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Right Wingers Never Look Back


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Just for shits and giggles, I took a look at a thread that now seems like ancient history;
"At what margin of electoral defeat will Trump be forced to admit defeat?"

It's amazing to look at that now, and realize that not once has there been any acknowledgment of their error by those who ridiculed, taunted and mocked those of us who knew damn well that no margin of victory would keep Trump from claiming that he won. Here's a sampling of one trumpsucking mocker's response to the question:

So I'm wondering if anyone here thinks there is any possibility of a peaceful transfer of power in January, and if so, what factors would lead to that outcome.

I'm sorry, but is this a joke?

Let's say Trump loses the election. What is it, exactly, that you imagine he will do? Carry on and bluster that he was robbed? Sure. Do you think he will be let into the White House after Biden is sworn in? No, he won't.
Do you think Trump is going to raise a private army? This kind of delusionista fearmongering makes me sad about the absolute lack of faith some Americans seem to have in their own institutions.

What do you say now about that, Meta?

What actions will Trump have taken to 'stop' the swearing in of a new president? Give me specifics, please.

Claim fraud of course. Use all the power of the Presidency to try to overturn the election results.

What do you think Trump will do that will make the transfer of power to Biden non-peaceful? It's election night in November and Biden has won 298 electoral college votes. What does Trump do?

He declares victory of course.

Your thinking around this issue is deranged and delusional because you do not live in a country that would permit such a scandal.

:hysterical: To answer Metaphor's deeply sarcastic question "What is it, exactly, that you imagine he will do", I offer this:


Now, should Trump get the Republican nomination in 2024 and lose, once again doubling his margin of defeat to 15 million popular votes and failing to sufficiently game the electoral college system -
are any of our right wingers ready to venture a prediction of his gracious concession?
I have a pretty short ignore list. Metaphor's been on it for a while. ;)

It makes browsing the forums nicer. Some people really aren't worth bothering to listen to or respond to, except for the occasional chuckle over some of their really idiotic stuff. I rely on the rest of you to occasionally quote those for me.
I suppose this is a particularly spectacular example, but we really could make thousands of threads like this. A more interesting proposition might be to find an actual case of one of our resident right wing automata acknowledging an error and updating their thinking. I suppose it’s possible, but I’m having an incredibly difficult time thinking of a single example.
There are right-wingers here that appear to be liberals due to the skew of the spectrum at the moment. Those that remain "right-wing" are actually quite far to the right. The portion where it is difficult to come anywhere near the center.


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There are right-wingers here that appear to be liberals due to the skew of the spectrum at the moment. Those that remain "right-wing" are actually quite far to the right. The portion where it is difficult to come anywhere near the center.

Tru dat.
Things have gotten really twisted in recent decades. Your graphic tells less than half the story.
The actual conservatives of the 50s would be deemed radical extremist commies by today's self-proclaimed conservatives.
Mea culpa: I have posted a dickshitload of cringe-worthy statements -- a lot in mid-2016 about how Trump was clearly, undeniably bound to lose, how we'd all laugh about his sorry ass on the other side of Nov. 8.
To the point of the OP: If we learned nothing else about Orange Beast, it was to never underestimate him. Or overestimate. Whichever word covers the fact that as low as Trump went, there was always a lower sewer main he knew about, into which he could drag the country. He started out with loud lies about Birtherism, he imitated a man with a neurological disease, he slammed McCain's war record, he encouraged his followers to slug protesters at the rallies... he went on to put toddlers in detention camps, call on foreign countries to join his campaign efforts, encouraged mid-pandemic maskless Trump orgies...I don't need to go on. If you can't see the malevolence at the core of the man and his party, you and I have no common footing whatever to use in discussion. And about Jan. 6, he'd been bellowing about election fraud for a good 8 months before that day. It was entirely predictable that he would recklessly spur on the followers who were more than willing to commit violent acts.
Mea culpa: I have posted a dickshitload of cringe-worthy statements -- a lot in mid-2016 about how Trump was clearly, undeniably bound to lose, how we'd all laugh about his sorry ass on the other side of Nov. 8.
To the point of the OP: If we learned nothing else about Orange Beast, it was to never underestimate him. Or overestimate. Whichever word covers the fact that as low as Trump went, there was always a lower sewer main he knew about, into which he could drag the country. He started out with loud lies about Birtherism, he imitated a man with a neurological disease, he slammed McCain's war record, he encouraged his followers to slug protesters at the rallies... he went on to put toddlers in detention camps, call on foreign countries to join his campaign efforts, encouraged mid-pandemic maskless Trump orgies...I don't need to go on. If you can't see the malevolence at the core of the man and his party, you and I have no common footing whatever to use in discussion. And about Jan. 6, he'd been bellowing about election fraud for a good 8 months before that day. It was entirely predictable that he would recklessly spur on the followers who were more than willing to commit violent acts.
The lesson learned was not to underestimate just how strongly right-wingers will hold their nose to not vote for a Democrat. When us liberals hold our noses, we are voting in moderates/right-leaning moderates. When right-wingers hold their noses, it is for business failures who sometimes love to brag about sexually assaulting people.
Just for shits and giggles, I took a look at a thread that now seems like ancient history;

Now, should Trump get the Republican nomination in 2024 and lose, once again doubling his margin of defeat to 15 million popular votes and failing to sufficiently game the electoral college system -

Well as the old saying goes, hindsight is...what was last year, again?

Thing is, the GOP has been down this road before. In the aftermath of the shellacking in 2012, they performed an autopsy on their party's performance. They wrote an introspective report on what they should do differently moving forward, and then promptly threw it out the window and went full MAGA.

If Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert are any indication, they've settled on "Trump's failure was that he simply wasn't bonkers enough."

If historical trends hold true, the Democrats will lose ground in the mid terms next year, but 2024 is going to be the real test. Are they really going to go with two time popular vote loser Donald Trump? If he's still alive, I wouldn't count him out. Not just because his ego won't let him, but because the GOP has thrown their lot in so completely with Trump that I honestly don't see how they can pull themselves out of this spiral.
Just for shits and giggles, I took a look at a thread that now seems like ancient history;
"At what margin of electoral defeat will Trump be forced to admit defeat?"

It's amazing to look at that now, and realize that not once has there been any acknowledgment of their error by those who ridiculed, taunted and mocked those of us who knew damn well that no margin of victory would keep Trump from claiming that he won.

Let's revisit this less than 12 month old post that has aged just fine:

God of Youtube quotes and Patron Saint of Bullshit said:
My prediction is that by April we will be laughing going, "Remember how everyone panicked over the coronavirus because the media started fear mongering?"
So yeah, right wingers aren't too big on history except when statues are involved. What has left me confounded is the total absence of whataboutism from conservatives in this thread. I was expecting at least some obscure quote that W was going to run for a third term or something. Disappointing.
Trumpsuckers are ok with any kind of dangerous or irrational response from Trump. There is no limit or concern for right and wrong in regard to Trump because they tell themselves he won't actually get away with it even after he does time and time again. There is no principle or conscience at play in the mind of a supporter "analyzing" Donald Trump or his presidency or his decisions or just the general right wing abandonment of principle and conscience.

I think on some level they understand that everyone outside of their right wing authoritarian fantasy bubble are the actual grownups in the room and the grownups surely wouldn't let their leader's behavior do the level of destruction that right wingers themselves will ever feel.
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