Also, a combination of readily accessible birth control methods reduces the chance of a pregnancy to "negligible". One is more likely to be killed by a terrorist than get pregnant, if both are using the best birth control.
So you’re okay with abortions for people who are using a combination of readily accessible birth control methods, but who end up pregnant?
I take issue with 'readily accessible.' Not everyone has dependable access to birth control. And if we consider incest, Uncle Happy may not be able to make sure his niece is using birth control. And expecting Uncle Happy to act responsibly in the consistent use of birth control while molesting his underage niece is a non-starter.
My son's girlfriend decided to use birth control while away at college, as a 'just in case' measure. She wasn't having sex with my kid, she was just aware that predators are out there and wanted protection from at least that consequence in worst-case scenario.
But she needed her father's permission due to being on his insurance. He almost didn't grant it. Some parents won't.
When i was growing up, i sometimes worked the register at my grandparents' drugstore. The state had an age limit for condoms but our policy was if they were smart enough to ask for it, we sold it. The other drug store in town called the boy's parents for asking.
Every ship i was on, the corpsman handed out condoms every time we were in port. Protests about 'I'm married and faithful' just meant you stood there that much longer before you could go ashore. Take the damned thing and if you don't use it, yay.
Two my XOs, however, tried to prevent this distribution of condoms in liberty ports. They feared that readily available birth control would encourage people to engage in illicit sex. The corpsmen didn't care about licit or illicit, they just didn't want to have to touch your penis as it turned black and fell off.
So as much as abortion is a touchy subject wiht opinionated people screwing things up for everyone, SEX is also a touchy subject, with opinionated people screwing things up for everyone. You cannot decide policy on abortion based on the availability of birth control when that's not established.