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South Carolina police officer investigated after slamming student to ground at Spring Valley High

And the narrative begins to crumble.



Well black teenagers can be authoritarians that think it´s ok slam teenage girls on the floor. Did you think it was just you, Lorena and Derec?

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I linked the video, watch it. Her strike comes first.
Honestly, Loren. You're telling me the goon felt physically threatened at this point?

Get real.

What kind of a pussy is threatened by a teenage girl?
No I see it, but it is definitely a defensive reaction more of a "stay away from me" rather than an assault. Lifting by the neck is wrong.
So you admit she was actively, and not only passively, resisting arrest at the very least.

Also, it turns out she was not an orphan, although she did live in foster care. I bet now that she is a likely goldmine her no-good parents want her back.

You know her parents?
It's a red herring and it has nothing to do with the incident.
Its not Derec's red herring. Her defenders introduced the lie about her mother dying. Calling out a lie is not fallacious.

So her defenders are the NY DAILY NEWS?

Apparently, a New York Daily News article misquoted Rutherford and the misinformation spread throughout the national media narrative. But one piece of her story is apparently true, she is in foster care. The young girl has been charged with disturbing school, a unique South Carolina law. She faces up to 90 days in jail and up to $1,000 fine.
No her defenders are in this thread and they introduced the lie that her mother died. Derec debunking that lie isn't a red herring.
It's a red herring and it has nothing to do with the incident.
Its not Derec's red herring. Her defenders introduced the lie about her mother dying. Calling out a lie is not fallacious.

What I quoted is a red herring. Here is what I quoted and responded to:
You know what is "klassy"? Abandoning your kid to the foster system but being right there now that there is a buck to be made.

An ensuing discussion of whether there is evidence of her parents and their alleged abandoning of their child (which probably did not happen that way) and how they allegedly want to make a buck (probably not) is indeed a red herring.

The validity of the original claim (whether her mother died or not) can be discussed without the melodrama, hyperbole, and the misanthropic mischaracterization of persons. The issue here in this thread is about what happened in that classroom.
No her defenders are in this thread and they introduced the lie that her mother died. Derec debunking that lie isn't a red herring.

That came from articles and a post in social media, but is her foster mother alive or dead?

For discussion of red herring, you have taken me out of context. As I described in my post above, Derec's personal attacks against her mother and grandmother is indeed a red herring.

The issue here in this thread is about what happened in that classroom.
Its not Derec's red herring. Her defenders introduced the lie about her mother dying. Calling out a lie is not fallacious.

What I quoted is a red herring. Here is what I quoted and responded to:
You know what is "klassy"? Abandoning your kid to the foster system but being right there now that there is a buck to be made.

An ensuing discussion of whether there is evidence of her parents and their alleged abandoning of their child (which probably did not happen that way) and how they allegedly want to make a buck (probably not) is indeed a red herring.

The validity of the original claim (whether her mother died or not) can be discussed without the melodrama, hyperbole, and the misanthropic mischaracterization of persons.

Between say, you and me, then yes. With Derec et. al., not so much.
No her defenders are in this thread and they introduced the lie that her mother died. Derec debunking that lie isn't a red herring.

Whether or not she has living parents and whether or not she was living with her parents is not relevant. If this had been a white male football player who was an honors student and president of the student council--or if the student were a homeless pot head is irrelevant. The student did absolutely nothing to warrant the abusive and frankly dangerous behavior of the officer. He lost his job because his behavior was so big a departure from what is acceptable.

At the very least, the classroom teacher and administrator need some significant training to learn better techniques to manage classrooms and student behavior. This incident calls into question the competence of the entire administration. If I lived in that school district, I would be calling for a serious review of school disciplinary policies. And the administration needs to work hard to remedy the ineffective methods at use on this school and to build trust between teachers and administrators and the student body and greater community.

I hope that the officer is sued and probably the school district. This student's medical bills and legal bills should be covered fully as well as whatever counseling she or other students require as a result of this incident. I am not a big fan if punitive damages but sometimes the only way to make people listen is to make them pay a financial penalty.
Well black teenagers can be authoritarians that think it´s ok slam teenage girls on the floor. Did you think it was just you, Lorena and Derec?

I read about this in the news and it reminded me about something from my high school decades ago. The similarity was that Officer Fields was also the football coach. So he has popularity, like, say Sandusky did. In any case, in my high school, there was a security guard. I think he used to be semi-famous in the sports world. He also happened to help coach basketball and football. When he was accused of what he did (maybe it was diddling youngins at the school) he had some defenders, too.
Well black teenagers can be authoritarians that think it´s ok slam teenage girls on the floor. Did you think it was just you, Lorena and Derec?

I read about this in the news and it reminded me about something from my high school decades ago. The similarity was that Officer Fields was also the football coach. So he has popularity, like, say Sandusky did. In any case, in my high school, there was a security guard. I think he used to be semi-famous in the sports world. He also happened to help coach basketball and football. When he was accused of what he did (maybe it was diddling youngins at the school) he had some defenders, too.

I would have defended a teacher I saw throw a student up against a locker when I was 16. The dude was spouting off about the Battle of Okinawa and how he wasn't gonna let some punk disrupt his classroom because that is not what we dropped the bomb on Japan just so some punk kid could go spouting off...

That was 30 years ago.
I read about this in the news and it reminded me about something from my high school decades ago. The similarity was that Officer Fields was also the football coach. So he has popularity, like, say Sandusky did. In any case, in my high school, there was a security guard. I think he used to be semi-famous in the sports world. He also happened to help coach basketball and football. When he was accused of what he did (maybe it was diddling youngins at the school) he had some defenders, too.

I would have defended a teacher I saw throw a student up against a locker when I was 16. The dude was spouting off about the Battle of Okinawa and how he wasn't gonna let some punk disrupt his classroom because that is not what we dropped the bomb on Japan just so some punk kid could go spouting off...

That was 30 years ago.

Not me, but then again, I have always had pathological empathy disorder. :eek:

She knows he's there to remove her, there's no surprise factor.

Loren, surely you are aware of involuntary actions, which are the primitive brain's way of ensuring survival. If one is being choked--and this officer wrapped his arms around this girl's neck and lifted her---choking her--your body's natural and involuntary action is to try to protect your airway. Which is compromised when an arm is wrapped around your throat and you are lifted.

She wasn't being choked.
Loren, surely you are aware of involuntary actions, which are the primitive brain's way of ensuring survival. If one is being choked--and this officer wrapped his arms around this girl's neck and lifted her---choking her--your body's natural and involuntary action is to try to protect your airway. Which is compromised when an arm is wrapped around your throat and you are lifted.

She wasn't being choked.
When field wrapped his arm around her throat and lifted her from
her chair, that was not a hug but a choke maneuver.
The hit comes first.
You mean that motion of her left arm when he first grabs it? It never came within a foot of him, it’s an arm flailing while within his grasp.

And it doesn’t matter anyway, the body slam and throwing her aren’t justifiable no matter how anybody characterizes ANY of her movements whether as either flailing or reflexes or “strikes”.
The hit comes first.
You mean that motion of her left arm when he first grabs it? It never came within a foot of him, it’s an arm flailing while within his grasp.
You don't understand. When you look at the video while goosestepping and looking through official "Police can do no wrong" blinders, she clearly attacked the officer.
And it doesn’t matter anyway, the body slam and throwing her aren’t justifiable no matter how anybody characterizes ANY of her movements whether as either flailing or reflexes or “strikes”.
As the officer's boss understood when he fired that danger to society.
The hit comes first.
You mean that motion of her left arm when he first grabs it? It never came within a foot of him, it’s an arm flailing while within his grasp.

And it doesn’t matter anyway, the body slam and throwing her aren’t justifiable no matter how anybody characterizes ANY of her movements whether as either flailing or reflexes or “strikes”.

Oh, and I suppose you just prefer anarchy?

The Purge wasn't just a movie. It was a fortune-telling of what would happen in society if we don't get a strong handle on these menaces to society.
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