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Oh My! Another Email Scandal


Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.
Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last year

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.

White House ethics officials learned of Trump’s repeated use of personal email when reviewing emails gathered last fall by five Cabinet agencies to respond to a public records lawsuit. That review revealed that throughout much of 2017, she often discussed or relayed official White House business using a private email account with a domain that she shares with her husband, Jared Kushner.
Well, seeing as official White House emails are forwarded straight to the Kremlin, isn’t this actually more secure?
But her email! (#3428)


Another Trump has been found to be misusing email.

America decided that we could not vote for Hillary because of the email thing, but apparently Republicans get held to an entirely different standard.

So when Hillary didn't do it, but was accused of it, that was bad and evidence that no one should vote for Democrats, but when multiple Republicans get caught doing what Hillary was accused of, then suddenly a bad thing becomes a good thing. Go ahead and keep voting for Republicans, because this should not affect your decision about who to vote for.

Isn't this exactly what past Republicans called "the soft bigotry of low expectations"?

Are Republicans just inherently corrupt and so we should hold them to a lower standard?
You know what? We shouldn't go there. "They" gave us buttery males. And yeah, she is probably worse than Hillary. Push an investigation, but don't make a big deal of things. We shouldn't get caught up in this one, not when there's so much else at stake right now.
What Jarhyn said.
After all, I am told that the Donald himself has been using an unsecured Android phone that whole time he's been in office. Let's look into THAT.
The thing that is annoying about it isn't so much Trump to me but his followers. And it isn't an issue of hypocrisy either, it's more knowingly, falsely pushing an agenda for political reasons. I see this a lot by conservatives.

Another Trump has been found to be misusing email.

America decided that we could not vote for Hillary because of the email thing, but apparently Republicans get held to an entirely different standard.

So when Hillary didn't do it, but was accused of it, that was bad and evidence that no one should vote for Democrats, but when multiple Republicans get caught doing what Hillary was accused of, then suddenly a bad thing becomes a good thing. Go ahead and keep voting for Republicans, because this should not affect your decision about who to vote for.

Isn't this exactly what past Republicans called "the soft bigotry of low expectations"?

Are Republicans just inherently corrupt and so we should hold them to a lower standard?

The way that the orange menace is looking at her in this video turns my stomach.
The "Lock her up!" crowd was the same crowd that also liked to chant "Law and order!"

The general trumptarded reaction to this is to say it was no big deal, while at the same time saying that Hillary (and Obama too) need to be prosecuted for the buttery males scandal.

At least their record of unflinching, consistent hypocrisy is untarnished.
Who heard this story and couldn't also hear in his/her head the instant bullshit with which the Trumpanzees will reply? They didn't care when it came out that Pence as governor used unprotected email. Diarrhea in, diarrhea out.
Are Republicans just inherently corrupt and so we should hold them to a lower standard?

Certainly the "leadership" is that corrupt. Mitch has appointed himself enabler in chief, and there is no end to which he won't go to try to preserve the tyranny of his minority. Without that stalwart defender and embodiment of corruption the Senate would likely be forced to bow to reality, impeach this pResident and throw much of his administration in jail.

At this point it looks almost as if FFvC is trying to generate as many scandals as possible in order to overwhelm the incoming Democratic House committees. He is hoping that the scandals that touch on his own criminal behavior will be triaged to the back of the line.

Try as he might, the day will come when he no longer has the protection of the office he stole with the help of our Russian adversaries, and he will be figuratively, if not literally DEAD.
I should be hearing "lock her up" and clips of Trump speaking about "the emails" juxtaposed with Ivanka and complete outrage from all sides... 24/7.

But, instead, the democrats are going to lose yet another opportunity at leveling the playing field.

LOL indeed.
I should be hearing "lock her up" and clips of Trump speaking about "the emails" juxtaposed with Ivanka and complete outrage from all sides... 24/7.

But, instead, the democrats are going to lose yet another opportunity at leveling the playing field.

LOL indeed.

Well, this doesn't particularly rate in the top 100 scandals of the Trump administration. I'm sure they can get around to bothering with it by 2050 or so.

It's more the humour of the hypocrisy which makes it relevant as opposed to any actual national security concerns raised by it.
I should be hearing "lock her up" and clips of Trump speaking about "the emails" ....

No, you shouldn't. If that happened, then we'd have one crazy population across the whole US, instead of localized crazy in the conservative party. And that would mean that Hillary and Ivanka would both get locked up and worse. It is up to Democrats to be rational. They can point out the hypocrisy but shouldn't engage in it themselves.
I should be hearing "lock her up" and clips of Trump speaking about "the emails" ....

No, you shouldn't. If that happened, then we'd have one crazy population across the whole US, instead of localized crazy in the conservative party. And that would mean that Hillary and Ivanka would both get locked up and worse. It is up to Democrats to be rational. They can point out the hypocrisy but shouldn't engage in it themselves.

This is where I fundamentally disagree with the community of liberal democrats here.

This is the "higher ground" argument. an argument proven flawed by the outcome of the last presidential election.

Why shouldn't BOTH Hillary and Ivanka be held accountable to the government records act? They both broke the law. Shouldn't Hillary pull an Al Franken and turn herself in and hope Ivanka follows her moral lead? That's the liberal democratic way!
I should be hearing "lock her up" and clips of Trump speaking about "the emails" juxtaposed with Ivanka and complete outrage from all sides... 24/7.

But, instead, the democrats are going to lose yet another opportunity at leveling the playing field.

LOL indeed.

You're like the guy who laughs at the lines that aren't punchlines, or laughs too loudly to show you get the joke, when in fact, you don't even know why the joke is funny.

See, reasonable people would've looked at the Hillary thing and said that she should be more careful, and that more stringent and modern protocols should be adhered to, etc. It was barely newsworthy. We all make mistakes, overstep our bounds from time to time, etc. That should've been the beginning and end of it.

But like with the Benghazi bullshit, fascist radio hosts, Fox News, and the GOP whipped conservative halfwits into a frenzy over a thing that just wasn't that important. Then, the hysteria built on stupid lies took on a life of its own.

We're laughing not because we're outraged by Ivanka's ignorance, but because of the hypocrisy, and the manufactured outrage over Hillary's emails and Benghazi. See, 4 people died in the Benghazi thing, but some 66 embassy personnel were killed when Bush/Cheney was POTUS. Where was the outrage then? I'll tell you where it was: it was in its proper place because non-idiots understand that bad things happen and that those bad things are not always within our government's control. And where was the outrage over the literal millions of deleted emails from Bush/Cheney? Republicans did not give the most apathetic fuck on earth about it.

Conservatives are so utterly full of shit that we have no choice but to laugh. By feigning outrage, we point out how fucking absurd conservative "outrage" is. And maybe some day, when it hits home for you personally ('cause it's not going to happen any other way), you'll wake up and realize just how horribly you've been duped by the monsters you support.
I should be hearing "lock her up" and clips of Trump speaking about "the emails" ....

No, you shouldn't. If that happened, then we'd have one crazy population across the whole US, instead of localized crazy in the conservative party. And that would mean that Hillary and Ivanka would both get locked up and worse. It is up to Democrats to be rational. They can point out the hypocrisy but shouldn't engage in it themselves.

This is where I fundamentally disagree with the community of liberal democrats here.

This is the "higher ground" argument. an argument proven flawed by the outcome of the last presidential election.

Why shouldn't BOTH Hillary and Ivanka be held accountable to the government records act? They both broke the law. Shouldn't Hillary pull an Al Franken and turn herself in and hope Ivanka follows her moral lead? That's the liberal democratic way!

If the Democrats gave in, every time there was a witch hunt by conservatives, there'd be no democrats left.
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