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Pastor Warns Of “Tsunami” Of Gay People Unleashed By Anderson Cooper That Only Laura Ingalls Wilder Can Stop


Dec 4, 2006
Basic Beliefs


The indoctrination and propaganda coming from those advocating a gay lifestyle in our country, classrooms and culture are increasing,” Larry Tomczat (pictured) cautions in a new, unintentionally hilarious op-ed published by Christian Post. “All of us need to take note and take action to guard those we love.”

Tomczat then proceeds to detail every way in which gay Hollywood is “bombarding” the masses with homosexual propaganda, writing in list form:

•Super hyped “Empire” series starts with Oscar nominee Terrence Howard having a homosexual son – and he’s a hunk.
•“Glee” features over five gay characters.
•Home and remodeling reality shows regularly feature lesbians and gays in partnerships exploring homes.
•“Modern Family” features a gay couple who married over two episodes recently.
•“Ellen DeGeneres” celebrates her lesbianism and “marriage” in between appearances of guests like Taylor Swift to attract young girls.
•“Dancing with the Stars” hosts a gay judge and gay couples.
•“Biggest Loser” had lesbian Jillian Michaels as a role model coach.
•“The Good Wife” now has a lesbian/bisexual investigator.
•“Scandal” has two gays.
•“2 1/2 Men” just added a lesbian daughter.
•“Grey’s Anatomy” highlights a lesbian couple with their child.
•“Survivor” and other reality shows regularly parade homosexuals as contestants.
•Anderson Cooper boasts openly on TV he’d rather “have sex” with a man plus co-hosts New Year’s Eve festivities nationwide.
So his thesis is that if only Hollywood would pretend that homosexuality didn't exist, homosexuality would cease to exist?

That is mindfuckingly stupid. Even if we accepted, for the sake of argument, his idea that homosexuality is a bad thing, surely nobody over the age of 10 still believes the principle that 'Ignoring something makes it go away', do they?
A pastor is threatened by increasing acceptance of homosexuality in mainstream culture, and this is news? No, this is a boring story. Its only saving grace is that it resulted in this response from Ellen:

So his thesis is that if only Hollywood would pretend that homosexuality didn't exist, homosexuality would cease to exist?

No. If Hollywood pretended that homosexuality did not exist the pastor in question would not be continually reminded of his own homosexual urges. Simply put he would be able to repress his own homosexual desires much easier without the constant reminders.

Just my two cents.
So his thesis is that if only Hollywood would pretend that homosexuality didn't exist, homosexuality would cease to exist?

That is mindfuckingly stupid. Even if we accepted, for the sake of argument, his idea that homosexuality is a bad thing, surely nobody over the age of 10 still believes the principle that 'Ignoring something makes it go away', do they?

If you deny it strongly enough gays won't realize they can be gay and will be very unhappy straights instead.
So his thesis is that if only Hollywood would pretend that homosexuality didn't exist, homosexuality would cease to exist?

No. If Hollywood pretended that homosexuality did not exist the pastor in question would not be continually reminded of his own homosexual urges. Simply put he would be able to repress his own homosexual desires much easier without the constant reminders.

Just my two cents.

He might not be gay.

It might just be that stopping Christians from abusing homosexuals counts as the persecution of Christians in his eyes, because Christians can't be Christians if they can't do evil.
Anderson Cooper Responds To Anti-Gay Evangelist's Claims In 'Ridiculist' Segment

Anderson Cooper minced few words when it came to a right-wing evangelist's scathing Op-Ed which slammed the CNN anchor for "boasting" about his homosexuality.

Cooper addressed Larry Tomczak's Jan. 8 Christian Post Op-Ed titled, "Are You Aware of the Avalanche of Gay Programming Assaulting Your Home?" in a Jan. 19 "Ridiculist" segment.

Saying he didn't know what a "gay lifestyle" is, Cooper said he watched "I Love Lucy," which is one of the "wholesome" television shows that Tomczak suggests parents let their children watch in lieu of "Modern Family," "Glee" and other programs with promote a "gay agenda."

"Those were the good old days when gay people could be arrested for going to a bar or fired from their jobs -- which, actually, they still can in many states -- and live life largely in the shadows," Cooper observed. "Good times."

Cooper then made a tongue-in-cheek suggestion to Tomczak, advising he watch the controversial TLC special, "My Husband's Not Gay."

"The point is, gay people are more visible today," Cooper noted. "I'm not sure turning back the clock or the TV dial is the solution."

A "tsunami of gay people" is just hyperbole. It's more likely to be a "permanent wave."
"The point is, gay people are more visible today," Cooper noted. "I'm not sure turning back the clock or the TV dial is the solution."
This implicitly assumes visible gay people are a problem that needs a solution.
You'd think Tomczak would be more worried about invisible gay people, anyway. people in camo, sneaking through Tomczak's house, updating his wardrobe and rearranging his furniture.
And, of course, raping Tomczak in his shower...
Tomczat then goes on to explain what can be done about this dangerous threat. It’s as easy as “purchasing wholesome DVD series and streaming selected programs are great alternatives. The Fugitive, Gunsmoke, Little House on the Prairie, I Love Lucy and other award-winning shows are all available and cheap,” he writes.
I remember Little House on the Prarie. My favorite episode was the one where four men were traveling by train and the railroad's policy was that certain people could not ride inside the train. The black man had to ride out on a flat car. I think the Irishman did, too.
That's good and wholesome programming for a good and wholesome America. Admittedly, they were trying to show that it was wrong, but also that it was historical.
We've changed since then. Irishmen can ride inside on almost every train in America.
One has to wonder why we can't change with respect to gays, too?
Tomczat then goes on to explain what can be done about this dangerous threat. It’s as easy as “purchasing wholesome DVD series and streaming selected programs are great alternatives. The Fugitive, Gunsmoke, Little House on the Prairie, I Love Lucy and other award-winning shows are all available and cheap,” he writes.
I remember Little House on the Prarie. My favorite episode was the one where four men were traveling by train and the railroad's policy was that certain people could not ride inside the train. The black man had to ride out on a flat car. I think the Irishman did, too.
That's good and wholesome programming for a good and wholesome America. Admittedly, they were trying to show that it was wrong, but also that it was historical.
We've changed since then. Irishmen can ride inside on almost every train in America.
One has to wonder why we can't change with respect to gays, too?

I'm pretty sure Nellie Oleson was a lesbian. She had that look in her eyes.
I remember Little House on the Prarie. My favorite episode was the one where four men were traveling by train and the railroad's policy was that certain people could not ride inside the train. The black man had to ride out on a flat car. I think the Irishman did, too.
That's good and wholesome programming for a good and wholesome America. Admittedly, they were trying to show that it was wrong, but also that it was historical.
We've changed since then. Irishmen can ride inside on almost every train in America.
One has to wonder why we can't change with respect to gays, too?

I'm pretty sure Nellie Oleson was a lesbian. She had that look in her eyes.
And suddenly, many plot points become clear... She wasn't showing Laura up, she was seducing Laura...
Wait, they let the Irish in trains? Aren't they worried about them getting drunk and fighting with the customers who weren't too poor to buy tickets?
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