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Republicans 2020

When push turns to shove, the average voter's mind will open wide to the consequences of electing a far left alternative to the almost full employment of the status quo!

Roughly half of respondents across Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin say they live in the suburbs. Among this group, Trump’s favorability (40% favorable/ 56% unfavorable) and job approval (43% approve/ 57% disapprove) paint a bleak picture for the president. When just looking at suburban women, the problem becomes even worse. Trump’s favorability stands at 34% favorable, 61% unfavorable and his job approval is 38% approve, 62% disapprove.
Trump is reliant on a strong economy to balance out his horrendous favorability and approval numbers, but our survey found that there has been a continuation of the trend of voters reporting that they are less satisfied with the economic situation for themselves and their family. Since May, there has been an eight point drop in personal economic satisfaction across our battleground states. This decline has been most pronounced among voters in Pennsylvania (12 point drop), Florida (10 point drop), among white non-college women (13 point drop) and Republicans (13 point drop).
A majority of voters (52%) across the battleground states now say that their income is falling behind the cost of living, with another 40% saying they are just staying even. These trends resulted in a plurality of battleground voters citing Trump’s handling of the economy as a reason to vote for someone other than Trump, marking the first time this year that our polling has shown this to be a liability for Trump. Trump can no longer cite the economy as a clear political strength.


Doesn't look good for the orange pussy grabber. And his main "firewall" issue Trump is relying on, the economy, isn't really a positive for Trump in these important swing states. Nor can Trumpo rely on turnout to help him, as polls show nationwide, interest in the 2020 elections is at a high level, and not in Trumpo's favor. 2020 will be the year angry women voters doom the GOP as far as national politics is concerned.

And if indeed angry women vote the GOP out of control in Washington, what will the GOP do next? Drop the tea party shtick? Double down on that? Look for another Trump populist demagogue or crazy? Double down on their obstructionism? Can there be a reform faction arise to power in the GOP? Or will the GOP become resigned to being a mere regional political party, holding power on a state level if not on a national level?

It amazes me that Trump can continue to piss on his supporters, and they continue to believe him when he tells them it's raining.
Say what you like, THAT is a rare talent. The last person to come on the world stage with that kind of talent was probably Hitler.
If the economy and almost full employment holds up come November 2020 and Trump is defeated, it would be the first time in American history that would have occurred. [but don't quote me on that]
Unemployment rates now as compared to 2016 are the lowest in 50 years, all boding good news for the Trump.

This is a nonsensical argument. Unemployment skyrocketed at the end of Bush's term, when the US economy tanked and dragged the rest of the world down with it. Obama reversed that, with the peak rise in unemployment starting to drop around 2010. The downward trend has been steady since that time and has simply continued into the three years that Trump has been in office. He has done almost nothing major to change anything, since he has done almost nothing during his presidency, except balloon the deficit and public debt with a massive tax cut to wealthy corporations and individuals. That provided some stimulus to the economy, but most of it simply trickled up to the super rich without having a huge impact. We do have almost full employment now, but the jobs are much poorer than they have been in the past. Wages are stagnant, and the signs are that we are finally headed back into recession. If it hits us before the election, then Trump will not even have the Obama trend to take credit for.
When push turns to shove, the average voter's mind will open wide to the consequences of electing a far left alternative to the almost full employment of the status quo!

Sadly, there is some truth in here. For too many people their primary purpose in life seems too be to make money and buy shit. The more spending power they have, the happier they are. Also, there's that so many have their retirement savings wrapped up in the stock market, even seniors who should have long since been parked in government bonds. Yep. Paper gains and debt up to their eyeballs makes many feel and look wealthy.
We'll see the evidence of it in holiday sales.

On the plus side, Trump is so bad that people are actually divorcing the direction of the country from economic well-being as indicated in the Politico article you posted. We are also mindful of the divisiveness in the country which will make going hard left even less likely.
When push turns to shove, the average voter's mind will open wide to the consequences of electing a far left alternative to the almost full employment of the status quo!

Sadly, there is some truth in here. For too many people their primary purpose in life seems too be to make money and buy shit. The more spending power they have, the happier they are. Also, there's that so many have their retirement savings wrapped up in the stock market, even seniors who should have long since been parked in government bonds. Yep. Paper gains and debt up to their eyeballs makes many feel and look wealthy.
We'll see the evidence of it in holiday sales.

On the plus side, Trump is so bad that people are actually divorcing the direction of the country from economic well-being as indicated in the Politico article you posted. We are also mindful of the divisiveness in the country which will make going hard left even less likely.

It would be the epitome of stupid to veer left in 2020.
When push turns to shove, the average voter's mind will open wide to the consequences of electing a far left alternative to the almost full employment of the status quo!

Sadly, there is some truth in here. For too many people their primary purpose in life seems too be to make money and buy shit. The more spending power they have, the happier they are. Also, there's that so many have their retirement savings wrapped up in the stock market, even seniors who should have long since been parked in government bonds. Yep. Paper gains and debt up to their eyeballs makes many feel and look wealthy.
We'll see the evidence of it in holiday sales.

On the plus side, Trump is so bad that people are actually divorcing the direction of the country from economic well-being as indicated in the Politico article you posted. We are also mindful of the divisiveness in the country which will make going hard left even less likely.

It would be the epitome of stupid to veer left in 2020.

Who would YOU like to win the 2020 presidential election?
It would be the epitome of stupid to veer left in 2020.

Who would YOU like to win the 2020 presidential election?

Anyone except any far left candidate, which would be disastrous for freedom, democracy and the American way! [with apologies to the 60's Superman jingle] Also, any far left candidate would further the takeover of America by Islam and it's sharia complaint ideology!
It would be the epitome of stupid to veer left in 2020.

Who would YOU like to win the 2020 presidential election?

Anyone except any far left candidate, which would be disastrous for freedom, democracy and the American way! [with apologies to the 60's Superman jingle] Also, any far left candidate would further the takeover of America by Islam and it's sharia complaint ideology!

You're in luck, there is no far left candidate for the 2020 election.
Anyone except any far left candidate, which would be disastrous for freedom, democracy and the American way! [with apologies to the 60's Superman jingle] Also, any far left candidate would further the takeover of America by Islam and it's sharia complaint ideology!

You're in luck, there is no far left candidate for the 2020 election.

I suppose you think that Sanders and Co hail from the Right? Since when have admitted socialists like Sanders not originated from the far left of politics?
It would be the epitome of stupid to veer left in 2020.

Who would YOU like to win the 2020 presidential election?

Anyone except any far left candidate

Joe Biden would be preferable to Trump? y/n?
I think you're a card carrying "I'm not a Trumpsucker", and lack the courage to flat out state your support for the Presidential Crime Family.
Prove me wrong, angelo - pick one:

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You've got Bernie and Trump right in that graphic, but the others don't make sense. KH is more liberal than Warren?
Anyone except any far left candidate, which would be disastrous for freedom, democracy and the American way! [with apologies to the 60's Superman jingle] Also, any far left candidate would further the takeover of America by Islam and it's sharia complaint ideology!

You're in luck, there is no far left candidate for the 2020 election.

I suppose you think that Sanders and Co hail from the Right? Since when have admitted socialists like Sanders not originated from the far left of politics?

No, what I think is you don't have a fucking clue what far left politics is and you use the term to demonize any politician you disagree with.
You've got Bernie and Trump right in that graphic, but the others don't make sense. KH is more liberal than Warren?

It's old. As far as who is right and who is left of whom, I leave that to angelo. He knows all about the candidates for the American Presidency, so I am mystified by his inability to state his preference (not!)

Anyone except any far left candidate

Joe Biden would be preferable to Trump? y/n?
I think you're a card carrying "I'm not a Trumpsucker", and lack the courage to flat out state your support for the Presidential Crime Family.
Prove me wrong, angelo - pick one:

View attachment 25077

Guessing I was right. Angelo IS an "I'm not a trumpsucker!".
Anyone except any far left candidate

Joe Biden would be preferable to Trump? y/n?
I think you're a card carrying "I'm not a Trumpsucker", and lack the courage to flat out state your support for the Presidential Crime Family.
Prove me wrong, angelo - pick one:

View attachment 25077

This ought to blow your top. Careful you don't get a heart attack, if you dare read this.......................................
Anyone except any far left candidate

Joe Biden would be preferable to Trump? y/n?
I think you're a card carrying "I'm not a Trumpsucker", and lack the courage to flat out state your support for the Presidential Crime Family.
Prove me wrong, angelo - pick one:

View attachment 25077

Guessing I was right. Angelo IS an "I'm not a trumpsucker!".

Wrong again as usual.....................I'm no one's lackey, but widely read and I don't like what I see on the left side of politics. If I had to choose anyone from the left side it would only be Bloomberg.
Kamala Harris seems like (not saying I am not this myself)
A bit of an alcoholic or at least does not handle stress well at all.
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