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Sen. Feinstein Claims She Received Info On Kavanaugh And Sent It To FBI

No, it's Ford calling the doubters' bluff. If the GOP are so sure there's nothing to her story, they should welcome a FBI investigation. If they go on without one, it means they're scared. That Ford wants one only further adds to her credibility. She is right that there should be an investigation first. A senate hearing is a horseshit way to judge what happened in a case like this, especially when they only want to call two people to testify. And why are they afraid to hear Mark Judge? Even more telling against Kavanaugh, is that Mark Judge doesn't want to testify.

The FBI doesn't do that. When has it ever done that? There is no federal crime alleged. None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. The FBI is not a willy-nilly police force. It has no power to investigate, issues subpoenas, etc., for an alleged state crime. Amazing this hyper partisanship has made people forget how the government works.
The "FBI needs to investigate" retort is a charade. The FBI only investigates federal crimes - and there are none alleged here.

Horseshit, they do the background investigations on all the nominees. They don't only do criminal investigations.

You're saying the FBI already did a background check? What? That the FBI did its check after Trump nominated Kavanaugh and before the confirmation hearing last week? You mean that background check done on all judicial nominees after nomination and before Senate hearings? So all this blather about the FBI needing to investigate really is just a big pile of fly-infested shit?

Even the FBI says its work is done.

The FBI declined to comment Tuesday after the letter from Ford’s lawyers was made public. The Justice Department said previously that the FBI updated Kavanaugh’s background-check file to include the allegation and suggested that that is the extent of what the agency plans to do.
What? I have no idea what point you think you're making.

Why are you afraid of an investigation, Trausti?
What? I have no idea what point you think you're making.

Why are you afraid of an investigation, Trausti?

Because it's bullshit. We all know it's bullshit. We all know the purpose is to delay/stop the nomination. That's it. Spare us the faux outrage. From Booker's atrociously stupid Spartacus moment to Harris's purposing taking statements out of context, the Dems seem to know no limit to the lengths they'll go to sink this nomination. As the FBI has already said it's done here, it's time to move on.
What? I have no idea what point you think you're making.

Why are you afraid of an investigation, Trausti?

Because it's bullshit. We all know it's bullshit. We all know the purpose is to delay/stop the nomination. That's it. Spare us the faux outrage. From Booker's atrociously stupid Spartacus moment to Harris's purposing taking statements out of context, the Dems seem to know no limit to the lengths they'll go to sink this nomination. As the FBI has already said it's done here, it's time to move on.

Hard to blame them. Your party stole the pick. They they late data dump thousands and thousands of documents just a couple days ago. A delay will be good to adequately review the dumped docs. But don't worry, unless they find a bombshell, he will get nominated.
What? I have no idea what point you think you're making.

Why are you afraid of an investigation, Trausti?

Because it's bullshit. We all know it's bullshit. We all know the purpose is to delay/stop the nomination. That's it. Spare us the faux outrage. From Booker's atrociously stupid Spartacus moment to Harris's purposing taking statements out of context, the Dems seem to know no limit to the lengths they'll go to sink this nomination. As the FBI has already said it's done here, it's time to move on.
Kavanugh and Judge should volunteer for lie-detector tests and save us all the time and frustration.

I don't believe the story is made up, there's too much of a historical trail, and, as anyone who's done drinking and has hormones can most likely attest to, adding the former to the latter makes for potentially dangerous behavior.

Is Kavanaugh above any of that? Of course not, the guy was raised in a household and culture that suppresses sexual desire which rears its head indiscriminately when alcohol is consumed. He should acknowledge it happened, say it was an isolated incident (unless it wasn't) and make a public showing of begging his God for forgivness. Kinda like the rest of the sexually supressed Christian leaders in the public shpere so often have to do.

It's easier to just call the female a whore and a liar though.
He is not saying that. He is saying that it never happened.
Actually he is saying she has the wrong guy... a cleaner defense that saying she is lying.

The question is why was a Kavanaugh supporter on CNN suggesting it could have happened?

Could you provide a quote in which he says she has the wrong guy?

As for the Kavanaugh supporter, I don't think her motivations are relevant, but if you take a look at the video, she was trying to defend him without knowing what happened, and she is not so good at it.
What? I have no idea what point you think you're making.

Why are you afraid of an investigation, Trausti?

Because it's bullshit. We all know it's bullshit. We all know the purpose is to delay/stop the nomination.

Why NOT stop the nomination of a proven liar and partisan hack to the highest court in the land? At least they're not "pizzagating" him.
And your uninformed opinion that Ford's story is not exactly the truth is no better than someone else's uninformed opinion that her story IS exactly the truth. You have a problem with finding the truth, obviously. You were probably fine with holding the seat open for over a year to prevent a moderate from being appointed to SCOTUS, so what's your big hurry to get this sleazeball in place? Could it be that you are afraid that it would be difficult to find another alt-white partisan who believes the President should be a dictator?
So republicans want to trample accuser because she wants due process? RU Thomasing again?

No, they want to trample the accuser because her accusations harm their candidate. If it were a Dem candidate in the same situation, everyone involved would be an equally passionate defender of the completely opposite position they now have. Who she is or what she wants aren't relevant factors in their opinions.
What? I have no idea what point you think you're making.

Why are you afraid of an investigation, Trausti?

Because it's bullshit. We all know it's bullshit. We all know the purpose is to delay/stop the nomination. That's it. Spare us the faux outrage. From Booker's atrociously stupid Spartacus moment to Harris's purposing taking statements out of context, the Dems seem to know no limit to the lengths they'll go to sink this nomination. As the FBI has already said it's done here, it's time to move on.
It’s amazing all the bald-faced egregious shit the Republicans can commit and as soon as the Democrats look like they are trying to stall the confirmation of a Supreme Court nomination, a man of obvious questionable character and equally questionable opinions, one that Mitch tried to steer Dumbass away from, the GOP is absolutely beside themselves with indignation.
Kavanugh and Judge should volunteer for lie-detector tests and save us all the time and frustration.

I don't believe the story is made up, there's too much of a historical trail, and, as anyone who's done drinking and has hormones can most likely attest to, adding the former to the latter makes for potentially dangerous behavior.

Is Kavanaugh above any of that? Of course not, the guy was raised in a household and culture that suppresses sexual desire which rears its head indiscriminately when alcohol is consumed. He should acknowledge it happened, say it was an isolated incident (unless it wasn't) and make a public showing of begging his God for forgivness. Kinda like the rest of the sexually supressed Christian leaders in the public shpere so often have to do.

It's easier to just call the female a whore and a liar though.

Hear, hear.
Kavanugh and Judge should volunteer for lie-detector tests and save us all the time and frustration.

Hear here. And while they're at it, they should hook up everyone in the whole corrupt administration and ask them if they think Cheato is fit to be President.
Kavanugh and Judge should volunteer for lie-detector tests and save us all the time and frustration.

Hear here. And while they're at it, they should hook up everyone in the whole corrupt administration and ask them if they think Cheato is fit to be President.

I love the way that we're all such strong proponents of lie detectors now. It seems like just last week when we were dismissing them as junk science. :)
So republicans want to trample accuser because she wants due process? RU Thomasing again?

No, they want to trample the accuser because her accusations harm their candidate. If it were a Dem candidate in the same situation, everyone involved would be an equally passionate defender of the completely opposite position they now have. Who she is or what she wants aren't relevant factors in their opinions.
History shows you to be incorrect with your false equivalence. Nice try though.

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What? I have no idea what point you think you're making.

Why are you afraid of an investigation, Trausti?

Because it's bullshit. We all know it's bullshit. We all know the purpose is to delay/stop the nomination. That's it. Spare us the faux outrage. From Booker's atrociously stupid Spartacus moment to Harris's purposing taking statements out of context, the Dems seem to know no limit to the lengths they'll go to sink this nomination. As the FBI has already said it's done here, it's time to move on.
It’s amazing all the bald-faced egregious shit the Republicans can commit and as soon as the Democrats look like they are trying to stall the confirmation of a Supreme Court nomination, a man of obvious questionable character and equally questionable opinions, one that Mitch tried to steer Dumbass away from, the GOP is absolutely beside themselves with indignation.
Is it worth going back to 2016 and pulling up Trausti's, et. al. defense of the McConnell's shitshow? Just for the entertainment value?
Trausti, do you believe that someone who commits perjury is qualified to be a judge?
Trausti, do you believe someone who upholds the constitutionality of the Chinese Exclusion Act or wishes to base immigration policy on race to be constitutionally competent (especially when the SCOTUS ruled that it wasn't constitutional)?
Trausti, do you believe that someone with mysterious debts approaching a quarter million dollars and moreover mysterious circumstances surrounding the relief of those debts, is going to be resistant to blackmail or extortion to the extent that a SCOTUS judge must be?
I still think that this allegation of a rape attempt over 35 years ago is a very weak reed for Democrats to rely on, and it could ultimately help Kavanaugh get confirmed (probably after the election, if it is to happen). Dr. Ford's charge could be sincere but based on a false memory of the actual circumstances. It is plausible that Kavanaugh, who was allegedly "stumbling drunk" at the time, would not remember the incident. However, now that the charge is out there, the FBI really should reopen the background investigation and interview at least Mark Judge, the friend who was supposedly a witness but now claims he can't remember it and doesn't want to talk about it. He should definitely be made to tell that to the FBI. Since the charge cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, this sex scandal will have little effect other than to smother all of the other troubling aspects surrounding Kavanaugh's appointment.

This is not about whether a crime was committed, because the statute of limitations has passed and there appears to be no corroboration. However, the Senate hearing is very much about Kavanaugh's character and how he handles situations like this. There are just too many questions surrounding his honesty while testifying under oath, his finances, and his real views on serious legal issues. He has been anything but forthcoming, and Republicans are clearly in a hurry to jam this down the throats of the public before the midterm election. In fact, they can still vote on the nomination after the elections. There is no reason to rush this now other than to satisfy Republican partisanism. If Kavanaugh fails, Trump will be able to find someone equally bad who does not have all of the baggage. This was just a very bad choice made without proper vetting.
I still think that this allegation of a rape attempt over 35 years ago is a very weak reed for Democrats to rely on, and it could ultimately help Kavanaugh get confirmed (probably after the election, if it is to happen).

I agree wholeheartedly. He should be summarily dismissed from consideration for lying to Congress. Period.

If Kavanaugh fails, Trump will be able to find someone equally bad who does not have all of the baggage. This was just a very bad choice made without proper vetting.

I doubt it. Conservative asshole judges do abound, but ones who are at all qualified AND have espoused support for BS Brett's notion that a President should be above the law, are few and far between - he might be the only one. That's why Trump is so terrified of the prospect of not getting his pansy into the seat.

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Kavanugh and Judge should volunteer for lie-detector tests and save us all the time and frustration.

Hear here. And while they're at it, they should hook up everyone in the whole corrupt administration and ask them if they think Cheato is fit to be President.

I love the way that we're all such strong proponents of lie detectors now. It seems like just last week when we were dismissing them as junk science. :)

They can be as fake as you like - the effect upon others is real enough. Imagine half of the WH staff "failing" the question of whether Cheato is qualified to be Pres....
I still think that this allegation of a rape attempt over 35 years ago is a very weak reed for Democrats to rely on, and it could ultimately help Kavanaugh get confirmed (probably after the election, if it is to happen). Dr. Ford's charge could be sincere but based on a false memory of the actual circumstances. It is plausible that Kavanaugh, who was allegedly "stumbling drunk" at the time, would not remember the incident. However, now that the charge is out there, the FBI really should reopen the background investigation and interview at least Mark Judge, the friend who was supposedly a witness but now claims he can't remember it and doesn't want to talk about it. He should definitely be made to tell that to the FBI. Since the charge cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, this sex scandal will have little effect other than to smother all of the other troubling aspects surrounding Kavanaugh's appointment.

This is not about whether a crime was committed, because the statute of limitations has passed and there appears to be no corroboration. However, the Senate hearing is very much about Kavanaugh's character and how he handles situations like this. There are just too many questions surrounding his honesty while testifying under oath, his finances, and his real views on serious legal issues. He has been anything but forthcoming, and Republicans are clearly in a hurry to jam this down the throats of the public before the midterm election. In fact, they can still vote on the nomination after the elections. There is no reason to rush this now other than to satisfy Republican partisanism. If Kavanaugh fails, Trump will be able to find someone equally bad who does not have all of the baggage. This was just a very bad choice made without proper vetting.
To the best of my knowledge, there is no statute of limitation for sexual assaults in Maryland. Which is why the alleged accomplice doesn't want to talk.

I agree that the accusation is soft in the sense of it is almost impossible to prove and it does seem to take pull out of the money angle and the perjury angle. But let's be honest neither of those things were going to stop the GOP from confirming Kavanaugh either. And if it isn't Kavanaugh, it'll be another justice like Kavanaugh, if the GOP can push it through fast enough before the January switch.
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