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Suppose scientific racism is correct. How will you react? How will society?

What, none of them? You would feel threatened living in the West Wing with Barry Obama, or if Neil De Grasse Tyson or Lenny Henry was your next door neighbour?

Your statement is as ludicrous as it is insulting.

People are not safe to live with. People are also very safe to live with. Their skin colour really doesn't give you any prior hint as to which is which - although confirmation bias and fear can make your guesses into self fulfilling prophecies.

I should have said "black neighborhoods are not safe to live in." I speak on the basis of personal experience, sympathetic listening, and adequate reading.

I think you said exactly what you wanted to say.

I too have lived in black neighborhoods and have had the opposite experience.
What, none of them? You would feel threatened living in the West Wing with Barry Obama, or if Neil De Grasse Tyson or Lenny Henry was your next door neighbour?

Your statement is as ludicrous as it is insulting.

People are not safe to live with. People are also very safe to live with. Their skin colour really doesn't give you any prior hint as to which is which - although confirmation bias and fear can make your guesses into self fulfilling prophecies.

I should have said "black neighborhoods are not safe to live in." I speak on the basis of personal experience, sympathetic listening, and adequate reading.

I would hazard that what you should have said is nothing at all.
What, none of them? You would feel threatened living in the West Wing with Barry Obama, or if Neil De Grasse Tyson or Lenny Henry was your next door neighbour?

Your statement is as ludicrous as it is insulting.

People are not safe to live with. People are also very safe to live with. Their skin colour really doesn't give you any prior hint as to which is which - although confirmation bias and fear can make your guesses into self fulfilling prophecies.

I should have said "black neighborhoods are not safe to live in." I speak on the basis of personal experience, sympathetic listening, and adequate reading.

Confirmation bias and non-random sampling of sources. Look them up.
The best situation for whom? Even if you could establish that a stay-at-home parent is the best situation for the children (which you haven't - and why does it have to be the mother?), it may not be the best situation for the parents. Strange as it may seem to you, some people including myself have a strong opinion that having a kid should not entail having to forgo the right to make choices about your life, not even when you're female.

The best situation for the child is to have BOTH parents available to the child throughout the day, along with extended family as needed. The best for the child is to grow up in loving community.

I mean, if you really want to talk about what is BEST for the child.
I'm having a hard time finding a citation, but I recall some research that found something to the effect that the most well-adjusted adults were those who had access to multiple adult caregivers, i.e. an extended family, from an early age.
Yup--race almost never shows up as a relevant factor in anything once you control properly for other factors, generally socioeconomic status. (This applies both ways--not only are they not poorer/more criminal, but likewise their economic success in life is likewise predicted by their background, not their race.)

We see more black criminals because more blacks grow up in poverty in big cities, not because there's anything inherently criminal about blacks. It's culture, not race.

I have lived with poor Vietnamese war refugees. They were safe to live with. Blacks are not safe to live with. Even Jesse Jackson recognizes this.


There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.... After all we have been through. Just to think we can't walk down our own streets, how humiliating.
Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993). Quoted in "Crime: New Frontier - Jesse Jackson Calls It Top Civil-Rights Issue" by Mary A. Johnson, 29 November 1993, Chicago Sun-Times (ellipsis in original). Partially quoted in "In America; A Sea Change On Crime" by Bob Herbert, 12 December 1993, New York Times.


I have already posted a link that tells how safe poor Chinese and Jews are. Poverty is no excuse for crime. It is not even an explanation. Some people are born with genetic inclinations toward crime. These need to be taken off the streets, and out of the gene pool.

As I have also indicated, this can best be done with more and longer prison sentences at hard labor enforced by the whip, and plenty of executions.

You're not rebutting my point. Yes, there's a difference--but it's not race, it's culture.
You're not rebutting my point. Yes, there's a difference--but it's not race, it's culture.

At least anti racists have moved beyond blaming white racism for black social pathology. Now it is culture.

Nevertheless, culture is still an implausible explanation for black deficiencies. Why have black rates of crime and illegitimacy gotten worse since the civil rights legislation was signed? Why are blacks characterized everywhere on earth by low average intelligence, and by dysfunctional behavior?

Culture can change in a generation. Innate qualities require centuries, and even thousands of years to change.

So, again I ask: why has black social pathology gotten worse since the civil rights legislation was signed?
You're not rebutting my point. Yes, there's a difference--but it's not race, it's culture.

At least anti racists have moved beyond blaming white racism for black social pathology. Now it is culture.

Nevertheless, culture is still an implausible explanation for black deficiencies. Why have black rates of crime and illegitimacy gotten worse since the civil rights legislation was signed? Why are blacks characterized everywhere on earth by low average intelligence, and by dysfunctional behavior?

Culture can change in a generation. Innate qualities require centuries, and even thousands of years to change.

So, again I ask: why has black social pathology gotten worse since the civil rights legislation was signed?

Has it? And could you please define your terms?
You're not rebutting my point. Yes, there's a difference--but it's not race, it's culture.

At least anti racists have moved beyond blaming white racism for black social pathology. Now it is culture.

Nevertheless, culture is still an implausible explanation for black deficiencies. Why have black rates of crime and illegitimacy gotten worse since the civil rights legislation was signed? Why are blacks characterized everywhere on earth by low average intelligence, and by dysfunctional behavior?

Culture can change in a generation. Innate qualities require centuries, and even thousands of years to change.

So, again I ask: why has black social pathology gotten worse since the civil rights legislation was signed?

On one hand you say innate qualities require "centuries, and even thousands of years to change" and in the very next line claim that "black social pathology" has changed over a couple of decades.

So which is it?
Soon pseudoscientific racism will be a moot case, since we will have genetic engineering (which will, most probably, fail miserably anyway).

Humanity is one and we're all mongrels to a point. Sometimes, the more mixed the hotter.
At least anti racists have moved beyond blaming....
Are you saying you are pro-racist?

I think of myself as a genetic determinist, but I do not care if I am called a "racist." For too long the r word has been used to stifle the conversation on race the world needs to be having.
At least anti racists have moved beyond blaming white racism for black social pathology. Now it is culture.

Nevertheless, culture is still an implausible explanation for black deficiencies. Why have black rates of crime and illegitimacy gotten worse since the civil rights legislation was signed? Why are blacks characterized everywhere on earth by low average intelligence, and by dysfunctional behavior?

Culture can change in a generation. Innate qualities require centuries, and even thousands of years to change.

So, again I ask: why has black social pathology gotten worse since the civil rights legislation was signed?

On one hand you say innate qualities require "centuries, and even thousands of years to change" and in the very next line claim that "black social pathology" has changed over a couple of decades.

So which is it?

In 1960 white and black rates of crime and illegitimacy were lower than they are now. Nevertheless, in 1960 white rates of crime and illegitimacy were lower than black rates. Since 1980 crime rates for whites and blacks have declined, but blacks still have a much higher crime rate than whites. Illegitimacy rates for both races have continued to rise. Blacks still have a much higher rate.

Rates of crime and illegitimacy are more susceptible to changes in the social environment than is average IQ. Nevertheless, when crime and illegitimacy rise, and when they decline, the ratio between whites and blacks remains roughly the same. I am convinced that this is because of genetic differences between the races.

The high black crime rate can be explained by the fact that the Negro race has had less exposure to criminal justice systems that removed those with criminal inclinations from the gene pool.

I am unsure why blacks have higher illegitimacy rates than whites. I have read that in Africa it was easier for women to raise children without the help of men than it was in Europe and Asia.

When evaluating innate racial differences we need to consider differing population pressures lasting for hundreds and thousands of years.
The high black crime rate can be explained by the fact that the Negro race has had less exposure to criminal justice systems that removed those with criminal inclinations from the gene pool.

Ok, now I know you're just trolling.
Are you saying you are pro-racist?

I think of myself as a genetic determinist, but I do not care if I am called a "racist." For too long the r word has been used to stifle the conversation on race the world needs to be having.
Genes. Nutrition. Culture. Family life. Peer group. Transmission of knowledge. Access to resources. Perceived access to resources.
On one hand you say innate qualities require "centuries, and even thousands of years to change" and in the very next line claim that "black social pathology" has changed over a couple of decades.

So which is it?

In 1960 white and black rates of crime and illegitimacy were lower than they are now. Nevertheless, in 1960 white rates of crime and illegitimacy were lower than black rates. Since 1980 crime rates for whites and blacks have declined, but blacks still have a much higher crime rate than whites. Illegitimacy rates for both races have continued to rise. Blacks still have a much higher rate.

Rates of crime and illegitimacy are more susceptible to changes in the social environment than is average IQ. Nevertheless, when crime and illegitimacy rise, and when they decline, the ratio between whites and blacks remains roughly the same. I am convinced that this is because of genetic differences between the races.

We all know you're convinced. You're supposed to convince us.

The white illegitimacy rate was higher in 2010 than the black illegitimacy rate in 1965. So even you will have to admit that environmental factors can account for a difference in illegitimacy rate larger than that between blacks and whites today. We also know that living conditions for black and white Americans differ greatly on average (whatever the ultimate reason for that). Unless you can isolate the environmental factors that contribute to differences in illegitimacy rates, and show that those particular factors don't vary for white vs. black Americans, you simply have no argument against an environmentalist account for the differences at the present, or any other point in time.

The high black crime rate can be explained by the fact that the Negro race has had less exposure to criminal justice systems that removed those with criminal inclinations from the gene pool.

I am unsure why blacks have higher illegitimacy rates than whites. I have read that in Africa it was easier for women to raise children without the help of men than it was in Europe and Asia.

When evaluating innate racial differences we need to consider differing population pressures lasting for hundreds and thousands of years.

Just-so stories don't make an argument. If things were the opposite, you could just as easily argue that the harsher conditions of more northerly regions implied tighter-knitted communities where a single mother could rely on help from the other community members.
The high black crime rate can be explained by the fact that the Negro race has had less exposure to criminal justice systems that removed those with criminal inclinations from the gene pool.

Ok, now I know you're just trolling.

I have already explained how the frequent use of capital punishment removes those with crime genes from the gene pool.
The white illegitimacy rate was higher in 2010 than the black illegitimacy rate in 1965. So even you will have to admit that environmental factors can account for a difference in illegitimacy rate larger than that between blacks and whites today. We also know that living conditions for black and white Americans differ greatly on average (whatever the ultimate reason for that). Unless you can isolate the environmental factors that contribute to differences in illegitimacy rates, and show that those particular factors don't vary for white vs. black Americans, you simply have no argument against an environmentalist account for the differences at the present, or any other point in time.

I have already answered your argument, but I will do so once again. Criminal and sexual behavior is more flexible than average intelligence. However, there are genetic influences on criminal and sexual behavior, and these vary between the races. Consequently, when whites and blacks share roughly the same environment they will retain roughly the same ratio in rates of crime and illegitimacy, when these rise or fall.

Two important factors that have increased illegitimacy rates for whites and blacks since 1965 have been the War on Poverty, and the sexual revolution. By making welfare more generous and easier to qualify for the War on Poverty made it easier for teenage girls and women to raise children without the help of the fathers of those children.

The second factor has been the sexual revolution. This has destigmatized fornication and illegitimacy.
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