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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward

Your refusal to answer the question is noted.

Look at him, thrashing about for help.

We can start a Giuliani thread in the political forum. I have gotten in trouble for derailments before. I'm trying my hardest to not have it happen anymore. I'm not dodging!

You poor, poor thing, you brought up Rudy, not me. There's nothing to discuss about Rudy, he doesn't warrant a thread. His claim to fame is that he's one of Don's "lawyers" who hasn't been sent to prison. Yet.

Go see if you can deal with Don2's query, you're done here.
The present tactic of Clown in Chief and his gang seems to be to smear the whistleblower. That makes me think they're desperate. I mean, who really cares about who delivered the damning information if the information is damning and accurate? They're pissed that it saw the light of day is all.
So to recap:

1. Trump solicited the President of Ukraine to help him dig up dirt on Joe Biden.

2. Said dirt would be of political value to the Trump campaign.

3. Monica Zelenskyy promised to provide the thing of value.

And here's Rudy in a dress. With Trump of all people. This sure has been a fun thread.

I have never asked someone to commit a felony, nor have i ever committed a felony by asking for a favor.
So, no, some favors are bad things to ask for. Asking for some is a felony its own self.

Do try to keep up.

What felony did he ask the Ukraine President to commit?
Aren't you getting tired of ignoring the anwer to this question?
Use scroll technology and look back.
Didn't you see the interview with the Ukraine President? He said there was no wrongdoing by Trump.
No, he did not say that.
Is he covering for Trump, even though you claim Trump tried to extort him? You would think he'd be shouting how guilty Trump is!
Not sitting next to Trump, while Trump still has the power to withold further aid, no i do not think he would do that.
I think he would say he doesn't want to get invvolved in an internalUS matter, that is what i would expect.
And the law is quite clear:

§30121. Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

Asking a foreign head of state to use their government to investigate a political rival is a solicitation.

Dirt on a political rival is a thing of value.

The President of Ukraine made an express promise to do Trump this "favor." Roll tape...

There it is, right in the transcript released by the White House. A conversation that meets the criteria for a violation of federal election law. A felony violation, no less. Now, are we going to bust the President of Ukraine? No, but we've got the President of the United States dead to rights.

Yes the transcript shows Trump never said "do x and I'll give you y." All he said was "could you please do x?" Asking a question is not illegal. LOL these unmedicated lefties!
What? Do you not understand the word 'solicit?'
Read article 30121(a)(2).
It shall be unlawful for a person to ssssoooollliiiciiit a donation from a foreign national.

Now, has your math class covered variables, yet? You can plug real world examples into the formula and see:

This LITERALLY says it is against the law for [TRUMP] to [ASK FOR] a [CAMPAIGN FAVOR] from [THE PRESIDENT OF THE UKRAINE.]
Which he has admitted doing.
So to recap:

1. Trump solicited the President of Ukraine to help him dig up dirt on Joe Biden.

2. Said dirt would be of political value to the Trump campaign.

3. Monica Zelenskyy promised to provide the thing of value.

And here's Rudy in a dress. With Trump of all people. This sure has been a fun thread.

View attachment 24096

So to recap:

1. Trump solicited the President of Ukraine to help him dig up dirt on Joe Biden.

2. Said dirt would be of political value to the Trump campaign.

3. Monica Zelenskyy promised to provide the thing of value.

And here's Rudy in a dress. With Trump of all people. This sure has been a fun thread.

View attachment 24096

Poor Rudy, Don will never leave Ivanka for that.
That's exactly what iam saying.
if we ARE having an impeachment, it is not in McConnell's interest to let Trump drag in any other investigations where the GOP covered his ass.

The point I'm making is how many times and ways the Democrats didn't get investigated, that Trump could look in to. That is why I explained in my earlier post a few particular things Trump might look in to.

If Trump's defense is going to be "they did things and didn't get caught so I'm innocent," he's in deep shit and knows it.

I'm not suggesting that's his defense though.
If Trump's defense is going to be "they did things and didn't get caught so I'm innocent," he's in deep shit and knows it.

I'm not suggesting that's his defense though.

Right now his defenders are flailing. if you get an opportunity get the 60 minutes segment (liberal rag from your POV I know)that just aired. Either his defenders in congress are batshit crazy or are in denial. They have no defense because by their own words there is nothing to defend.

Maybe this is what happens when you get rid of people who are actually intelligent and surround yourself with yes-men. Where the fuck is Barr in all this? Isn't he the Clown-in-Chief's champion? Is he going to be the next to resign?
We can start a Giuliani thread in the political forum. I have gotten in trouble for derailments before. I'm trying my hardest to not have it happen anymore. I'm not dodging!

You poor, poor thing, you brought up Rudy, not me. There's nothing to discuss about Rudy, he doesn't warrant a thread. His claim to fame is that he's one of Don's "lawyers" who hasn't been sent to prison. Yet.

Go see if you can deal with Don2's query, you're done here.

Might be interesting though. Rudy is now screeching he went to Ukraine with full knowledge of State Department. Mike Pompeo. Who is now implicated by Rudy as up to his neck in all of this. Rudy claims he got involved in all of this Ukraine garbage at the request of the State Department. Pompeo. Pompeo then is the capo, Rudy is just the bagman. If Rudy was ever subpeonaed, not being an official Government official he cannot claim any form of executive privileged. The best he can do is plead the fifth. Whirlwing Rudy may be helping take everybody down with him.
Dumpo called Pelosi the day this information became public. According to Pelosi Dumpo said the conversation with Zelensky was perfect, nothing wrong. Pelosi said that Dumpo didn't know that he had done anything illegal.

That Dumpo called Pelosi is telling. She really seems to command his attention.

Still a big giant nothing burger. You guys are in for a rude awakening. Either Trump is going to get re-elected, in which case you guys will need to double your medication for another 4 years. Or Trump will not get re-elected and he will never be convicted or see the inside of a jail cell for as long as he lives. Either scenario would set off the TDS sufferers. Nothing is ever going to happen to Trump. Face it.

Fox Business also reported that when the impeachment announcement came about, Trump's campaign received $5 million in donations from his supporters. So, keep thinking impeachment is going to help stop Trump. He's gonna get re-elected in a landslide. I wouldn't even put it past Trump to be milking this impeachment on purpose to boost his voters. It's a genius strategy if he is.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "
Trump Tower used as a piggy bank was enough.
10 incidents of obstruction of justice was enough.
Permanently separating children & parents for profit was enough.
Detention camps were enough.
Muslim ban was enough.
Trans servicemember ban was enough.
Ukraine is beyond enough." / Twitter

Moog on Twitter: "Interesting that @realDonaldTrump deleted this panicked tweet from this morning. (originally found here [url]https://t.co/O3Rw3NYkQQ) Someone is pants-shittingly scared. #WhistleblowerComplaint #ImpeachTheMFTraitor https://t.co/k5sx9mTUoE" / Twitter[/url]

Democrats are now eying Trump’s phone calls with Putin - Vox - "Rep. Adam Schiff said the House Intelligence Committee wants to know more about about Trump’s calls with Putin."
On NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday, Schiff, who as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee is leading investigations into the Ukraine matter, said he wanted to better understand whether the White House was trying to hide any more calls with foreign leader — and if so, why.

“The paramount need here is to protect the national security of the United States and see whether, in the conversations with other world leaders and, in particular, with Putin, that the president was also undermining our security in a way that he thought would personally benefit his campaign,” Schiff said.

“If those conversations with Putin or with other world leaders are sequestered in that same electronic file that is meant for covert action, not meant for this, if there’s an effort to hide those and cover those up, yes, we’re determined to find out,” he added.

Over the past three years, Trump has had 11 phone calls with Putin, according to The New York Times. The content of those conversations has mostly been kept in secret — and the Kremlin wants to keep it that way.
What was in those calls? Was Trump lamenting that he was not very successful in learning Russian? :D

Trump loyalists are working hard defend Trump. It isn’t going well. - Vox
Graham’s inability to answer Brennan is reflective of the main impression left by Trump defenders’ media tour on Sunday: not that they’re victims of media bias, but that they’re woefully unprepared to defend a president whose conduct is becoming increasingly hard to justify.

Still a big giant nothing burger. You guys are in for a rude awakening. Either Trump is going to get re-elected, in which case you guys will need to double your medication for another 4 years. Or Trump will not get re-elected and he will never be convicted or see the inside of a jail cell for as long as he lives. Either scenario would set off the TDS sufferers. Nothing is ever going to happen to Trump. Face it.

Fox Business also reported that when the impeachment announcement came about, Trump's campaign received $5 million in donations from his supporters. So, keep thinking impeachment is going to help stop Trump. He's gonna get re-elected in a landslide. I wouldn't even put it past Trump to be milking this impeachment on purpose to boost his voters. It's a genius strategy if he is.


Only 31% of women approve of Trump. Trumpolini is going to lose big. This treason of Trump crap is just one more side show. All the money in the world cannot save the wretched Trump. According to other Pew surveys, only 34% of independents have a positive approval rating of Trumpolini. When one loses Democrats, women and independents, you lose the election.

And once out of office, Trump loses any claim that as president he cannot be indicted. It is going to rain hard and fast on Trump and he may well go to prison on any number of charges. Wake up and smell the coffee. Reality is a bitch.

Muh Trump a good boy. He dindu nuffin.

Still a big giant nothing burger. You guys are in for a rude awakening. Either Trump is going to get re-elected, in which case you guys will need to double your medication for another 4 years. Or Trump will not get re-elected and he will never be convicted or see the inside of a jail cell for as long as he lives. Either scenario would set off the TDS sufferers. Nothing is ever going to happen to Trump. Face it.

Fox Business also reported that when the impeachment announcement came about, Trump's campaign received $5 million in donations from his supporters. So, keep thinking impeachment is going to help stop Trump. He's gonna get re-elected in a landslide. I wouldn't even put it past Trump to be milking this impeachment on purpose to boost his voters. It's a genius strategy if he is.

View attachment 24101

Only 31% of women approve of Trump. Trumpolini is going to lose big. This treason of Trump crap is just one more side show. All the money in the world cannot save the wretched Trump. According to other Pew surveys, only 34% of independents have a positive approval rating of Trumpolini. When one loses Democrats, women and independents, you lose the election.

And once out of office, Trump loses any claim that as president he cannot be indicted. It is going to rain hard and fast on Trump and he may well go to prison on any number of charges. Wake up and smell the coffee. Reality is a bitch.

Muh Trump a good boy. He dindu nuffin.

Half the country doesn't even vote. People who don't vote are just making it more favorable for Trump. We heard every excuse in the book as to why Trump won't win in 2016. I am telling you that a lot of independent voters are getting sick of the witch hunts. Even if they do not like Trump all that much, they view all this stalling as "Do something already or stop talking about it!" This leans them more towards Trump's side because it does look like stall tactics and witch hunts. The underdog is the hero of the story. It takes a lot of guts to stand at a podium giving a speech to a nation of TDS sufferers who have nothing but vile hatred for your very existence.
Pelosi said that Dumpo didn't know that he had done anything illegal.

Trump: Was that wrong? Should I have not done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon, you know, ‘cause I've worked in a lot of offices and I tell you people do that all the time.

Still a big giant nothing burger. You guys are in for a rude awakening. Either Trump is going to get re-elected, in which case you guys will need to double your medication for another 4 years. Or Trump will not get re-elected and he will never be convicted or see the inside of a jail cell for as long as he lives. Either scenario would set off the TDS sufferers. Nothing is ever going to happen to Trump. Face it.

Fox Business also reported that when the impeachment announcement came about, Trump's campaign received $5 million in donations from his supporters. So, keep thinking impeachment is going to help stop Trump. He's gonna get re-elected in a landslide. I wouldn't even put it past Trump to be milking this impeachment on purpose to boost his voters. It's a genius strategy if he is.

Five million, huh?
I wonder if the campaign will pay off some of the multi-thousand-$ debts it still owes?
2018 was a big turnout for an off year election. Democrats had a nice big Blue Wave. We will see another Big Blue wave come 2020, lead by angry women voters.


President Donald Trump has historically low favorability among women, with the Pew Research Center now reporting that 63 percent of women disapprove of how he is doing his job—compared with 30 percent who approve.
Republican women still overwhelmingly support the president—84 percent of them, according to a POLITICO/Morning Consult poll this week.But that statistic overlooks a broader trend: Fewer and fewer American women identify as Republicans, and that slow migration is speeding up under Trump. My conversations with pollsters, political scientists and a number of women across the country who have recently rejected their lifelong Republicans identities suggested the same—and illuminate why this moment in American politics might prove a breaking point for women in the GOP.

Kiss yer precious Trump's ass goodbye. He's roadkill.
I am telling you that a lot of independent voters are getting sick of the witch hunts.
You're also telling us that there's no law broken in the felony phone call.
Pull the other one, it's got bells on.
Even if they do not like Trump all that much, they view all this stalling as "Do something already or stop talking about it!"
Yes. Actually investigating, rather than rushing ahead, that's 'stalling.' keep thinking that.
This leans them more towards Trump's side because it does look like stall tactics and witch hunts. The underdog is the hero of the story.
NOW trump is an underdog? Uh huh. Nice story, hope you can get it into the stores by Christmas.
It takes a lot of guts to stand at a podium giving a speech to a nation of TDS sufferers who have nothing but vile hatred for your very existence.
It would... But Trumpie doesn't do that, does he? He only barely faces the press, and his speeches are at rallies where they police anyone who isn't visibly supportive.
Very careful to only appear to pre-selected groups.
And only appears on shows like Hannity, not 60 minutes.
And he has canceled trips overseas because he might face angry protesters.

That coward wouldn't 'face the nation' if it would get him a hundred more votes.
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