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Merged So what's next for Trump?

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[puts down popcorn]

I strongly suspect that there is catch-and-kill conspiracy charge buried in there somewhere.
They called Pecker back to testify (he got immunity during the Cohen trial) then indicted Cheato the next day …

[resumes popcorn]
Pecker & Cheato. That would be a great name for a cop buddy movie (speaking of popcorn...)

Rachel Whatshername, MSNBC's lesbo-chick from Stanford who repeats everything 27 times, says that a problem with this litigation will be how BORING (slow-moving) the whole thing will be.
[puts down popcorn]

I strongly suspect that there is catch-and-kill conspiracy charge buried in there somewhere.
They called Pecker back to testify (he got immunity during the Cohen trial) then indicted Cheato the next day …

[resumes popcorn]
Pecker & Cheato. That would be a great name for a cop buddy movie (speaking of popcorn...)

Rachel Whatshername, MSNBC's lesbo-chick from Stanford who repeats everything 27 times, says that a problem with this litigation will be how BORING (slow-moving) the whole thing will be.
The longer it goes, the more boring it is, the harder it will be for the RW clowns to keep up their histrionic outrage act. Fatigue will set in, even before the truly serious indictments are handed down.
[puts down popcorn]

I strongly suspect that there is catch-and-kill conspiracy charge buried in there somewhere.
They called Pecker back to testify (he got immunity during the Cohen trial) then indicted Cheato the next day …

[resumes popcorn]
We have a leaking Pecker.
I understand that Trump has been accused of paying hush money to Stormy Daniels. What I don't understand is what law has been allegedly broken?

All articles I read start with the assumption that the reader gets this. I don't.

Wasn't she just paid for service rendered? That, to me, seems perfectly reasonable
I haven’t read the entire thread, so this may have been answered. But the charge is only tangentially related to paying off Daniels. The charges stem from falsifying business records. Normally that’s a misdemeanor. But if it implicates commission of another crime, then it becomes a felony. In this case the other crime is campaign finance fraud. He used campaign funds for the payoff. But that’s a federal offense, not something that the Manhattan DA has any authority over. More importantly, that’s what Michael Cohen pled guilty to, making it hard to deny.

Then there are other charges related to other business transactions that some of his senior officers have been convicted of.

His only defense is to claim that all of these things happened without his knowledge, but I doubt seriously that he can. There’s likely a huge paper trail to connect the two. Plus the testimony of what happened by Cohen and others.

And he’s being forced to defend himself in the middle of Manhattan. Hardly a conservative area that will be sympathetic to him.
[puts down popcorn]

I strongly suspect that there is catch-and-kill conspiracy charge buried in there somewhere.
They called Pecker back to testify (he got immunity during the Cohen trial) then indicted Cheato the next day …

[resumes popcorn]
Pecker & Cheato. That would be a great name for a cop buddy movie (speaking of popcorn...)

Rachel Whatshername, MSNBC's lesbo-chick from Stanford who repeats everything 27 times, says that a problem with this litigation will be how BORING (slow-moving) the whole thing will be.
The longer it goes, the more boring it is, the harder it will be for the RW clowns to keep up their histrionic outrage act. Fatigue will set in, even before the truly serious indictments are handed down.

Eventually, the Georgia case will end up with more serious indictments, and the Stormy Daniels case will take a back seat to that. Unless Trumpo gets prison time. Or perhaps the Jean Caroll rape case gets serious. Radical Republicans will pine for the good old days of the Stormy Daniels bribery case. November 2024 is a long way away. Trump will eventually be political roadd kill as everybody tires of Trumpo and GOP antics.

A lot of far right media pundits and GOP politician hacks are shrieking about this in rather outrageous and apocalyptic terms. It is going to be fun to see this lot have to walk all of this partisan outrage back as all of these legal issues just get worse.
Part of Trump's legal problem is not the seamy little payoff itself. But illegal diversion of campaign funds to Stormy Daniels. This is conspiracy to commit fraud. Conspiracy can very well be a felony.

Remmber the GOP during the Clinton impeachment effort. The GOP told us it wasn't the illicit sex that was the problem. It was the lying about it that demanded. impeachment.
Part of Trump's legal problem is not the seamy little payoff itself. But illegal diversion of campaign funds to Stormy Daniels. This is conspiracy to commit fraud. Conspiracy can very well be a felony.

Remmber the GOP during the Clinton impeachment effort. The GOP told us it wasn't the illicit sex that was the problem. It was the lying about it that demanded. impeachment.
But that’s actually not the charge. That is a federal crime that the Manhattan DA has no jurisdiction over. It’s falsification of business records that Trump is likely charged with. That’s a felony if it also was campaign finance fraud. Which it was since Cohen pled guilty to It.
Part of Trump's legal problem is not the seamy little payoff itself. But illegal diversion of campaign funds to Stormy Daniels. This is conspiracy to commit fraud. Conspiracy can very well be a felony.

Remmber the GOP during the Clinton impeachment effort. The GOP told us it wasn't the illicit sex that was the problem. It was the lying about it that demanded. impeachment.
But that’s actually not the charge. That is a federal crime that the Manhatta
n DA has no jurisdiction over. It’s falsification of business records that Trump is likely charged with. That’s a felony if it also was campaign finance fraud. Which it was since Cohen pled guilty to It.

Well, no. Conspiracy can be a federal crime or a state crime. Each state legal system has its own conspiracy legal definitions. Can Trump be found guilty of a misdemeanor, and later a new indictment for conspiracy be lodged? I do not know.

I do remember long ago a lon NPR interview with a NY prosecutor who sent more people to prison for drug peddling than any other prosecutor in NY. He stated most criminals got sent up on conspiracy charges. That was easier, more effective and harder to get away with. A kingpin whose hands rarely touched the drugs themselves were hard to convict on drug charges itself.

Trump may not get away with a mere misdemeanor and wrist slap.
Part of Trump's legal problem is not the seamy little payoff itself. But illegal diversion of campaign funds to Stormy Daniels. This is conspiracy to commit fraud. Conspiracy can very well be a felony.

Remmber the GOP during the Clinton impeachment effort. The GOP told us it wasn't the illicit sex that was the problem. It was the lying about it that demanded. impeachment.
But that’s actually not the charge. That is a federal crime that the Manhatta
n DA has no jurisdiction over. It’s falsification of business records that Trump is likely charged with. That’s a felony if it also was campaign finance fraud. Which it was since Cohen pled guilty to It.

Well, no. Conspiracy can be a federal crime or a state crime. Each state legal system has its own conspiracy legal definitions. Can Trump be found guilty of a misdemeanor, and later a new indictment for conspiracy be lodged? I do not know.

I do remember long ago a lon NPR interview with a NY prosecutor who sent more people to prison for drug peddling than any other prosecutor in NY. He stated most criminals got sent up on conspiracy charges. That was easier, more effective and harder to get away with. A kingpin whose hands rarely touched the drugs themselves were hard to convict on drug charges itself.

Trump may not get away with a mere misdemeanor and wrist slap.
Conspiracy is indeed both, but not campaign finance fraud. It was a federal election.
Conspiracy is indeed both, but not campaign finance fraud. It was a federal election.
Which is why there is no defense for what happened. Orange Clownboy is gonna have to fess up. All the right-wing indignation is just so much fluff. The law was actually broken and Trumptards have no recourse but to try the case in the courtroom of public opinion. Orange Clownboy, their bestest savior, the person who epitomizes their deepest desires, is fucked. They're imploding.
Conspiracy is indeed both, but not campaign finance fraud. It was a federal election.
Which is why there is no defense for what happened. Orange Clownboy is gonna have to fess up. All the right-wing indignation is just so much fluff. The law was actually broken and Trumptards have no recourse but to try the case in the courtroom of public opinion. Orange Clownboy, their bestest savior, the person who epitomizes their deepest desires, is fucked. They're imploding.
Exactly! There’s no effective defense, but like Hitler during his trial, he will he will use this as a platform to make himself a hero. All I ever did was done for the best interests of the American people! Just like Adolf. When I get into power, kopfen rollen! They’ll eat it up!

But what’s the impact of a guilty verdict? And how long will it take?

Trump will delay the trial for as long as possible. He will be filing appeals to the Supreme Court to try and quash the indictment, just to slow it down. Then he will demand continuance after continuance. After all it’s a complicated case that requires extensive preparation. The judge will feel pressure to grant him every contrivance he says he needs. After all there’s no precedence for this.

I don’t know how long he can keep it at bay. What if in the meantime he’s elected? What’s the impact? Is he immune until he finishes his term? He’d undeniably appeal and hope to stay free pending the appeal?

Then on January 22, 2029, he starts serving time? Sheesh!
The judge will feel pressure to grant him every contrivance he says he needs.
Hmph. I don’t think so. Judges don’t like being toyed with and Cheato’s little tricks are well known. The judge who heard Cheato’s last motion against Jack Smith’s investigation gave him hours to file, and hours for Smith’s response. That would “normally” take weeks and it was squashed in less than a day.
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The judge will feel pressure to grant him every contrivance he says he needs.
Hmph. I don’t think so. Judges don’t like being toyed with and Cheato’s little tricks are well known. The judge who heard Cheato’s last motion against Jack Smith’s investigation gave him hours to file, and hours for Smith’s response. That would “normally” take weeks and it was squashed in less than a day.
I hope so!
Trump could shoot a teenage girl on Fifth Avenue and rape her corpse, and millions of Americans would still beg to slurp up his diarrhea.

How will the jury voir dire play out? 30% of Americans will vote to acquit no matter what; another 20% would always vote to convict.
But that’s a federal offense, not something that the Manhattan DA has any authority over.
And this DA is one of those fauxgressive prosecutors who is loathe to bring felony charges even for violent crimes completely within his bailiwick, such as armed robbery.
Knife-wielding suspect has felony charge reduced under Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s policies
And now he is bringing felony charges on dubious jurisdictional grounds for payment of hush money. That strengths the claims that this is really a political prosecution of a political enemy.
Part of Trump's legal problem is not the seamy little payoff itself. But illegal diversion of campaign funds to Stormy Daniels. This is conspiracy to commit fraud. Conspiracy can very well be a felony.
But aren't campaign laws federal? Michael Cohen was tried in federal court. Federal prosecutors passed on prosecuting Trump in this matter though.
Also, why isn't Stormy Daniels prosecuted for extortion? And/or sued for breach of contract? He paid her hush money, and yet she babbled to anybody who would listen. And in a way that is body shaming and would be attacked if anybody spoke that way about any woman, esp. a female politician. Imagine if Hillary or Fauxcahontas had paid James Deen or somebody like that hush money after a sexual affair, and he nevertheless started blabbing and making fun about how she looked naked, including particulars about the shape of her genitals. The feminist Left would go apoplectic calling him misogynist etc. And yet they are cheering Stormy on for making fun of Trump's junk.
I don't particularly like Trump, but this whole sordid affair - and blatant double standards surrounding it - is making me more sympathetic toward him.

Remmber the GOP during the Clinton impeachment effort. The GOP told us it wasn't the illicit sex that was the problem. It was the lying about it that demanded. impeachment.
And that was a mistake for the GOP. The whole thing helped Clinton's popularity. I also think Gore would have won had he not tried too hard to distance himself from Clinton.
The Trump thing isn't even something he did while in (oral) office, and neither was Stormy an intern/subordinate. In the (still unlikely in my opinion) case Trump becomes #47, historians will point to this misguided indictment as the reason he became viable again.

The case in Georgia is much more serious imho. Bragg should have kept his powder dry, instead of shooting his shot prematurely.
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