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Sen. Feinstein Claims She Received Info On Kavanaugh And Sent It To FBI

And why is nobody talking about his perjury and financial vulnerability? This guy screams "national security risk" and "unfit for the bench". I don't care about the scandal, I don't want a person willing to commit perjury or vulnerable to blackmail and bribery on the highest court in the land.

^^^ agree! I'd especially like to know how his huge debt got paid off so fast

The more I think about it, the more I feel like the GOP gave this scandal legs BECAUSE it's easier to talk about and dismiss a sex scandal than to deal with perjury and financial crimes/bribery charges.

Also, still waiting on Trausti to answer whether he thinks perjury and vulnerability to blackmail are acceptable backgrounds for a SCOTUS pick.
No, it's Ford calling the doubters' bluff. If the GOP are so sure there's nothing to her story, they should welcome a FBI investigation. If they go on without one, it means they're scared. That Ford wants one only further adds to her credibility. She is right that there should be an investigation first. A senate hearing is a horseshit way to judge what happened in a case like this, especially when they only want to call two people to testify. And why are they afraid to hear Mark Judge? Even more telling against Kavanaugh, is that Mark Judge doesn't want to testify.

The FBI doesn't do that. When has it ever done that? There is no federal crime alleged. None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. The FBI is not a willy-nilly police force. It has no power to investigate, issues subpoenas, etc., for an alleged state crime. Amazing this hyper partisanship has made people forget how the government works.

The FBI is 100% responsible for doing the background investigation on the USSC nominees. No one is discussing an FBI criminal investigation :rolleyes: They need to interview Kavanaugh, Ford, Judge and anyone else with pertinent information on her allegation - just like they did with Anita Hill.
Hey Trausti, I've been interviewed by the FBI before. Because a friend of mine used me as a reference for a security position in a US military outfit. It was pretty thorough, but yes, that's what the FBI does.

In fact, the FBI could certainly investigate Ford's claim, but only if the White House asks the bureau to do so. She has no authority to request it. Neither does the Senate.

When the FBI conducts a background investigation of a presidential nominee, it vacuums up all kinds of information about the nominee, including claims from people interviewed by agents, and dumps it into the file. It does not, however, investigate whether or not derogatory information is true — unless it's asked to follow up by the White House. Several current and former Justice Department and FBI officials say this has always been the practice, and there is actually a longstanding formal memorandum of understanding between DOJ and the White House that specifies these limits.

So, the FBI certainly can investigate Ford's claims but the doofus in the WH has to request them to do so. What are the odds that this will happen?
I don't believe the story is made up, there's too much of a historical trail, and, as anyone who's done drinking and has hormones can most likely attest to, adding the former to the latter makes for potentially dangerous behavior.

Something that's come up elsewhere about this: This doesn't make sense as a made-up story. If you're faking it why in the world would you put a friend of your rapist there as a witness?!
I don't believe the story is made up, there's too much of a historical trail, and, as anyone who's done drinking and has hormones can most likely attest to, adding the former to the latter makes for potentially dangerous behavior.

Something that's come up elsewhere about this: This doesn't make sense as a made-up story. If you're faking it why in the world would you put a friend of your rapist there as a witness?!

Probably so that skeptical people would ask that exact question. The Democrats are playing 3D chess while the rest of us are sitting in a sandbox eating play-doh.
It's as if the call for a FBI investigation is a convenient excuse to help Ford from committing perjury.

Lying to the FBI is a crime, genius. And the Senate GOP doesn't care about perjury, as they proved with Kavanaugh.

Did you miss all these Pinocchios?

Actually, if you read that article closely, the author admits that Kavanaugh gave misleading and incomplete answers to direct questions asked under oath before the Senate (not FBI investigators). That's what the "two Pinocchio" rating means, and it might technically count as lying if the oath is to give complete information in response to questions. What the author complains about in your article is that Kavanaugh, although not totally forthcoming, should get a pass for playing the Bill Clinton card---"It depends on what the meaning of 'is' is." For example, Kavanaugh was asked if he played a role in the torture issue during the Bush administration. His replies were non-denial denials. IOW, he would say he played no "primary role" when, in fact, he played an active role. He was on the team and influenced decisions, but he didn't make the final decisions. He wasn't in charge. That wasn't what he was asked. It was what he replied.
I don't believe the story is made up, there's too much of a historical trail, and, as anyone who's done drinking and has hormones can most likely attest to, adding the former to the latter makes for potentially dangerous behavior.

Something that's come up elsewhere about this: This doesn't make sense as a made-up story. If you're faking it why in the world would you put a friend of your rapist there as a witness?!

She has nothing to gain from this. And she remembers facts like she was wearing a one-piece bathing suit under her other clothes. Too much of this rings to be true.

‘What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep’: Kavanaugh remarks in 2015 speech get renewed scrutiny

A woman has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when he was a student at the elite prep school.

He knows he did wrong. He knows that he needs to hide what happened from the rest of the world. He is comfortable with the fact that he has paid no price for what he did. He's pure filth.

And proud of it! Here's the quote and the video. It appears at about 4min 50sec.
“By coincidence, three classmates of mine at Georgetown Prep were graduates of this law school in 1990 and are really, really good friends of mine,” the judge told the audience in the 2015 speech. “Fortunately, we’ve had a good saying that we’ve held firm to to this day, as the dean was reminding me before the talk, which is ‘What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep.' "

“That’s been a good thing for all of us, I think.”
Now the accuser says she doesn't want to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee after until FBI investigates.
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before she will testify: lawyer

That will give an opening to Senate GOP, including waverers like Collins, Flake and Murkowski to go ahead with the confirmation without a hearing.

Time for a lengthy investigation was when the accusation first surfaced in the halls of Congress - which was in July. To wait until the eve of the scheduled confirmation vote and demand a full FBI investigation to be followed by Senate hearings is a blatant delaying tactic that I do not think will succeed.

It is pure bullshit. July was the time to reveal it. Not September. The Dems are using this woman's pain for their own gain.
Now the accuser says she doesn't want to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee after until FBI investigates.
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before she will testify: lawyer

That will give an opening to Senate GOP, including waverers like Collins, Flake and Murkowski to go ahead with the confirmation without a hearing.

Time for a lengthy investigation was when the accusation first surfaced in the halls of Congress - which was in July. To wait until the eve of the scheduled confirmation vote and demand a full FBI investigation to be followed by Senate hearings is a blatant delaying tactic that I do not think will succeed.

It is pure bullshit. July was the time to reveal it. Not September. The Dems are using this woman's pain for their own gain.

The Republicans have been trying to rush it through for political reasons. So now the Dems are trying to hold it up for political reasons. Stop whining. The only reason this is going to be painful for her is if the Republicans make it so. It's definitely going to be painful for Kavanaugh. He'll need to decide if the price is too high.
Now the accuser says she doesn't want to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee after until FBI investigates.
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before she will testify: lawyer

That will give an opening to Senate GOP, including waverers like Collins, Flake and Murkowski to go ahead with the confirmation without a hearing.

Time for a lengthy investigation was when the accusation first surfaced in the halls of Congress - which was in July. To wait until the eve of the scheduled confirmation vote and demand a full FBI investigation to be followed by Senate hearings is a blatant delaying tactic that I do not think will succeed.

It is pure bullshit. July was the time to reveal it. Not September. The Dems are using this woman's pain for their own gain.

No, Ford's delay and reluctance to come forward is perfectly understandable. Anita Hill came forward earlier, but her testimony was ignored by the Judiciary Committee. Her testimony was also criticized as a last minute exploitation by Senate Democrats, even though the committee members were all aware of the allegations. So they reopened the hearing just to handle her complaint, which ended up changing a number of votes that had previously been declared for Thomas. She was very sincere and credible, yet it wasn't enough to block the appointment. The Senate refused to hear corroborating testimony and they dragged her through the mud, but good. So she stood out as an example of what could happen to a woman who came forward with such a charge against a powerful man.

Dr. Ford did not want to go through that, and her fears have been fully realized. She is already being smeared, doxxed, and threatened. To blame this on Democrats for rushing as a last minute Hail Mary pass is sheer rubbish. There is nothing "last minute" about this. The Republicans are rocketing this confirmation through as quickly as they can, refusing to release thousands of documents or provide enough time for a full hearing on the nominee, who was not even on Trump's published list of candidates until the last minute. Had Dr. Ford been willing to come forward earlier, that would have happened, and she would have been interviewed by the FBI as part of his background check. She should be now, but Republicans are in such a rush to jam Kavanaugh down our throats that they won't allow it. Trump won't ask the FBI to investigate. And now the committee chair himself shouts "Time's up!" because she isn't available to testify within days--absent the customary investigation by the FBI that has always been a normal function in such cases.
Now the accuser says she doesn't want to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee after until FBI investigates.
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before she will testify: lawyer

That will give an opening to Senate GOP, including waverers like Collins, Flake and Murkowski to go ahead with the confirmation without a hearing.

Time for a lengthy investigation was when the accusation first surfaced in the halls of Congress - which was in July. To wait until the eve of the scheduled confirmation vote and demand a full FBI investigation to be followed by Senate hearings is a blatant delaying tactic that I do not think will succeed.

It is pure bullshit. July was the time to reveal it. Not September. The Dems are using this woman's pain for their own gain.

Or maybe she just doesn't want to see her abuse get a lifetime appointment to a position of prestige. Regardless, I see the perjury and the fraudulent email shit and the unconstitutional opinions he perjured himself over and the financial vulnerability (and the associated perjury over that) to be much more important, and that isn't one BIT political. Under no circumstances would any sane citizen let that man go to the bench. It's sad that the only way the democrats have been able to stop him is over a fucking sex scandal, but I'll take it.

Some jangled up partisan shitheads might CALL not wanting a perjurer/rapist/fraudster/blackmail risk partisan, I just call it good sense.

Edit: maybe if you can establish how he could possibly be appropriate for the SCOTUS in light of those facts clearly evident from documents already released, then I might believe you as to the "partisan" nature of this appointee... but he has more than damned himself, regardless of what party he is sponsored by.
He's had, what, five FBI background checks? Oh, all this hysterics. As the accuser does not recall when or where this allegedly occurred, and there are no corroborating witnesses or evidence, this last ditch delay tactic is just ridiculous.

Don't be dense, they haven't investigated this issue. And there are multiple witnesses to question. There was a third person in the room. And today 2 other potential witnesses have been identified.

Kavanaugh ex-classmate denies being at party in assault allegation - CNNPolitics
Accuser's schoolmate says she recalls hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident

If it doesn't get referred to the FBI, the Senate can still investigate it themselves, but they need to do better than a rushed single day hearing. As we learned in 2016-2017, the GOP is okay with waiting over a year to fill a seat, so there can be no argument of a need to rush it.

Great. So the guy Ford names as having had been at this party - a party that she cannot recall when or where - denies having been at the party. Absolutely brilliant. Well done. Is this the Duke Lacrosse case all over again?

If you deny being at a party that you don't know the time and place of you either do not attend that sort of event in that area (clearly false) or you are lying.
I don't believe the story is made up, there's too much of a historical trail, and, as anyone who's done drinking and has hormones can most likely attest to, adding the former to the latter makes for potentially dangerous behavior.

Something that's come up elsewhere about this: This doesn't make sense as a made-up story. If you're faking it why in the world would you put a friend of your rapist there as a witness?!

She has nothing to gain from this. And she remembers facts like she was wearing a one-piece bathing suit under her other clothes. Too much of this rings to be true.

Things like the bathing suit could simply be made up. To me the smoking gun is the witness that's friendly to the accused. That would be crazy to make up.

Also, claiming it was just rough horseplay is to me basically an admission of guilt.
Great. So the guy Ford names as having had been at this party - a party that she cannot recall when or where - denies having been at the party. Absolutely brilliant. Well done. Is this the Duke Lacrosse case all over again?

If you deny being at a party that you don't know the time and place of you either do not attend that sort of event in that area (clearly false) or you are lying.

Hell, that scumbag wouldn't even admit to knowing what the Kasowitz Benson Torres law firm was.. "uh... um ... Kaso...huh? uh .. I don't recall"
What a slimeball.
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