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Republican Clown Car to become Clown Cabinet?


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
"Drain the swamp!" cried the Donald. So he is going to install Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani, New Gingrich and the like. Will his supporters even notice that it's boilerplate right wing politics as usual? Will they care? Trump's "wall" is suddenly just a figure of speech... will his supporters notice that?
Seems to me that as long as he adheres to the core values of racism and misogyny, they couldn't care less what he does.

If those supporters retain one shred of self-awareness though, Trump should become very vulnerable in four years, All that will be needed is a progressive who can appeal to the notion of draining the swamp, which by then will be such a fetid mess that the stench should reach the even the plugged noses of his olfactory-compromised acolytes.
Just remember how Bush II became godlike when he became our new Crusader against the Islamic hordes. This is all too likely a role for the Orange Avenger. He will have all sorts of possible diversions as the GOP hordes in Congress have their merry way with budgets, entitlements, women's health, climate change denial, etc, etc, etc. And they'll paint it all with a thick Jesussy veneer. All hail the Orange One.
"Drain the swamp!" cried the Donald. So he is going to install Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani, New Gingrich and the like. Will his supporters even notice that it's boilerplate right wing politics as usual? Will they care? Trump's "wall" is suddenly just a figure of speech... will his supporters notice that?
Seems to me that as long as he adheres to the core values of racism and misogyny, they couldn't care less what he does.

If those supporters retain one shred of self-awareness though, Trump should become very vulnerable in four years, All that will be needed is a progressive who can appeal to the notion of draining the swamp, which by then will be such a fetid mess that the stench should reach the even the plugged noses of his olfactory-compromised acolytes.

Bu-but-but but Trump's an outsider! He's going to tear down the status quo in Washington! Give us REAL change!

D-d-do you think he was - lying?
- Trump supporter
The whole Trump is an outsider thing needs to stop now.

No one who lives in the social and economics circles that Trump does is an outsider. He is the embodiment of the establishment. He has just never been a professional politician before.
The whole Trump is an outsider thing needs to stop now.

No one who lives in the social and economics circles that Trump does is an outsider. He is the embodiment of the establishment. He has just never been a professional politician before.

Comparatively speaking, Trump is still an outsider.

He will be a puppet though, much like Bush II.
The whole Trump is an outsider thing needs to stop now.

No one who lives in the social and economics circles that Trump does is an outsider. He is the embodiment of the establishment. He has just never been a professional politician before.

Quoted for truth.
The whole Trump is an outsider thing needs to stop now.

No one who lives in the social and economics circles that Trump does is an outsider. He is the embodiment of the establishment. He has just never been a professional politician before.

Comparatively speaking, Trump is still an outsider.

He will be a puppet though, much like Bush II.

He will be a Theoden and will appoint a cabinet of Grima Worntongues - with the chief Grima being Pence or Gingrich. He just doesn't realize it. Breaking the spell will be the trick.

However, Trump never had a good personality to be restored :(
The whole Trump is an outsider thing needs to stop now.

No one who lives in the social and economics circles that Trump does is an outsider. He is the embodiment of the establishment. He has just never been a professional politician before.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that white working class voters think he's actually on their side.

Trump has never seemed to grasp that the office he just one is a service job. The President (at least in theory) is not the boss, he's an employee. Trump ran on the belief that he's going to be CEO of America, Inc. That's what he's been doing all his life, really. Being the CEO. The guy in the corner office that goes home to the penthouse suite. The man in charge. The boss.

I don't know how many people around here work for a big corporation, but I can tell you from long personal experience that the CEO doesn't really care about the employees. For them, you are a line item on a budget. A data point in an Excel spreadsheet. At best (depending on where you are on the ladder) an asset to the company. At worst you're a liability. A burden. A necessary cost of doing business. If they want your boss to cut next year's budget by x amount and they do it by firing y number of employees, the CEO doesn't care. He or she doesn't care about the lives of those people suddenly out of work. The only thing that is important to them is the numbers.

This is why you hear so many stories of Trump screwing over contractors. This is why he uses bankruptcy as a tool to get out of his obligations. He doesn't actually care about the people who work for him, like any CEO. All those working class people who hate their boss just voted for one. All those people who used to be middle class but got downgraded after they were downsized by their company just hired a guy to run the country who - like the person who signed their termination papers - only cares about the bottom line.
He just doesn't realize it.

He'll never realize it. His rubric for evaluating people is whether they're personally deferential to him. If there's enough fallout for one of his advisers to be shit-canned, where do the replacements come from I wonder?

He just doesn't realize it.

He'll never realize it. His rubric for evaluating people is whether they're personally deferential to him. If there's enough fallout for one of his advisers to be shit-canned, where do the replacements come from I wonder?

So he never respects people who stand up to him? It may be true.

Didn't Gingrich sort of talk shit about Trump at Trump's lowest point a couple months ago?
He'll never realize it. His rubric for evaluating people is whether they're personally deferential to him. If there's enough fallout for one of his advisers to be shit-canned, where do the replacements come from I wonder?

So he never respects people who stand up to him? It may be true.

Didn't Gingrich sort of talk shit about Trump at Trump's lowest point a couple months ago?

The worst I remember Gingrich saying was that Trump was in a slump.
"Drain the swamp!" cried the Donald. So he is going to install Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani, New Gingrich and the like. Will his supporters even notice that it's boilerplate right wing politics as usual? Will they care? Trump's "wall" is suddenly just a figure of speech... will his supporters notice that?
Seems to me that as long as he adheres to the core values of racism and misogyny, they couldn't care less what he does.

If those supporters retain one shred of self-awareness though, Trump should become very vulnerable in four years, All that will be needed is a progressive who can appeal to the notion of draining the swamp, which by then will be such a fetid mess that the stench should reach the even the plugged noses of his olfactory-compromised acolytes.

Illegal immigration is a problem but the race card seems to be used as usual.
The legal route is much longer but people are getting citizenship. If a non citizen has a job contract in the USA, he/she can easily obtain a work visa.
I wonder what he'll do when someone in his cabinet pisses him off or criticizes him.

As an aside, I forgot all about Bolten (old white guy with mouth wide open). God, we're going to have to put up with his crazy foreign policy beliefs for the next four years. There's never been a guy more wrong on his area of expertise in forever. He's wrong on everything. But I'm sure he'll be high high up in the Trump administration.

As an aside, I forgot all about Bolten (old white guy with mouth wide open). God, we're going to have to put up with his crazy foreign policy beliefs for the next four years. There's never been a guy more wrong on his area of expertise in forever. He's wrong on everything. But I'm sure he'll be high high up in the Trump administration.

Bolton is one of those guys who wants very badly to repeat the Iraq war next door in Iran.
The whole Trump is an outsider thing needs to stop now.

No one who lives in the social and economics circles that Trump does is an outsider. He is the embodiment of the establishment. He has just never been a professional politician before.

Comparatively speaking, Trump is still an outsider.

He will be a puppet though, much like Bush II.

I doubt he will be a puppet to anybody.

But the president exists within a bubble and only certain kinds of information gets into that bubble.

It's not likely he is going to think beyond the bubble.

He said a lot of lies and made a lot of racist and xenophobic accusations and won by electoral college total.

His shit fools a lot of people but not the majority of people.
Comparatively speaking, Trump is still an outsider.

He will be a puppet though, much like Bush II.

I doubt he will be a puppet to anybody.

But the president exists within a bubble and only certain kinds of information gets into that bubble.

It's not likely he is going to think beyond the bubble.

He said a lot of lies and made a lot of racist and xenophobic accusations and won by electoral college total.

His shit fools a lot of people but not the majority of people.

Bolton is a very sneaky, bullying guy and he has the best chance of turning Trump into a marionette with regards to wars. Scariest son of a bitch around.
I doubt he will be a puppet to anybody.

But the president exists within a bubble and only certain kinds of information gets into that bubble.

It's not likely he is going to think beyond the bubble.

He said a lot of lies and made a lot of racist and xenophobic accusations and won by electoral college total.

His shit fools a lot of people but not the majority of people.

Bolton is a very sneaky, bullying guy and he has the best chance of turning Trump into a marionette with regards to wars. Scariest son of a bitch around.

It won't just be Bolton pushing Trump towards war.

The generals.

His supporters.
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