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Price Waterhouse analyst murdered in his home by police

Eh, I would think this fits 2nd degree murder - it’s a reckless disregard for human life to fire a gun in someone else’s apartment. Manslaughter usually involves crimes of passion or negligence.

But she thought she was in her own apartment. That is negligent homicide, i.e. manslaughter.

We live in a crazy world. A few years ago Mary Winkler murdered her husband with a shotgun while he slept. Clearly premeditated murder (even though people on here defended her because the perp was a woman and her victim a white man, so obviously lower on the progressive stack), but she was only convicted of manslaughter and had to serve mere 60 days. How is that manslaughter but this is murder?

We live in a crazy world because some people keep excusing crazy.
Eh, I would think this fits 2nd degree murder - it’s a reckless disregard for human life to fire a gun in someone else’s apartment. Manslaughter usually involves crimes of passion or negligence.

But she thought she was in her own apartment. That is negligent homicide, i.e. manslaughter.
This twit killed someone who was entering his own apartment. The victim was not armed. Her stupidity and cowardice are no excuse. She is lucky to be convicted of only manslaughter.
Eh, I would think this fits 2nd degree murder - it’s a reckless disregard for human life to fire a gun in someone else’s apartment. Manslaughter usually involves crimes of passion or negligence.

But she thought she was in her own apartment. That is negligent homicide, i.e. manslaughter.
This twit killed someone who was entering his own apartment. The victim was not armed. Her stupidity and cowardice are no excuse. She is lucky to be convicted of only manslaughter.

What he said.
Eh, I would think this fits 2nd degree murder - it’s a reckless disregard for human life to fire a gun in someone else’s apartment. Manslaughter usually involves crimes of passion or negligence.

But she thought she was in her own apartment. That is negligent homicide, i.e. manslaughter.
This twit killed someone who was entering his own apartment. The victim was not armed. Her stupidity and cowardice are no excuse. She is lucky to be convicted of only manslaughter.

The victim was in his apartment, not entering it. He was sitting on his sofa eating ice cream. And she was convicted of murder.
What motive did the prosecution establish? If she had no reasonable grounds to fear for her life, which I accept, how does that translate into murder?

Seems like a case of unreasonable paranoia that she was in danger in an apartment she thought was hers. In other words, some sort of manslaughter conviction would be more appropriate. Why is the murder conviction reasonable here?

I can accept the murder charge if she knew it wasn't her apartment and had an established motive to kill her neighbor.
Derec, this is the only time I've seen you defend a woman.

The victim was a black guy so it's his own fault.

Why do you believe that a person who dies from manslaughter is at fault for their death? There is no where in the manslaughter laws that places blame on the deceased that I am aware of. In fact, it would be much harder to get a manslaughter conviction if the deceased were at fault. Pretty much the opposite of what you are contending.
Derec, this is the only time I've seen you defend a woman.

The victim was a black guy so it's his own fault.

Why do you believe that a person who dies from manslaughter is at fault for their death? There is no where in the manslaughter laws that places blame on the deceased that I am aware of. In fact, it would be much harder to get a manslaughter conviction if the deceased were at fault. Pretty much the opposite of what you are contending.

You are not literal.
Derec, this is the only time I've seen you defend a woman.

The victim was a black guy so it's his own fault.

Why do you believe that a person who dies from manslaughter is at fault for their death? There is no where in the manslaughter laws that places blame on the deceased that I am aware of. In fact, it would be much harder to get a manslaughter conviction if the deceased were at fault. Pretty much the opposite of what you are contending.

You'll have to ask Derec. Black guy trumps women.
I'm smelling an appeal.

Since it's really manslaughter and not murder I really hope so. The defense got screwed during the jury selection I think.

Eh, I would think this fits 2nd degree murder - it’s a reckless disregard for human life to fire a gun in someone else’s apartment. Manslaughter usually involves crimes of passion or negligence.

I thought it was the opposite, manslaughter for reckless disregard, 2nd degree murder for crimes of passion (motive present, but no premeditation).
Her racist social media posts may have affected the decision to convict for murder. When you announce to the world that you place a lower value on certain lives, and then take one of those lives, ignoring all of your police training in the process, you’re not going to get the benefit of any doubts.

Those posts are going to affect her sentencing too. I don’t think she’s going to escape with the minimum.
The victim was a black guy so it's his own fault.

Who said it was his fault? He did nothing wrong. It is obviously her fault. But it should have been manslaughter, not murder.
She illegally entered his home and shot dead an unarmed man who was no threat to her. Unlije the victim, she got what she earned.
At some point she has to realize, “oh fuck”. It really is one of those moments of gross negligence, but it lacks intent. There needs to be a price paid, but prison doesn’t seem correct.

But I’m glad our SYG people think that a person in their home has no right to defend it.

An "oh fuck" that kills someone can be negligent homicide.

And there also is the issue of whether it's really an oh fuck, or deliberate.
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