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Paris: Dozens Killed In Terrorist Attack

The reality is that if there's enough money there is terrorism. No money, almost no terrorism.

Yes, the US has created many terrorists around the world.

Like Al Qeada.

And of course you need money to have terrorism, that isn't saying anything about motives or reasons people do it.
The reality is that if there's enough money there is terrorism. No money, almost no terrorism.

Yes, the US has created many terrorists around the world.

Like Al Qeada.

And of course you need money to have terrorism, that isn't saying anything about motives or reasons people do it.

That apparently is not difficult to do. All you have to do is draw a cartoon.
Yes, the US has created many terrorists around the world.

Like Al Qeada.

And of course you need money to have terrorism, that isn't saying anything about motives or reasons people do it.

That apparently is not difficult to do. All you have to do is draw a cartoon.

If I slap someone and that someone subsequently starts killing innocent people and SAYS he did it BECAUSE I slapped him, then am I the CAUSE as he SAYS, or could there be another CAUSE: he's messed up in the head?
Yes, the US has created many terrorists around the world.

Like Al Qeada.

And of course you need money to have terrorism, that isn't saying anything about motives or reasons people do it.

That apparently is not difficult to do. All you have to do is draw a cartoon.

Getting terrorists over cartoons is easier if first you invade, torture and terrorize two nations for a decade while also supporting terrorist funding states like Saudi Arabia.
And Qatar will give them money to do the terrorism.

Also, they have oil fields. Also, they have tons of religious artifacts which collectors around the world are more than willing to pay mint for in order to stop them from being destroyed. They really don't have any concerns about funding drying up.
Yes, now they have all these money too, but initially it was just money from Qatar and SA.
That apparently is not difficult to do. All you have to do is draw a cartoon.

Getting terrorists over cartoons is easier if first you invade, torture and terrorize two nations for a decade while also supporting terrorist funding states like Saudi Arabia.

Remind me untermensche, when tens of thousands of Muslims called for the death of Salman Rushdie over a book they'd never read, was that before or after the U.S. invasion of Iraq?
Loren: You just don't get it. We don't belong in the middle east dictating to all these people to keep their oil flowing to us. We need to be independent of the middle east...got that? INDEPENDENT...COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT. When we get to that point, we will be able then to give aid that truly aids the people. As long as the need is oil and expansion of power....we will not be helping them and so to a good many peoples in the ME, we will be unwelcome. This has gone on far too long and you still keep refusing to admit we need to completely withdraw our forces from these land so they can recover from our predations. What we have done with our imperialism is laid the groundwork for fanatical groups some of which grasp at religion to help them fight an unwinnable war of liberation. All monotheistic religions contain stories that pit man against man for the sake of God. That is the root of the anti-humanism that causes atrocities like Paris like Gaza, like Darfur. The only possible answer to this kind of sectarian conflict is secularism and our government does not acknowledge this. Christians are just like all the rest of the bloodthirsty religions in that regard. The Oil god on the other hand has his fingers in all the monotheistic religions.:eek:

If we went with the appeasement route we would get some peace.

The Islamists would turn on Israel and they probably would be forced to use their nukes.

If by some miracle this didn't happen the war would move to Europe and India as they set out to recover lost lands. That would cost a lot of cities before the world resorted to flattening the Middle East.

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The reality is that if there's enough money there is terrorism. No money, almost no terrorism.

Yes, the US has created many terrorists around the world.

Like Al Qeada.

And of course you need money to have terrorism, that isn't saying anything about motives or reasons people do it.

Can you understand anything???

Al Qaeda is a creation of the Pakistani ISI. We had a very minor role in it--most of the people we aided became the Afghani government that was then displaced by Al Qaeda.

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That apparently is not difficult to do. All you have to do is draw a cartoon.

If I slap someone and that someone subsequently starts killing innocent people and SAYS he did it BECAUSE I slapped him, then am I the CAUSE as he SAYS, or could there be another CAUSE: he's messed up in the head?

The cartoons were only words, not even a slap.
That apparently is not difficult to do. All you have to do is draw a cartoon.

Getting terrorists over cartoons is easier if first you invade, torture and terrorize two nations for a decade while also supporting terrorist funding states like Saudi Arabia.

Nah, I think they were already like that. It doesn't take much to push control freak sociopaths over the brink.
Getting terrorists over cartoons is easier if first you invade, torture and terrorize two nations for a decade while also supporting terrorist funding states like Saudi Arabia.

Nah, I think they were already like that. It doesn't take much to push control freak sociopaths over the brink.

Yeah, two massive invasions and a decade of torture and terror.

That didn't stir anything up.
Back to the Paris Attack - France says "F" that appeasement. And "F" those no-go crime zones as well...

Yesterday from the muslim enclave of ST. DENIS (and elsewhere) came a gratifying story. Overnight they conducted 118 raids and arrested at least 18. In St. Denis police and military attacked an apartment where the leader of the Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was hiding. At least two people died, including a woman who blew herself up with a suicide vest and Abaaoud was killed.

Who was Abdelhamid Abaaoud? Son of a Moroccan immigrant, he had a comfortable upbringing. Thrown out of schools, he became a thief. After getting out of prison, he hung out at a dive bar full of drug dealers. In 2014, Abdelhamid suddenly moved to Syria. He was first seen in a video where he dragged corpses with a pick-up truck, reports the New York Times. But, he was soon involved in many terrorists operations. He reportedly knew Mehdi Nemmouche, who admitted to killing four people during a May 2014 attack on a Jewish museum in Brussels, Belgium, reports CNN. He also supposedly contacted Sid Agmed Ghlam, who planned an attack on a church in Villejuif, France. He was even linked to Ayoub El Khazzani, the terrorist who attempted an attack on a French train in August.

I guess you can get the law-abiding Muslim out of Africa, but you can't get the Islamic blood lust out of the culture - even if born in Belgium.

A lesson here.

PS - The predawn raid on the apartment thwarted another massacre, this time at Charles de Gaulle Airport and a local shopping mall.
Yes, the US has created many terrorists around the world.

Like Al Qeada.

And of course you need money to have terrorism, that isn't saying anything about motives or reasons people do it.

Can you understand anything???

Al Qaeda is a creation of the Pakistani ISI. We had a very minor role in it--most of the people we aided became the Afghani government that was then displaced by Al Qaeda.

The US had a major role in the formation of Al Qaeda.

The US brought together it's leadership, trained them, and set them on a course of violence.

But we were standing tall as we did it.
Al Qaeda is a creation of the Pakistani ISI. We had a very minor role in it--most of the people we aided became the Afghani government that was then displaced by Al Qaeda.
US was afraid to directly interact with what would eventually become Al Qaeda, so they used assistance of Pakistan ISI.
So yes, US effectively created Al Qaeda.
Back to the Paris Attack - France says "F" that appeasement.
What 'appeasement'?
And "F" those no-go crime zones as well...
WHAT no-go crime zones?? They are a figment of the imagination of the paranoid fearmongers - they don't really exist.
Yesterday from the muslim enclave of ST. DENIS (and elsewhere) came a gratifying story.
St Denis is just a suburb, like many others. It has a fairly high proportion of Muslim residents, compared to the rest of France; but it is not a 'Muslim enclave'. :rolleyes:
Overnight they conducted 118 raids and arrested at least 18. In St. Denis police and military attacked an apartment where the leader of the Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was hiding. At least two people died, including a woman who blew herself up with a suicide vest and Abaaoud was killed.
That's a shame. I would have liked him to have his day in court; be convicted via due process, to show the terrorists how much better that system is; and then to have suffered in jail for FAR longer than that.

Who was Abdelhamid Abaaoud? Son of a Moroccan immigrant, he had a comfortable upbringing. Thrown out of schools, he became a thief. After getting out of prison, he hung out at a dive bar full of drug dealers. In 2014, Abdelhamid suddenly moved to Syria. He was first seen in a video where he dragged corpses with a pick-up truck, reports the New York Times. But, he was soon involved in many terrorists operations. He reportedly knew Mehdi Nemmouche, who admitted to killing four people during a May 2014 attack on a Jewish museum in Brussels, Belgium, reports CNN. He also supposedly contacted Sid Agmed Ghlam, who planned an attack on a church in Villejuif, France. He was even linked to Ayoub El Khazzani, the terrorist who attempted an attack on a French train in August.

I guess you can get the law-abiding Muslim out of Africa, but you can't get the Islamic blood lust out of the culture - even if born in Belgium.

A lesson here.
What lesson? Did ALL Moroccan immigrant's sons in Belgium follow this path? If this guy is atypical, then what is there to learn?
PS - The predawn raid on the apartment thwarted another massacre, this time at Charles de Gaulle Airport and a local shopping mall.

Is there any word as to whether the massive disruptions to ordinary people who now have to queue in the rain for hours to have their bags searched and tagged before they can watch a football match thwarted anything?

Intelligence (and intelligently) based police response, leading to the capture or killing of terrorists is what should be happening.

Stopping immigrants from entering Europe, the USA or anywhere else, based on the actions of a minuscule fraction of their number; and making ordinary people suffer the pointless security theatre that results, giving up their freedom and quality of life for a charade, is not.
They didn't have the internet--by far their best recruiting tool.

Furthermore, until the invasion of Iraq they were more locally focused. Our invasion of Iraq in 1991 showed them that we weren't just going to sit back and let them gobble up the Middle East so they decided they had to drive us away first--and you're doing exactly what they want.

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Terrorism is bred by money.

No, terrorists need money to do their terrorism.

The reality is that if there's enough money there is terrorism. No money, almost no terrorism.

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And Qatar will give them money to do the terrorism.

Citizens of Qatar most definitely.

Saudi citizens. Yemeni citizens.

And the US turns a blind eye to it to maintain oil relationships.

The government of Qatar. They're one of the big players.

Loren: You just don't get it. We don't belong in the middle east dictating to all these people to keep their oil flowing to us. We need to be independent of the middle east...got that? INDEPENDENT...COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT. When we get to that point, we will be able then to give aid that truly aids the people. As long as the need is oil and expansion of power....we will not be helping them and so to a good many peoples in the ME, we will be unwelcome. This has gone on far too long and you still keep refusing to admit we need to completely withdraw our forces from these land so they can recover from our predations. What we have done with our imperialism is laid the groundwork for fanatical groups some of which grasp at religion to help them fight an unwinnable war of liberation. All monotheistic religions contain stories that pit man against man for the sake of God. That is the root of the anti-humanism that causes atrocities like Paris like Gaza, like Darfur. The only possible answer to this kind of sectarian conflict is secularism and our government does not acknowledge this. Christians are just like all the rest of the bloodthirsty religions in that regard. The Oil god on the other hand has his fingers in all the monotheistic religions.:eek:
I can't let the reference to Gaza pass without comment.. First of all, there's no oil there, secondly, the reason they get bombed is because they do the bombing first. If they chose to disarm and live in peace with Israel, they wouldn't get bombed, in fact they would greatly benefit if only they recognized the state of Israel!
I can't let the reference to Gaza pass without comment.. First of all, there's no oil there, secondly, the reason they get bombed is because they do the bombing first. If they chose to disarm and live in peace with Israel, they wouldn't get bombed, in fact they would greatly benefit if only they recognized the state of Israel!
Israel started it. They murdered men raped women and stole land.

I can't let the reference to Gaza pass without comment.. First of all, there's no oil there, secondly, the reason they get bombed is because they do the bombing first. If they chose to disarm and live in peace with Israel, they wouldn't get bombed, in fact they would greatly benefit if only they recognized the state of Israel!
Israel started it. They murdered men raped women and stole land.

What the fuck has the Galilee got to do with Gaza for fuck sake!

What a load of cobblers. Israel doesn't want refugees? Neither does Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Arab Emirates! But does this turkey name them?. No, he he sees an opportunity to attack Israel, just like any good lefty does, then goes for the throat!
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