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Syed's Mega-Thread

fuck it, I say have a great thursday but that doesn't mean I believe in thor

....I have no idea what you think i was trying to say...

Syed said marry when he meant merry. That's all.
Feel free to provide the slightest reason, Syed, to think that the question has an answer, that the source of life on Earth is a 'who.'

for me its invisible god
We know what your answer is, Syed. I just asked for anything resembling support for your conclusion.
atheist cant know
Well, I don't think too many of us claim to KNOW as much as we claim that you've done fuck all to support your silly superstition. No matter how many times we invite you to...
for me its invisible god
We know what your answer is, Syed. I just asked for anything resembling support for your conclusion.
atheist cant know
Well, I don't think too many of us claim to KNOW as much as we claim that you've done fuck all to support your silly superstition. No matter how many times we invite you to...

i said god created life now you have to disprove that
We know what your answer is, Syed. I just asked for anything resembling support for your conclusion.
atheist cant know
Well, I don't think too many of us claim to KNOW as much as we claim that you've done fuck all to support your silly superstition. No matter how many times we invite you to...

i said god created life now you have to disprove that
look up burden of proof child
if you cannot substantiate a claim then is is dismissed summarily as unsupported
Indeed - the only cops I fear are the ones who are uncivil. I've never needed the threat of cops to behave like a civilized person.

you dont fear getting traffic ticket ? cops makes you good car driver and citizen

fear of god makes human good too

god created heaven and hell for some reason

Why do human do good and avoid bad ?

1, fear of god

2, fear of cops, jail time, execution

3, empathy

4, fear of society

5, fear of family

6, fear of friends

fear of god is the MOST effective and easy to civilized human

atheist ONLY fear cops

I usually try not to engage when I don't think I'll make any progress, but I'm feeling a bit philosophical today, so I have to ask. What's your goal in all of this? Do you enjoy your time here? Do you think it's the best use of your efforts? Do you think you've convinced anyone?

There's no doubt that we're all currently using the single most powerful system ever created for the transmission of human knowledge. How the hell does one personally generate thousands of posts, not to mention read what has to be tens of thousands of responses, and not learn a single thing? Not convince a single person of anything, other than maybe your lack of understanding? And more importantly, why?

No doubt you've spent hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours here. You could have learned a language, or a skill, or an instrument. You could have started a charity, or traveled the world. You could have educated yourself. You could have done anything, but instead you did ... this.

If there was ever anything that convinced me that almost no one actually really viscerally believes in a deity, it's the stupid shit more than the big 'moral issues' - the wasted time, the minor infractions, the embarrassing moments. If you knew that someone was really watching and paying attention to everything you did, maybe you would actually be on your best behavior - but not just for the big things, for the little ones as well.

So Syed, do Muslims pick their noses less than atheists do? Do they curse less when they stub their toes? Do they waste less time on the internet?

Now, excuse me, but I need to go find something productive to do...
We know what your answer is, Syed. I just asked for anything resembling support for your conclusion.
atheist cant know
Well, I don't think too many of us claim to KNOW as much as we claim that you've done fuck all to support your silly superstition. No matter how many times we invite you to...

i said god created life now you have to disprove that
look up burden of proof child
if you cannot substantiate a claim then is is dismissed summarily as unsupported

i am asking you a scientific question, who created life on earth?

now burden of proof is on all of us
We know what your answer is, Syed. I just asked for anything resembling support for your conclusion.
atheist cant know
Well, I don't think too many of us claim to KNOW as much as we claim that you've done fuck all to support your silly superstition. No matter how many times we invite you to...

i said god created life now you have to disprove that
look up burden of proof child
if you cannot substantiate a claim then is is dismissed summarily as unsupported

i am asking you a scientific question, who created life on earth?

now burden of proof is on all of us
you are asking who, so produce the who
We know what your answer is, Syed. I just asked for anything resembling support for your conclusion.
atheist cant know
Well, I don't think too many of us claim to KNOW as much as we claim that you've done fuck all to support your silly superstition. No matter how many times we invite you to...

i said god created life now you have to disprove that

Here we go again. This poster continues to ignore the burden of proof in his discourse. He has done so for years.

I realize Syed is special. He is the token clueless theist who is allowed to post here because his weapons-grade irrationality and willful ignorance is a sight to behold...a perfect storm of nonsense to be held up to all lurkers and undecided folk who peruse this forum. All that, and he doubles as a chew toy for the regulars.

But when is enough enough? Trolls with much less tenacity and ignorance have been banned from the forum in the past. Why is this Syed character excepted?

I vote to permanently ban him. Let him peddle his trash somewhere else.
You're back?
...I'm not going to participate in this thread after this post.

The thread has veered from the original question -which Syed's threads tend to do - which was a bullshit question to me which I'd already given my answer to in another thread/ I thought I'd chip in my tuppenceworth on the question it evolved into.

Not that it's any of your fucking business.
We know what your answer is, Syed. I just asked for anything resembling support for your conclusion.
atheist cant know
Well, I don't think too many of us claim to KNOW as much as we claim that you've done fuck all to support your silly superstition. No matter how many times we invite you to...

i said god created life now you have to disprove that

Here we go again. This poster continues to ignore the burden of proof in his discourse. He has done so for years.

I realize Syed is special. He is the token clueless theist who is allowed to post here because his weapons-grade irrationality and willful ignorance is a sight to behold...a perfect storm of nonsense to be held up to all lurkers and undecided folk who peruse this forum. All that, and he doubles as a chew toy for the regulars.

But when is enough enough? Trolls with much less tenacity and ignorance have been banned from the forum in the past. Why is this Syed character excepted?

I vote to permanently ban him. Let him peddle his trash somewhere else.
dont be like donald trump

i know my questions melted your brain
i said god created life now you have to disprove that
No, I really don't. I'm an atheist. So your claim makes no sense at all.
You might as well tell me that Spongebob Shortpants made the Earth nad all life upon it.
Or your 45th level Mage cast a spell.
I just think it's silly and have ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to think it's worth the time it takes to say 'can you prove it?'

- - - Updated - - -

We know what your answer is, Syed. I just asked for anything resembling support for your conclusion.
atheist cant know
Well, I don't think too many of us claim to KNOW as much as we claim that you've done fuck all to support your silly superstition. No matter how many times we invite you to...

i said god created life now you have to disprove that
look up burden of proof child
if you cannot substantiate a claim then is is dismissed summarily as unsupported

i am asking you a scientific question, who created life on earth?
But it's not a scientific question until you can show there's a 'who' behind life on Earth being created.
now burden of proof is on all of us
Whooosh! Right over your head, huh?
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