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Sen. Feinstein Claims She Received Info On Kavanaugh And Sent It To FBI

Chairman Biden and ranking member Thurmond, when they heard about this the first time, they immediately ordered this FBI investigation, which was the very right thing to do, and they did what every other chairman and ranking member have done in the past.

Senator Orrin Hatch, October 11, 1991
Honest question, if you could take all of men of Kavanaugh's age in high school when he is alleged to have done this act while "stumbling drunk", what percentage of them would be ethical and fairly caring adults at his current age?

How would that compare to general population of men?

I don't think he is very ethical, but I thought that before this allegation.

In all honesty, if he was as regularly drunk as his friend (and Dr. Ford) says he was, combined with being a self-entitled rich boy in a prep school, I have no doubt that he could sexually assault a classmate during high school and then never do anything like that again as a sober adult.

I've said this before in the never-ending rape threads, but I do think there are different motivations for rape. The sexual predator doesn't change. Harvey Weinstein continued his behavior until he was finally outed and booted. Most rapists are serial rapists and they will not stop even after serving prison sentences for it.

But I believe that there are also the type of rapist exemplified by the Steubenville High School football players. They were not taught to respect women, not taught that "no means no", not taught to get ongoing affirmative consent and under the misguided assumption that they are the gods of their own little world. Add a heavy dose of alcohol and they do exactly what Kavanaugh is accused of doing. I think this type still tend to grow up to be insufferable assholes unless there is intervention, but probably not serial rapists.

I have no studies to support this - it is just my opinion.

I’m not sure why you believe that being a self entitled jerk in high school (or college) and getting drunk and sexually assaulting a classmate would never happen later but is something he’d mature out of. I think quite the opposite. In fact there is nothing in his background that suggests he has not continued to live a life of entitlement and privilege. There is nothing to suggest that he had any sort of epiphany that he had behaved badly in the past or had treated anyone in an inappropriate manner.

One does not have to be wealthy or privileged or drunk in order to feel entitled to do whatever one wants to whomever one thinks is vulnerable and available. Attitudes like that don’t magically appear because one is drunk and wealth and privilege make it easier to get a pass on bad behavior—or criminal behavior, for that matter. It helps but it is hardly necessary to escape consequences. Come on: cwe’ve all read stories of high school boys taking part in far worse and not even being charged.

It’s too hard for people to look at ‘great guys’ who do bad things because we like and admire and even identify with the cool kids.

And a lot of us have done questionable things in the past that we would never do now. It’s easier to make up stories to explain claims of rape as false or simply morning after regrets than accept that even a high school hero has feet of clay.

In my experience, guys who grab girls and choke them in high school go on to do much worse. Unless there is some event that changes their trajectory: some consequences, maybe some epiphany that spurs self examination and empathy for others.

I’d much prefer to believe that this was a stupid one off, but I don’t.


‘What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep’: Kavanaugh remarks in 2015 speech get renewed scrutiny

A woman has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when he was a student at the elite prep school.

He knows he did wrong. He knows that he needs to hide what happened from the rest of the world. He is comfortable with the fact that he has paid no price for what he did. He's pure filth.
No, it's Ford calling the doubters' bluff. If the GOP are so sure there's nothing to her story, they should welcome a FBI investigation. If they go on without one, it means they're scared. That Ford wants one only further adds to her credibility. She is right that there should be an investigation first. A senate hearing is a horseshit way to judge what happened in a case like this, especially when they only want to call two people to testify. And why are they afraid to hear Mark Judge? Even more telling against Kavanaugh, is that Mark Judge doesn't want to testify.

The FBI doesn't do that. When has it ever done that? There is no federal crime alleged. None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. The FBI is not a willy-nilly police force. It has no power to investigate, issues subpoenas, etc., for an alleged state crime. Amazing this hyper partisanship has made people forget how the government works.

The FBI is 100% responsible for doing the background investigation on the USSC nominees. No one is discussing an FBI criminal investigation :rolleyes: They need to interview Kavanaugh, Ford, Judge and anyone else with pertinent information on her allegation - just like they did with Anita Hill.

He's had, what, five FBI background checks? Oh, all this hysterics. As the accuser does not recall when or where this allegedly occurred, and there are no corroborating witnesses or evidence, this last ditch delay tactic is just ridiculous.
So republicans want to trample accuser because she wants due process? RU Thomasing again?

Due process is for the accused. Chief among due process rights is the 6th Amendment right to face your accuser. And Ford will apparently be a no-show for the Monday hearing.

It's as if the call for a FBI investigation is a convenient excuse to help Ford from committing perjury.
He's had, what, five FBI background checks? Oh, all this hysterics. As the accuser does not recall when or where this allegedly occurred, and there are no corroborating witnesses or evidence, this last ditch delay tactic is just ridiculous.

Don't be dense, they haven't investigated this issue. And there are multiple witnesses to question. There was a third person in the room. And today 2 other potential witnesses have been identified.

Kavanaugh ex-classmate denies being at party in assault allegation - CNNPolitics
Accuser's schoolmate says she recalls hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident

If it doesn't get referred to the FBI, the Senate can still investigate it themselves, but they need to do better than a rushed single day hearing. As we learned in 2016-2017, the GOP is okay with waiting over a year to fill a seat, so there can be no argument of a need to rush it.
...It's as if the call for a FBI investigation is a convenient excuse to help Ford from committing perjury.

Absolutely false. The standard procedure is for the FBI to investigate such an allegation, but the White House has to request them to do so. Trump has not only not requested a reopening, but he has claimed on their behalf that THEY don't want to reopen the investigation. During the Thomas hearings, Grassley and other Republicans applauded such an investigation into his background when the allegations were just about sexual harassment, not attempted rape. At the very least, the FBI needs to interview one of the alleged witnesses, Mark Judge, about his recollection. Judge has publicly denied such a recollection, but his denial should be tested under a situation where it would be a crime to give a false answer.

There is no deadline to confirm Kavanaugh's nomination before a thorough investigation, which should only take a matter of days, in any case. During the Clarence Thomas hearings, it took them just 2 days to interview her. The demand by Dr. Ford to have her claim investigated by authorities--a condition that would also put her into legal jeopardy for being untruthful--is absolutely justified. She has good reason not to let the Senate do to her what they did to Anita Hill.
It's as if the call for a FBI investigation is a convenient excuse to help Ford from committing perjury.

Lying to the FBI is a crime, genius. And the Senate GOP doesn't care about perjury, as they proved with Kavanaugh.
He's had, what, five FBI background checks? Oh, all this hysterics. As the accuser does not recall when or where this allegedly occurred, and there are no corroborating witnesses or evidence, this last ditch delay tactic is just ridiculous.

Don't be dense, they haven't investigated this issue. And there are multiple witnesses to question. There was a third person in the room. And today 2 other potential witnesses have been identified.

Kavanaugh ex-classmate denies being at party in assault allegation - CNNPolitics
Accuser's schoolmate says she recalls hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident

If it doesn't get referred to the FBI, the Senate can still investigate it themselves, but they need to do better than a rushed single day hearing. As we learned in 2016-2017, the GOP is okay with waiting over a year to fill a seat, so there can be no argument of a need to rush it.

Great. So the guy Ford names as having had been at this party - a party that she cannot recall when or where - denies having been at the party. Absolutely brilliant. Well done. Is this the Duke Lacrosse case all over again?
Great. So the guy Ford names as having had been at this party - a party that she cannot recall when or where - denies having been at the party. Absolutely brilliant. Well done. Is this the Duke Lacrosse case all over again?

Um, so you think the Senate GOP would discount his testimony? What, are you talking about?

The legitimate point of an investigation would be to find the truth, which could be that Kavanaugh is innocent. Anybody objective should want to hear as much evidence as possible, and you should especially welcome that guy testifying as the partisan hack that you are. But it's curious that he and Judge don't want to testify and help out their friend/someone they support. Wonder why they are afraid to testify under oath to help out that great guy Kavanaugh.
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If Dear Leader gets his way after Kavanaugh, Roy Moore will be the next nominee...probably to replace Ginsberg.
Sensible--she wants as much evidence gathered as possible.
It would have been sensible in July. Now it just comes across as a delaying tactic, in the hope that Dems can take over the Senate.

By the same token then, it's just a rush job by the GOP. But that complaint is dumb anyway since the GOP will still have the majority for a couple of months after the election. It wouldn't take that long.

Kavanaugh is very unpopular nominee, the worst in recent history, the lowest approval since Bork. He does even worse than Miers did. If it's as certain that there's nothing there as the GOP says, then they should welcome this as a chance to show BK as the real victim and get some sympathy support at least.
...It's as if the call for a FBI investigation is a convenient excuse to help Ford from committing perjury.

Absolutely false. The standard procedure is for the FBI to investigate such an allegation, but the White House has to request them to do so. Trump has not only not requested a reopening, but he has claimed on their behalf that THEY don't want to reopen the investigation. During the Thomas hearings, Grassley and other Republicans applauded such an investigation into his background when the allegations were just about sexual harassment, not attempted rape. At the very least, the FBI needs to interview one of the alleged witnesses, Mark Judge, about his recollection. Judge has publicly denied such a recollection, but his denial should be tested under a situation where it would be a crime to give a false answer.

There is no deadline to confirm Kavanaugh's nomination before a thorough investigation, which should only take a matter of days, in any case. During the Clarence Thomas hearings, it took them just 2 days to interview her. The demand by Dr. Ford to have her claim investigated by authorities--a condition that would also put her into legal jeopardy for being untruthful--is absolutely justified. She has good reason not to let the Senate do to her what they did to Anita Hill.

And besides, she could still testify after an FBI investigation, just as Anita Hill did.
...It's as if the call for a FBI investigation is a convenient excuse to help Ford from committing perjury.

Absolutely false. The standard procedure is for the FBI to investigate such an allegation, but the White House has to request them to do so. Trump has not only not requested a reopening, but he has claimed on their behalf that THEY don't want to reopen the investigation. During the Thomas hearings, Grassley and other Republicans applauded such an investigation into his background when the allegations were just about sexual harassment, not attempted rape. At the very least, the FBI needs to interview one of the alleged witnesses, Mark Judge, about his recollection. Judge has publicly denied such a recollection, but his denial should be tested under a situation where it would be a crime to give a false answer.

There is no deadline to confirm Kavanaugh's nomination before a thorough investigation, which should only take a matter of days, in any case. During the Clarence Thomas hearings, it took them just 2 days to interview her. The demand by Dr. Ford to have her claim investigated by authorities--a condition that would also put her into legal jeopardy for being untruthful--is absolutely justified. She has good reason not to let the Senate do to her what they did to Anita Hill.

And besides, she could still testify after an FBI investigation, just as Anita Hill did.
I think that is her plan. She's smart. Instead of allowing herself to be pitted one on one with Kavanaugh in front of mostly conservative men like a compitition as Trump obviously prefers, do the investigating first, get everyone on the record (and under oath if possible). With what we're seeing what happens to people who lie to the FBI, Judge and Kavanaugh will come clean under FBI questioning. That is if the FBI takes this as seriously as they are taking the bs Russian collusion allegations. Will they? We'll see. Since Comey and Strzok and the other dimwit whose name I can't think of at the moment are out, they might.
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