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Sen. Feinstein Claims She Received Info On Kavanaugh And Sent It To FBI

Kavanaugh's changing his story. Now it was "rough horseplay."


How rough could it have been since it never happened, according to Bullshittin' Brett?

He is not saying that. He is saying that it never happened.
Actually he is saying she has the wrong guy... a cleaner defense that saying she is lying.

The question is why was a Kavanaugh supporter on CNN suggesting it could have happened?
Now the accuser says she doesn't want to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee after until FBI investigates.
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before she will testify: lawyer

That will give an opening to Senate GOP, including waverers like Collins, Flake and Murkowski to go ahead with the confirmation without a hearing.

Time for a lengthy investigation was when the accusation first surfaced in the halls of Congress - which was in July. To wait until the eve of the scheduled confirmation vote and demand a full FBI investigation to be followed by Senate hearings is a blatant delaying tactic that I do not think will succeed.
Fuck off you troll.
Certain people are so easily triggered. It was a joke. Lighten up, Francis.

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Kabas assumes that just because there is an allegation, that it must have happened. That is always the problem with (attempted) rape allegations - feminists always assume the woman must be telling the truth.

Every single quote on there has been given AFTER a rapist is found guilty.
Fuck off you troll.
Certain people are so easily triggered. It was a joke. Lighten up, Francis.

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Kabas assumes that just because there is an allegation, that it must have happened. That is always the problem with (attempted) rape allegations - feminists always assume the woman must be telling the truth.

Yeah making light of sexual assault, who’d imagine that would trigger people. Dude your behavior is not normal. I mean outside of the incel crowd.
Every single quote on there has been given AFTER a rapist is found guilty.
She is not even giving any context (author, case, just generic "they") to the statements in quotations marks. How do you know?
In any case, Marisa Kabas is tweeting these tweets in reference to the Kavenaugh accusations and there has been no corroborating evidence offered, much less any sort of convincing proof offered.
Yeah making light of sexual assault, who’d imagine that would trigger people. Dude your behavior is not normal. I mean outside of the incel crowd.
I think you are just hypersensitive.

"Rapey sloths" for some reason has become a thing. Don't know what the Internet has against sloths.

Also, I think your snowflake meltdown over a "Kavenaugh sloth vs. Blasey cat" is distracting from the real news - Dr. Blasey backing out of testifying on Monday before the Judiciary Committee. That's big news.

P.S.: Dr. Blasey? "Blasen" means "blow" (as in BJ) in German. Interesting. Not sure what Kavenaugh means.
Every single quote on there has been given AFTER a rapist is found guilty.
She is not even giving any context (author, case) to the statements in quotations marks. How do you know?
In any case, Marisa Kabas is tweeting these tweets in reference to the Kavenaugh accusations and there has been no corroborating evidence offered, much less any sort of convincing proof offered.

Those statements have been given time and time again after numerous rape cases. It's a long tradition. Why are you unaware of this? Too obsessed with that tiny fraction of a percent of cases that turn out to be false accusations? ...
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Those statements have been given time and time again after numerous rape cases. It's a long tradition. Why are you unaware of this?
I do not pay much attention to what "they say". Who are these "they" anyway?

Too obsessed with that tiny fraction of a percent of cases that turn out to be false accusations? Even you, ...

A small percentage are proven to be false accusation but that doesn't mean that the percentage of false accusations itself is small.
In any case, you need evidence of an assault. Mere accusation should not suffice.

Btw, what do you think about Blasey backing out of testifying?
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Those statements have been given time and time again after numerous rape cases. It's a long tradition. Why are you unaware of this?
I do not pay much attention to what "they say". Who are these "they" anyway?

Too obsessed with that tiny fraction of a percent of cases that turn out to be false accusations? ...

A small percentage are proven to be false accusation but that doesn't mean that the percentage of false accusations itself is small.
In any case, you need evidence of an assault. Mere accusation should not suffice.

Btw, what do you think about Blasey backing out of testifying?

I don't think anything of it. ... Your false accusations nonsense is not even a blip on society's radar.


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Slate is a glorified left-wing blog. Both left and right wing ideologues are highly susceptible to, to paraphrase Reagan, knowing things that aren't so.

Besides, I am not conservative. In fact, I think the radical feminist obsession with over-regulating sex (which also includes defining more and more things as "sexual assault" for example when drunk college students have consensual sex or saying that "consent forms" would be a good idea) comes from a deeply conservative impulse.
Actually I would agree with you on many issues. I think Kavenaugh is bad news as a justice. But I think bringing him down with unproven allegations of sexual assault when he was 17 would do even more damage than having him on the court for 30-40 years. Especially since Trump can nominate somebody just as conservative in his stead.
Now the accuser says she doesn't want to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee after until FBI investigates.
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before she will testify: lawyer

That will give an opening to Senate GOP, including waverers like Collins, Flake and Murkowski to go ahead with the confirmation without a hearing.

Time for a lengthy investigation was when the accusation first surfaced in the halls of Congress - which was in July. To wait until the eve of the scheduled confirmation vote and demand a full FBI investigation to be followed by Senate hearings is a blatant delaying tactic that I do not think will succeed.

Grassley called Feinstein's bluff. It seems the Dems were hoping that these 30+ year-old allegations would torpedo Kavanaugh. Instead of retreating, Grassley asked the accuser to come forward and reveal her story under oath. Maybe it's the under oath part that caused the cold feet. It looks like this was always about stopping Kavanaugh from being confirmed by any means necessary. The "FBI needs to investigate" retort is a charade. The FBI only investigates federal crimes - and there are none alleged here. Feinstein should (and does) know that. The Senate should just confirm Kavanaugh so the Dems stop making asses of themselves.
You are very right wing authoritarian.

You are, as so often, wrong. For example, I think it is wrong for the government to tell men and women who engage in adult, consensual sex work what to do with their bodies.
Authoritarians, both on the right (motivated by religious ideology) and on the left (motivated by radical feminist ideology) disagree with me.

Btw, what happened to your avatar?
You are very right wing authoritarian.

You are, as so often, wrong. For example, I think it is wrong for the government to tell men and women who engage in adult, consensual sex work what to do with their bodies.
Authoritarians, both on the right (motivated by religious ideology) and on the left (motivated by radical feminist ideology) disagree with me.

Yeah, openness and inclusiveness are totally authoritarian. NOT taking from the poor to feed the rich is so right wing, you know?

One thing right wing authoritarian followers have been very consistent about over the years is that they think anything they don't like is "authoritarian." It's "authoritarian" to disagree with right wing authoritarians, but it's not authoritarian at all to put babies in cages or to take away healthcare from millions of people. I bet you also think "both sides are the same."
Ford is calling the doubters' bluff. If the GOP are so sure there's nothing to her story, they should welcome an FBI investigation. If they go on without one, it means they're scared. That Ford wants one only further adds to her credibility. She is right that there should be an investigation first. A senate hearing is a horseshit way to judge what happened in a case like this, especially when they only want to call two people to testify. And why are they afraid to hear Mark Judge? Even more telling against Kavanaugh, is that Mark Judge doesn't want to testify.

What's the rush? They kept Garland's seat open over a year. Yet, they've been ramrodding this thing through and typically breaking norms all along the way.
The "FBI needs to investigate" retort is a charade. The FBI only investigates federal crimes - and there are none alleged here.

Horseshit, they do the background investigations on all the nominees. They don't only do criminal investigations.
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