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Racism And Kamala Harris

The two major parties are basically Frankenstein coalitions, with several different group operating under the same political umbrella. I wonder if part of the problem is that people don't like the label because it associates them with parts of the base elements that they have fundamental disagreements with--for example, libertarians who oppose right wing antiabortion Christians but support unregulated gun ownership and tax cuts for large federal social services programs.
Agreed, that certainly describes me. I'm way too far from "Democrat" to be willing to call myself one, but I vote straight D.
The two major parties are basically Frankenstein coalitions, with several different group operating under the same political umbrella. I wonder if part of the problem is that people don't like the label because it associates them with parts of the base elements that they have fundamental disagreements with--for example, libertarians who oppose right wing antiabortion Christians but support unregulated gun ownership and tax cuts for large federal social services programs.
That's why proportional representation is good: it will enable these awkward coalitions to break apart.
No, it will move it from the election to the representatives. Proportional representation still ends up with coalitions.
Of course she's racist. She's a Democrat.

Do you have any support for this bare (barren) assertion?
I need to support the claim that she's a Democrat? She's their nominee for Loki's sake!

You know exactly what I was asking. Please provide evidence that she is a racist, and it is because she is a Democrat and Democrats are racists.
Mind the sign.
That can be systematized by doing some computerized data mining, by looking for patterns in Congressmembers' votes. Principal components analysis is a common technique, and one can use it to find the longest axes of variation of the members' votes.

I know you like to do PCA, but I'll volunteer if you have a good data set for citizens' opinions.

I doubt whether analysis of present-day Congressional votes would have much interest. Many votes are along party lines, or affected by vote-swapping, etc.

The two major parties are basically Frankenstein coalitions, with several different group operating under the same political umbrella. I wonder if part of the problem is that people don't like the label because it associates them with parts of the base elements that they have fundamental disagreements with--for example, libertarians who oppose right wing antiabortion Christians but support unregulated gun ownership and tax cuts for large federal social services programs.
Agreed, that certainly describes me. I'm way too far from "Democrat" to be willing to call myself one, but I vote straight D.
Curious. What's the difference?
Of course she's racist. She's a Democrat.

Do you have any support for this bare (barren) assertion?
I need to support the claim that she's a Democrat? She's their nominee for Loki's sake!
Surely you knew he was asking about the racism. Surely you are smart enough to easily and effortlessly detect that.
So what is the purpose of the transparent dodge? It’s not like anyone pays you for clicks.
Let me rewrite my post then to make it easier to understand.

The Democratic Party is generally the more racist party.
Kamala Harris is a member of the Democratic Party.
Therefore assuming racism in general is justified until shown otherwise.
Of course she's racist. She's a Democrat.

Do you have any support for this bare (barren) assertion?
I need to support the claim that she's a Democrat? She's their nominee for Loki's sake!
Surely you knew he was asking about the racism. Surely you are smart enough to easily and effortlessly detect that.
So what is the purpose of the transparent dodge? It’s not like anyone pays you for clicks.
Let me rewrite my post then to make it easier to understand.

The Democratic Party is generally the more racist party.
Kamala Harris is a member of the Democratic Party.
Therefore assuming racism in general is justified until shown otherwise.
You didn’t answer the question. You just repeated the slur.

Do you have any support for the bare (barren) assertion that the Democratic Party “is generally the more racist party”?
Of course she's racist. She's a Democrat.

Do you have any support for this bare (barren) assertion?
I need to support the claim that she's a Democrat? She's their nominee for Loki's sake!
Surely you knew he was asking about the racism. Surely you are smart enough to easily and effortlessly detect that.
So what is the purpose of the transparent dodge? It’s not like anyone pays you for clicks.
Let me rewrite my post then to make it easier to understand.

The Democratic Party is generally the more racist party.
Kamala Harris is a member of the Democratic Party.
Therefore assuming racism in general is justified until shown otherwise.
You didn’t answer the question. You just repeated the slur.

Do you have any support for the bare (barren) assertion that the Democratic Party “is generally the more racist party”?
Yes, and I also can support the assertion that the Pope is Catholic and the Sky is Blue.
The Democratic Party is generally the more racist party.
Kamala Harris is a member of the Democratic Party.
Therefore assuming racism in general is justified until shown otherwise.

Libberpublicans are the least honest Party*.
Jason is a libberpublican.
Therefore assuming his dishonesty in general, is justified until shown otherwise.

* As evidence supporting this assertion I offer the evidence-free slander of Jason's, quoted above
Of course she's racist. She's a Democrat.

Do you have any support for this bare (barren) assertion?
I need to support the claim that she's a Democrat? She's their nominee for Loki's sake!
Surely you knew he was asking about the racism. Surely you are smart enough to easily and effortlessly detect that.
So what is the purpose of the transparent dodge? It’s not like anyone pays you for clicks.
Let me rewrite my post then to make it easier to understand.

The Democratic Party is generally the more racist party.
Kamala Harris is a member of the Democratic Party.
Therefore assuming racism in general is justified until shown otherwise.
You didn’t answer the question. You just repeated the slur.

Do you have any support for the bare (barren) assertion that the Democratic Party “is generally the more racist party”?
Yes, and I also can support the assertion that the Pope is Catholic and the Sky is Blue.

I’m sorry, but this flippant reply will never do. Those are analytic truths. They are self-evident. Your claim is not self-evident, but in fact is a slur. Please defend it if you can. You can’t.
Of course she's racist. She's a Democrat.

Do you have any support for this bare (barren) assertion?
I need to support the claim that she's a Democrat? She's their nominee for Loki's sake!
Surely you knew he was asking about the racism. Surely you are smart enough to easily and effortlessly detect that.
So what is the purpose of the transparent dodge? It’s not like anyone pays you for clicks.
Let me rewrite my post then to make it easier to understand.

The Democratic Party is generally the more racist party.
Kamala Harris is a member of the Democratic Party.
Therefore assuming racism in general is justified until shown otherwise.
Your argument is logically faulty. Your premise that the Democratic Party is generally the more racist party does not support your conclusion for two reasons.
First, "generally more racist" is a relative measurement that permits the outcome that the Democratic party is generally a smidgen more racist than a non-racist party. That hardly allows any reasonable inference about the racism of any member of the Democratic Party.

Second, your conclusion requires the assumption that any chosen candidate of the Democratic Party necessarily embodies every single aspect of the Democratic party. That assumption is unrealistic.

In addition, your premise lacks any evidence, so it is debatable whether it is even valid to any degree at all.
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If "radical" means at the extreme ends of the political ideologies, then certainly KH has met that definition during the whole time she was a Senator. Only surpassed by Elizabeth Warren, who occupies the #1 spot:
I gotta disagree. KH or Warren are nowhere near AOC or Tailib, Well, maybe Liz Warren is somewhere near them, but not quite IMHO.
There's a LOT of room to the left of Kami Harris, believe me. Think about it; She's a PROSECUTOR. Almost by definition a redneck conservative, by the yardstick that was in play 40 years ago. Things HAVE moved to the right since then, but no so much as to leave Harris stranded on the left bank, as you imply.

You seem to have missed the last sentence in my post:

But if by radical, you mean just plain kind of batshit crazy, then yes I would agree that KH is certainly not at Talib or Bush's level.

To be honest, she's a bit of an enigma, and I haven't quite figured her out. On the one hand, her voting record is there in black-and-white, and compared to her fellow senators, she is clearly at the far left during her whole role as a senator. I don't see how you can dispute that. But at the same time, like you say, she has done some things back in her CA prosecutor & AG days that put her kind of in a right wing authouratian camp. I certainly don't have a problem with someone who has both liberal and conservative values in moderate doses (that's how I am), but at the two extremes in a close span of time is...as she would say...really weird.
Ill make it simple for you. She is a puppet pure and simple. Who ever is really running the country right now will be pulling her strings as well.
Why do you think that it is not Biden and his administration ( including Harris) who are running the country?
Now we're using made up words?
ALL words are made up Jason.
Some are easy to decipher from context and some words need to be explained to some people. Let me help you out:

“Libberpublican” was made up to describe individuals who loudly proclaim and praise their own allegedly “independent” thought processes while “independently” arriving at a place that renders them indistinguishable any other Republican, except by noting the hubris and loud disavowals with which they place themselves above the Republicans, to which they are otherwise identical.
IOW, a libberpublican is a Republican who doesn’t want to admit, and so calls themself libertarian.
It is unsurprising that such a person would have trouble figuring that out.
Now we're using made up words?
ALL words are made up Jason.
Some are easy to decipher from context and some words need to be explained to some people. Let me help you out:

“Libberpublican” was made up to describe individuals who loudly proclaim and praise their own allegedly “independent” thought processes while “independently” arriving at a place that renders them indistinguishable any other Republican, except by noting the hubris with which they place themselves above the Republicans to which they are otherwise identical.
Sorry, all those other words you had to use to describe this word, those are made up too.
Of course she's racist. She's a Democrat.

Do you have any support for this bare (barren) assertion?
I need to support the claim that she's a Democrat? She's their nominee for Loki's sake!
Surely you knew he was asking about the racism. Surely you are smart enough to easily and effortlessly detect that.
So what is the purpose of the transparent dodge? It’s not like anyone pays you for clicks.
Let me rewrite my post then to make it easier to understand.

The Democratic Party is generally the more racist party.
Kamala Harris is a member of the Democratic Party.
Therefore assuming racism in general is justified until shown otherwise.
Your argument is logically faulty. Your premise that the Democratic Party is generally the more racist party does not support your conclusion for two reasons.
First, "generally more racist" is a relative measurement that permits the outcome that the Democratic party is generally a smidgen more racist than a non-racist party. That hardly allows any reasonable inference about the racism of any member of the Democratic Party.

Second, your conclusion requires the assumption that any chosen candidate of the Democratic Party necessarily embodies every single aspect of the Democratic party. That assumption is unrealistic.

In addition, your premise lacks any evidence, so it is debatable whether it is even valid to any degree at all.

More concisely, even if it were true that the Democratic Party were generally more racist, to conclude that any individual Democrat is a racist is a sweeping generalization fallacy.
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