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Sen. Feinstein Claims She Received Info On Kavanaugh And Sent It To FBI

Don't fuck with Cocaine Mitch.
Yeah, in the same way you don't fuck with an advanced Alzheimer's patient brandishing a flamethrower.

Power-grabbing zealotry is the new "strong" for right wingers. :rotfl:
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Well, I heard somewhere someone saying that this whole thing is a distraction from real problems with this guy. I have to agree. The more democrats talk about 17 year old drunk teenager the less republicans have to talk about his much more recent and more important transgressions
Well, I heard somewhere someone saying that this whole thing is a distraction from real problems with this guy. I have to agree. The more democrats talk about 17 year old drunk teenager the less republicans have to talk about his much more recent and more important transgressions

Now that's really funny. As if the Republicans would let anybody talk about any of Kavanaugh's "more recent and more important transgressions"...
Well, I heard somewhere someone saying that this whole thing is a distraction from real problems with this guy. I have to agree. The more democrats talk about 17 year old drunk teenager the less republicans have to talk about his much more recent and more important transgressions

Exactly my opinion, too. Nevertheless, it just seems human nature that most human primates will prefer to focus on a sex scandal than something like Kavanaugh's apparent belief that presidents should be immune from criminal investigation, let alone held accountable to the law. An attempted rape by a 17-year-old Kavanaugh is deeply troubling, but it is a charge that is going to be almost impossible to prove. And now this one question seems to have become the sole issue for judging Kavanaugh's qualification to be a Supreme Court justice for life.

Dr. Blasey Ford has come forward with a credible charge and has made the reasonable demand that her charge be investigated by the FBI, which is the customary way of addressing such a charge against a job candidate up for approval by Congress. Republicans have stiff-armed her and tried to bully her into testifying under very difficult conditions. They refuse to allow any possibility of corroboration or support from others, including a potential material eyewitness (and participant) in the alleged rape attempt, Mark Judge. That man needs to be questioned by the FBI and the Senate committee. In any case, the committee will hear her testimony, probably on Thursday. They will attempt to turn a deaf ear to all the rest. After that, they will immediately vote the nomination out of committee and try to jam it through the Senate. Chances don't look bad for them on being able to succeed. This man could get his lifetime appointment with a cloud hanging over his head, just like Clarence Thomas. Republicans generally don't care. What counts is who wins in the end.
Well, I heard somewhere someone saying that this whole thing is a distraction from real problems with this guy. I have to agree. The more democrats talk about 17 year old drunk teenager the less republicans have to talk about his much more recent and more important transgressions

Now that's really funny. As if the Republicans would let anybody talk about any of Kavanaugh's "more recent and more important transgressions"...

Yeah, if this hadn’t come up, Kavanaugh would have been confirmed already.
Sounds like a nasty fraternity full of real peaches, but they were banned much later as in 2011. Not when he was still in it.

Why take what are solid, already persuasive facts in an infographic and crap on it with this misleading portion?

I am getting sick of partisans.

Is it your true believe that the frat was just peachy keen and fine and dandy until 2011? What, exactly, do you make of the frat's flag and chant from the days when Kavanaugh was a member?

I remember the 70's and the 80's really well. A whole lot was tolerated then that is not tolerated now. Not enough, but quite a bit.

It is pretty clear that it is pure partisanship that is supporting Kavanaugh to begin with.
Sounds like a nasty fraternity full of real peaches, but they were banned much later as in 2011. Not when he was still in it.

Why take what are solid, already persuasive facts in an infographic and crap on it with this misleading portion?

I am getting sick of partisans.

Unless it's the nazi party?

What we aren’t told is that at least three of the women are Republican Party operatives. One woman, identified as Lourdes Castillo de la Pena worked on Ted Cruz’s campaign and hosted a $1000/plate fundraiser. Another woman has appeared sitting next to Trump at small business forums. Yet another is a failed Floridian House primary candidate.

One would think that CNN would feel obligated to disclose the backgrounds of these women rather than just put them forth as average Republican voters.

But remember kids, CNN is biased against Trump. It's great that you are against partisans though.

Committee contacts Ford's friend about party; 'she has no recollection' of it, lawyer says

CNN has learned that the committee has reached out to a longtime friend of Ford named Leland Ingham Keyser.
"I understand that you have been identified as an individual who was in attendance at a party that occurred circa 1982 described in a recent Washington Post article," a committee staffer wrote Keyser earlier this week.
On Saturday night, her lawyer, Howard Walsh, released a statement to CNN and the Senate Judiciary Committee.

"Simply put," Walsh said, "Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford."
The lawyer acknowledged to CNN that Keyser is a lifelong friend of Ford's.

Ford may just have Munchausen syndrome or is at a fulminate level of Trump Derangement Syndrome that she's willing to lie for #theresistence. No wonder she has all these demands and excuses to avoid testifying under oath.

Ann Coulter finally weighs in:

Hmmm. How about: Our REAL problem is that many men have no choice but to rape because they have no opportunities to date attractive women.

"No choice."

I hope she's offering herself up to be raped then.

Ann Coulter finally weighs in:

Hmmm. How about: Our REAL problem is that many men have no choice but to rape because they have no opportunities to date attractive women.

"No choice."

Followup: Snopes confirms it's true: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ann-coulter-men-no-choice/
Have you even read the Snopes article?

It confirms that she said that but did not mean it. She said it in January 2017 in a sarcastic manner, mocking García's claim that "many Mexicans have no choice but to go illegally to USA because they have no opportunities at home". Her point is that just as men who do not have the means to date attractive women of course have the choice not to rape anyone, Mexicans who do not have the means to get opportunities at home (e.g., jobs, a prospect of a better future) also have the choice not to illegally enter the US.

So, no, fortunately, she is of course not offering herself to be raped. Why would you hope that?
I hope she's offering herself up to be raped then.

Ann Coulter finally weighs in:

Hmmm. How about: Our REAL problem is that many men have no choice but to rape because they have no opportunities to date attractive women.

"No choice."

Followup: Snopes confirms it's true: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ann-coulter-men-no-choice/
Have you even read the Snopes article?

It confirms that she said that but did not mean it. She said it in January 2017 in a sarcastic manner, mocking García's claim that "many Mexicans have no choice but to go illegally to USA because they have no opportunities at home". Her point is that just as men who do not have the means to date attractive women of course have the choice not to rape anyone, Mexicans who do not have the means to get opportunities at home (e.g., jobs, a prospect of a better future) also have the choice not to illegally enter the US.

So, no, fortunately, she is of course not offering herself to be raped. Why would you hope that?

FFS - that was obvious if people just looked at the tweet - she was mocking someone else. But partisanship makes folks ignore the basics.

Committee contacts Ford's friend about party; 'she has no recollection' of it, lawyer says

CNN has learned that the committee has reached out to a longtime friend of Ford named Leland Ingham Keyser.
"I understand that you have been identified as an individual who was in attendance at a party that occurred circa 1982 described in a recent Washington Post article," a committee staffer wrote Keyser earlier this week.
On Saturday night, her lawyer, Howard Walsh, released a statement to CNN and the Senate Judiciary Committee.

"Simply put," Walsh said, "Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford."
The lawyer acknowledged to CNN that Keyser is a lifelong friend of Ford's.

That someone doesn't remember a party where they weren't attacked doesn't mean much. You are aware that Keyser believes Ford?

Ford may just have Munchausen syndrome or is at a fulminate level of Trump Derangement Syndrome that she's willing to lie for #theresistence. No wonder she has all these demands and excuses to avoid testifying under oath.

Says the Trump cultist, someone who doesn't care that Trump is an admitted sexual assaulter. Your opinion on who's lying here isn't worth much.
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