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Syed's Mega-Thread

Doesn't that apply to all theists...I think the supernatural (distinguished from cultural practices) teachings of Islam have been thoroughly debunked, as has the supernatural claims of Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, etc....so what does that say about all those who continue to argue in all seriousness that Brahma created the world, that Allah created the world, that Yahweh created the world...in all its absurdity, the pretence of knowledge where no knowledge actually exists.

I agree that when they are able to make a coherent argument and follow a discussion they should know better than believing in such bullshit. But if we banned all that we think are wrong then there wouldnt be anyone left...

Besides, it'll be boring. The odd creationist liven up the mood. I don't know about you, but nothing bores me more than a bunch of guys all agreeing with each other and patting ourselves on our backs. Turns into smugness overload in no time.
No, I really don't. I'm an atheist. So your claim makes no sense at all.
You might as well tell me that Spongebob Shortpants made the Earth nad all life upon it.
Or your 45th level Mage cast a spell.
I just think it's silly and have ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to think it's worth the time it takes to say 'can you prove it?'

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We know what your answer is, Syed. I just asked for anything resembling support for your conclusion.
atheist cant know
Well, I don't think too many of us claim to KNOW as much as we claim that you've done fuck all to support your silly superstition. No matter how many times we invite you to...

i said god created life now you have to disprove that
look up burden of proof child
if you cannot substantiate a claim then is is dismissed summarily as unsupported

i am asking you a scientific question, who created life on earth?
But it's not a scientific question until you can show there's a 'who' behind life on Earth being created.
now burden of proof is on all of us
Whooosh! Right over your head, huh?

i asked who created life, just say you dont know

Life was created by the interaction of matter and energy. Matter was created by the Big Bang and the death of massive stars, and energy comes from our Sun, radioactivity and the energy trapped in the molten core of our planet. You should know this by now since you have been hanging out here for many years and all your questions have been answered before many time. Why do you pretend to be ignorant? Are you scared of the truth or are you wasting our time for your own entertainment?
Who created life on earth ?

1, a invisible creator who created life on earth ?

2, earth itself created life on earth ?

3, sun created life on earth ?

4, moon created life on earth ?

5, earth's chemicals created life on earth ?

6, one cell created life on earth ?

7, alien created life on earth ?

8, stars created life on earth ?

9, life always existed on earth ?

10, no one created life on earth ?

11, who?

12, what ?

i gave you multiple choice pick one and explain how
You are asking me to answer a question with a question. That isn't reasonable.

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You believe your god made life. Those of us who do not believe in your god do not believe this is true. The fact is that nobody knows with absolute certainty how life came to exist. .
i am 100% sure that god created life, you atheist will never know how life came to exist
Your 100% certainty has no tangible relation with what actually is.
It's not so much that you appear to Gish Gallop through threads, it's that there seem to be so many willing to dance with you as you do it.
It's kinda like when someone in the office has a balloon and they pop it into the air, over the partition.

You hit it. Either back over the same partition, or onto the next cube for someone else to have a shot.

No point to it, and it won't accomplish anything, but you just wanna bat it around a bit. And maybe you can get Tony to pop it, forgetting that there's about a teaspoon of baby powder inside, just like the last balloon he popped...

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If my soul is my battery, why do I need to eat every damn day?
Does it sound to anyone else like Syed completely misunderstood The Matrix?
can you explain what is death?

soul is our battery, when we died we run out of soul

It's not so much that you appear to Gish Gallop through threads, it's that there seem to be so many willing to dance with you as you do it.
But there are so many ways to dance, from the staid to the Kizomba, to even the humorous...

In Islam, there was a debate on what happened after death until the final days promised in the Quran. Thus is was reasoned Allah would resurrect our bodies as needed. But then what happened to our souls? Were they stored someplace or resurrected? Al Ghazali said if our souls and bodies were recreated, that would mean that that person was not really the person who deserved paradise or hell, that person was somebody else. To Al Ghazali then, a soul was an accounting device to make sure the proper person was punished or rewarded in the final days. as to where the soul went in between, he answered, we cannot know since Allah did not inform us of that bit of information.
You are asking me to answer a question with a question. That isn't reasonable.

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You believe your god made life. Those of us who do not believe in your god do not believe this is true. The fact is that nobody knows with absolute certainty how life came to exist. .
i am 100% sure that god created life, you atheist will never know how life came to exist
Your 100% certainty has no tangible relation with what actually is.

when you dont know something, you shouldn't say with certainty its doesn't exist
You are asking me to answer a question with a question. That isn't reasonable.

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You believe your god made life. Those of us who do not believe in your god do not believe this is true. The fact is that nobody knows with absolute certainty how life came to exist. .
i am 100% sure that god created life, you atheist will never know how life came to exist
Your 100% certainty has no tangible relation with what actually is.

when you dont know something, you shouldn't say with certainty its doesn't exist

Speaking only for myself, I don't. If I don't know something, I say I don't know.

But what you should never, ever, ever do is, if you don't know something, say with certainty it does exist. All you're doing then is lying. To yourself and to whoever you're saying it to. The only honest answer is "I don't know".
i am 100% sure that god created life, you atheist will never know how life came to exist
Being 100% sure is a horrible thing. What is far more important is to stay curious and keep looking at nature and nevermind the unworldly distractions away from reality. There is virtue in curiosity and none in feeling certain about ignorant opinions.

so you are not 100% sure about your disbelieve in god?
You are asking me to answer a question with a question. That isn't reasonable.

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You believe your god made life. Those of us who do not believe in your god do not believe this is true. The fact is that nobody knows with absolute certainty how life came to exist. .
i am 100% sure that god created life, you atheist will never know how life came to exist
Your 100% certainty has no tangible relation with what actually is.

when you dont know something, you shouldn't say with certainty its doesn't exist

Speaking only for myself, I don't. If I don't know something, I say I don't know.

But what you should never, ever, ever do is, if you don't know something, say with certainty it does exist. All you're doing then is lying. To yourself and to whoever you're saying it to. The only honest answer is "I don't know".

then you are not atheist

are you atheist?
You are asking me to answer a question with a question. That isn't reasonable.

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You believe your god made life. Those of us who do not believe in your god do not believe this is true. The fact is that nobody knows with absolute certainty how life came to exist. .
i am 100% sure that god created life, you atheist will never know how life came to exist
Your 100% certainty has no tangible relation with what actually is.

when you dont know something, you shouldn't say with certainty its doesn't exist

Speaking only for myself, I don't. If I don't know something, I say I don't know.

But what you should never, ever, ever do is, if you don't know something, say with certainty it does exist. All you're doing then is lying. To yourself and to whoever you're saying it to. The only honest answer is "I don't know".

then you are not atheist

are you atheist?
I agree with C_Mucius_Scaevola; and I am an atheist.
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