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Paris: Dozens Killed In Terrorist Attack

I wasn't disputing that most terrorists are Muslims; I was just explaining why saying "most" instead of "all" is not only correct, but important.

Right back at you, though:
Every time you say something that isn't true (like the nonsense above) <snip>
People's self-perceptions are rarely objective. I expect you've talked to enough Christian fundamentalists so you could probably make some accurate comments about their typical psychology, but that doesn't mean Christian fundamentalists would recognize themselves in your description. Likewise, I never expected The Anointed to recognize yourselves in my description. Profit by it or don't; that's not my concern. I wrote it for angelo's benefit, not for yours.

So, what's the solution?
Well, the obvious would be:

(1) They should cut the immigration river to a trickle. When you've dug yourself into a hole, the first step to getting out is to stop digging the hole deeper.

(2) They should spend however much money it takes to assimilate the people they've already taken in and raise taxes high enough to do it. They need to hire more cops and do a better job of stopping violence, especially Muslim-on-Muslim violence; they need to make sure everybody currently living in the ghettos learns the national language; they need to put an absolute stop to the practice of sending European-born little girls to foreign madrassas until they're old enough to bring home to arranged marriages; they need to simultaneously cut off welfare and make sure there's a job for every able-bodied person; and they need to break up the ghettos and disperse the Muslims more uniformly through their whole countries.

The simplest way to kill the latter two birds with one stone would be with massive public works programs to build more housing and more transportation infrastructure. Then give poor people rent subsidies for apartments in non-ghetto neighborhoods, not a sou for living in a ghetto, and, when enough people have moved out of the ghettos, gentrify the hell out of them.
The "no-go zone" is a very SPECIFIC type of fake news meme that basically refers to a portion of a city that has achieved (or allowed to achieve) political autonomy by "Islamist gangs" that enforce all but the letter of Sharia law on the people who live there. It's called "no go" because police cannot enter it and non-Muslims are discouraged from even traveling through it.

The original version of this meme was so counterfactual and so absurd that the major of Paris threatened to sue Fox News for running the story.

So I repeat: Paris does not have "no-go zones." It has ghettos, like any other city.

And Alexander the Great did not have an infinite number of arms. He had two, like any other human.

Ghettos run by Sharia-law people.

And it's not that the police can't enter, but that they can only enter in force.

So you say, but repetition doesn't beget truth.
The so-called "no-go zones" (which don't actually exist) are areas of poverty.

"Theorem: Alexander the Great did not exist, and he had an infinite number of limbs.
The "no-go zone" is a very SPECIFIC type of <snip>
Hey man, I was just ragging on you for ascribing a property to something you said doesn't exist. :poke_with_stick:

And Alexander the Great did not have an infinite number of arms. He had two, like any other human.
Dude! The oracle warned him crossing that river meant certain death. Well, fore-warned is four-armed! ;)

The original version of this meme was so counterfactual and so absurd that the major of Paris threatened to sue Fox News for running the story.
:consternation2: What planet do you live on that has a Fox News with that much originality? People were talking about European cities' no-go zones years before Fox ever picked up on it.

Were many of those people people who were actually living in those European cities at the time?

The Atlantic is very wide; many people living in Europe think that American cities are virtual warzones, where any person who ventures out unarmed is liable to be mugged or raped within minutes. This misconception is quite common, and even gets repeated once in a while by the lower end of the journalistic spectrum; But that doesn't make it a reasonable characterisation of the reality of living in a US city.
The "no-go zone" is a very SPECIFIC type of fake news meme that basically refers to a portion of a city that has achieved (or allowed to achieve) political autonomy by "Islamist gangs" that enforce all but the letter of Sharia law on the people who live there. It's called "no go" because police cannot enter it and non-Muslims are discouraged from even traveling through it.

The original version of this meme was so counterfactual and so absurd that the major of Paris threatened to sue Fox News for running the story.

So I repeat: Paris does not have "no-go zones." It has ghettos, like any other city.

And Alexander the Great did not have an infinite number of arms. He had two, like any other human.

Ghettos run by Sharia-law people.
Ghettos run by thugs. They impose "sharia law" about as well as the Bloods enforce the Torah.

And it's not that the police can't enter, but that they can only enter in force.
Again, not unlike downtown Detroit.
The original version of this meme was so counterfactual and so absurd that the major of Paris threatened to sue Fox News for running the story.
:consternation2: What planet do you live on that has a Fox News with that much originality?
Fox has ALWAYS been very creative in their fabrications. The "no-go zone" wasn't specifically theirs -- it's been a persistent rumor in Islamaphobic blogs since at least 911 -- but the embellishments that gave the story traction in the right-wing echo chamber were.
Lawlessness as predicted by many has already come to pass in Brussels. People have been told to stay indoors, not to attend sports venues, there are police and security guards armed to the teeth everywhere. The streets are deserted, one shopping mall stayed shut because of the high alert.
Pm Charles Michael saying they had quite precise information that several individuals were plotting Paris style attack with guns and other weapons.
For those lefties, pc brigades who insist everything is fine, I hope you're satisfied with the turn of events.
Likewise, I never expected The Anointed to recognize yourselves in my description.

Lawlessness as predicted by many has already come to pass in Brussels. People have been told to stay indoors, not to attend sports venues, there are police and security guards armed to the teeth everywhere. The streets are deserted, one shopping mall stayed shut because of the high alert.
Pm Charles Michael saying they had quite precise information that several individuals were plotting Paris style attack with guns and other weapons.
For those lefties, pc brigades who insist everything is fine, I hope you're satisfied with the turn of events.
To be fair, in terms of lawlessness Belgium is reportedly the worst country in the Old Europe. Corruption, lawlessness and government inability to govern this is what Belgium apparently is.
Belgium is Ukraine of Old Europe.
Lawlessness as predicted by many has already come to pass in Brussels. People have been told to stay indoors, not to attend sports venues, there are police and security guards armed to the teeth everywhere. The streets are deserted, one shopping mall stayed shut because of the high alert.
Pm Charles Michael saying they had quite precise information that several individuals were plotting Paris style attack with guns and other weapons.
For those lefties, pc brigades who insist everything is fine, I hope you're satisfied with the turn of events.
To be fair, in terms of lawlessness Belgium is reportedly the worst country in the Old Europe. Corruption, lawlessness and government inability to govern this is what Belgium apparently is.
Belgium is Ukraine of Old Europe.
It's also one of the most infected by the Islamics.
And the Belgian approach to catching murderers is to wait for the murder to happen, and then collect the suspects in a living room for a dramatic reveal. That's hardly an efficient way to deal with terrorists.

To be fair, in terms of lawlessness Belgium is reportedly the worst country in the Old Europe. Corruption, lawlessness and government inability to govern this is what Belgium apparently is.

Utter nonsense.

Belgium´s overall crime rate is below a lot of whatever definition of `old´ European countries you´d care to use, including Ireland, France, Italy, the UK, and Sweden. So hardly lawless. It also has a corruption score of 1.499324259 on the transparancy international rankings, compared to -0.970999193 compared to Ukraine and -1.073973569 compared to your beloved Russia. So they´re actually one of the least corrupt countries in the world.
And the Belgian approach to catching murderers is to wait for the murder to happen, and then collect the suspects in a living room for a dramatic reveal. That's hardly an efficient way to deal with terrorists.


Ghettos run by Sharia-law people.
Ghettos run by thugs. They impose "sharia law" about as well as the Bloods enforce the Torah.

And it's not that the police can't enter, but that they can only enter in force.
Again, not unlike downtown Detroit.

I'm not disagreeing with it being rather like bad inner cities anywhere. What I'm saying is that we are simply looking at two sides of the same thing, keeping showing they're like inner cities doesn't mean they aren't also Sharia zones.
Ghettos run by thugs. They impose "sharia law" about as well as the Bloods enforce the Torah.

And it's not that the police can't enter, but that they can only enter in force.
Again, not unlike downtown Detroit.

I'm not disagreeing with it being rather like bad inner cities anywhere. What I'm saying is that we are simply looking at two sides of the same thing, keeping showing they're like inner cities doesn't mean they aren't also Sharia zones.

Wouldn't you actually need Sharia law? I'm more worried about the Salic law neighborhoods.
I'm not disagreeing with it being rather like bad inner cities anywhere. What I'm saying is that we are simply looking at two sides of the same thing, keeping showing they're like inner cities doesn't mean they aren't also Sharia zones.

But the notion of them being sharia zones is used in the context that Muslims are taking over Europe and it's a stepping stone to the entire country coming under Islamic law. If the actual relationship of that point is like saying that the West 46th Street Warriors are on their way to controlling Congress because there's a couple blocks in Philly which they make dangerous, then it's irrelevant in the context of the discussions which they're being brought into.
I'm not disagreeing with it being rather like bad inner cities anywhere. What I'm saying is that we are simply looking at two sides of the same thing, keeping showing they're like inner cities doesn't mean they aren't also Sharia zones.

But the notion of them being sharia zones is used in the context that Muslims are taking over Europe and it's a stepping stone to the entire country coming under Islamic law. If the actual relationship of that point is like saying that the West 46th Street Warriors are on their way to controlling Congress because there's a couple blocks in Philly which they make dangerous, then it's irrelevant in the context of the discussions which they're being brought into.

They have taken over...

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