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Syed's Mega-Thread

If Syed's hypothesis is correct it means mosquitos have souls. Each unicellular life form has a soul. I wonder if the good ones get wings and halos in the afterlife, and how a pair of wings would look on a single celled soul. I wonder if mosquito heaven includes lots of human souls the mosquito soul can annoy for all eternity. Maybe the human souls for mosquito heaven are provided in some sort of exchange program from human hell.
every living creature have soul, soul = battery
From wikipedia:

An organic compound is any member of a large class of gaseous, liquid, or solid chemical compounds whose molecules contain carbon.

In other words, molecules that make up the basis of life. Most chemicals in our body are organic, DNA, protein, etc. Organic molecules themselves likely formed first, then formed life.

I'm no chemist, but I believe Carbon is an element which is capable of forming very stable bonds with other elements, which would have made life possible.

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Yep. Life is a chemical.
car is made of earth's elements that does not explain who made the car?

The sun made life.

let say you have organic molecules in a box will they replicate ?

and you said sun made life

would you say the sun is creator of life?

Scientific theories on abiogenesis (life's beginnings) usually assume very specific conditions leading to life forming. So no, if you took a bunch of random organic molecules and put them in a box, they wouldn't replicate. But if you knew the conditions under which they did replicate, and you mimicked those conditions, they would. Fundamentally, it's a chemical reaction. Scientists have been producing repeatable scientific reactions for a long time.

The sun is the most direct cause of life, but you could move backward along the causality change to the creation of the universe. The why of the universe is where our knowledge has, and probably always will, stop. My guess is that there is no significant reason why we exist.
Who whittled the tree in my front yard? Did God whittle it in place? Or was it a human whittler?
i am 100% sure that god created life, you atheist will never know how life came to exist
Being 100% sure is a horrible thing. What is far more important is to stay curious and keep looking at nature and nevermind the unworldly distractions away from reality. There is virtue in curiosity and none in feeling certain about ignorant opinions.
I vote to permanently ban him. Let him peddle his trash somewhere else.
I don't know about a ban, but maybe he can have something tailored for him, so he's only allowed to post in the Road To Nowhere forum, a move that will save time and limit his ability to shit on others?

That would be fine too, I suppose. I still say lose the theist troll.
"Who created life on earth?"

I did. I woke up last Thursday and created everything, from the tiniest particle to the biggest galaxy. I made all the people, too,and planted memories in their heads that they think really happened.

Prove I didn't, Syed.

you created everything last thursday?

i wont answer because you drunk right now lol

No, I'm perfectly sober. I might have had a drink or two when I created the universe, which explains why it isn't perfect, but that's another story.

You still haven't proved I didn't create it.
If Syed's hypothesis is correct it means mosquitos have souls. Each unicellular life form has a soul. I wonder if the good ones get wings and halos in the afterlife, and how a pair of wings would look on a single celled soul. I wonder if mosquito heaven includes lots of human souls the mosquito soul can annoy for all eternity. Maybe the human souls for mosquito heaven are provided in some sort of exchange program from human hell.
every living creature have soul, soul = battery
You're wrong. Now, prove that I'm wrong about that.
If Syed's hypothesis is correct it means mosquitos have souls. Each unicellular life form has a soul. I wonder if the good ones get wings and halos in the afterlife, and how a pair of wings would look on a single celled soul. I wonder if mosquito heaven includes lots of human souls the mosquito soul can annoy for all eternity. Maybe the human souls for mosquito heaven are provided in some sort of exchange program from human hell.
every living creature have soul, soul = battery

If my soul is my battery, why do I need to eat every damn day?
BTW, I'm pretty sure the soul is a poetic metaphor and has always been. It's your feeling of a sense of self.

NO, that is self conscious in our brain, soul is battery of our body, without soul = battery we will die

Nonsense. You are making up shit as usual. Prove me wrong, show us how to find the soul.

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If Syed's hypothesis is correct it means mosquitos have souls. Each unicellular life form has a soul. I wonder if the good ones get wings and halos in the afterlife, and how a pair of wings would look on a single celled soul. I wonder if mosquito heaven includes lots of human souls the mosquito soul can annoy for all eternity. Maybe the human souls for mosquito heaven are provided in some sort of exchange program from human hell.
every living creature have soul, soul = battery

Prove it.
You mean 'we atheists believe'. You're speaking on behalf of atheists about what atheists believe.
Syed wins!

We refers to the overwhelmingly vast majority of scientists and professionals who work in areas that deal with biological evolution. This has nothing to do with atheism, and everything to do with the evidence available to us today. Evidence that Christians like you will avoid like the plague because an honest education in modern biological science will likely destroy your faith. What was the last time you read a textbook on biological evolution?

...Stop acting like a 6 year old child.

More generalizations??? Not all 6 year olds act the same way.

You are correct. Many 6 year old children are more mature and possess a better understanding of reality than Syed apparently does.
those verse reveled for hard core atheists like yourself
Just how does that work, Syed?
Atheists don't believe in gods, so we don't believe any scripture are the words of any gods.
Verses intended for hard-core atheists are, in the estimation of hard-core atheists, the work of either:
1) men/women trying to manipulate their society through falsehods
2) men/women laboring under a sincere delusion
3) assholes

I can't see why any hard-core atheist would listen to any of those.

In my world view, an outlook you are probably never going to understand, but likely will never stop telling us about, verses about atheists are intended for the believers, so they can feel superior to people who have thought the bullshit through and rejected the superstition.

But now, how in YOUR worldview does a god spread word, 'reveling' (sic) it to atheists who have already rejected the word he sends?

IS there an explanation, or are you just trolling some more?
Soul is the only constant thing? Where is the evidence?

I have no evidence that inanimate objects (like dead skin cells) have souls.

You have no evidence that there is such a thing as a 'soul'.

Dualism is a thoroughly debunked bit of stupidity; It is incompatible with our best scientific theories, and there is exactly no evidence for it other than people's gut feeling that it might be real. It's just an erroneous extension of the illusion that consciousness is separate from the physical brain.

Souls are like perpetual motion machines; Very popular with people who don't have a fucking clue, but demonstrably impossible, and hence unworthy of detailed study.
It's only trash if it's taken seriously. It could be seen as comedy, mildly entertaining, an example of strange beliefs, an example of a poor education, poor logic, unwillingness to learn, etc. Being a freethought forum, shouldn't these things be freely expressed?

atheism can not survived without censorship and banning people

look at these crying atheist babies, evangelical fundy are better then this crying babies

just because i hurts their feeling i shouldn't be ban

I do not say you should be banned for what you try to do.

People here see your failings as "mildly entertaining".

I see it as unworthy and cynical to make a fool of a person as you, Syed.

Thats why you should be banned.
I see it as unworthy and cynical to make a fool of a person as you, Syed.

Thats why you should be banned.

Doesn't that apply to all theists...I think the supernatural (distinguished from cultural practices) teachings of Islam have been thoroughly debunked, as has the supernatural claims of Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, etc....so what does that say about all those who continue to argue in all seriousness that Brahma created the world, that Allah created the world, that Yahweh created the world...in all its absurdity, the pretence of knowledge where no knowledge actually exists.
I see it as unworthy and cynical to make a fool of a person as you, Syed.

Thats why you should be banned.

Doesn't that apply to all theists...I think the supernatural (distinguished from cultural practices) teachings of Islam have been thoroughly debunked, as has the supernatural claims of Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, etc....so what does that say about all those who continue to argue in all seriousness that Brahma created the world, that Allah created the world, that Yahweh created the world...in all its absurdity, the pretence of knowledge where no knowledge actually exists.

I agree that when they are able to make a coherent argument and follow a discussion they should know better than believing in such bullshit. But if we banned all that we think are wrong then there wouldnt be anyone left...
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