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President Jackass thinks he can overrule the Constitution

I doubt he can change the law that easy, but I am not a fan of birthright citizenship. If someone is born here to non-citizens, there should at least be a minimum residency requirement for citizenship.

It's not just a law. It's the 14th amendment to the Constitution. Changing the constitution is not like changing a law. The constitution spells out how the constitution can be changed.

You don't need an amendment, just a court decision, but which still wouldn't be easy.
Of course Trump is the real colluder, again.

In a twist, as the Daily Beast first reported, condo buildings that bear the Trump name are the most popular for the out-of-town obstetric patients, although the units are subleased from the individual owners and it's not clear if building management is aware.

There is no indication that Trump or the Trump Organization is profiting directly from birth tourism; the company and the White House did not respond to requests for comment.

Roman Bokeria, the state director of the Florida Association of Realtors told NBC News that Trump- branded buildings in the Sunny Isles Beach area north of Miami are particularly popular with the Russian birth tourists and Russian immigrants.

Russians Flock to Trump Properties to Give Birth to U.S. Citizens

So you think this whole birth tourism thing should be stopped? Or are you on Putin's payroll, too?

Already said I do itt.
I doubt he can change the law that easy, but I am not a fan of birthright citizenship. If someone is born here to non-citizens, there should at least be a minimum residency requirement for citizenship.

It's not just a law. It's the 14th amendment to the Constitution. Changing the constitution is not like changing a law. The constitution spells out how the constitution can be changed.

You don't need an amendment, just a court decision, but which still wouldn't be easy.
But then another court decision could reverse the reversal.
You don't need an amendment, just a court decision, but which still wouldn't be easy.
But then another court decision could reverse the reversal.

Even with this lopsided SCOTUS, the chances that they would overturn A14 are slim and none. It's a stupid stunt. IOW, SOP.
Regardless of the the constitution and the orange jackass, how does russia hating majority of this forum feels about let say pregnant female member of russian parliament who flies to loss Angeles to give birth and then going back to her "job" of being anti-american?

The child would have to get a US passport before returning to Russia...

(And maybe a Russian one too.)
I am not sure of that. But the point is, you have people who are using this law to their advantage.
This amendment needs to be amended. It was never intended to work in today's environment. And it's unfair too. same applies to 2nd one
1) How many/year? Seriously, in a country of 300 million, if even a few thousand immigrants/year get in this way, who the fuck cares. It really doesn't affect anything, it's a drop in the bucket.

2) You want to whine about this aspect of the US being unfair? You're really going to be put out when you realize how skewed our economic system is against poor people, or how much we spend on the military instead of infrastructure, or how a tiny minority of people basically control the economy, or how hard it is for poor people to even vote in our so called democracy.

In other words, who the fuck cares.
I am not sure of that. But the point is, you have people who are using this law to their advantage.
This amendment needs to be amended. It was never intended to work in today's environment. And it's unfair too. same applies to 2nd one
1) How many/year? Seriously, in a country of 300 million, if even a few thousand immigrants/year get in this way, who the fuck cares. It really doesn't affect anything, it's a drop in the bucket.
Does not matter how many.
2) You want to whine about this aspect of the US being unfair? You're really going to be put out when you realize how skewed our economic system is against poor people, or how much we spend on the military instead of infrastructure, or how a tiny minority of people basically control the economy, or how hard it is for poor people to even vote in our so called democracy.

In other words, who the fuck cares.

People who try to immigrate legally care.
People who try to immigrate legally care.

First of all, a U.S. citizen must be at least 21 years old to even make an application for their parents. And said application is only for a green card, not U.S. citizenship for the parents. Moreover, the U.S. citizen child must be able to prove they can financially support their parents (a minimum of 125% above poverty level), and show that they and their parents intend to live in the U.S. full time.

In other words, you are suggesting that these Russian mothers having their "anchor babies" in the U.S. are playing a really really really long game for the sole purpose of MAYBE obtaining a green card that MAYBE could lead to citizenship... or nothing different than what any other legal immigrant faces.
People who try to immigrate legally care.

First of all, a U.S. citizen must be at least 21 years old to even make an application for their parents. And said application is only for a green card, not U.S. citizenship for the parents. Moreover, the U.S. citizen child must be able to prove they can financially support their parents (a minimum of 125% above poverty level), and show that they and their parents intend to live in the U.S. full time.

In other words, you are suggesting that these Russian mothers having their "anchor babies" in the U.S. are playing a really really really long game for the sole purpose of MAYBE obtaining a green card that MAYBE could lead to citizenship... or nothing different than what any other legal immigrant faces.
Yes I am suggesting that. Their plan is to retire in US. And there are no "MAYBE". If kid does not die they will get a green card and free travel to US before that.
A lot of women in the Caravan are pregnant, no doubt because they hope to give birth to an anchor baby.
This WaPo article is pro-Caravan, but it relates stories of two of the pregnant women in it. Why would a pregnant woman chose this time to come into the US illegally if not to give birth on US soil, guaranteeing an anchor baby?
Bandaged feet, bleeding hands, violent coughs: The caravan takes its toll
WaPo said:
The 21-year-old was five months pregnant. Her back ached and her feet throbbed from three weeks on the road. She had hoped she wouldn’t have to push her toddler’s stroller today as the sun rose and the temperature soared and her family’s water ran out.
After Fajardo was Grey Elizabeth Perez, a 22-year-old from Honduras who was 32 weeks pregnant and worried that the long walks were hurting her baby.
Why wasn't she worried that the walk would hurt the baby before she set out with the caravan? Oh yeah, the anchor baby business.
Them aint baby bulges under the serapes. Those are Uzis...pipe bombs...and pinatas stuffed with fentanyl.

Aren't terrorist anchor babies scarier (more scary?) than uzis?

Someone walks up to the border with an uzi, there's a whole system in place already deployed to stop them. A terrorist anchor baby can lie in wait for years before striking when you least expect it in the places where you're least defended, though.
A lot of women in the Caravan are pregnant, no doubt because they hope to give birth to an anchor baby.
This WaPo article is pro-Caravan, but it relates stories of two of the pregnant women in it. Why would a pregnant woman chose this time to come into the US illegally if not to give birth on US soil, guaranteeing an anchor baby?
Bandaged feet, bleeding hands, violent coughs: The caravan takes its toll
WaPo said:
The 21-year-old was five months pregnant. Her back ached and her feet throbbed from three weeks on the road. She had hoped she wouldn’t have to push her toddler’s stroller today as the sun rose and the temperature soared and her family’s water ran out.
After Fajardo was Grey Elizabeth Perez, a 22-year-old from Honduras who was 32 weeks pregnant and worried that the long walks were hurting her baby.
Why wasn't she worried that the walk would hurt the baby before she set out with the caravan? Oh yeah, the anchor baby business.
A woman willing to risk her life and freedom to give her child a better life is a woman I would be proud to befriend, personally. Why do conservatives suddenly welch on family values and the morality of killing children, both normally major talking points on the right, when the children in question have brown skin? You must know, on some level, that a child is still a child. I guess being an atheist conservative makes you slightly less hypocritical, but it's still a rather ugly orientation toward the world. A human being's worth is not determined by the passports they hold, and anyone who thinks it is has lost sight of their own value, let alone anyone else's.

And yes, a long stressful walk might be dangerous for a gestating child, but long walks and constant stress are almost certainly a common feature of life back in Honduras, so the calculus might look a bit different from her perspective.
A woman willing to risk her life and freedom to give her child a better life is a woman I would be proud to befriend, personally.
You mean, she is willing to break the immigration laws?
Why do conservatives suddenly welch on family values and the morality of killing children, both normally major talking points on the right, when the children in question have brown skin?
I am not a conservative and it has nothing to do with brown skin. It has to do with them being illegal.
US and Europe cannot take in all the 3rd world people who would like to come to developed countries for "a better life". Open borders which you seem to advocate is a very naive notion.

You must know, on some level, that a child is still a child.
A child is a child. It does not mean, however, that every child is entitled to US citizenship.

I guess being an atheist conservative makes you slightly less hypocritical, but it's still a rather ugly orientation toward the world.
And yours is a very naive one.

A human being's worth is not determined by the passports they hold, and anyone who thinks it is has lost sight of their own value, let alone anyone else's.
So is your solution to just let everybody who wants to come it? Imagine how many millions would join the caravans if you just opened the borders to anybody who wants to come in?

And yes, a long stressful walk might be dangerous for a gestating child, but long walks and constant stress are almost certainly a common feature of life back in Honduras, so the calculus might look a bit different from her perspective.
I doubt she has had enough education to do simple algebra, let alone calculus. :)
And that's another problem with these people. They tend to be uneducated. As in maybe four years of schooling uneducated.

- - - Updated - - -

What % of the women are pregnant and how many is that?
The articles don't say. But I can't imagine any pregnant women would do something like this if not for the promise of automatic citizenship if their give birth on US soil. The policy of automatic birthright citizenship gives a perverse incentive for pregnant illegals.
You mean, she is willing to break the immigration laws?
Hell yes! Given the choice between giving a child a good life and filling out paperwork appropriately, I would choose my kids first every single time, if obliged to choose. But of course I would attempt to do both, as these people are all doing by applying for asylum.

I am not a conservative and it has nothing to do with brown skin. It has to do with them being illegal.
Fuck that noise, citizens break the law all the time. And applying for asylum is not in fact "illegal", Trump's xenophobia notwithstanding.

US and Europe cannot take in all the 3rd world people who would like to come to developed countries for "a better life". Open borders which you seem to advocate is a very naive notion.
Yes, because the most immigration-friendly states are soooo poor.

A California start-ups back-up toilet paper supply is worth more than a Southern state's entire tax office. We have plenty of "illegals", and we are reaping the economic benefits in spades.

A child is a child. It does not mean, however, that every child is entitled to US citizenship.
Then don't give them citizenship, though making them citizens means the whole system is a lot more sustainable. Citizens pay taxes, vote, serve in the military, many things that a non-citizen cannot do.

And yours is a very naive one.
A strange claim. I am hardly a newcomer to this question. But even if it were true, I'd actually rather be naive than a monster.

So is your solution to just let everybody who wants to come it? Imagine how many millions would join the caravans if you just opened the borders to anybody who wants to come in?
So what? Our empire will last just a little bit longer than it would have otherwise. Maybe that's not the best thing in the grand scheme, but I like the life I have and want it for the next generation too.

I doubt she has had enough education to do simple algebra, let alone calculus. :)
And that's another problem with these people. They tend to be uneducated. As in maybe four years of schooling uneducated.
Racist bullshit.
What % of the women are pregnant and how many is that?
The articles don't say. But I can't imagine any pregnant women would do something like this if ...

Here is what you wrote:
Derec said:
A lot of women in the Caravan are pregnant.

That means an inordinate number, more than usual, or in other words statistically more than expected. Otherwise, it is a non sequitur.

So, suppose the average woman in their region of the world has 2.7 kids during their lifetime for sake of argument. Suppose there are 2500 females in the caravan and life expectancy from their conditions in their country of origin is 74 years. Then, an average woman will be pregnant in her lifetime for 24.3 months out of 888 months 2.7% of her lifetime. So due to randomness one might expect some 68 or so women to be pregnant. You've listed only two.

Your post is illogical.
Oh yeah, the anchor baby business.

First, they came for the Mexicans, and I said nothing because Mexicans are rapists, but they're cheap so I hire them to do landscape work at Mara Lago, which is the finest property in America. All the best people say so.

Then they came for the Guatemalans, and I said nothing because I think they're pretty much the same thing as Mexicans, but that's down south, even farther than Mexico, and my grandfather who was an interpreter said that the Spanish has a lot words and speak very quickly. So I know the Spanish.

Then they came for Melania, and that was fake news, and then they made her kid go with her. I forget his name, but it was a wonderful name. I think it was Barron. But I wasn't Barron, so I said nothing because George Soros hired protesters to sell uranium to the Russians and Hillary was having an affair with that Ben Ghazi guy.
Oh yeah, the anchor baby business.

First, they came for the Mexicans, and I said nothing because Mexicans are rapists, but they're cheap so I hire them to do landscape work at Mara Lago, which is the finest property in America. All the best people say so.

Then they came for the Guatemalans, and I said nothing because I think they're pretty much the same thing as Mexicans, but that's down south, even farther than Mexico, and my grandfather who was an interpreter said that the Spanish has a lot words and speak very quickly. So I know the Spanish.

Then they came for Melania, and that was fake news, and then they made her kid go with her. I forget his name, but it was a wonderful name. I think it was Barron. But I wasn't Barron, so I said nothing because George Soros hired protesters to sell uranium to the Russians and Hillary was having an affair with that Ben Ghazi guy.

People who try to immigrate legally care.

First of all, a U.S. citizen must be at least 21 years old to even make an application for their parents. And said application is only for a green card, not U.S. citizenship for the parents. Moreover, the U.S. citizen child must be able to prove they can financially support their parents (a minimum of 125% above poverty level), and show that they and their parents intend to live in the U.S. full time.

In other words, you are suggesting that these Russian mothers having their "anchor babies" in the U.S. are playing a really really really long game for the sole purpose of MAYBE obtaining a green card that MAYBE could lead to citizenship... or nothing different than what any other legal immigrant faces.

They are playing a long game--but it's a game of preparing an escape hatch if their countries go bad.

And note that it is not actually required that the child be able to support the parents. That's the usual route but there are two other options: Others (say, the parents themselves) can help, filing supplementary affidavits of support. And assets can substitute for income at a 5:1 ratio. Thus if the parents have enough money (which must be in the US, foreign assets don't count because they can't be attached if need be) they can come assuming the child is willing to sponsor them.

However, these are people with a lot of money, not a burden.
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