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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward

That's exactly what iam saying.
if we ARE having an impeachment, it is not in McConnell's interest to let Trump drag in any other investigations where the GOP covered his ass.

The point I'm making is how many times and ways the Democrats didn't get investigated, that Trump could look in to. That is why I explained in my earlier post a few particular things Trump might look in to.

If Trump's defense is going to be "they did things and didn't get caught so I'm innocent," he's in deep shit and knows it.
The point I'm making is how many times and ways the Democrats didn't get investigated, that Trump could look in to. That is why I explained in my earlier post a few particular things Trump might look in to.
but that's just a distraction.
THE question on impeachment is whether Trump should be president.
Trying to turn it into an investigation of his political opponents is what got him in trouble in the first place.

Here's another thing to consider - what if Trump directed the whistleblower to whistleblow?
Then he is playing with fire.
That's exactly what iam saying.
if we ARE having an impeachment, it is not in McConnell's interest to let Trump drag in any other investigations where the GOP covered his ass.

The point I'm making is how many times and ways the Democrats didn't get investigated, that Trump could look in to. That is why I explained in my earlier post a few particular things Trump might look in to.

If Trump's defense is going to be "they did things and didn't get caught so I'm innocent," he's in deep shit and knows it.

Been working so far.
The point I'm making is how many times and ways the Democrats didn't get investigated, that Trump could look in to. That is why I explained in my earlier post a few particular things Trump might look in to.
but that's just a distraction.
THE question on impeachment is whether Trump should be president.
Trying to turn it into an investigation of his political opponents is what got him in trouble in the first place.

Here's another thing to consider - what if Trump directed the whistleblower to whistleblow?
Then he is playing with fire.

Asking for favors is not a bad thing. I'm sure you ask people for favors every day, Keith.
but that's just a distraction.
THE question on impeachment is whether Trump should be president.
Trying to turn it into an investigation of his political opponents is what got him in trouble in the first place.

Then he is playing with fire.

Asking for favors is not a bad thing. I'm sure you ask people for favors every day, Keith.

I have never asked someone to commit a felony, nor have i ever committed a felony by asking for a favor.
So, no, some favors are bad things to ask for. Asking for some is a felony its own self.

Do try to keep up.
but that's just a distraction.
THE question on impeachment is whether Trump should be president.
Trying to turn it into an investigation of his political opponents is what got him in trouble in the first place.

Then he is playing with fire.

Asking for favors is not a bad thing. I'm sure you ask people for favors every day, Keith.

Winners do favors, not ask for them.
but that's just a distraction.
THE question on impeachment is whether Trump should be president.
Trying to turn it into an investigation of his political opponents is what got him in trouble in the first place.

Then he is playing with fire.

Asking for favors is not a bad thing. I'm sure you ask people for favors every day, Keith.

Winners do favors, not ask for them.

Now, that's a good one.
The point I'm making is how many times and ways the Democrats didn't get investigated, that Trump could look in to. That is why I explained in my earlier post a few particular things Trump might look in to.
but that's just a distraction.

Yet it is actually a good question...for Trump supporters to answer.

If what Hunter Biden did was so gosh darned corrupt, and what VP Biden did was so beyond the pale, then why - after nearly 3 years in office - hasn't the Trump administration pursued the matter already? Biden officially launched his campaign in April, but it was clear to anyone paying attention that he was going to get into the race. He's been the front-runner from day one. Furthermore, the Trump administration has had the basic information for years.

It would have been a bad look if they immediately started investigating him in April, but it isn't like the Trump White House is concerned about appearances. They could have shrugged off the accusations of impropriety and simply hammered Biden with this constantly. Yet they didn't do that. No, they only began to shout "b-b-but Joe Biden!" from the rooftops after the whistleblower story broke. Why didn't they start earlier?

The same reason they didn't begin the prosecution of "Crooked Hillary" on day one. Aside from an inept back-burner shell of an investigation that's turned up nothing, they haven't lifted a finger against her. Or any other official from the supposedly lawless and corrupt Obama administration. Why not? Because like the Biden thing, those were just things to get the rubes fired up at the rallies. They were never going to "lock her up."
but that's just a distraction.
THE question on impeachment is whether Trump should be president.
Trying to turn it into an investigation of his political opponents is what got him in trouble in the first place.

Then he is playing with fire.

Asking for favors is not a bad thing. I'm sure you ask people for favors every day, Keith.

When the favors you ask for are patently illegal, they are indeed a very bad thing. What Trumpo did was not just a little favor that was slightly illegal like "Can you get me a few joints", but was extorting a foreign head of state to dig up dirt on a political opponent, patently illegal and very consequential.

This is NOT acceptable behavior from a sitting President of the United States. Not even if Sean Insanity says it is.
The point I'm making is how many times and ways the Democrats didn't get investigated, that Trump could look in to. That is why I explained in my earlier post a few particular things Trump might look in to.
but that's just a distraction.

Yet it is actually a good question...for Trump supporters to answer.

If what Hunter Biden did was so gosh darned corrupt, and what VP Biden did was so beyond the pale, then why - after nearly 3 years in office - hasn't the Trump administration pursued the matter already? Biden officially launched his campaign in April, but it was clear to anyone paying attention that he was going to get into the race. He's been the front-runner from day one. Furthermore, the Trump administration has had the basic information for years.

It would have been a bad look if they immediately started investigating him in April, but it isn't like the Trump White House is concerned about appearances. They could have shrugged off the accusations of impropriety and simply hammered Biden with this constantly. Yet they didn't do that. No, they only began to shout "b-b-but Joe Biden!" from the rooftops after the whistleblower story broke. Why didn't they start earlier?

The same reason they didn't begin the prosecution of "Crooked Hillary" on day one. Aside from an inept back-burner shell of an investigation that's turned up nothing, they haven't lifted a finger against her. Or any other official from the supposedly lawless and corrupt Obama administration. Why not? Because like the Biden thing, those were just things to get the rubes fired up at the rallies. They were never going to "lock her up."

Worse than that, Republicans said nothing at the time the prosecutor was removed. It's pure fake outrage now.
Love how after two fucking years of Mueller gathering evidence against Trump, during which time he was repeatedly accused of rape, presided over the barbaric imprisonment of migrants that continues to this day, and flagrantly violated the emoluments clause multiple times, picking on Biden's corrupt failson was the straw that broke the camel's back.

It's not how serious the wrong (although I consider this to be treason--a very serious offense), but how solid the proof.
Yet it is actually a good question...for Trump supporters to answer.

If what Hunter Biden did was so gosh darned corrupt, and what VP Biden did was so beyond the pale, then why - after nearly 3 years in office - hasn't the Trump administration pursued the matter already? Biden officially launched his campaign in April, but it was clear to anyone paying attention that he was going to get into the race. He's been the front-runner from day one. Furthermore, the Trump administration has had the basic information for years.

It would have been a bad look if they immediately started investigating him in April, but it isn't like the Trump White House is concerned about appearances. They could have shrugged off the accusations of impropriety and simply hammered Biden with this constantly. Yet they didn't do that. No, they only began to shout "b-b-but Joe Biden!" from the rooftops after the whistleblower story broke. Why didn't they start earlier?

The same reason they didn't begin the prosecution of "Crooked Hillary" on day one. Aside from an inept back-burner shell of an investigation that's turned up nothing, they haven't lifted a finger against her. Or any other official from the supposedly lawless and corrupt Obama administration. Why not? Because like the Biden thing, those were just things to get the rubes fired up at the rallies. They were never going to "lock her up."

Worse than that, Republicans said nothing at the time the prosecutor was removed. It's pure fake outrage now.

That's a good response to apparent right wing indignation, calling out their fake outrage.
Obama and every other President made calls like these. World leaders doing favors for each other is as common as water in the ocean. .
Depends on how many details you're willing to see.

Using the power ofbthe office to promote the nation's interest is diplomacy.
A favor to get an advantage against a political opponent is campaign donation.
Using the power of the office to get a foreign national to forge an advantage in an election is a felony.

Maybe he should be hoisted by his own petard: Executed by firing squad on 5th avenue.
I have never asked someone to commit a felony, nor have i ever committed a felony by asking for a favor.
So, no, some favors are bad things to ask for. Asking for some is a felony its own self.

Do try to keep up.

What felony did he ask the Ukraine President to commit? Didn't you see the interview with the Ukraine President? He said there was no wrongdoing by Trump. Is he covering for Trump, even though you claim Trump tried to extort him? You would think he'd be shouting how guilty Trump is!
but that's just a distraction.
THE question on impeachment is whether Trump should be president.
Trying to turn it into an investigation of his political opponents is what got him in trouble in the first place.

Then he is playing with fire.

Asking for favors is not a bad thing. I'm sure you ask people for favors every day, Keith.

There are favors and there are unlawful favors. Don-King-Con asked for the latter.
I have never asked someone to commit a felony, nor have i ever committed a felony by asking for a favor.
So, no, some favors are bad things to ask for. Asking for some is a felony its own self.

Do try to keep up.

What felony did he ask the Ukraine President to commit? Didn't you see the interview with the Ukraine President? He said there was no wrongdoing by Trump. Is he covering for Trump, even though you claim Trump tried to extort him? You would think he'd be shouting how guilty Trump is!

Saying there was no pressure - to be polite - is not the same thing as saying there was nothing illegal.
I have never asked someone to commit a felony, nor have i ever committed a felony by asking for a favor.
So, no, some favors are bad things to ask for. Asking for some is a felony its own self.

Do try to keep up.

What felony did he ask the Ukraine President to commit? Didn't you see the interview with the Ukraine President? He said there was no wrongdoing by Trump. Is he covering for Trump, even though you claim Trump tried to extort him? You would think he'd be shouting how guilty Trump is!

Shouting about His Flatulence's guilt would mean no more aid while His Flatulence is in power.
I have never asked someone to commit a felony, nor have i ever committed a felony by asking for a favor.
So, no, some favors are bad things to ask for. Asking for some is a felony its own self.

Do try to keep up.

What felony did he ask the Ukraine President to commit? Didn't you see the interview with the Ukraine President? He said there was no wrongdoing by Trump. Is he covering for Trump, even though you claim Trump tried to extort him? You would think he'd be shouting how guilty Trump is!

Shouting about His Flatulence's guilt would mean no more aid while His Flatulence is in power.

Yes, that.

Proposition someone on the street, no pressure, then walk away. Then you're cuffed because it was an undercover cop. No pressure, still illegal. Trumpty Dumpty is just saying everyone does it. Suck it up, Chubby.
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