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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward

Every Republican in the last week: We demand open, public hearings.

Dems: Ok, let's vote to have open impeachment hearings.

Every republican in the house: We vote no!
Republicans: We want control of the proceedings now.
Bullies can’t stand it when they are bullied. Cucks and snowflakes every one of them, which is why, of course, they used those terms as insults. It takes a cuck to know what “cuck” even means, let alone why it’s an insult.
Dems have been clutching at straws since 2016 when they refused to accept defeat. Why are they wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on nothing less than a witch hunt? There's only a year before the next election. Why not let the American voters decide Trump's fate in 2020?

Could it possibly be because the Dem clowns think that by constantly attacking Trump's administration will clear the way for them to take the White house in 2020?
Dems have been clutching at straws since 2016 when they refused to accept defeat. Why are they wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on nothing less than a witch hunt? There's only a year before the next election. Why not let the American voters decide Trump's fate in 2020?

Duh. That's what Pelosi and crew were going to do. Then, they found out that Twitler McCrazyPants was undermining the 2020 election using taxpayer dollars illegally.
Dems have been clutching at straws since 2016 when they refused to accept defeat. Why are they wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on nothing less than a witch hunt? There's only a year before the next election. Why not let the American voters decide Trump's fate in 2020?

Duh. That's what Pelosi and crew were going to do. Then, they found out that Twitler McCrazyPants was undermining the 2020 election using taxpayer dollars illegally.

As if the Biden's are innocent angels and not at all interested in self interest!
Dems have been clutching at straws since 2016 when they refused to accept defeat. Why are they wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on nothing less than a witch hunt?
Trump was effectively caught flying on a broom stick.
Could it possibly be because the Dem clowns think that by constantly attacking Trump's administration will clear the way for them to take the White house in 2020?
Republicans did between 2012-2016 with Hillary Clinton.
Dems have been clutching at straws since 2016 when they refused to accept defeat. Why are they wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on nothing less than a witch hunt? There's only a year before the next election. Why not let the American voters decide Trump's fate in 2020?

Duh. That's what Pelosi and crew were going to do. Then, they found out that Twitler McCrazyPants was undermining the 2020 election using taxpayer dollars illegally.

As if the Biden's are innocent angels and not at all interested in self interest!
Self interest isn't a high crime and using the power of the office and the Congress's power of the purse to influence the next Presidential election.
Why are they wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on nothing less than a witch hunt?

Easy. They're not. Have you seen how corrupt Trump's 2016 election campaign was? The amount of assets seized in criminal forfeiture from the Special Counsel Investigation paid for itself. There has never been a US administration so openly incestuous with criminals. Seriously, when was the last time you saw a week go by without someone from the Trump Administration either a)was being forced to resign, b)under investigation or c)charged with a criminal offense? When was the last time you saw seven consecutive days where none of those scenarios occurred with regards to someone Trump hand picked himself?
Dems have been clutching at straws since 2016 when they refused to accept defeat. Why are they wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on nothing less than a witch hunt? There's only a year before the next election. Why not let the American voters decide Trump's fate in 2020?

Could it possibly be because the Dem clowns think that by constantly attacking Trump's administration will clear the way for them to take the White house in 2020?

When you see an orange-headed witch a witch hunt is appropriate.
Dems have been clutching at straws since 2016 when they refused to accept defeat. Why are they wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on nothing less than a witch hunt? There's only a year before the next election. Why not let the American voters decide Trump's fate in 2020?

Could it possibly be because the Dem clowns think that by constantly attacking Trump's administration will clear the way for them to take the White house in 2020?

When you see an orange-headed witch a witch hunt is appropriate.

Watch out what you wish for. If you set the bar too low for impeachment, all presidents will be impeached.
Dems have been clutching at straws since 2016 when they refused to accept defeat. Why are they wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on nothing less than a witch hunt? There's only a year before the next election. Why not let the American voters decide Trump's fate in 2020?

Could it possibly be because the Dem clowns think that by constantly attacking Trump's administration will clear the way for them to take the White house in 2020?

When you see an orange-headed witch a witch hunt is appropriate.

Watch out what you wish for. If you set the bar too low for impeachment, all presidents will be impeached.

If all Presidents act like Trump, they fucking deserve to be. That you consider Trump to be the standard for integrity and ethical behaviour is telling, but unsurprising.
Dems have been clutching at straws since 2016 when they refused to accept defeat. Why are they wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on nothing less than a witch hunt? There's only a year before the next election. Why not let the American voters decide Trump's fate in 2020?

Could it possibly be because the Dem clowns think that by constantly attacking Trump's administration will clear the way for them to take the White house in 2020?

Should we ignore our Constitution for political expediency? No. This impeachment process or Trump attacks as you call it is not necessarily advantageous for the Democrats. Barring a wave of decency overcoming the Senate GOP, it's fully expected to fail. The Democrats need to be very careful going forward that they do not appear in the public eye as grandstanding, which the Republicans will paint them as such.
Dems have been clutching at straws since 2016 when they refused to accept defeat. Why are they wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on nothing less than a witch hunt? There's only a year before the next election. Why not let the American voters decide Trump's fate in 2020?

Could it possibly be because the Dem clowns think that by constantly attacking Trump's administration will clear the way for them to take the White house in 2020?

When you see an orange-headed witch a witch hunt is appropriate.

Watch out what you wish for. If you set the bar too low for impeachment, all presidents will be impeached.

Oaky. Maybe personally profiting from your high office or paying off strippers to keep their mouth shut prior to an election is a bar too low. But withholding congressionally approved foreign aid unless that government smears your political opponent. That's not good enough for you? What's a guy gotta do, get a knobber in the Oval Office?
Dems have been clutching at straws since 2016 when they refused to accept defeat. Why are they wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on nothing less than a witch hunt? There's only a year before the next election. Why not let the American voters decide Trump's fate in 2020?

Could it possibly be because the Dem clowns think that by constantly attacking Trump's administration will clear the way for them to take the White house in 2020?

When you see an orange-headed witch a witch hunt is appropriate.

Watch out what you wish for. If you set the bar too low for impeachment, all presidents will be impeached.

Trausti, do you feel that Donald Trump did nothing wrong? Or do you feel that what he did is not worthy of impeachment?
Heh. In my life, i have watched a President NOT get impeached for felonies we all knew he committed, or directed people to commit, and a president GET impeached for not admitting he cheated on his wife.
I'd really, really be happy if there actually was a fucking bar. High? Low? I don't care. Just agree that there is a bar.
Treason, infidelity, money laundering, bribes, mud-slinging campaign ads, tan business suits, returning military salutes when you aren't actually in the goddamned military, some list of behaviors where we MUST impeach, not the current system of MAY impeach, if we dislike him....

A bar. Ha.
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