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Racism And Kamala Harris

unseasoned potato salad
WYF is s’matter wid you?
OMG, just kidding. I swear. (But wait, you aren’t aghast at teh raisins, tho?)
One of my most favorites moments in film.
I've lost track of the number of times I've been told that being an Independent makes me just as bad as the most rabid evil trumpsucker maggat fascist nazi to ever breathe.
I consider myself to be independent as well.

They say that during the French Revolution the independents and peacemakers were the very first to lose their heads. Because rather than seeing your independent idea's both sides thing you are completely against them.

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My late mother considered herself an independent, but the last time she voted for a Republican was when she voted for Nixon in 1960 because her church told her that if Kennedy was elected, the pope would be in charge of the country. She regretted her vote and never voted for another Republican.

Almost every so called independent I've ever known, has almost always or always voted for one party. So, when someone tells me they are an independent, I'm kind of skeptical. I'm not saying they are bad people. I'm saying they aren't being completely honest with themselves, as most tend to vote for the same party but they don't like the label, I guess. Maybe there are some exceptions, but considering how different the two parties are, especially these days, it's hard to believe anyone who claims to be a true independent. My mother was a Democrat imo. She just didn't like being associated with a label.
My mother was a Democrat imo. She just didn't like being associated with a label.
My husband is a registered Republican. He says he just does not feel like the current Republicans really represent the party values. So he votes for Democrats instead. I asked him when was the last tinme a Republican represented the party values. He replied, “well, candidly, there has not been one yet, since I started voting.” Which was almost 50 years ago.

So, yeah. Doesn’t want to be associated with the label, but they represent his values better than the Republican party whose label he does wear.

People have internal reasons…
My mother was a Democrat imo. She just didn't like being associated with a label.
My husband is a registered Republican. He says he just does not feel like the current Republicans really represent the party values. So he votes for Democrats instead. I asked him when was the last tinme a Republican represented the party values. He replied, “well, candidly, there has not been one yet, since I started voting.” Which was almost 50 years ago.

So, yeah. Doesn’t want to be associated with the label, but they represent his values better than the Republican party whose label he does wear.

People have internal reasons…

The two major parties are basically Frankenstein coalitions, with several different group operating under the same political umbrella. I wonder if part of the problem is that people don't like the label because it associates them with parts of the base elements that they have fundamental disagreements with--for example, libertarians who oppose right wing antiabortion Christians but support unregulated gun ownership and tax cuts for large federal social services programs.
Dog whistle megaphone.
Holy shit - that is right out there, innit?

And millions of people will have nbo problem with it.

It's kind of hard to figure out how Trump supporters would rationalize it as not referring to the race of the basketball player and the presidential candidate.

Byron Donalds, the basketball player? Jason should thank you for the ammo.
Oh, I didn’t notice that line. Yah, it was the US Representative Byron Donalds who was there.
I forgot there was a politician by that name. So Trump was only referring to black politicians.
Of course she's racist. She's a Democrat.

Which racial or ethnic groups do you believe she tends to discriminate against?

~ Rhea puts an extra spoonful of mayonaise in her unseasoned potato salad with raisins.
No 'splainin
My mother-in-law used to want peanut butter, sweet pickle, and cheese sandwiches on rye toast.
I'd make them.

I'd make fun of her while I gagged. "Ya damn well better not be pregnant!"
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