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Someone Sent A Package Bomb To George Soros

It's rare for a mail bomber who sends more than one or two devices to remain at large for very long.

I hear they've already developed a sketch of the suspect


It is fascinating to watch the right wing blogosphere spring into action with all the "false flag" conspiracy theories. Apparently, they have trouble believing that a right wing partisan fanatic would be so dumb as to do something like this just before the midterm elections, so it must have been a conspiracy designed to help elect Democrats. A Republican would have waited until after the November election.

And, of course, if these bombs had been sent to Republicans... Well, obviously, a left wing partisan fanatic would do something that stupid. :rolleyes:

Both are a possibility. Timing lends credence to a false flag attack. Or possibly false false flag, but we could play that game ad infinitum. They certainly weren't well thought out attacks, if serious. For example, sending a mail bomb to people who do not open their own mail is pointless. As are timers on mail bombs. With mail bombs you want them to go boom when they are opened, not after a certain time.

So either this was the worst conceived bombing attack in a while, or the bombs did not go off because it was a false flag operation and they were not meant to go off.

Hopefully they catch the person(s) responsible soon, regardless of who they are.
Trump gave a good speech (no, really) about unity and a strong message sent that this is unacceptable and he will "spare no resources" in bringing the criminal to justice.

Could be an opportunity for unity in the USA. I remember post-9/11. You had about a week wherein people weren't calling for each others' heads there. Wonder how long this one could last.
At least one of the pipe bombs had a sticker on it that said: "Git 'er done" in faux-arabic-looking script.

Another suspected bomb was mail to Joe Biden but was a wrong address and is still somewhere in the postal system.

One package may have been sent by courier rather than via USPS. If so, this supports Jimmy's thought that this person is in New York.
Trump gave a good speech (no, really) about unity and a strong message sent that this is unacceptable and he will "spare no resources" in bringing the criminal to justice.
Yeah... the thing is, the people targeted were largely people Trump has been railing on about for over a year. Trump doesn't get to make a plea for unity without a damn apology!

Could be an opportunity for unity in the USA. I remember post-9/11. You had about a week wherein people weren't calling for each others' heads there. Wonder how long this one could last.
It lasted much more than a week. Probably lasted until the lances started being pointed towards Iraq.
At least one of the pipe bombs had a sticker on it that said: "Git 'er done" in faux-arabic-looking script.

Another suspected bomb was mail to Joe Biden but was a wrong address and is still somewhere in the postal system.

One package may have been sent by courier rather than via USPS. If so, this supports Jimmy's thought that this person is in New York.
That was based on Cuomo getting a bomb package, which apparently didn't happen. It seemed odd as Trump hasn't talked too much about Cuomo.
"Just functional" is actually a fairly high standard for amateur bomb makers. When you consider the technical problems of building and explosive device that doesn't explode just a little too soon, simple and easy is the way to go.

I'm impressed by their ability to deliver these bombs all on the same day. That will take some explaining.

I'm reminded of a story from the early 1970's, during the Northern Ireland "Troubles". A common bomb timer was a condom filled with acid, which was taped to a wire. The wire held a spring, which triggered the detonator. When the acid ate through the condom, it ate through the wire, released the spring and boom.

A condom was recommended because the quality control was a lot higher than the alternative, a common party balloon. There had been a string of premature explosions because no one really knew how long a penny balloon would hold the acid. This was a such a problem for one bomb maker, he went to a Protestant Pharmacy (Chemist) an purchased a pack of condoms. The Chemist recognized him as faithful Catholic and informed the Police. He was found in his garden shed trying to pour acid in a condom.

There were plenty of Irishmen on both sides who killed themselves or their friends with poorly made bombs.

Due to natural selection, the bombs rapidly became more sophisticated and safer for their users, but the side effect was that the bomb maker's 'fingerprint' was easily determined by the authorities, giving valuable counterterrorism intelligence to the police.

Mail bombs are particularly tricky. They solve the problem of getting the bomb close to the target, but at the price of making it MUCH more complex and prone to either fail by exploding prematurely, or fail altogether and not explode at all.

Mail bombers who want to live (which is pretty much all of them - suicide bombers deliver their own packages) generally err on the side of the latter, which makes their weapons more scary than deadly; While also making life easier for the authorities. A bomb that is defused intact provides a wealth of forensic evidence to the cops.

It's rare for a mail bomber who sends more than one or two devices to remain at large for very long.

The reason bombers develop a fingerprint is that the design that didn't kill you last time is the one you go with.

I think this one will be wrapped up pretty soon. There's just too much evidence in the hands of the police. He'll be arrested at home, with what's left of a case of bubble pack envelopes.
Trump gave a good speech (no, really) about unity and a strong message sent that this is unacceptable and he will "spare no resources" in bringing the criminal to justice.

Could be an opportunity for unity in the USA. I remember post-9/11. You had about a week wherein people weren't calling for each others' heads there. Wonder how long this one could last.

Oh great, so we're going to use that unity to either go to war with the wrong country or make USA PATRIOT Act II.
It makes no rational sense for a Democrat to do a false flag operation for election purposes considering the blue wave. It does make sense for conservative derp state to brainwash or entrap a mentally unstable democrat into doing it.
On Hayes’ show, MSNBC correspondent Jonathan Dienst said, “It appeared at first, ‘oh that looks like an ISIS flag, an ISIS terror symbol attached to that.’ Upon closer examination, and we spoke to law enforcement sources who confirmed it, it contains the phrase ‘git er done,’ which is made famous from the ‘Cable Guy’ show. … It’s almost like I’m making a mockery of the ISIS flag. It also contains symbols of women.

Political violence has always existed. Trump has created a resurgence.

Oklahoma City. North Idaho. Right wing extremists killing judges and cops. Abortion clinic bombings.

On the left was the Weathermen and the Symbionese Liberation Army(Patty Hurst) in the 60s/70s, and others

The Black Bloc shows up in Seattle every year throwing Molotov Cocktails. They have not surfaced in a while, Eco-Terrorists.

Squeaky Fromme tried to shoot Ford


My father was in the 'hard hat riot'


Anyone who thinks this new is unaware of our history. Political killing and of law enforcement in the USA. More than you may be aware of.

I have not seen a definitive statement from law enforcement that the bombs were real.

Considering the current craziness I would not discount a false flag operation by some nut on the left.
It's really the liberals' fault. But remember, we have to be unified.
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