Assumption.: if God exists, then God is omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect.
I made this same same mistake. Then I realized that the events we see around determine the traits of the thing. Like the events we see determine everything else we describe. lol, within the confines of a smart ape that is.
So, for me, the conclusion that "something more" matches observation than than the reverse. The claim, or belief, that nothing more, in a spiritual sense that is, is as about as reliable as a belief in a omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect. Both imply far more than we know and neither match observation better than other beliefs. For example, its probably between the too.
As far as practicality goes, that is no my area. Yeah, religion is very dangerous. Trying to manipulate the social impact by not openly discussing the best conclusions due to a fear that some obnoxious belief run wild with is just intellectually immature. And believe me, I know, it takes one to know one.
So I list the all the beliefs and discuss them. Balance.
1-no gods or gods of any type
2-I don't have to say anything (but post hundreds of posts, over years, telling others they are wrong). Special Pleading to me.
3-something more {sliding scale here). I have no idea and really don't care past is what is being claimed match events we see around us.
4-diest-ish. Kind of goes with 3.
5-my god only
we can add any others and discuss.
The weights we assign have to addressed. I feel very bad, but things like abuse have to be rationally discussed in terms of how observations are weighted. It is horrible, but doesn't determine how the universe works. And things like "other" countries on the internet. To ignore this is a red flag. Of course, to solely focus on it is paranoid also. Balance.
for me, 1 and 5 seem least reliable to me in terms of just how the universe works. #2 is political. theist and atheist coming in belief forums with social change considerations is well ... think of the things we would admit to or deny if wee are focused on "Social Change for practical reasons". The means justifies the end type thinking.