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Someone Sent A Package Bomb To George Soros

Got a news alert that the Clintons got one as well...

So, we have someone who is smart enough to actually make a bomb but stupid enough to think that the people he's sending them to open their own mail?

The Venn diagram between those two things probably narrows down the list of suspects greatly.

The object was probably not to injure/kill the recipients, but rather to instill fear. That's Cheato's objective, and this is simply an effort to advance the agenda.
Trump terrorists already account for the majority of terror attacks in the US.
Got a news alert that the Clintons got one as well...

So, we have someone who is smart enough to actually make a bomb but stupid enough to think that the people he's sending them to open their own mail?

The Venn diagram between those two things probably narrows down the list of suspects greatly.

The object was probably not to injure/kill the recipients, but rather to instill fear. That's Cheato's objective, and this is simply an effort to advance the agenda.
Trump terrorists already account for the majority of terror attacks in the US.
Careful, a burned out Sanders supporter nearly killed a score of Republicans.
Careful, a burned out Sanders supporter nearly killed a score of Republicans.

As a famous doctor told me, once is "in my experience", twice is "an emerging trend" and three times is "in case after case after case...".
How many right wing terror attacks have we seen lately?

Most attacks in 2017 were thought to be motivated by right-leaning ideologies, a Quartz analysis of data from the Global Terrorism Database shows. Out of 65 incidents, 37 were tied to racist, anti-Muslim, homophobic, anti-Semitic, fascist, anti-government, or xenophobic motivations
The one at CNN was addressed to John Brennan. Another found at Wasserman Schultz's office in Miami. And the other ones had return address of Wasserman Schultz.
Trumptards are already saying the Democrats did it. False flag conspiracy type stuff. Others of the same ilk are also applauding it.

Will Trump address the nation?

That was a joke.

All targets have consistently received the most vitriolic rhetoric that Trump has to offer, yet we will see zero responsibility taken from the right. I wonder if our own Reichstag Fire isn't far behind.
All the targets are know members of the Clinton pedophile ring. But I wouldn't rule out a false flag from some left wing nut.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/24/...tion=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

There's just a little bit of detail in the news. They don't know who did it, but I think we all know that Trump has brought out the worst In people, so when do we get to accuse him of inciting violence? He's the one that helped create this climate of violence and hatred, and this is the result.
Seems too organized to be Trump Supporters. We'll see what the "Deep State" FBI says. The big mistake was sending it to the Secret Service. They'll likely be more motivated to protect the lives of the Obamas than the Trumps. ;)
All the targets are know members of the Clinton pedophile ring. But I wouldn't rule out a false flag from some left wing nut.
False flag I suppose is always a possibility, but the breadth of it seems to imply no. Liberals won't rally for Clinton or Soros. Those are right-wing windmills. If it is false flag, it is the Russians who want DC to grind to a halt.
All the targets are know members of the Clinton pedophile ring. But I wouldn't rule out a false flag from some left wing nut.
False flag I suppose is always a possibility, but the breadth of it seems to imply no. Liberals won't rally for Clinton or Soros. Those are right-wing windmills. If it is false flag, it is the Russians who want DC to grind to a halt.

It's probably Bernie Sanders. That dude has always struck me as the kind of guy who'd have a hitchhiker tied up in his basement and I can see him doing something like this.
All the targets are know members of the Clinton pedophile ring. But I wouldn't rule out a false flag from some left wing nut.
False flag I suppose is always a possibility, but the breadth of it seems to imply no. Liberals won't rally for Clinton or Soros. Those are right-wing windmills. If it is false flag, it is the Russians who want DC to grind to a halt.

It's probably Bernie Sanders. That dude has always struck me as the kind of guy who'd have a hitchhiker tied up in his basement and I can see him doing something like this.
Well, of course, but that doesn't mean he likes making bombs. That'd be stealing jobs from hard working Americans.
It's probably Bernie Sanders. That dude has always struck me as the kind of guy who'd have a hitchhiker tied up in his basement and I can see him doing something like this.
Well, of course, but that doesn't mean he likes making bombs. That'd be stealing jobs from hard working Americans.

He probably subcontracted the actual work out to a factory in the Philippines.
It's probably Bernie Sanders. That dude has always struck me as the kind of guy who'd have a hitchhiker tied up in his basement and I can see him doing something like this.
Well, of course, but that doesn't mean he likes making bombs. That'd be stealing jobs from hard working Americans.
He probably subcontracted the actual work out to a factory in the Philippines.
That is exactly what this convoluted Soros plot wants you to think.
Yeah, good ole right-wingers. News that isn't beneficial to them is fake. Obviously the police/secret service/FBI will have an idea as to the similarities of the bombs and if this was a single person, single group, or a lot of absurd coincidences, or if there is just some overly precautious actions being taken and are false positives. Granted, we know a few of these things were mailed.
CNN is reporting more of these packages. They were sent to Clintons and Obamas apparently too. CNN is on terrorist reporting mode with front page of their website quoting NY Mayor calling it an act of terror. Debbie Shultz got one too and abandoned her office.
Isn't that a bit redundant? If they can get laid they are, by definition, not an incel. Any celibacy on the part of someone like that would be voluntary.
While there is a large overlap, they are not the same. One can be unable to "get laid" but still not be celibate thanks to professionals.

- - - Updated - - -

CNN is reporting more of these packages. They were sent to Clintons and Obamas apparently too. CNN is on terrorist reporting mode with front page of their website quoting NY Mayor calling it an act of terror. Debbie Shultz got one too and abandoned her office.

It is obviously an act of terror and hopefully they catch the responsible parties before somebody gets hurt, or worse.
MSNBC just reported that there were 7 sent, although they haven't all been inspected yet. John Brennen, Eric Holder, and Gov. Cuomo are among the latest. ( Did I spell Cuomo correctly? )
CNN is reporting more of these packages. They were sent to Clintons and Obamas apparently too. CNN is on terrorist reporting mode with front page of their website quoting NY Mayor calling it an act of terror. Debbie Shultz got one too and abandoned her office.
It is terrorism if you send it to lots of people for political reasons. There are at least four confirmed cases, maybe five. Other offices have been evacuated.

- - - Updated - - -

MSNBC just reported that there were 7 sent, although they haven't all been inspected yet. John Brennen, Eric Holder, and Gov. Cuomo are among the latest. ( Did I spell Cuomo correctly? )
We haven't seen something with a scope like this since the Anthrax attack post 9/11.
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