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Someone Sent A Package Bomb To George Soros


Wall, ah dun has it on good authority thet nun uthah then Hillary Clinton and Obama hisself wuz behind the bombs!

Y'all needs t' wake up! They dun mailed them thar bombs to thesselfs in order to make it look like right upstandin' conservatives are a bunch a' radical terruress turrero[ent]hellip[/ent] tarrarest[ent]hellip[/ent] MUSLIMS! Obviously, it's impossabul fer any conservative to be a terruress! Now if'n y'all will excuse me, ah needs to go beck t' fuckiin' mah sistuh. She gots mighty lonely whilez ah typed alla this! Yee haw! [/conservolibertarian]

Wat? Bottom left is a different arrest photo, and obviously a different exposure, and the top left is exactly what's on CNN.


Any chance you'd be willing to reveal your source?

It's a conspiracy! Can't you see that he is a Muslim man and the Libtard Media is using a conspiracy to convince everyone that the bomber was a white conservative? If you can't see it, that means you are also part of the conspiracy against white conservatives! You are guilty of White Genocide, sir! [/conservolibertarian]
That was fast....

(CNN)Federal authorities have arrested a man in connection to the suspected explosive packages discovered this week, the Justice Department announced Friday.

Multiple law enforcement sources told CNN the suspect is a man and that the arrest happened in South Florida. No additional information was immediately available about the suspect.


No surprise. This guy wasn't very competent, of course he got caught quickly.

- - - Updated - - -

Derec doesn't get that a false flag attack to mobilize liberals and independents would not target George Soros or Maxine Waters.

Why not? Whether it is a crazy right wing nut or a lefty nut pretending to be a crazy right wing nut, the target list makes sense.
And the fact that the bombs apparently used black powder and a cheap clock apparently not wired to anything in particular makes a false flag more likely.
Even an inapt bomb-maker should have the wherewithal to procure some nail polish remover and hair bleach to make TATP.

However, unlike you, I am keeping an open mind. Let's see whom the FBI will catch.

TATP for mail bombs? Good luck with that!
Hey Jolly! Are we allowed to call this guy deplorable?

You mean MAGAbomber? Hey, nobody died, so ... no.
Now, today's MAGAshooter might be another story. People died. But they were probably all Jews, so it's kind of a gray area.

Wat? Bottom left is a different arrest photo, and obviously a different exposure, and the top left is exactly what's on CNN.


Any chance you'd be willing to reveal your source?

Repoman may not want to reveal his source, but the upper left photo is not the one on CNN. The one on the right is the unretouched CNN arrest photo. Notice that the mouth is completely closed. On the left, the mouth is slightly open, and his teeth are showing. The pictures on CNN are pictures with the mouth completely closed. Also, the neckline of the shirts is different. This is like one of those "Can you spot the differences?" comparisons.

My guess is that the source was spoofed to make it look like CNN had tried to photoshop Sayoc's picture because of their "liberal racial bias", and repoman may have fallen for it.
Repoman may not want to reveal his source, but the upper left photo is not the one on CNN. The one on the right is the unretouched CNN arrest photo. Notice that the mouth is completely closed. On the left, the mouth is slightly open, and his teeth are showing. The pictures on CNN are pictures with the mouth completely closed. Also, the neckline of the shirts is different. This is like one of those "Can you spot the differences?" comparisons.

My guess is that the source was spoofed to make it look like CNN had tried to photoshop Sayoc's picture because of their "liberal racial bias", and repoman may have fallen for it.

Why do you call him "MAGAshooter"? Is he a Trump supporter?

It’s a safe bet.

Actually, the synagogue murderer was a deranged right winger who had criticized Donald Trump for not being "nationalist" (aka "American Nazi") enough. He was even more "MAGA" than Trump. Right wing hooliganism is on the rise everywhere. Both the MAGAbomber and this terrorist antisemite are riding the crest of that wave.
It is probably less misleading to put it this way: He didn't think that Trump quite measured up to the "Trump" that he wanted, although he felt that Trump was headed in the right direction. He was sort of a post-Trump racist who hung out with pro-Trump racists.
Nazis: Nazis are good people!
Normal person: What about the Holocaust?

Nazi answer A: Holocaust? What holocaust? The Jews did that to themselves!
Nazi answer B: Holocaust? What holocaust? The Jews made the whole thing up!

Therefore, you are wrong to have a problem with the whole holocaust thing. In fact, if you complain about it, you are a bad person and are guilty of White Genocide.
A political analyst has revealed that she was harassed by the 'Magabomber' suspect just two weeks ago and reported him to Twitter, but they didn't deem him a threat.

And it turns out Cesar Altier Sayoc, the suspect arrested for a mail bomb spree targeting Democrats, was a prolific tweeter who repeatedly sent threats to celebrities and political figures like Joe Biden, Jim Carrey, and Ron Howard.

Rochelle Ritchie, a Former Press Secretary for Congress spoke on Fox News on October 11 and was harassed by Sayoc online afterwards.

Under the Twitter handle @hardrock2016 he wrote: 'So you like make threats. We Unconquered Seminole Tribe will answer your threats. We have nice silent Air boat ride for u here on our land Everglades Swamp. We will see you 4 sure. Hug your loved ones real close every time you leave home.'


A few hours ago, Twitter contacted Rochelle Ritchie again saying they've reconsidered her original report and have decided his tweets were threatening.

YA THINK!!! :rolleyes:

Oh, and the MAGAs are all chanting "CNN sucks" at trumpfucker's rally right now.

One day we will use the word "MAGA" like we use the term "NAZI".
That would be as of about 18 months ago. ;)
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