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South Carolina police officer investigated after slamming student to ground at Spring Valley High

If you are unable to empathize with Newman's character, and actually revere Martin's character, then I can see why you tend to respond to these issues in the way that you do. ...
It's been a while since I've seen the movie, but I do not "revere" the Captain. The prisons in the 50s were a lot harsher then they needed to be, and I do not advocate going back to that. I, however, do think Luke was a stupid idiot who caused his own hardships. I think he is also a good metaphor for people making a relatively small infraction worse whether their name is Michael Grown, Deven Guilford or our unnamed Rag Doll.

Interesting you call her a rag doll. Rag dolls don't resist, they are passive. So thanks for acknowledging that the girl was not resisting and therefore didn't deserve being tossed about the classroom.
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Well, she should blame herself but police officer do look like he loves to throw people around.
Whether he enjoyed it or not, he didn't have too many options. Either he gets her out by force or he uses a taser, which would hardly have caused less outrage from the usual quarters.

utter crap. i work troubled kids. you wait it out.
This cop is an idiot and a coward. And what the hell is wrong with youthat you don't see any other solution i can't imagine.

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What do you possibly think she could have said of done to make this 'reasonable'? Really, what?
So now seeing Derec's post of the eyewitness, everyone involved has to ask if it was worth it to disrupt the entire class and risk injury over a phone.

It would be SO FUCKING EASY to say, "you need to put up the phone or you will not be allowed back into class tomorrow."

For all of you asking, "what else could they have done?" they could have done that. Let the stupid teen text on her stupid phone harming no one but herself and then have her sent to in-school suspension either at the end of class or the next day.

No violence needed AT. ALL.
No arrest record for a teen kid.
No risk of severe injury (I really can't get over how irresponsible it was of the cop not to think of that)
Just say, "kid, you can't come back tomorrow if you don't behave today. Your choice."

In other words she can use the risk of her being hurt to keep class at a standstill. You sure do like jumping from the frying pan to the fire!

You have it backwards. Keeping all students safe is the 1st priority. The lack of humanity and understanding exhibited by conservatives continues to demonstrate why they are inferior.
Bullshit dog-psychology.

This whole crap about "not losing face" is something that parents from coast to coast know. You are in the theater, or the store, or the lobby of the bank. And your child, who is not being loud but is doing something wrong, keeps saying "no." You put on your "I'm glad I'm not you" voice and you say, "this problem does not get forgotten, it does not go away. You've already crossed the line and the consequences are waiting for you outside that door. No one else in here needs to endure your consequences, they are all for you. And you've already bagged them. Your choice now is how much worse you make it." You have not lost face, you have not given an inch. But you have chosen to not make it worse in a place that it is unproductive to escalate. You've chosen to be the solution, not the problem. You're the one with power. You know it. You don't have to expose his belly to prove it to yourself. You know. The kid will know soon enough. And they can read it in your certainty and your control of the situation.

Perhaps your comment in bold is the difference. For me this would read: That's it. I'm telling your father.
There's an enforcer at some point.

Yes there is an enforcer. The parent on site. And the parent gets to choose whether it's a physical domination or an intellectual understanding. You're trying to TEACH - that's the whole point of this. To get the kid to understand why it's wrong so that THEY make the CHOICE to not do it again. So that you don't have to keep dominating them again and again. You TEACH the kid to understand the situation. As soon as you get out the door you start enforcing. You don't need to call the other parent, you've already said you're doing it yourself - as soon as it is all about the kid and not about the audience. You take away the audience. Once we're out the door, I will let her/him know how long it will be before s/he gets dessert again, or sees a lit entertainment screen, how many pages of apology s/he will have to write and how much service s/he will have to perform. There is no need to physically dominate unless you have an actual fight that needs to be broken up for the sake of safety.

You just plain don't NEED it all the time.

I agree with you but all this can be done without ever calling the cop in as I initially indicated. But then, if she refuses the teacher after class, if she refuses to go to the office the next morning, if she only goes back to her desk and sits the next day, at what point does someone put their hands on her? And who should that someone be?

So if she refuses the teacher after class you deal with that then, you do not ASSUME escalation before it happens and beat the shit out of her just in case.

If she refuses to go to the office, the next day she is stopped at the door of the school. And again, at this point, you don't _assume_ she's going to fight the next morning and beat her up now just in case.

If she tries to physically force her way past the guard and get into school, then she is standing up, doing the attack and is an aggressor who needs "hands laid on" in order to prevent harm.

But you don't _assume_ (back 24 hours earlier) that it's going to come to that and beat the shit out of her in the classroom just in case.

That's (obviously, as things have turned out,) stupid.
According to the New York Times, the officer has now been fired.

So, I guess his method wasn't all that necessary and obvious after all. And the people supporting it are just ... wrong.
Interesting you call her a rag doll.
Well I have to call her something since her name has not been released. And it was a reference to much reporting claiming that she was tossed around like one.

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According to the New York Times, the officer has now been fired.

So, I guess his method wasn't all that necessary and obvious after all. And the people supporting it are just ... wrong.

Or, he is being thrown under the bus. He obviously needs to sue the department for wrongful termination.
However, I fear the city will stupidly settle with the student and make this spoiled brat a millionaire. :rolleyes::banghead:
Well I have to call her something since her name has not been released. And it was a reference to much reporting claiming that she was tossed around like one.

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According to the New York Times, the officer has now been fired.
So, I guess his method wasn't all that necessary and obvious after all. And the people supporting it are just ... wrong.
Or, he is being thrown under the bus. He obviously needs to sue the department for wrongful termination.
However, I fear the city will stupidly settle with the student and make this spoiled brat a millionaire. :rolleyes::banghead:
Thrown under a bus? Grabbed the student's throat. I've seen teachers break up fights in high school and not once was a throat grabbed, and that was actually involved potential injury to the teachers. In my high schools days, we only had the police called in once, after a slew of clique related fights that were escalating. Texting on a cell phone?

There was no serious threat to safety for anyone, therefore, such actions put the school at risk for a lawsuit, a serious one if injuries were to occur as can happen when stuff like this occurs.
Or, he is being thrown under the bus. He obviously needs to sue the department for wrongful termination.
However, I fear the city will stupidly settle with the student and make this spoiled brat a millionaire. :rolleyes::banghead:

Or if you're not a sociopath you can see how this shocks the conscience. To wit:

Sheriff Leon Lott said:
He picked a student up, and he threw a student across the room. Based on that, that is a violation of our policy...

I do not feel the proper procedure was used at that point, and that’s what caused me my heart burn, and my issues with this. The maneuver that he used was not based on the training or acceptable.

So his boss stated this is a clear and blatant violation of their policy - but apparently you think that such a policy violation isn't grounds for termination. What, pray tell, do you think would be grounds for a police officer being fired then?
So his boss stated this is a clear and blatant violation of their policy - but apparently you think that such a policy violation isn't grounds for termination. What, pray tell, do you think would be grounds for a police officer being fired then?
Did Lott say what move he'd use to extract the Spoiled Brat from the chair/desk combo? And do you think she deserves to get rich off this?
Kids are already out of control in US schools. Punishing the SRO and rewarding this girl for her misbehavior is only going to make things worse.
So his boss stated this is a clear and blatant violation of their policy - but apparently you think that such a policy violation isn't grounds for termination. What, pray tell, do you think would be grounds for a police officer being fired then?
Did Lott say what move he'd use to extract the Spoiled Brat from the chair/desk combo? And do you think she deserves to get rich off this?
Kids are already out of control in US schools. Punishing the SRO and rewarding this girl for her misbehavior is only going to make things worse.

I'm guessing it would be one that's part of their departmental policy.

And you dodged the question.
So his boss stated this is a clear and blatant violation of their policy - but apparently you think that such a policy violation isn't grounds for termination. What, pray tell, do you think would be grounds for a police officer being fired then?
Did Lott say what move he'd use to extract the Spoiled Brat from the chair/desk combo? And do you think she deserves to get rich off this?
The question is, did she have to leave the classroom. I know pragmatism sucks for folks like you, but there seems to be this false assumption that if she isn't extradited out of the room, the world was going to end. There is a saying "Choose your battles."
Kids are already out of control in US schools. Punishing the SRO and rewarding this girl for her misbehavior is only going to make things worse.
Yes. Because school violence, gangs, teenaged behavior is a recent phenomena that has only just reared its head in the last ten years.
Well I have to call her something since her name has not been released. And it was a reference to much reporting claiming that she was tossed around like one.
Most people seem to have no trouble referring and understanding "the girl", "the victim", " or "the teenager". It is reasonable to conclude that someone is fucked in the head when they need to denigrate victims of police violence.
Well I have to call her something since her name has not been released. And it was a reference to much reporting claiming that she was tossed around like one.
Most people seem to have no trouble referring and understanding "the girl", "the victim", " or "the teenager". It is reasonable to conclude that there someone is fucked in the head when they need to denigrate victims of police violence.
Dude, she should consider herself lucky she wasn't shot and killed. She had a smart phone which can kind of hurt a little if used as a weapon. Clearly the officer exercised proper restraint in not killing her.
However, I fear the city cop will did stupidly settle with throw the student and make this spoiled brat a millionaire. :rolleyes::banghead:

I agree. It really is a rolls-eye banghead situation that this cop took a minor infraction and decided to give the bratty girl a chance to sue. What an idiot. No wonder the department doesn't want him. He's a serious cost risk!

Yes, she was being a brat. And that should _never_ have become something she could sue over. Stupid cop.
Well I have to call her something since her name has not been released.
How about calling her what she is, the student? But then she'd be a human being and lord knows we wouldn't want people thinking of her like that. :rolleyes::banghead:
And it was a reference to much reporting claiming that she was tossed around like one.
It is dehumanizing.

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According to the New York Times, the officer has now been fired.

So, I guess his method wasn't all that necessary and obvious after all. And the people supporting it are just ... wrong.

Or, he is being thrown under the bus. He obviously needs to sue the department for wrongful termination.
What are the terms for wrongful termination in SC?

Let me help you out.

First, in South Carolina, as in other states, employees work at will. This means an employee can generally be fired at any time and for any reason, or for no reason at all.

General exceptions are these

Refusal to engage in an illegal action
The employer violates his own termination procedures.
However, I fear the city will stupidly settle with the student and make this spoiled brat a millionaire. :rolleyes::banghead:
How do you know if she is a spoiled brat? What do you know about her? Hell, you don't even know her name.
However, I fear the city cop will did stupidly settle with throw the student and make this spoiled brat a millionaire. :rolleyes::banghead:

I agree. It really is a rolls-eye banghead situation that this cop took a minor infraction and decided to give the bratty girl a chance to sue. What an idiot. No wonder the department doesn't want him. He's a serious cost risk!

Yes, she was being a brat. And that should _never_ have become something she could sue over. Stupid cop.

Or she could have learned the night before someone close to her was sick or dead and that day she was just having a bad day. We don't know.
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