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Paris: Dozens Killed In Terrorist Attack

Unfortunately Air Superiority could not prevent latest terrorist attack and it certainly did not help US make Iraq/Afghanistan a better place.
Decent or at least stable government is the key to solving this problem.
Unfortunately Air Superiority could not prevent latest terrorist attack
So what? Air Superiority didn't prevent Sandy Hook or the Aurora Theater either, but nobody is worried about some random maniac with an assault rifle overthrowing the government. That's a completely different kind of problem with a different kind of solution.

Decent or at least stable government is the key to solving this problem.

In the long term, absolutely.

In the mean time, though, the solution is containment. ISIS represents a virulent brand of Islamic memes that destroys pretty much everything it touches; it's the smallpox of human religions. There's no real cure for it, but you can vaccinate against it and curb the spread in a lot of ways, and the disease isn't really strong enough to spread beyond its current scope. So we keep it contained until it eventually destroys all of its hoses (which it will) or mutates into something easier to eradicate.
Unfortunately Air Superiority could not prevent latest terrorist attack and it certainly did not help US make Iraq/Afghanistan a better place.

Never mind - killing lots more Muslims with bombs will ensure that there will be plenty more terrorist attacks to practice on!
Unfortunately Air Superiority could not prevent latest terrorist attack and it certainly did not help US make Iraq/Afghanistan a better place.

Never mind - killing lots more Muslims with bombs will ensure that there will be plenty more terrorist attacks to practice on!
I am skeptical of a degree to which US and now Russia bombing directly breeds terrorism.
Terrorism is breed by chaos which is associated with regime changes US conducts.
Never mind - killing lots more Muslims with bombs will ensure that there will be plenty more terrorist attacks to practice on!
I am skeptical of a degree to which US and now Russia bombing directly breeds terrorism.
Terrorism is breed by chaos which is associated with regime changes US conducts.

If you have nothing to live for except to be killed, you might as well die 'gloriously'. How else do armies get volunteers?
I am skeptical of a degree to which US and now Russia bombing directly breeds terrorism.
Terrorism is breed by chaos which is associated with regime changes US conducts.

If you have nothing to live for except to be killed, you might as well die 'gloriously'. How else do armies get volunteers?
But people being bombed are already terrorists.
If you have nothing to live for except to be killed, you might as well die 'gloriously'. How else do armies get volunteers?
But people being bombed are already terrorists.

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I am skeptical of a degree to which US and now Russia bombing directly breeds terrorism.
Terrorism is breed by chaos which is associated with regime changes US conducts.

If you have nothing to live for except to be killed, you might as well die 'gloriously'. How else do armies get volunteers?
But people being bombed are already terrorists.

Yes - during the War Cardiff was full of 'em!
The lack of any technological superiority didn't stop the turds from killing 130 people in cold blood.

That's 0.006% of the population of Paris; The same number of French people die every two weeks in car crashes. The same number of French people die every week from suicide.

These turds are not worth our notice. They inflicted the most incredibly tiny damage on France; Should the French totally abandon their way of life just to prevent this from happening again?

You make a big deal out of even smaller numbers when you can blame guns for the problem despite the fact that guns have substantial redeeming values.

Islamism has no redeeming values.
Never mind - killing lots more Muslims with bombs will ensure that there will be plenty more terrorist attacks to practice on!
I am skeptical of a degree to which US and now Russia bombing directly breeds terrorism.
Terrorism is breed by chaos which is associated with regime changes US conducts.

Terrorism is bred by money.
I see what you did there. I can do the same thing in reverse showing a war torn Syria with bloated bodies, videos of executions and counterpoise them with happy clean Syrians in Europe.

Weak, very weak.

Excuse us? All I did was arrange two sets of images;

Okay we can do this all day:





No, terrorists need money to do their terrorism.
And Qatar will give them money to do the terrorism.

Also, they have oil fields. Also, they have tons of religious artifacts which collectors around the world are more than willing to pay mint for in order to stop them from being destroyed. They really don't have any concerns about funding drying up.
Cultural and Ethnic Suicide looks like this:

True dat, almost all women wearing dresses or skirts, half of the men carrying arms, that's not gonna come back anytime soon. Not even if someday half of the French population traces roots to North Africa, though that might be your best bet.

Your reactive commentary is little more scattershot irrelevancies, focusing on mocking the gallic French resistance and pretty French women in skirts, and then carping about the location of the images of Muslim culture - missing the point that they are contemporary ISLAMIC CULTURE - they are, as stated, going to be the new culture...the future of France (among others) that will 'trace' its replacement culture and new people's back to Muslim African and Arabic lands .

I understand your story of "it can't happen here" denial - the fear of the unthinkable, the fear of dealing with the disturbing feelings and thoughts that threatens your sense of self. After all, what if it were true? Frightening, no?

So rationalizing denial kicks in, all the irrelevant excuses that amount to:

"Why those are Muslims in London for Sharia in front of the French Embassy...those must be bad Muslims who are 'different' than the 'good ones' in France"...

"I'm sure they are in jail...ya...that's it...they are in jail so no threat to me".

"Oh look, the blocked streets of Paris repeatedly seized for daily prayers of hordes...that's ummm...like an annual Corpus Christi procession...ya that's it".

These are the images of the new culture, the future people's that will replace the gaul. They are coming to Europe, they are in Europe, they are breeding much faster than the Gaul and they are going to be Europe's (your) dominant future.

It won't do for you to complain that the squalor of the Paris Muslim dominated housing projects 'could be elsewhere'. It won't do to complain that the angry black mob is 'just protesting unemployment'. It won't do to pretend that the foreign scenes of fierce religious identity are somehow 'gone' upon arrival in France. It won't do to complain that the real 'no-go zones' are misidentified. If those are scenes of rage and dominance are ones you cherish, you will see more of them.

So if you welcome the importation of poverty and creating a permanent underclass of chronically unemployed, if you welcome intense social and religious conflict and terrorism, if you welcome more high crime no-go zones...this is great news.

If not, say good-bye to gallic France. If shall be missed.
Is that horribly dystopian future before or after the Hunger Games? Because I feel that the Hunger Games would take care of that problem.
I am skeptical of a degree to which US and now Russia bombing directly breeds terrorism.
Terrorism is breed by chaos which is associated with regime changes US conducts.

The causes may be bred by chaos, but the problem is exacerbated when innocent Muslims are killed. An idealistic young person who wants to demonstrate passion and commitment are drawn in. Not many as a percentage, but enough to keep IS staffed.

And besides the recruits, there are the sympathizers created. Their own authoritarian govts are in cahoots with the US, or seen that way. Islam is the only viable alternative, since no matter how authoritarian these states are, they have to be careful with Islam.
Too much truth here.

They were not getting thousands and thousands of converts to the extreme apocalyptic brand of Islam before the US illegally invaded Iraq.

1. Young men see their countries destroyed by US bombing, and see the US and Israel committing war crimes.
2. They become open to the apocalyptic extreme sect of Islam.

We did not have ISIL before the invasion of Iraq.

They didn't have the internet--by far their best recruiting tool.

Furthermore, until the invasion of Iraq they were more locally focused. Our invasion of Iraq in 1991 showed them that we weren't just going to sit back and let them gobble up the Middle East so they decided they had to drive us away first--and you're doing exactly what they want.

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Terrorism is bred by money.

No, terrorists need money to do their terrorism.

The reality is that if there's enough money there is terrorism. No money, almost no terrorism.

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And Qatar will give them money to do the terrorism.

Citizens of Qatar most definitely.

Saudi citizens. Yemeni citizens.

And the US turns a blind eye to it to maintain oil relationships.

The government of Qatar. They're one of the big players.
They were not getting thousands and thousands of converts to the extreme apocalyptic brand of Islam before the US illegally invaded Iraq.

1. Young men see their countries destroyed by US bombing, and see the US and Israel committing war crimes.
2. They become open to the apocalyptic extreme sect of Islam.

We did not have ISIL before the invasion of Iraq.

They didn't have the internet--by far their best recruiting tool.

Furthermore, until the invasion of Iraq they were more locally focused. Our invasion of Iraq in 1991 showed them that we weren't just going to sit back and let them gobble up the Middle East so they decided they had to drive us away first--and you're doing exactly what they want.

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Terrorism is bred by money.

No, terrorists need money to do their terrorism.

The reality is that if there's enough money there is terrorism. No money, almost no terrorism.

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And Qatar will give them money to do the terrorism.

Citizens of Qatar most definitely.

Saudi citizens. Yemeni citizens.

And the US turns a blind eye to it to maintain oil relationships.

The government of Qatar. They're one of the big players.

Loren: You just don't get it. We don't belong in the middle east dictating to all these people to keep their oil flowing to us. We need to be independent of the middle east...got that? INDEPENDENT...COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT. When we get to that point, we will be able then to give aid that truly aids the people. As long as the need is oil and expansion of power....we will not be helping them and so to a good many peoples in the ME, we will be unwelcome. This has gone on far too long and you still keep refusing to admit we need to completely withdraw our forces from these land so they can recover from our predations. What we have done with our imperialism is laid the groundwork for fanatical groups some of which grasp at religion to help them fight an unwinnable war of liberation. All monotheistic religions contain stories that pit man against man for the sake of God. That is the root of the anti-humanism that causes atrocities like Paris like Gaza, like Darfur. The only possible answer to this kind of sectarian conflict is secularism and our government does not acknowledge this. Christians are just like all the rest of the bloodthirsty religions in that regard. The Oil god on the other hand has his fingers in all the monotheistic religions.:eek:
True dat, almost all women wearing dresses or skirts, half of the men carrying arms, that's not gonna come back anytime soon. Not even if someday half of the French population traces roots to North Africa, though that might be your best bet.

Your reactive commentary is little more scattershot irrelevancies,

I think you may be projecting there. Irrelevancies is all you have on offer.

focusing on mocking the gallic French resistance and pretty French women in skirts,

If you put up an entire post lamenting "this is gone", consisting of fifty year old images, you have to expect that people react with "yeah, it's gone. It would be gone one way or the other. Things change."

I could of course have countered with images of pretty French-Algerian women in trousers instead. Might have been more fun.

and then carping about the location of the images of Muslim culture - missing the point that they are contemporary ISLAMIC CULTURE - they are, as stated, going to be the new culture...the future of France (among others) that will 'trace' its replacement culture and new people's back to Muslim African and Arabic lands .

The current culture and population of France traces much of its origins to North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean, since long before anyone thought of calling it "France", or for that matter "Gaul".

I understand your story of "it can't happen here" denial - the fear of the unthinkable, the fear of dealing with the disturbing feelings and thoughts that threatens your sense of self. After all, what if it were true? Frightening, no?

Cute, now you're projecting your fears on others.

So rationalizing denial kicks in, all the irrelevant excuses that amount to:

"Why those are Muslims in London for Sharia in front of the French Embassy...those must be bad Muslims who are 'different' than the 'good ones' in France"...

"I'm sure they are in jail...ya...that's it...they are in jail so no threat to me".

I'm not saying they're in jail because I need it to be true to protect my world view, but because it's what I found last time I googled for context - context which your post sorely lacks.

"Oh look, the blocked streets of Paris repeatedly seized for daily prayers of hordes...that's ummm...like an annual Corpus Christi procession...ya that's it".

I don't see "repeatedly" in the picture. Again, no context provided on your side, but I'm pretty sure the picture is from some rather high Muslim holiday, so it represents a rare occasion, like, maybe annual.
I also don't see hordes. I see people publically expressing their religiosity. like in a Corpus Christi procession indeed.

You seem to think its different. Tell me how. You understand why "because they're Muslims" doesn't count, don't you?

These are the images of the new culture, the future people's that will replace the gaul. They are coming to Europe, they are in Europe, they are breeding much faster than the Gaul and they are going to be Europe's (your) dominant future.

It won't do for you to complain that the squalor of the Paris Muslim dominated housing projects 'could be elsewhere'. It won't do to complain that the angry black mob is 'just protesting unemployment'.

You really seem to be very much afraid of angry black people. Why's that? Maybe they're right to be angry? Something that cannot be determined if you refuse to provide context.

It won't do to pretend that the foreign scenes of fierce religious identity are somehow 'gone' upon arrival in France. It won't do to complain that the real 'no-go zones' are misidentified. If those are scenes of rage and dominance are ones you cherish, you will see more of them.

So if you welcome the importation of poverty and creating a permanent underclass of chronically unemployed, if you welcome intense social and religious conflict and terrorism, if you welcome more high crime no-go zones...this is great news.

If not, say good-bye to gallic France. If shall be missed.

To sum up, you have no argument of substance.
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