“Autumn sought an abortion in the third trimester because she did not know she needed one until then.”
She thought she was early in the pregnancy. So let’s definitely criminalize that kind of innocent mistake!
Same thing happened to Veronica.
So my question remains.
So what?
You claimed that 1) nobody gets third trimester abortions, and 2) no doctor would do it because it's unethical. You claimed it doesn't happen at all - and you proceeded to carry on and on about how it's a non-issue.
But the actual reality is that it DOES happen. Those two women didn't know they were pregnant, but the fact remains that they terminated viable infants in the third trimester.
And I'm sorry if you feel differently, but in that third trimester, it's a fucking baby, not a lump of cells. And those women (along with at least three others mentioned in that paper) killed a baby that could have survived outside the womb. If you consider it an ":innocent mistake", that's your right, that's your view. You can hold that view.
But let's be clear about what your position is, and what it fucking means - it means that you are perfectly fine with voluntary terminations of healthy infants in the third trimester without a medical justification. You can hold that position - 19% of Americans hold that view. But at least fucking own it and be upfront about it instead of spending multiple pages haranguing me and insisting that it's a made-up problem that doesn't actually happen.