in question here goes much further than that, does it.
It requires verbal consent (i.e. an explicit "yes") for every step taken.
Whereas consent can be given non-verbally as well. If a guy goes toward a woman's breasts and she undoes the bra she has given consent. If he goes for her vagina and she responds by going for his dick there is consent even though none of them gave unambiguous, verbal, clear consent.
You're not really addressing the issue, Derec.

If a guy goes toward a woman's breasts and she says "no", could she actually mean "yes"? How is a man to know the difference. If you've never had a woman perform this sleight of hand trick for you, how are we to know it when we see it?

Also, if a guy grabs a woman's bra and she pulls back, which tears the bra off her breasts, is this non-verbal consent?
Hmm. I believe that you are talking at cross-purposes here.

The more common perspective is that No means No, and that anything that is Not-No may or may not mean Yes, depending on the circumstances. Which leaves a lot of gray area, and has subsequently been taken advantage of by lots of drunken frat boys.

If I am understanding Derec's perspective correctly, it is his believe that the Ohio State policy states that Yes means Yes, and furthermore than anything that is Not-Yes means No. Which would then mean that any non-verbal consent would be invalidated, placing legal and criminal liability on anyone who did not receive positive verbal consent beforehand.
Hmm. I believe that you are talking at cross-purposes here.

The more common perspective is that No means No, and that anything that is Not-No may or may not mean Yes, depending on the circumstances. Which leaves a lot of gray area, and has subsequently been taken advantage of by lots of drunken frat boys.

If I am understanding Derec's perspective correctly, it is his believe that the Ohio State policy states that Yes means Yes, and furthermore than anything that is Not-Yes means No. Which would then mean that any non-verbal consent would be invalidated, placing legal and criminal liability on anyone who did not receive positive verbal consent beforehand.

I'm nodding but that doesn't mean that I agree with you.
Hmm. I believe that you are talking at cross-purposes here.

The more common perspective is that No means No, and that anything that is Not-No may or may not mean Yes, depending on the circumstances. Which leaves a lot of gray area, and has subsequently been taken advantage of by lots of drunken frat boys.

If I am understanding Derec's perspective correctly, it is his believe that the Ohio State policy states that Yes means Yes, and furthermore than anything that is Not-Yes means No. Which would then mean that any non-verbal consent would be invalidated, placing legal and criminal liability on anyone who did not receive positive verbal consent beforehand.

I'm nodding but that doesn't mean that I agree with you.


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Hmm. I believe that you are talking at cross-purposes here.

The more common perspective is that No means No, and that anything that is Not-No may or may not mean Yes, depending on the circumstances. Which leaves a lot of gray area, and has subsequently been taken advantage of by lots of drunken frat boys.

If I am understanding Derec's perspective correctly, it is his believe that the Ohio State policy states that Yes means Yes, and furthermore than anything that is Not-Yes means No. Which would then mean that any non-verbal consent would be invalidated, placing legal and criminal liability on anyone who did not receive positive verbal consent beforehand.

that may be what Derec means, but that is not the op topic.

So the standard "Derec is wrong" still applies.
Hmm. I believe that you are talking at cross-purposes here.

The more common perspective is that No means No, and that anything that is Not-No may or may not mean Yes, depending on the circumstances. Which leaves a lot of gray area, and has subsequently been taken advantage of by lots of drunken frat boys.

If I am understanding Derec's perspective correctly, it is his believe that the Ohio State policy states that Yes means Yes, and furthermore than anything that is Not-Yes means No. Which would then mean that any non-verbal consent would be invalidated, placing legal and criminal liability on anyone who did not receive positive verbal consent beforehand.

I'm nodding but that doesn't mean that I agree with you.

Oh trust me, I certainly don't think that Derec's general view toward women holds much water. But that doesn't mean that he is always incapable of having a valid point. I try very hard not to reject ideas based on the source. And in this case, while I think his approach is overblown, I think that there is some reason to question such a policy.

A significant amount of human interaction is nonverbal. The counter to Derec's position here has been to essentially ask if he has ever proceeded when a girl said No. That is, Has he ever violated the first scenario of "No means No". But that's not really a relevant question, in my opinion. It would be more appropriate to ask everyone in this thread:

How many of you have proceeded to a sexual encounter without a positive verbal affirmation?

That is, how many of you (us) have proceeded to an encounter without obtaining "Yes means Yes and anything else means No"? Because I certainly know that I have! Which under Ohio State's rules makes me liable for charges of rape.

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that may be what Derec means, but that is not the op topic.
Certainly... but Rush Limbaugh is an idiot, so I don't suppose there'd be much of a discussion without Derec to liven it up :D
Hmm. I believe that you are talking at cross-purposes here.

The more common perspective is that No means No, and that anything that is Not-No may or may not mean Yes, depending on the circumstances. Which leaves a lot of gray area, and has subsequently been taken advantage of by lots of drunken frat boys.

If I am understanding Derec's perspective correctly, it is his believe that the Ohio State policy states that Yes means Yes, and furthermore than anything that is Not-Yes means No. Which would then mean that any non-verbal consent would be invalidated, placing legal and criminal liability on anyone who did not receive positive verbal consent beforehand.

"Anything but yes, means no," has always been my personal rule. I don't believe my quality of life has been diminished for it.
I am not in your circle though, so I do not see why I should share.
You'll find you'll get more action when you do. People love to talk about sex! But it has to be done correctly or you'll be labeled a creeper.

This is very true.

Also, talking during sex. How else will he know what I like?
You'll find you'll get more action when you do. People love to talk about sex! But it has to be done correctly or you'll be labeled a creeper.

This is very true.

Also, talking during sex. How else will he know what I like?
There are quite a few ways to tell, but that's not the kind of thing people discuss on this forum.
No, but the Ohio State policy in question here goes much further than that, does it.
It requires verbal consent (i.e. an explicit "yes") for every step taken.
Whereas consent can be given non-verbally as well. If a guy goes toward a woman's breasts and she undoes the bra she has given consent.
Mmm hmm.
If he goes for her vagina and she responds by going for his dick there is consent even though none of them gave unambiguous, verbal, clear consent.
Mmm hmm.

Any other clear signs? Like if a woman is slamming her hips on a guy's pelvis while riding on top, is that consent?

Of course, that does beg the question, consent for what?
and have you never pleased a woman with your fingertips and left her satisfied without asking anything in return?
None of your fucking business.
Nice pun!
Oh trust me, I certainly don't think that Derec's general view toward women holds much water.
Like what?
But that doesn't mean that he is always incapable of having a valid point.
Well thanks. :)

That is, how many of you (us) have proceeded to an encounter without obtaining "Yes means Yes and anything else means No"? Because I certainly know that I have! Which under Ohio State's rules makes me liable for charges of rape.
Not much chance of any female being expelled under these rules as there is a huge double standard in how campus sex is handled by the college administrators.

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I am not in your circle though, so I do not see why I should share.
You'll find you'll get more action when you do. People love to talk about sex! But it has to be done correctly or you'll be labeled a creeper.

Whether one is labeled a "creeper" depends on whether the female finds him attractive in the first place. So I'll refrain, thank you very much!
that may be what Derec means, but that is not the op topic.

From your OP:
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh mocked The Ohio State University's new policy telling students to get clear, verbal consent before having sex. Limbaugh went on to ask guys "how many of you guys, in your own experience with women, have learned that no means yes if you know how to spot it?"
Limbaugh then pivoted back to the OSU instructions and specifically that permission should be given every step of the way.

So me responding to this aspect of the policy is certainly on topic in this thread.

So the standard "Derec is wrong" still applies.
Wrong, but "Athena is wrong" does apply double!
Maybe the guys at Ohio should sets their sights higher. Instead of seeking consent why not opt for mutual enthusiasm?

It doesn't have to be right here right now. Barely consensual sex isn't all that great anyway.
Maybe the guys at Ohio should sets their sights higher. Instead of seeking consent why not opt for mutual enthusiasm?
And expel anyone (or any guys because, again, girls never get expelled under these policies even when they do the same thing as guys like have sex with someone drunk) if the sex isn't "enthusiastic" enough? How do you even measure such a thing?

It doesn't have to be right here right now. Barely consensual sex isn't all that great anyway.
Administrators should not be concerned with what is great but what is consensual vs. not.
First off, Rush Limbaugh is a fucking idiot.

Second (and I don't expect an answer but what the hell), Derec...do you believe that if a man attempts to initiate sexual activity with a woman and she says "no," is that sufficient reason for him to stop? Because you seem to be defending (fucking idiot) Limbaugh's position that a firm "no" is sometimes reason to proceed with pursuing sex anyway. No means no, except for Derec and Rush.

Finally, it is worth remembering that with regards to the college policy, we are talking about young people here who may not be sexually experienced or even generally knowledgeable, or alternately may be very experienced. So little 18 year old Tiffany from middle of nowhere America goes to her first big college party at Ohio State, has a bit too much to drink, and 4th year student Greg from Omega house valiantly offers to give her a ride home. He walks her into the dorm room and while she's not passed out entirely, she's incoherent and he takes the opportunity to grab whatever body part is falling out of her clothes and maybe even tries to go further.

That, campers, is sexual assault. But not according to El Rushbo and apparently not according to Derec. No, when little Tiffany wakes up the next day next to Greg's used rubber and figures out something happened that maybe she didn't want to have happen, any legal action she takes at that point will be nothing more than a validation of the fact that there's a sinister feminazi campaign underway by "womyn" to emasculate all our stalwart college men.

If Tiffany is black, then she'd be a "ho" guilty of making a false rape charge. Right, Derec?
Second (and I don't expect an answer but what the hell), Derec...do you believe that if a man attempts to initiate sexual activity with a woman and she says "no," is that sufficient reason for him to stop? Because you seem to be defending (fucking idiot) Limbaugh's position that a firm "no" is sometimes reason to proceed with pursuing sex anyway. No means no, except for Derec and Rush.
I would say in general that "no means no", certainly a firm no would. However, since girls are taught to play coy, playful demurring can be an invitation to proceed. Therefore it is bad to have very strict rules on only accepting certain formulations of consent (clear, verbal, unambiguous consent given at least half a dozen times when a new level of intimacy is initiated) as valid ignoring the real world is much more complex than that.

Finally, it is worth remembering that with regards to the college policy, we are talking about young people here who may not be sexually experienced or even generally knowledgeable, or alternately may be very experienced. So little 18 year old Tiffany from middle of nowhere America goes to her first big college party at Ohio State, has a bit too much to drink, and 4th year student Greg from Omega house valiantly offers to give her a ride home. He walks her into the dorm room and while she's not passed out entirely, she's incoherent and he takes the opportunity to grab whatever body part is falling out of her clothes and maybe even tries to go further.
It really depends on the level of drunkenness, both absolute and relative (i.e. are both people drunk or is a sober person taking advantage of a drunk one). College policies that want to prohibit any level of drunkenness are wrong. And when these policies are used to selectively go after guys who have sex with girls who have been drinking but not after girls who fucked drunk guys than they are doubly wrong.
This carefully constructed scenario is not at all what is happening in some of the cases that made in into news and resulted in (in my view wrongful) expulsions.
In one case (Vassar), it was the guy who was inexperienced. In fact he was a virgin. The girl (Mary Claire Walker) sent him a message saying that she "had a great time" but a year later decided she was "raped" and the guy was expelled.
In another case (UGA) the girl was by all accounts coherent (she was able to send coherent text messages) and ambulatory (was able to walk to and from his dorm room on her own) but the guy was still expelled just because the university had some anonymous witnesses saying that she was seen drinking earlier that evening.
In neither case were criminal charges ever brought. In one further dodgy case (UND) it was the girl who was charged with filing a false report but the guy was still expelled.

That, campers, is sexual assault. But not according to El Rushbo and apparently not according to Derec.
I would say it either is or is coming very close to one. However, the reality is that guys are being expelled for cases that are much weaker than this hypothetical one, and colleges keep making their policies more strict, which will no doubt result in even more innocent guys being expelled and their futures ruined.

No, when little Tiffany wakes up the next day next to Greg's used rubber and figures out something happened that maybe she didn't want to have happen, any legal action she takes at that point will be nothing more than a validation of the fact that there's a sinister feminazi campaign underway by "womyn" to emasculate all our stalwart college men.
Any legal action will be "he said she said" unless she has any real evidence.

If Tiffany is black, then she'd be a "ho" guilty of making a false rape charge. Right, Derec?
It has nothing with her race. Except that it will make her a darling of progressives (see Duke Lacrosse).
However, since girls are taught to play coy, playful demurring can be an invitation to proceed.

Ah, so it is the woman's fault. Because they're taught that way.
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