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Someone Sent A Package Bomb To George Soros

Yeah, good ole right-wingers.
Both sides are fond of conspiracy theories. Just recently I heard lefties say that the Caravan was orchestrated by Trump as an "October surprise".
Looks like the real October surprise might be these bombs though. Question is: qui bono.
CNN is reporting more of these packages. They were sent to Clintons and Obamas apparently too. CNN is on terrorist reporting mode with front page of their website quoting NY Mayor calling it an act of terror. Debbie Shultz got one too and abandoned her office.
It is terrorism if you send it to lots of people for political reasons. There are at least four confirmed cases, maybe five. Other offices have been evacuated.

Yes, of course it is a terrorist act. And it isn't just one isolated incident. The question is how many of these are coming, and what happens if/when Trump's team loses/wins the midterms.

You Americans are never short on drama.
The one intercepted at Wasserman Schultz's office was actually addressed to Eric Holder but was returned to sender, which was her address.
Yeah, good ole right-wingers. News that isn't beneficial to them is fake. Obviously the police/secret service/FBI will have an idea as to the similarities of the bombs and if this was a single person, single group, or a lot of absurd coincidences, or if there is just some overly precautious actions being taken and are false positives. Granted, we know a few of these things were mailed.

Don't forget to use some common sense. Who has the most to gain from sending a multitude of bombs purposely meant to be found and not actually go off? A well timed purpose to stir up the main stream media?

.....probably not the far right. But I could be wrong like everyone else.
Isn't that a bit redundant? If they can get laid they are, by definition, not an incel. Any celibacy on the part of someone like that would be voluntary.
While there is a large overlap, they are not the same. One can be unable to "get laid" but still not be celibate thanks to professionals.

OK, that's a fair point. Or they might be forced to settle for women who are sixes at best and that's pretty much the same as not being able to get women at all.
Interesting to watch Fox's reporting on this. They are also calling it terorrism, and point to both Pence's and Trump's reactions to condemn it. Also just saw a report that Hillary is calling it a sign of the polarization in America and calling for unity (good on her for a change!)
CNN is reporting more of these packages. They were sent to Clintons and Obamas apparently too. CNN is on terrorist reporting mode with front page of their website quoting NY Mayor calling it an act of terror. Debbie Shultz got one too and abandoned her office.
It is terrorism if you send it to lots of people for political reasons. There are at least four confirmed cases, maybe five. Other offices have been evacuated.
Yes, of course it is a terrorist act. And it isn't just one isolated incident. The question is how many of these are coming, and what happens if/when Trump's team loses/wins the midterms.

You Americans are never short on drama.
Well, first we need to find out if this is a lone guy or a militia or a network. The targets are too widespread (among the targets of AM Radio and Internet echo chambers) to think it is a foreign threat. Though, I'm surprised one was sent to Gov. Cuomo. People can point and laugh at me when I'm wrong, but that would seem to betray the source being someone around the NY State area.

- - - Updated - - -

Interesting to watch Fox's reporting on this. They are also calling it terorrism, and point to both Pence's and Trump's reactions to condemn it. Also just saw a report that Hillary is calling it a sign of the polarization in America and calling for unity (good on her for a change!)
Yeah, Trump also found Dr. Ford's testimony "compelling" until he started mocking her testimony in front of large rallies.
Cuomo is another known pedo.
Yeah, good ole right-wingers. News that isn't beneficial to them is fake. Obviously the police/secret service/FBI will have an idea as to the similarities of the bombs and if this was a single person, single group, or a lot of absurd coincidences, or if there is just some overly precautious actions being taken and are false positives. Granted, we know a few of these things were mailed.

Don't forget to use some common sense. Who has the most to gain from sending a multitude of bombs purposely meant to be found and not actually go off?
A terrorist built a bomb that didn't explode in Times Square. The underwear bomber's underwear didn't explode. Richard Reid's shoe bomb didn't detonate.

Meanwhile John Wilkes Booth thought that killing Abraham Lincoln would be a glorious attack to rouse up his Southern brethren. So misguided terror don't need to actually be successful or in their causes best interest.

A well timed purpose to stir up the main stream media?

.....probably not the far right. But I could be wrong like everyone else.
As I noted before, the great liberal mob isn't rising up to avenge the wrongs against Wasserman Schultz or Soros. Those are right-wing windmills. A false flag by liberals would include people independents actually give a fuck about.
CNN said:
A Capitol Police source tells CNN that the Capitol Heights, Maryland facility, where a suspicious package was intercepted this morning, processes mail for members of the House.

Teams sent out this morning included a canine unit that swept the area. The Capitol Hill Police bomb squad is also on the scene.

The Senate's mail is screened at a separate facility, according to a Senate source.
Not certain if that means at least one House member was sent a bomb as well.

Also reported that Cuomo was not sent a bomb.

And I think right-wing plot is confirmed.
CNN said:
Two sources tell CNN that Maxine Waters was the intended recipient of the package intercepted at the sorting facility.
Yes, that'd be Low IQ Maxine Waters. If Trump doesn't apologize profusely, because he made her a target, at his press conference or statement...

Wait, what am I saying, of course he won't apologize. He'll say that the rancor is too poisoned and we need to stop with the infighting. He'll get on a plane and go to a rally and hold a pipe bomb up and say "We need to take care of the Democrats, if you know what I'm saying." (okay, a bit hyperbolic there)
They are reporting the bombs were functional.
They are reporting the bombs were functional.

Just "functional"? The terrorists were content with some C-minus bombs which performed at a bare level of adequacy and didn't put any more effort into them? It's that kind of lazy, half-assed extremism which leads to your assassination targets surviving.

I am officially underwhelmed by whomever is behind this.
Chris Cuomo said the package sent to his brother was different from the others, so may be unrelated.
Meanwhile the Fascist Right which has been quite animated in language, even celebrating language about violence to a member of the press, and comparing Democrats to terrorists in campaign ads are starting to say this bomb plot was really wrong and there is no place for this in American Politics.
They are reporting the bombs were functional.

Just "functional"? The terrorists were content with some C-minus bombs which performed at a bare level of adequacy and didn't put any more effort into them? It's that kind of lazy, half-assed extremism which leads to your assassination targets surviving.

I am officially underwhelmed by whomever is behind this.

"Just functional" is actually a fairly high standard for amateur bomb makers. When you consider the technical problems of building and explosive device that doesn't explode just a little too soon, simple and easy is the way to go.

I'm impressed by their ability to deliver these bombs all on the same day. That will take some explaining.

I'm reminded of a story from the early 1970's, during the Northern Ireland "Troubles". A common bomb timer was a condom filled with acid, which was taped to a wire. The wire held a spring, which triggered the detonator. When the acid ate through the condom, it ate through the wire, released the spring and boom.

A condom was recommended because the quality control was a lot higher than the alternative, a common party balloon. There had been a string of premature explosions because no one really knew how long a penny balloon would hold the acid. This was a such a problem for one bomb maker, he went to a Protestant Pharmacy (Chemist) an purchased a pack of condoms. The Chemist recognized him as faithful Catholic and informed the Police. He was found in his garden shed trying to pour acid in a condom.
They are reporting the bombs were functional.

Just "functional"? The terrorists were content with some C-minus bombs which performed at a bare level of adequacy and didn't put any more effort into them? It's that kind of lazy, half-assed extremism which leads to your assassination targets surviving.

I am officially underwhelmed by whomever is behind this.

"Just functional" is actually a fairly high standard for amateur bomb makers. When you consider the technical problems of building and explosive device that doesn't explode just a little too soon, simple and easy is the way to go.

I'm impressed by their ability to deliver these bombs all on the same day. That will take some explaining.

I'm reminded of a story from the early 1970's, during the Northern Ireland "Troubles". A common bomb timer was a condom filled with acid, which was taped to a wire. The wire held a spring, which triggered the detonator. When the acid ate through the condom, it ate through the wire, released the spring and boom.

A condom was recommended because the quality control was a lot higher than the alternative, a common party balloon. There had been a string of premature explosions because no one really knew how long a penny balloon would hold the acid. This was a such a problem for one bomb maker, he went to a Protestant Pharmacy (Chemist) an purchased a pack of condoms. The Chemist recognized him as faithful Catholic and informed the Police. He was found in his garden shed trying to pour acid in a condom.

There were plenty of Irishmen on both sides who killed themselves or their friends with poorly made bombs.

Due to natural selection, the bombs rapidly became more sophisticated and safer for their users, but the side effect was that the bomb maker's 'fingerprint' was easily determined by the authorities, giving valuable counterterrorism intelligence to the police.

Mail bombs are particularly tricky. They solve the problem of getting the bomb close to the target, but at the price of making it MUCH more complex and prone to either fail by exploding prematurely, or fail altogether and not explode at all.

Mail bombers who want to live (which is pretty much all of them - suicide bombers deliver their own packages) generally err on the side of the latter, which makes their weapons more scary than deadly; While also making life easier for the authorities. A bomb that is defused intact provides a wealth of forensic evidence to the cops.

It's rare for a mail bomber who sends more than one or two devices to remain at large for very long.
So Trump and the fascist conservative-libertarian has spent years stirring up hate to their frothing goons into a frenzy of hate:


What is surprising is not that this happened. It's been happening since Trump got elected. What is new is the scale of this, and what is surprising is only that it took this long.

Conservatives and libertarians were talking among themselves about how great it would be to run over crowds of protesters for mere months before one of them actually did it (and the one in Charlottesville wasn't first, that was just the first one that was deadly). Trump and FOX "News" and the rest have been stirring up fanatical hatred against Democrats, George Soros, and the media for many years. I'm frankly shocked that conservatives and libertarians took this long to stage an act of terrorism on this scale.
Conservatives and libertarians have told me time and time again that I am in the wrong for criticizing them whenever they judge entire populations by their worst.

Very well.

I accept that I was wrong all of these years and that conservatives and libertarians are correct. We must judge every population by their worst. Therefore, all conservatives and libertarians are terrorists and should be treated as such. When do we start rounding them up and shipping them out of the country?

As a short term temporary measure, can we put their children in dog cages?
It is fascinating to watch the right wing blogosphere spring into action with all the "false flag" conspiracy theories. Apparently, they have trouble believing that a right wing partisan fanatic would be so dumb as to do something like this just before the midterm elections, so it must have been a conspiracy designed to help elect Democrats. A Republican would have waited until after the November election.

And, of course, if these bombs had been sent to Republicans... Well, obviously, a left wing partisan fanatic would do something that stupid. :rolleyes:
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