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Republican Clown Car to become Clown Cabinet?

New rumored SecState picks:

John Huntsman, former Utah Gov and ambassador to China, thouroughly respectable moderate republican. (he says he believes in science)
Rex Tillerson, Exxon CEO. dafuq?
James Stavridis, former NATO commander. Would surprise me, but would be a good sign.
Joe Manchin, democratic senator and former governor of west virginia. Known for bipartisanship, has served on the Armed Services committee.

We can't say that he isn't just trolling people with his rumored contenders. Though a number of people on this list would make respectable choices. With Trump, I'm just hoping he'll appoint a respectable SecState and then lose interest in foreign affairs. I'd trust Romney, Huntsman, Stavridis or Manchin just fine. If he appointed one of the democrats, that would be a very good sign that he's looking to focus on domestic stuff and leave the foreign affairs to the pros, aside from the random angry tweet. (Not that Manchin is a pro. That could be interpreted as trolling, an olive branch, or a threat to some repub party operatives)
I must admit, Trump's pick are be interesting.

(Note to Elixir, that is not a synonym for good)

It almost seems as if his choices are crafted to discredit the position that the nominees are being selected for, to call into question the office itself.
I must admit, Trump's pick are be interesting.

(Note to Elixir, that is not a synonym for good)

It almost seems as if his choices are crafted to discredit the position that the nominees are being selected for, to call into question the office itself.

That's very astute, Jason. I've been saying for a while now that the only way Trump is going to stick around past four years, is if he is given the tools to dismantle the democratic institutions of our government.

BTW, all-out nuclear war would also be "interesting", right?
Nominees that call into question the office itself aren't the same as dismantling the democratic institutions of our government.

And yes, nuclear war would be considered interesting. Unpleasant, but interesting.
Nominees that call into question the office itself aren't the same as dismantling the democratic institutions of our government.

Of course it's not the same thing - just a necessary precursor step (if you don't want to go the martial law route).
New rumored SecState picks:

John Huntsman, former Utah Gov and ambassador to China, thouroughly respectable moderate republican. (he says he believes in science)
Rex Tillerson, Exxon CEO. dafuq?
James Stavridis, former NATO commander. Would surprise me, but would be a good sign.
Joe Manchin, democratic senator and former governor of west virginia. Known for bipartisanship, has served on the Armed Services committee.
Powell was W's Sec. of State. We know what influence he had on the Administration.

Also, the Secretary of State is powerless if they are on the phone 24/7 trying to reassure allies and foes not to take the latest 3 AM tweet seriously.I

I think Trump's call with Taiwan exposed how oblivious the Admin is to the current status of American diplomacy.
Nominees that call into question the office itself aren't the same as dismantling the democratic institutions of our government.

Of course it's not the same thing - just a necessary precursor step (if you don't want to go the martial law route).

There are still a few steps in between that are definitely missing. Perhaps his goal is to make the government look absurd.
Of course it's not the same thing - just a necessary precursor step (if you don't want to go the martial law route).

There are still a few steps in between that are definitely missing. Perhaps his goal is to make the government look absurd.

If so, I gotta say he's a resounding success already. It does beg the question though - to what end? Getting the electorate - or at least his toothless minions - to accept an eventual takeover of the now-accepted-as-absurd government might be one reason...
Yes, I understand the SecState can't save us. I'm to the point where I'm pleased if someone who isn't a corrupt nutcase gets a cabinet position. I can be optimistic that Trump's negligence will work in our favor, but I don't expect it.
Yes, I understand the SecState can't save us. I'm to the point where I'm pleased if someone who isn't a corrupt nutcase gets a cabinet position. I can be optimistic that Trump's negligence will work in our favor, but I don't expect it.

His negligence works in favor of people who have his ear, and he is very suggestible. Unless he surrounds himself with some Bernie Sanderses, this state of affairs certainly will not work out in favor of anyone but rich theocrats and foreign powers.
"The most powerful man in Russia is the one who last spoke to Tsar Nicholas."

Hence the hope that there will be at least a few competent people around him.
There are still a few steps in between that are definitely missing. Perhaps his goal is to make the government look absurd.

If so, I gotta say he's a resounding success already. It does beg the question though - to what end? Getting the electorate - or at least his toothless minions - to accept an eventual takeover of the now-accepted-as-absurd government might be one reason...

I've heard from the losers of the last several presidential elections that the winner is going to suspend democracy and stay in forever. I'm going to need more than just your fears to take this possibility seriously.

Of course now, because I'm asking for facts, you're going to call me a trump minion.
If so, I gotta say he's a resounding success already. It does beg the question though - to what end? Getting the electorate - or at least his toothless minions - to accept an eventual takeover of the now-accepted-as-absurd government might be one reason...

I've heard from the losers of the last several presidential elections that the winner is going to suspend democracy and stay in forever. I'm going to need more than just your fears to take this possibility seriously.

Of course now, because I'm asking for facts, you're going to call me a trump minion.

Nah, I'm fairly convinced that whoever you voted for, you are not one of the mindless trumpsuckers.
Facts supporting Trump's intent to turm the US into an Autocracy:
* Trump quotes fascist leaders
* Trump decries the Geneva Convention
* Trump tells his people that US elections are rigged
* Trump says he would declare a World War as President.
* Trump promised mandatory Death Penalty for anyone accused of murdering a police officer.
* Trump wants to censor the press.
* Trump thinks lethal injection is “too comfortable” Wants to devise a more painful way to execute people.

Sounds like an autocrat to me.
Who, on the international stage, agrees with him enough to voice endorsement?
Kin Jong Un, Uncle Vlad, the Chinese Communist Party, Geert Wilders, Matteo Salvini, Robert Mugabe, War Criminal Vojislav Seselj, Neo-Nazi Terrorist Don Black, KKK Leader David Duke, Islamic Terrorist Omar Mateen...

Now, all that said, I tend to agree that he's too much a bumbling buffoon to pull it off. But I fear that he might get the help of some ill-intentioned people with brains.
"The most powerful man in Russia is the one who last spoke to Tsar Nicholas."

Hence the hope that there will be at least a few competent people around him.

Carson already said he'd cripple the presidency if he took a cabinet position and he'll be around, so I wouldn't hold out hope.
Lets hope he does cripple the presidency. Why the hell didn't Trump make him the Surgeon General. He's actually a good surgeon.
If so, I gotta say he's a resounding success already. It does beg the question though - to what end? Getting the electorate - or at least his toothless minions - to accept an eventual takeover of the now-accepted-as-absurd government might be one reason...

I've heard from the losers of the last several presidential elections that the winner is going to suspend democracy and stay in forever. I'm going to need more than just your fears to take this possibility seriously.

Of course now, because I'm asking for facts, you're going to call me a trump minion.

The Republicans have made it very clear they're more interested in being in power than in running the country. Is it any wonder we think they aren't interested in democracy?
With every new appointment, I am wondering more and more whether Trump is really just that stupid or if he is actively trying to destroy our federal government (along with our economy, our environment and our freedoms). It seems to me that he is calculatedly choosing the very worst possible person for each position.
"The most powerful man in Russia is the one who last spoke to Tsar Nicholas."

Hence the hope that there will be at least a few competent people around him.

Carson already said he'd cripple the presidency if he took a cabinet position and he'll be around, so I wouldn't hold out hope.

Some say that Trump wants a black man in charge of urban development so when turbanites complain that he did nothing for them he can just say "Well I put a black man in charge..."
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